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My story with Alma
Posted:Aug 18, 2011 2:41 pm
Last Updated:Aug 6, 2020 4:10 am

Alma (fictitious name) is a lady of Spanish origin living in London until Tuesday. We met Alma through a network of travellers where one can host travellers with no economic interest, just for the pleasure of helping other travellers. In this case the need was coincidental: I had planned for a weekend in London and didn't have where to stay, and she had planned 6 days in Amsterdam and had the same problem. In this travellers' network intimacy is out of question.

Alma arrived on a Thursday and we picked her up at the train station. She was tired of 6 months in London where she had worked hard but disappointingly, as the job that she had to accept was not related to the sector she wanted to work on and get experience, art. London was, for Alma, a hard city were people are stressed and forget that the most important aspect of life is being happy. Alma things that "intimacy" with care, loving "intimacy", is not in the agenda of the Londoners, whose life is too much on survival and making money and too little on reaching happiness. Alma had decided to quit London and this trip was the only holidays in this period.

That Thursday my partner Jane (fictitious name) prepared dinner and then I took Alma to Café Alto for a live jazz session, while Jane stayed in charge of the babies. On the way there I introduced Alma to the Bulldog coffee shop (and if you don't know what's special about Dutch "coffee shop" you absolutely have to goggle to learn it). There Alma -an occasional hash smoker- was astonished at the fact that selling hash is legal, that it is sold in a "menu" of 25+ choices, at the atmosphere... she intermediately felt relaxed, she started to love Amsterdam.

Café Alto was great as usual. It took a few minutes for the jazz band to warm up and then we all started to feel that our feet were moving by themselves. Alma and me talked and established a communication -helped by our common mother language- that went beyond words: yes, the chemistry was there, I could make Alma to feel safe and at home, and she relaxed even further.

Back at home Jane was already sleeping, and I left Alma in the sofa-bed with a sweet kiss. The next day I went to London.

Back from London on Sunday evening the communication and the chemistry with Alma was still there. Alma had walked the city, fell in love with Amsterdam even more. That evening we talked about "intimacy" and about our respective "intimacy" expectations, our desires and our dreams. Alma had the curiosity to visit a swingers club and I wanted too, but Jane is, two months after delivery of our baby, still not ready - thus Jane welcomed Alma and me to go together.

Monday evening Alma and me visited the only -to my knowledge- swingers club open during the week (Candy Club), in what was Alma's first ever visit -and only my third one- to a swingers club. The venue is nice, although I expected it bigger after my previous experience in Brussels. There were several women alone, young and in light clothing, what I suppose were for-payment, also two or three other couples. Alma and me had a couple of drinks and then took a corner, a little bit hidden, for me to give her a tantra massage. One couple was looking at our massage and I could feel that they were curious, but we were not there for an exchange that night. Then Alma interrupted the massage and started playing "intimacy" with me, oral first. It was a delicious experience indeed, having her sucking me and my enjoying taking her to an orgasm. We left shortly after.

On arrival home Jane was still awake and I told her about the venue and the evening. Her eyes were bright, I could feel that she was enjoying with my experience, and we had hugs and a bit of "intimacy"

On Tuesday I was delighted with Jane's response to the events. Jane already encouraged me to have "intimacy" with girlfriends during the last part of the pregnancy and after delivery - she didn't feel comfortable having "intimacy" in her situation. But now we are trying to get back to "intimacy" normality - we are not yet there-, and Jane's reaction to my enjoying with Alma was a delicious present for me. Jane is not yet ready to try "intimacy" with another woman although she is curious about it, thus she would not try with Alma.

The best of the adventure are two things: the kind of relationship created with Alma, and the response of Jane. Alma felt that she had been received open-arms by me, by us, and that she had in Amsterdam a family, a complete family. I was really moved by this feeling, I also felt very close to Alma. I realise that one key aspect is that I (we, but mostly me with the help of the Spanish language) have supported Alma in a moment when she needed to safely try other things.

The other delicious outcome is the verification that Jane feels good about this relationship, and wants to try swingers clubs and open relationships. In fact, on Tuesday evening Jane sent me to sleep with Alma in the sofa-bed
What is most common in long-term relationships?
Posted:Oct 10, 2010 6:44 am
Last Updated:Aug 6, 2020 6:05 am

It seems that more often couples that share their core values and beliefs last forever. These would fall under the following categories:

Core values:
1) Attitude to raising and to discipline
2) The division of domestic chores and responsibilities
3) Finances – what, where, and how money is spent
4) Cleanliness and living standards
5) Social and family – involvement, activities and frequency
6) Sex and intimacy – who needs what and will it be given?
7) The environment and its protection

Core beliefs:
1) Spiritual and religious
2) Ethical and moral
3) Political and cultural

What do you think?

