oldghost32 79M
108 posts
8/7/2019 7:05 pm
Events in HK

Western media and western politicians it seems instantly leap TO the defense of poor benighted Hong Kong students expressing righteous indignation. They do so without any need for reflection and automatically adopt a totally anti-government pro-student stance.
With regard to extradition agreements, some facts might be considered. China has agreements with 30+ countries. HK has agreements with 20+, including the USA, WHO, incidentally, are using such agreements attempting TO bring Julian Assange from the UK and Huawei executive Meng from Canada. Economic criminals use both Hong Kong and China as havens TO avoid trial. Hong Kong has independent judiciary (in contrast TO China) WHO would decide whether extradition is appropriate. Finally the background TO the introduction of the legislation involved a murder in Taiwan by a Hong Kong citizen WHO cannot be tried FOR murder having escaped back TO HK.
On the FACE of it, there appears be some argument in favour of extradition. The opposition would appear TO be hysterical and not completely rational, surely it is possible TO frame the agreement in a way which guarantees HK judiciary complete control and THEY can make reasonable and just decisions.

What do you think?

I see some of our politicians likening China to fascist Germany, laughably hysterical to my mind. The students claim Police violence but elements employ vandalism and violence themselves, yet demand exemption from punishment. On what grounds I wonder?

Part of the student movement is determined to force government imposition of martial law, perhaps expecting intervention from the UK or USA cavalry? It seems a kind of death wish. Buoyed by success in opposition to the extradition legislation, they continue tactics which are guaranteed to produce heavy response sooner or later, and many will rightly imprisonment, many probably wrongly too...

That was curious - many words had been deleted, most occurrences of 'to' 'for' 'who' had disappeared, plus some other words which I have attempted TO re-insert.

oldghost32 79M
241 posts
8/11/2019 3:08 am

I see that various prepositions and some innocuous wrods like to for face were deleted in my first posting. After correction and reinsertion, they have reappeared - new bugs in the offensive/banned word list perhaps?

1ClassyLady 69F
3289 posts
8/11/2019 9:53 am

    Quoting oldghost32:
    I see that various prepositions and some innocuous wrods like to for face were deleted in my first posting. After correction and reinsertion, they have reappeared - new bugs in the offensive/banned word list perhaps?

I have same problems with Chinese FriendFinder automatic censor machine that my blogs have been deleted many words, the more I edited, the worse it became. I have been banned several times, so I use * for certain words and less correction. I am frustrated.

The 70 years of Chinese government is notorious about cruelty. They had Cultural Revolution more than 50 years ago, Ten-An-Men massacre on June 4th 30 years ago, the Fa-Lum-Gong members disappeared and their human organs (kidneys, liver, heart, ....) have been taken out, the abortions for One-Baby policy (rather than take contraceptive drugs to prevent pregnancies) - I am a pharmacist and dispensed birth-control pills in daily basis but in China, they use abortions which is unnecessary and dangerous and painful procedure.

Sorry for the digress. Back to "extradition" topic that cause Hong Kong people from protest to riots. Because HK people know once they have different political opinions than Chinese government, they could be extradited to China for trials, but the trial will be more in favor of Chinese government and those HK people wouldn't have fair trials and could come back home.

I read news about the murder who k*lled his girlfriend in Taiwan but there was no "extradition law" to extradite that HK murderer to Taiwan for trial. I also read the news about Huawei female executive had been arrested by Canada and will extradite to USA, but Chinese government wants to save her.

Basically I don't trust Chinese government, period. If they can massacre millions of Chinese people during "Cultural Revolution" and people wouldn't dare to protest and nobody to criticize Chinese government, what can other nation do? It is fully controlled by government. In the Democracy countries, we believe "Government of the people, By the people, For the people, shall not perish on the Earth" Abraham Lincoln said. People are the owners of the country. However, Chinese government has NEVER educated their people this truth but on the contrary, Mao used the ignorant poor people to k*ll wisdom scholars, landowners, .... That is ridiculous.

Such a ridiculous Chinese government wants to control HK and Taiwanese people with violence to occupied HK and Taiwan. We were lucky to escape from their cruelty of massacre, how can we trust their government?? They don't have "Democracy" concept. They are deplorable communist people. They don't know what is right or wrong. Why should intelligent people to be controlled by ignorant government?? Why should we live under the fear??

In any event, if my comment offend you, we have nothing in common. Because I believe the freedom of speech, religion and press. Of course, I believe in truth.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3289 posts
8/11/2019 10:07 am

Correction on 3rd paragraph 'and couldn't come back home".

Honesty is the best policy.

oldghost32 79M
241 posts
8/11/2019 4:22 pm

I invited you to express your opinion, and of course no offence is taken. It is important to be able to express a point of view without invective or rancour or yelling or screaming, but in these matters, as in many others in today's world, ab*use and wea*pons are most likely to be produced instead of calm discussion.

At the same time I can disagree with you, and point out the unthinking, one-eyed and self-serving viewpoint of most Western media when it comes to China.


oldghost32 79M
241 posts
8/16/2019 3:54 am

A long-time blogger here would seem to have 'spat the dummy' (to use an Aussie phrase), in a rant they spawned seemingly to reply without hindrance to my bland 'Hong Kong Events' article. To avoid naming said blogger, their behaviour being anything but 'classy', I will use the nickname 'SundayJoke'. I will try to explain to SundayJoke wherein their various language misapprehensions lie. I assume there are language problems, because otherwise SundayJoke would just be deliberately distorting and misrepresenting - truly a D.Trump tactic!

SundayJoke claims:
A blogger said all the American journalists reported the news in favor of HK people NO I DIDN'T

and accuse me that I have vendetta with China I did no such thing

Claims I accuse her of liking D.Trump ...I have repeatedly said I don't like Trump You have indeed, ad nauseam. You are, however, using his flawed mode of thinking.

Asks How much China pay you to work for them? Laughable

He is pro Communism. I am in USA, what can he do to me?? K*ll me? No I am not; Too Silly!

and gave me a label as "McCarthyism and of segregation" Facts of American history, not a label!

SundayJoke then trots out the liturgy of China's CCP cr*mes which resembles the F*lun Dafa list - irrelevant in a discussion of HK Events I assert. It could have been worse, at least the wonderful Banker was not invoked yet again!

that will do for now ... to be continued.

oldghost32 79M
241 posts
8/16/2019 5:18 pm

About Cr*mes against humanity
First, a little history, if you will forgive me: the so-called democratic ROC was under martial law for 38 years from 1949 until a move towards democracy in 1987. This period was marked by the White Terror in Taiwan, referring to the suppression of political dissidents and anti-Communist witch hunts by the Guomindang. No doubt SundayJoke would love to apply the White Terror to OldGhost on suspicion of being a Commie! . During that time under the auspices of JiangJieShi and his erstwhile son, over 100,000 were imprisoned at Jiang's pleasure, and thousands executed under military rule capital punishment laws.

Taiwan has however made remarkable strides towards freedom and determinism in the subsequent era since the end of totalitarianism.

So too has China since the accession of Deng xiao ping, although no one would claim totalitarianism has ended; instead living standard and wealth and liberalism (somewhat) have increased, while poverty and corruption have decreased (slightly)

On the other hand, USA, with the advent of D.Trump, seems to be regressing, liberalism is on the wane there apparently.