oldghost32 79M
108 posts
8/28/2019 4:56 am
Chill winds and rumblings of a cold war in the air

Now D.T. openly uses the word 'enemy' when speaking of China and grotesquely speaks of China begging for trade deals. What a mongrel America has chosen to lead them.

I have grown up through the McCarthy era, the cold war of Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Johnston down to Reagan. Kruschev through Gorbachev, Mao through Deng. The era of Australian anti-communism at the behest of the USA, and of the Petrov affair.

So there has been a lull for more than 25 years, yet now borne on the wind is the waft of paranoia hysteria, xenophobia and irrationality.

Suspicion of Chinese influence and Chinese money, hints of espionage and manipulation. Idiot politicians yelling Hitler metaphors, and the conservatives and right-wing parties cracking down on anything that vaguely smacks of China.

The Confucius Institute which was providing Chinese language classes in High schools is now banned in NSW and I suspect pressure will soon be applied to extend that to our universities, because of claims that the insidious communists will limit our freedom of thought and expression and destroy our democracy.

The official Chinese newspaper response actually took the words right out of my mouth, and for the first time I think I can agree with every word. I won't quote it, but it was balanced and used precisely the adjectives I used - hysterical and paranoid.

Here is an extract relating to the decision (taken from a local newspaper):
The review into the program did not find evidence of actual political influence but noted facets of it could create a perception "the Confucius Institute is or could be facilitating inappropriate foreign influence in the department".

Global diplomacy is based on suspicion, perceptions, prejudice and rumour

oldghost32 79M
241 posts
8/28/2019 7:37 pm

a seeding comment ...

Ben19684 55M

8/29/2019 3:14 pm

I agree with you, but bear in mind all countries will look after their own interests first and foremost. Politicians will latch onto anything that will get them re-elected. Most people forget history. Those of us that know, history will repeat itself.

Cold War is coming and if we are not careful as a species global war could be in the cards in the next 30 years as we will probably fight over resources.