Would you discuss these issues with a prospective husband/wife before taking a definite commitment or would you prefer to leave things come "more naturally"?

Tantra again!
Posted:Feb 24, 2010 10:44 pm
Last Updated:Nov 6, 2011 1:01 pm

Not long ago I followed a tantra-sauna day/stage. The experience was great not only because I met a very interesting lady, but because I realised that I can -and will- incorporate some of those items to my normal fun- and love-making. So I want to share what happened.

The venue, in Rotterdam, the second city in Holland, is prepared for yoga and similar kinds of activities, and it has 9 rooms, a vegetarian restaurant, a small sauna, Jacuzzi plus resting place, and a patio. The day started raining and I got a moderate amount of rain on the way from the Rotterdam Central station to the tram and from the latter to the venue. Wet -I had forgotten my umbrella- but with expectations ranging from medium to high after the good references that I had of Maria, the facilitator.

As we started the activity on loose, comfortable clothing, we aimed at reaching a state of internal peace through a 10-minute meditation. Then we introduced each other, 6 men, 4 women plus the 2 ladies facilitating the session. Everybody was Dutch but me and I don't speak Dutch - yet I wasn't afraid of missing anything important, I assumed that if I had to know something I would be told in English -as it happened.

I seem to have forgotten the first exercise. The second one was the confrontation of personal spaces.

I had done this exercise before: it attempts to make explicit for each person the distance that s/he needs from the next person in order to feel comfortable, in an open environment -not in a crowded metro car or similar. The exercise, in pairs, consists on separating from one's partner 3-4 metres and then one of us slowly walks towards him/her partner until s/he ask one to stop.

This distance is highly depending on each person's culture and being Spanish my personal space is much shorter than the corresponding to the Dutch. This showed in that my partner coming onto me had to stop by herself before I had the chance to ask her to do so.

Then we went to the sauna and Jacuzzi, then lunch and a nap for some of us. This was followed by a very enjoyable dance whose details I don't want to unveil now, it was biodanza-like dancing.

Then the climax of the session arrived. In the centre of the room some flowers were surrounded by two kinds of chocolates, peeled and sliced mango -very tasty, as I was going to enjoy later-, some essential oils, lit candles and unlit flavoured candles, books, some feathers, some silk scarf, make-up brushes and sound devices such as small bells.

The exercise was in pairs but two pairs did it together. First one and then the other, for half an hour, tried to make his/her partner to feel and enjoy his/her senses by providing highly enjoyable inputs. When receiving we were laying on a mattress, dressed or not at will, and had the eyes covered or closed, the view is the only sense that we were not going to enjoy and this was in order to allow a magnification of the other senses. Thus, we would play with the chocolate around the lips of our partner, playing in and out her lips, letting her smell the chocolate and raising her desire for it, but then taking it away so that her desire made her raise her mouth to try reach it -only when I decided she would have it

The mango offered us a similar experience while the feeling of the feather on our skin made her deeply shiver. The scent of the aromas was greatly appreciated and my partner enjoyed also a brief 4-hand massage (for which I grabbed the masseuse of the couple next to us) which she enjoyed very much as she told us later. Candles gave us a feeling of temperature and their scent was nicely overwhelming our nose. Silk cloth caused a nice feeling on our skin in particular when slowly grabbed downwards throughout the whole body. Brushes were used to raise the temperature of the skin of the face.

In addition to all those tools I used some of the massage techniques that I learnt in tantra massage including pushing toes with my fingers, massaging the sides and the head, gently blowing onto her skin, and others. Her feedback was? well, she gave me her email address, that should tell that she had really enjoyed

And, yes, I'm looking forward to incorporating all those tools as part of my love making, to make you try and enjoy... would you share your pleasure with me?

