ParadiseWriter 58M
8 posts
7/9/2016 6:32 am
Heartfelt Apologies from the United States

Dear Rest of Earth:

We want to apologize profusely that lately our country seems to have taken on all the class and maturity level of a Kindergartner. We don't quite know what to say but that we're sorry, and yet, we can't promise that we won't continue to be like this for some time.

We personally cringe at the idea of our country being represented in the Olympic Games in Rio next month, and get the sneaking suspicion the rest of the nations represented there would rather we stay home - not necessarily because we'd win a lot of gold medals, as usual, but because we simply suck at being a country right now. Personally, maybe the Zika virus would be more welcome.

Why? We're not "united". If anything, we're more like "untied".

It started with that crazy Civil War, you know, the war the North had to wage with the South because the South felt their rights were being stepped on over the fact they couldn't own, torture, even cold-bloodedly murder human beings?

We can't help but wonder if that war is actually "over" yet. We're still seeing several instances of chaos, violence, segregation, and degradation, all the fun stuff we used to see in the 1800s, over 200 years ago. Once again, just like in the 1960s race riots, we're seeing a disparaging amount of cruelty cast upon people who have every right and privilege that should be afforded to all American citizens.

Organizations like the KKK, (which for some ungodly reason not only still exists, but recently won the right to adopt a highway), White Supremacists, and other hate-groups thrive. They may try to pull the wool over our eyes and say they're just here because they don't want to see the "white race" disappear, but we know better.

It's really about time we stop making this country about its colors. The first step towards some semblance of sanity would be for all races, Asian, African, Caucasian, etc., to bond together over common interests. Places like these sites are a pretty good start.

We're Americans. That should have meant something as we recently celebrated July 4th, our Independence Day from the British. Before a couple of trigger-happy policemen decided to stoke up a few flames, followed by a cold, brutal attack in Dallas by a lone gunman out for revenge.

It's crazy how soon we have forgotten where we come from. that our nation exists solely because of the melting pot of races, creeds, origins, cultures, and religions. If anyone really gave the matter some thought, they'd understand that these different races are here because they love this country. They want to live here, thrive here, grow old here, and possibly die here.

The United States must remember that our country is called "United" for a reason. We're not the "Divided States", or the "States of Hate". If we can just remember that, and be good to one another, and smile, and be friendly, and not show disdain, or disrespect, or hate, or prejudice, we're sure we can peacefully co-exist with the rest of Earth.

So, anyway, on behalf of all the people of the United States of America, we want to apologize for our pig-headedness, our lack of morals and maturity, our callous disrespect for our fellow man. We don't quite know when our situation will improve, but we can offer as a positive light, a little glimmer of hope, that there ARE a lot of people in our country who want to see us stronger, united, and kind and caring once more.

Now if you'll excuse us, it's time for our apple juice, after a story and afternoon nap.

["One of the deep secrets in life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others."

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
7/9/2016 1:28 pm

It started with that crazy Civil War, you know, the war the North had to wage with the South because the South felt their rights were being stepped on over the fact they couldn't own, torture, even cold-bloodedly murder human beings?

We can't help but wonder if that war is actually "over" yet. We're still seeing several instances of chaos, violence, segregation, and degradation, all the fun stuff we used to see in the 1800s, over 200 years ago. Once again, just like in the 1960s race riots, we're seeing a disparaging amount of cruelty cast upon people who have every right and privilege that should be afforded to all American citizens.

More than 200+ years passed before the Civil War Commenced, of those years which equal Centuries and Decades, the general White society had free labor and amassed great fortunes at the expense and from the labors of black people. Still they let avarice continue the pursuit for even more, at the choice of engaging any type of atrocity imaginable. Even after the War was suppose to be official over, the new era of a different kind of selective war continued, fighting against re-construction. Thus another 100 yrs came into the being of unspeakable brutalities and murders.
The Policing system was used to contain, detail, constrict, and incarcerate and even kill minorities with little to no consequence, other than temporary limited social acknowledgement. even after 52 more yrs since Civil Rights, the mentality has presisted, with a 'two phase law-enforcement policy", one where it was established unspoken to continue the contain, detail, constrict, and incarcerate and even kill minorities with little to no consequence, while another form of law enforcement policy was utilized in white society - one which it was established as a "Protect and Serve". Two very different forms and manner of policing conduct. Yet, when truth and fact of "Black Lives Matter", came into being, it was and is skewed by the right winger groups of white society chose any means to deflect from its purpose . When FACT IS" Black Live Matter, is strictly and purely about " Policing Conduct Toward Black Americans". It has nothing to do with Black on Black crime in the communities. As Black on Black Crime is resulting of Centuries of Economic Deprivations and the Ramification of Poverty and the outgrowth of Poverty's impact on a contained people by segregationist formation of social community and economic inequality.

