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milan2024 60F  
10 posts
5/14/2024 6:05 pm

Missed all the bunnies that used to come to my back yard.

chatillion 72M
1611 posts
5/24/2024 11:34 am

40 years ago, I had a friend who kept a rabbit for a pet. It was house trained and used a litter box. Very clean and didn't 'bark like a dog' or jump on the furniture.
I used to live in Miami with a house and a big yard and the thought was there, but I did not follow through.
Now, I am living in a condo and having a pet doesn't suit my lifestyle.

ru4me09 69M  
6 posts
5/26/2024 5:42 am

those are so cute, two years ago i had a rabbit nest in my front yard. i had to protect/rescue them from the crows and a cat several times, until they were old enough to leave the nest.

milan2024 60F  
14 posts
5/26/2024 4:19 pm

@chatillion I never thought rabbits as a pet till my daughter got one: her rabbit is so smart, cute, and easy to take care of. That is why I began to love rabbits. They are very nice pets , but they do chew furnitures and wires.
@ru4me0968M : I too had one nest in my previous house's back yard, their mommy took care of them till they grew up.

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
5/28/2024 10:15 am

@milan just to say I see you 老鬼

And to Chatillion - I see they really have killed off CS - totally!

milan2024 60F  
14 posts
6/2/2024 2:55 pm

yes, I see you, 老鬼