A smile is a smile
Posted:Sep 12, 2009 10:29 am
Last Updated:Aug 6, 2020 3:33 am

The title of this post reminds me that joke called "Fifty Dollars Is Fifty Dollars" and, given that this post is about smiles, let me start by reproducing that joke:

Morris and his wife Esther went to the state fair every year, and every year Morris would say, 'Esther,I'd like to ride in that helicopter.'
Esther always replied, 'I know Morris, but that helicopter ride is fifty dollars, and fifty dollars is fifty dollars'
One year Esther and Morris went to the fair, and Morris said, 'Esther, I'm 85 years old. If I don't ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance.'
To this, Esther replied, 'Morris that helicopter ride is fifty dollars, and fifty dollars is fifty dollars.'
The pilot overheard the couple and said, 'Folks I'll make you a deal. I'll take the both of you for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say a word, I won't charge you! But if you say one word, it's fifty dollars.'
Morris and Esther agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of fancy manoeuvres, but not a word was heard. He did his daredevil tricks over and over again, but still not a word.
When they landed, the pilot turned to Morris and said, 'By golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out, but you didn't. I'm impressed!'
Morris replied, 'Well, to tell you the truth, I almost said something when Esther fell out, but you know, fifty dollars is fifty dollars!'

I left home around 3:30 PM for a walk around Amsterdam. The day is quite nice, for sure nicer than the average for mid-September in Holland, and walking is a pleasure in this weather.

What was more estrange is that as I left home a smile "jumped" onto my face and took over I just couldn't get rid of it, irrespective of whether I wanted... and I didn't want, of course. Even more curious was the effect that it had on others. I smiled to men and women irrespective of their age or what they were doing. And 90% of the occasions the response was another smile... GUAUUUUU!!!

With these events hanging around my head I got to Dam square, in the centre of the city, where I saw a scene that made me (and everybody watching) smile even more. A mime dressed up as King Kong and wearing a quite impressive mask was standing on the small platform that they use when an Indian (I believe they were Indian) couple approached him. The lady, indeed a beautiful slim lady, step up the small platform to pose BY "King Kong" while her male partner got prepared to take the picture.

Then, to the surprise of the lady and the watchers, "King Kong" decided to take her in his arms. Well, I know a little bit about cultural differences and know that this would not be tolerable in certain cultures... but don't know about India's. Anyway, the lady complained trying to get free of the arms of "King Kong" but couldn't, until she realised that a picture like that was going to be something different from the standard tourist picture, and stopped fighting and let "King Kong" hold her for the picture.

Where's the smile here? In the dozen of tourists and myself that were contemplating the scene and the comments that we, the watchers, crossed among us

The Indian lady left also with a smile while she contemplated the picture taken by her partner

So, remember: if in doubt... smile!!!
Men and love
Posted:Aug 23, 2009 7:56 am
Last Updated:Jul 17, 2015 6:23 pm

Many of us know about a book called "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus". Some of us even read it! I did, unfortunately too late to save my marriage.

John Gray, its author, later wrote a sequel called "Mars and Venus in the Bedroom" where he says:

"Great sex is the most powerful way to open a man's heart and help him to feel his love and express it to a woman"

I interpret that he means that at the moment where a man is enjoying sex is when he opens up his heart and let the woman's love enter. In that moment we, men, allow ourselves to feel love, to be love, to feel loved and loving.

My experience tends to go in this direction. I feel that with the ladies with whom I felt good at sex -I cannot write "in bed", great sex is not limited to bed - caused me a feeling of longing. There aren't so many cases of this. In most cases they became permanent, solid friends.

What is your experience? You, ladies, did you ever feel that a great relationship was created as a result of great sex?
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How would you "advertise" that you want to find a special partner?
Posted:Aug 22, 2009 10:43 am
Last Updated:Nov 6, 2011 1:02 pm

Maybe like this?

New job available, see the details below:

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Reference 20090901-Roberto

Company description:
Independent individual

Job name : Mistress


A lady to cover the emotional, physical, psychological, and sexual requirements of a 45-years-old men that loves experimenting. She should:
- take care of him - he will take care of you too
- be able to cook -although frequently we both will cook together
- be willing to live in a cold country with very little light,
- be sportive (and practice sports!)
- like dancing of preference including salsa
- like to travel locally but also to far away countries on vacation, sometimes in 4* hotels, sometimes backpacking or cycling
- have imagination and desire to experiment in life and sex (very important)
- be able (and willing) to smile
- not be fool for money (in fact, it's an unpaid job!)
- accept no strings attached (very important too)

But, above all, be able (and willing) to enjoy life

Work conditions:
- location: Amsterdam
- respect always offered
- support, to the maximum extent that I can offer
- I would take care of her, of her desires and needs
- I would try to make her happy every single moment.
- abundant smiles offered year-round
- would need to travel mostly on weekends: spas, cities (Paris, London, Brussels)
- support to find a second job according to your degree and/or previous professional career that would be simultaneous with this one.

Interested? Write to the email that you can find in this profile.

(Postdate: this is a joke, it's not meant to offend anybody. However, if you feel offended just write to me and I will consider deleting it.)
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