Woman Warrior!

Challenging MySelf as a Woman Warrior

When Its Snowing....
Posted:Jan 25, 2012 12:24 am
Last Updated:Jan 25, 2012 5:42 pm
Snow can be really pretty watching it fall. It was snowing a lot last week in Seattle, in this January. So the day after it began to stick, I went to work just briefly, so that I could make it home without any problems. But when I got home, at the bottom of my Cul-Du-Sac, the snow was too heavy. So I couldn't make it up our uphill driveway.

So I let my car sit for days. I walked and took the bus out to see a movie on the following day. I did make my numerous Cold Calls and worked from home on Tues and Thur. evenings, thinking People might be home. Some were but not everyone.

So my efforts of making 90 Cold Calls, led to only one appointment set. I had better luck today.

Some people here in Seattle have Jeeps, SUVs, trucks with snow tires, so they drove around. The buses were running but late. I basically bundled up. Then I noticed there were more Craig's List Personal Ads up, while people stayed home. If they live near stores and restaurants like I do they could still go out to eat.

The Retail stores stayed open, but the nearby Casino Closed, and I was going to have my $3.99 Steak and Eggs Breakfast there.. But they were closed. So I ended up eating a Cheeseburger at Five Guys, next to the Movie Theater.

Then when the roads did cleared, a neighbor helped me dig around my car, so I could get out of there to go see this new Jazz singer, Emi Meyer.

It was a lot of fun going out too see jazz. I also ran into an old classmate from Central WA University. So it was fun talking to her again.

Psychic Ability in Seeing Ghosts, and Future
Posted:Jan 14, 2012 2:33 pm
Last Updated:Jan 25, 2012 12:08 am
Hi All! Thank You for reading my blogs. Seeing ghosts seems scary but if they are your dead relatives, you can take advantage of great conversations. I have a great story to share of one of my friends whom I met in Seattle. She has since moved to the East Coast, so I haven't met with her for years.

My friend, Marty who used to live in Seattle, has psychic ability since she's half American Indian, a quarter Chinese and a quarter White. She went to school at the Shaolin Temple in China. She's also an ordained Buddhist nun and Black belt in Karate. She had the most incredible stories to tell.

Before coming to Seattle, she dreamt of meeting with one head Chinese Buddhist priest who has a large temple in Redmond, WA, a suburb where Microsoft Corp. is located. Once she moved she looked up the temple and went on a regular basis, for a couple of years before she moved out of Seattle.

So she told me she had a conversation with her Indian grandmother's ghost after she passed away. So her spirit lingered for a few days before going away.

She wasn't raised by her mother, or father, but later in life tracked her down and did her funeral when she passed. Right afterwards, she had a live conversation with her mother's ghost once, at the foot of her bed. Marty asked if she did a good job with her funeral.

Then after her Ex-husband and her bought a house in Redmond, her cats woke her up and so she followed them downstairs. In the Laundry Rm, was the ghost of this older lady, who was the former owner of the house. The cats were dancing around the spirit.

The ghost was friendly and spoke to Marty and said, Thank You for buying her house, since after she moved out, there was an unhappy couple who lived there and they ended up selling it during their Divorce. Once the spirit was satisfied, she went away.

I've taken a Women's Intuition Class last year, at a special center. At this Center, I'm learning to ground myself and they also have other level classes on Psychic 101, and 102 that I haven't taken yet. Once you graduate from these classes, and have the ability, they let you practice on others to do healings and Chakya cleansing.

We have group Psychic readings, with more talented psychic people who teach, and help out at the center.

I'm learning to do Tarot Card readings for myself and hopefully I can do them for others.

I don't have the ability to see ghosts or spirits, either, good thing. Otherwise I couldn't work in a Funeral Home and cemetery in my current job.
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Staying Motivated!
Posted:Jan 11, 2012 11:29 pm
Last Updated:Feb 1, 2012 9:07 pm
How can one stay self motivated? I have a sales job which needs much motivation everyday that I have to prospect, do some cold calling too.

My supervisor is great in trying to motivate me, but it also takes a lot of self motivation to start running throughout the day in my business.

I've also taken some leadership programs recently.

So give some feedback. I like to hear from you and some new people too.
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Where Am I From?
Posted:Jan 11, 2012 9:27 pm
Last Updated:Mar 30, 2012 11:30 am

I get asked from many guys, and people, "Where are you From?" Yes, I've posted myself dancing in a kimono and say that I enjoy showing my Japanese heritage.

So I play a game with everyone who asks. If they are in person, they can see whether I have an accent or not. On Chinese FriendFinder Chat there's no way to really tell.

