coffecookie 55F
9 posts
12/26/2019 3:29 pm
Boxing day

It's interesting spend Christmas holiday in Montreal.
Today is the boxing day.
20% off for most of shops,

I apologize not to reply all of you coz I haven't logged Chinese FriendFinder since FEB. I couldn't surf to this webiste while I am in China.

Wish all of you a very happy,happy,happy ... year! (I am still available

Lily20145 60F
887 posts
12/28/2019 1:05 pm



coffecookie replies on 12/30/2019 11:33 am:

oldghost32 79M
241 posts
12/28/2019 6:07 pm

Here in Sydney people USED TO camp out overnight for the Boxing day rush; not anymore, the 8am queues were very short, and the hordes were nowhere to be seen. The Boxing-day sales in Sydney and Melbourne usually last about 2-3 weeks, but online shopping is killing this custom I think. You wouldn't want to camp out overnight for Christmas sales in Montreal or Toronto for sure! brrrrrr.
Even with a VPN I couldn't get Chinese FriendFinder reliably when in China

coffecookie replies on 12/30/2019 10:51 am:
Well, then it makes no fun if camp out's chilly cold outside, I prefer to have a window shop if the quene too long.

I don't have VPN in China, so while I am there, I do not log on AFF.

oldghost32 79M
241 posts
12/28/2019 6:08 pm

... and usually about 50% off here