Unfortunate as it is, Asian who come to American sadly adopt far too often the "white man's racism concepts", When truth and fact is the Civil Rights Act pushed and promoted by Blacks at the expense of lives and perils, was to establish "Civil Rights For Everyone", of which many Asian gained great benefit from these struggles by Minorities, as well it helped Asian when they began to push for their own acknowledge of due Civil Rights, It has continued to help Civil Rights for Women and Many other Groups.
Even in this website, there are many Asian women who have skin color biases they are driven to embrace and support, not only against their own people who have darker skin, but against minorities in America and from other places around the world. I've seen it first hand in their own countries as well as what of such mentality they bring to America when they immigrate. Many of the Asian women who come to these site, may not outwardly speak it, but they are here searching for "Caucasian Men", and have very little interest in men of any other ethnicity group. It goes way beyond those who simply pursue Caucasian Men because they identify him with wealth and prosperity, it is still connected to the same elements they have in their own society, of looking down of people of darker skin, whether the person is Chinese or of any other Cultural and Racial make up.
Again, it is Black people pushing for a more diverse world where all are treated fairly, they are joined by some Whites, Hispanic and Others of various ethnicities, but not by the mass of society.

Black people have continually pursued for American white people to Honor the Constitution, and stop assuming it is only for white people, and for white people to stop assuming they can ration out equality at their whim and want, as if they think they are the controllers of liberty and equality.
It's sad that for centuries, white people adopted a delusion to label black people as non persons, and held in mindset and manner as if they could classify black people as if one would classify livestock. They had the same ideas about early Asian immigrants. The regard for Asian only improved with first Japan had all the money and industry America once had, and then there was only acceptance without slander of Chinese only when China became the economic power and now have the money which America once had. Only 30+ years ago Chinese were looked down upon as being below Japanese, now days you don't hear anything in American about Japanese, because Japan no longer has the economic position it once had. Sadly, foreign people from Asian locations are regarded based on what kind of economics their country has. The same for Africa, only with Africa there is only regard if one thinks a sector has natural resources which is desired by the white people of the world, otherwise, they have little concern to regard African people with full circle equality.
Look at British Parliament, Canadian Parliament, there are no black people in that group. These groups are 99.9% Caucasian.

General society tries to pretend to give a blind eye to being aware of such, but it is visible when the camera's scan the Parliaments of these countries.

American black people have to take the lead in pushing for full circle equality of all persons. Sadly some people from some countries look from the sideline and want to criticize black people for pushing forward, but after all the critique, it is some of those same people who benefit from the equality once black people push for the expansion of equality. It's really pathetic, how some want to label black people, but then turn and delight in the liberties won by the same people they are criticizing. Then some even come to this country and delight in the liberty and want to hold negative attitudes against the same black people, who helped make it possible for the liberty the come to enjoy.
Because none in these other countries is pushing for more diversity for all in these Parliaments, and if there is such bias in diversity in Parliament, then it exist too in the societies spectrum.

This is not to discount the many white people who stood up for diversity, and the many white people who support Civil Rights Equality, as there are many white people who do not push a biased mentality.
But likewise so, many do not fully grasp what is discrimination, because they have not lived under the sternness of discrimination to the extend and degree it has been engaged toward and upon black people.

Sadly non want to give credit to black society for the forgiving benevolence which is a general nature of black people toward white society considering the Centuries of Atrocities. Still there are too many whites who still feel they have the right to be bias and bigoted. That's the madness of insanity which prevails in far too many sectors.

No one who pushes for equality, they certainlyDO NOT SUPPORT the harming or killing of police officers, that is not even part of the agenda of people who support equality of person and individual.