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Lily20145 61F
887 posts
3/13/2019 10:19 am

France is a rather romantic place especially when you can speak French while holding the fresh baguette under your arm. Remember to learn how to dress like Parisian too. Share what you have learnt sometimes. Merci.


Lily20145 61F
887 posts
3/15/2019 12:56 am

I met a French and learn from him for few days. I have never officially studied French, But I have learnt German and Japanese from long long time ago. こんにちは


Lily20145 61F
887 posts
3/15/2019 1:02 am

You inspire me to pick up language again, may re-visit my German and Japanese textbook again.


XiWangdeXin 70M
146 posts
3/19/2019 3:25 pm

I was fluent in French 50 years ago.... But except for the occasional flashback, I've forgotten most of it now.