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Lily20145 61F
105 posts
8/26/2016 9:19 am
Love at first sight ! a beautiful story about British man in China

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utopia11111 70M
17 posts
8/26/2016 10:00 am

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
8/26/2016 6:15 pm

my dogs are wonderful.... I went in the hospital for an all day over night stay, when I cam home, my dogs had not messed up the house, they did not eat their food, and when I came home, and sad down, then they ate their food, and stayed close, waiting for me to rub and hug them, then they relaxed. When I go to bed, sometimes the larger one will sleep in the hall where she can watch both doors and block access to my bedroom, then once I'm relaxed, and she feels everything is safe, she comes to the bedroom, first she lays where she can watch the door, by morning she is sleeping right beside the bed.

I think it would be nice to have a woman who has the "stick with it relation mentality" with the quality that dogs have. Dogs don't threat to leave when they don't get their way, and they are not looking for anything but appreciate everything. I think people can learn a great deal about relationships and love from dogs.
I don't like how quick women are to leave relationships, as some seem they are always on the look out for another options, as if they think they are missing something and often times, they miss the reality, for always looking for a trade up.
I'm sure some guys probably do the same. I'm just not into that kind of trip. I got no interest in "winning a woman", she has to make her own choice, she wants to be with me or she does not.
It does not matter how pretty she is to look at in the sense that I'm not going to chase her, I'm not going to beg her, its a waste of time and nothing more than a self delusion to do so.
I certainly don't care for a continue cycle of drama spins. Life has enough to work with on the reality of living, working and being ones self. There is no point in trying to regulate someone else to give and share their considerations, appreciations and self dedicated want to be there. IF I want to buy one then that is done as short time arrangements, and the terms are solid from the start, so there is no illusions. Too many have too much Cinderella illusions as if they got to continually be won as if she some type of object prize, and then they wonder why eventually they become treated like the object that she markets herself as being.
Some women even have the delusions to think they are doing a guy a favor by being with him, I certainly have no interest in that, in basic, one can't make her more important than himself, because eventually he won't know whom he is.
I give women stuff because I want to, not because I need to for her to stay. that's nothing but a bartering game, that no winners result, because one cheapens themselves and the other makes a sucker play of themselves. It's Insanity.
I don't care if she has more money than I do, nor do I care if I have more money than she does. Reality is such stuff eventually makes a fool of both of them, and they loose what they should value of themselves and each other.
Some even make foolishness of bartering sex in relationship and find the relationship falling apart but they don't want to acknowledge or accept that they made sex into a measuring tool.

hotelmikel 71M
533 posts
8/27/2016 2:27 am

xiannigege 62F
15 posts
9/1/2016 8:51 am

How clever the dog

im4asianladys 65M
22 posts
5/8/2018 9:21 am

so very pretty xiannigege

Lily20145 replies on 5/8/2018 10:57 pm:
well, send xiannigege message telling her would be much more effective than leaving your message in my inactive blog. Don't you think so ??