angelluv28 43F
5 posts
10/5/2020 1:49 am
Safety Updates

Effective immediately, Florida State Parks will follow local orders requiring facial coverings or masks provide for staff and visitor safety. These requirements vary from area to area. Our main priority is the safety of our guests and staff. We will continue to review operations on a daily basis and make additional operational changes as may be deemed necessary for protection of public health. Please review individual park pages for specific information for each location.

oldghost32 79M
241 posts
10/10/2020 3:43 am

to make your blog visible you need to just add a comment ... you could make it as simple as '...'. Without at least one brief comment, it will not display.

oldghost32 79M
241 posts
10/10/2020 4:32 am

Now it appears because I added a comment, but you can add you own 'nothing' comment to make it float to the blog list
Are you currently living in or around or working in the Florida State Parks area?

chatillion 72M
1595 posts
10/11/2020 1:24 pm

I was at a county park in Miami yesterday (50 miles South of my house) and some of the restrictions have been relaxed, however group activities and using the outside exercise machines is not allowed.

Today, I went to a state park near my house and the restrictions are nearly the same. This place is larger and has fishing with an area for cookout. Although I did observe social distancing (except for family groups) I didn't see anyone wearing masks.

9999maniacs 63M
70 posts
10/12/2020 11:52 am

Thank you for your post, it is interesting to see how things are going in a localized way.
I am in Toronto, and we are going through a second wave where we reported 650 new cases yesterday.


angelluv28 43F

10/27/2020 9:39 pm

Thank you so much for your comments