So should I tell you where I'm really from or keep it a mystery for people to wonder? It makes the conversation more interesting, if I don't tell people off the bat.

Do You Believe in Ghosts?
Posted:Jan 4, 2012 8:04 pm
Last Updated:Jan 14, 2012 1:17 pm
Hi All! Happy New Year again! Thank you for reading my blogs. I hope you find them interesting.

I work in the death business selling funeral plans, but luckily I haven't experienced in seeing any ghost in our cemetery or funeral home. Well, I just started a month ago. We also don't do any cremations or embalming at our site.

Do you believe in Ghosts? I love listening to ghost stories. There are many reality shows on Cable T.V that tell ghost stories and search them out. I've gone on the San Francisco Ghost Tour that originates from the Queen Anne Hotel. On the tour, there were great tour guides who did have kinetic psychic ability. Our tour guide made some stick figures stand up by the use of her hands without touching them.
It was pretty amazing!

I also got a look at the SF Nichiren Buddhist Temple near J-Town. It used to be a Brothel before the members purchased the building. When the youth decided not to go back into the gym area, then they had to switch buildings to next door. So the temple alter was switched into the brothel building, where it was reported to be haunted.

I also took a tour of the Savannah Ghost Walking tour. It was so great to hear some of the history of this town and the many hauntings they have around town. One bed and breakfast hotel has many ghosts around haunting the place since it used to be a mortuary. Would you like to stay at this bed and breakfast to get the thrills of your lifetime?
Thinking of Grad School?
Posted:Jan 3, 2012 11:15 pm
Last Updated:Mar 30, 2012 11:31 am
Are you thinking of Grad School? Is it really necessary to get ahead in your job. Think carefully. I have friends who have advanced degrees and they were having problems finding a job. Is a MBA also necessary? I've heard getting experience is more important.

Also in Sales, you don't need a grad degree to really make some money in the field I'm in. It just takes a lot of personality, a sense of humor, guts, cold calling, talking to people, networking, expanding your network further, and following up with people. You have to be a people person first.

Yes, it take a great sense of humor to sell Pre-Need funerals and cemetery plots, which is what I'm doing.

I attended Grad school for one quarter only in Fall, 2010. I couldn't deal with all the work involved, since I started dating again, during that time period. Plus we had many conflicts on one of my teams. Ironically, I passed the class with the conflict team and didn't pass the other two classes on Sustainability. It was a new subject for me that I really wasn't that interested in before.

Maybe I should of invested my tuition money on a consignment shop instead, thinking about it now. I do still have a case at the Antique Mall though.

What I really should of done is compare more Grad school programs before I enrolled, but I didn't. So I paid the price, instead.

I've seen many men with Masters or a few PhDs on this site. I do admire them more though.
Cheers to Year of the Dragon, 2012!
Posted:Jan 2, 2012 12:32 am
Last Updated:Jan 31, 2012 10:27 pm
Happy New Year Everyone! Year of the Dragon, 2012!
My relatives and I celebrated Japanese New Years earlier this evening.
We had a spread of various traditional Japanese New Years food including, shrimp, sushi, CA Roll, Poki Ahi tuna, Kuromame or Sweetened Black Soy beans, Kimpira Kobo - Burdock roots in fried in soy sauce, carrots cut into Cherry Blossoms, Taro potato balls, Shitake mushrooms, Lotus Roots, Sumono or vinegared cucumber with seaweed, Konbu or kelp tied with a brown edible string, Kurikinton or mashed yams with chestnuts, fruit salad, sake and Japanese tea.
I also made a pineapple sherbert punch that foams up. All it is is 7-up and Sherbert. It's so easy to make and it looks like a fancy drink.
We also had for dessert Mochi cakes (Hawaiian Japanese recipe), American sugar cookies, cookies with chocolate coating, jello with graham cracker bottom and cream cheese center.

You are supposed to also have Ozoni soup with fish broth, vegetables, Mochi, and Soba (Right before the Buddhist temple bells ring in the New Years in Japan too).

I always our get togethers with our extended family of relatives every New Years Day. We also have started a White Elephant Gift Exchange and game. So when we start playing the game is when we fill the room with laughter!
I ended up with a nice Japanese nightlight with a red little lantern with cranes on it. So I scored! My first gift was just a purple candle, a washcloth and Bath pillow. So I gladly traded for something I really liked that was different.

My church had their Mochitsuki already middle of December. So I had the chance to eat fresh mochi too. I usually dip it in soy sauce and sometimes sugar too.

