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oldghost32 79M
104 posts
10/30/2019 8:15 pm
What is bigotry? Oldghost's version.

What is the definition?
Is it a bad thing?
Is it illegal or unconstitutional?
Does it have anything to do with liberty and democracy?
What if someone calls me a bigot, should I punch their lights 0ut?
Should I care?
Wh0 are bigots?

What is bigotry?
the fact of having and expressing strong, unreasonable beliefs and disliking other people wh0 have different beliefs or a different way of life,
a person wh0 is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;
Is it a bad thing??
With these milder definitions it is not particularly egregious. Most people however will vehemently deny any hint of bigotry in themselves!
Is it illegal or unconstitutional?
In itself, no. But it usually goes hand in hand with other idealisms or fanaticisms which may well be illegal, anti-racial, anti-gender, anti-belief.
Is it a bad thing??
Mostly it is harmless enough, in fact, but it implies lack of reason, lack of thought, lack of understanding, lack of compromise, inflexibility.
Does it have anything to do with liberty and democracy??
Not at all, but of course capitalists democrats communists marxists will heap claim and counter-claim on each other, to achieve the moral ground.
Wh0 are bigots?
Ah, well; the list is lately lengthening. Wherever fanaticism is so too is bigotry, usually in equal measure on both sides, for and against, pros and contras. In issues of abortion, gay marriage, nationalism, globalism, environmentalism, Brexit, immigration...
Are Hong Kong protesters bigots? Many certainly are, without doubt, the more moderate thinking people are afraid to speak up. Shouting the other side down is the order of the day.
Are Pro-China people bigots? Are pro-Trumpers bigots? Are anti-Trumpers bigots? No need for answers I think.
Is Hilary Clinton as claimed, a bigot? No reason to think so, unless you are a pro-DT bigot! Is Donald Trump a bigot? Very probably unless you believe he is the second coming.

Is blog censorship bigotry? Probably. It is the prerogative of the blog thread 'owner' but it is not a right, and it is silencing the expression of other views. So I suggest it fits.

SundayJoke deletes and blocks anyone of contrary view, claiming she is entitled to do so. Perhaps so, but I assert this fits the definition of bigotry. Another recent blogger does likewise removing anything which dissents from their fastidious view. Let them do so, as the expression runs, it's no skin off my nose

It seems that bigotry these days is the order of the world, reasoning discussion is overpowered shouted chanting, if you can prevent the other from speaking, then you have won the argument. No need to think when you can shout. Bigotry wins the day!

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
10/31/2019 4:21 am

seeding ...

Lily20145 61F
887 posts
10/31/2019 10:21 am

hahahahaha, just remind me one famous news here around 2010....

Gordon Brown calls his supporter "Bigoted woman", you can look up and find out the story line that may lead you to solve all your questions.


oldghost32 79M
244 posts
10/31/2019 7:01 pm

@woaini they usually go in matched pairs, pepper and salt shakers, like the soapbox pair in the attached cartoon. Equally strident, loud, righteous and right. Oh I forgot Euthanasia, stem cells fossil fuels and GM