Chinese Lunar New Years will be Jan. 23, 2012. So go to your local Chinatown during that time to discover Lion Dances, Firecrackers and go eat some good Chinese dishes.

Thank You for reading my blogs. I hope to hear from more of you out there for comments. Please speak out!

Dealing with Death
Posted:Nov 17, 2011 1:36 am
Last Updated:Dec 5, 2011 11:03 pm
Hi Everyone! I hope you are having some fun reading some blogs or finding some romance on this site.

For my new job, I will be in the business of dying. That's right folks, I will be selling funeral plots, cremations, markers, coffins, tombstones. I will be selling plots right next to Jimi Hendrix's Memorial. It's just exciting for me to just mention that!
This job just fell onto my lap, after getting an email from a recruiter to just show up for Open House at the funeral home. So I did and there were only about 15 people there waiting to be interviewed. So I spent about 3 hours there to interview with 2 people.
The first woman liked me only because I lite up my personality and said a great friendly hello to her when she greeted me at first. I talked about my sideline business as a Dating Coach and Antique Dealer and showed her a crystal bracelet that I was selling at the case at the Antique mall. I had a cold and wasn't feeling well too.

But somehow, I got into great conversation with her and mentioned that my parents already had bought their plots at one of their cemeteries. I think since I was able to relate to the funeral business by mentioning that my parents bought plots, it was gold may

It was my first interview in quite some time and I got the job offered to me. Since many people are still unemployed, I thought I just need to jump on this position. Then it would be great to receive some sales training, while I'm working there.

Ironically, I've been getting emails, phone calls from many insurance companies and didn't want to return in selling life insurance. But with this job since they offer free life insurance with each funeral package, if people pre-pay, I need to get my Life insurance license back.

So I'm in insurance school this week and have to pass the test next week. I hate taking tests and avoided taking the GMAT for Grad school.
After I've been off work for over one year and just doing volunteer projects.

I know it might sound morbid and most young people and a some middle aged people in denial, don't like to think about it.
Everyone will die at some point. It's a matter of time and when you want to face it and feel that people like to remember you.

One of my uncles passed away suddenly last Dec. right before Christmas. But it was fun to go through his many photo albums to put together a slide show for his memorial service. He wasn't my favorite uncles either but he showed up for all our relative's dinners and was odd, so I didn't talk him much.

But I still showed up to his two memorial services and there will be a one year memorial service, that I will go too, next month that my aunt organized. My aunt is just a sister-in-law to him and he never married.

So this might be a good business to work with families again, since I was last an insurance agent at one time.

Good luck to all those who are seeking employment where ever you might be in this world!
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11/11/11 Happy New Year in November!
Posted:Nov 11, 2011 1:15 am
Last Updated:Nov 12, 2011 11:46 pm
There's a lot of special events and parties that I know celebrating 11/11/11.

I'm busy today, Co-hosting a Singles mixer in downtown. Then I'll probably stop by another 11/11/11 party that they've designed like it was New Year's Eve.

I wonder how many people are getting married today for Good Luck?

Holiday Food in U.S. Turkey Day!
Posted:Oct 31, 2011 2:44 pm
Last Updated:Nov 24, 2011 10:47 pm
Happy Halloween! Trick or Treat! Today is Halloween, October 31st. I wonder which other countries have taken this holiday and give out candy to in other parts of the world.
Here in the U.S., favorite candy bars are Hershey chocolates, Musketeers bar, Milky Way, Reese Peanut Butter cups, M&Ms. The cheaper brands are given out. For other occasions, like Valentines' Day, other Gourmet chocolates are given as gifts.

Please go on You Tube see some of the Halloween Light shows that people have constructed on their houses in the U.S. I went on a Halloween Pub Crawl in costume. Please read my other blog on parading in the streets of downtown Seattle at Pike Place Market! Tonight I won't be home to give out candy since we only got 2 last year and I waited around for them too. We live on a dead end street up a steep driveway. I might just leave the candy outside on the porch.

Our next major U.S. holiday is Thanksgiving or Turkey Day! My family and relatives have an all American Meal with roast turkey with gravy, stuffing, ham or pork, mashed potatoes, corn, mixed green salad, cranberries, nuts, cheese and crackers, raw vegetables like carrots, cucumbers with ranch dip. For dessert my cousin will make a cheesecake. My uncle passed away who used to make the Pumpkin Pie. But he is gone now. So my aunt will probably buy the apple or pumpkin pie with whipped cream.

For Christmas we have almost the same American meal, with turkey and sometimes roast beef. But sometimes my other cousin make quiche, Xmas Cookies with colored icing. My former neighbors, when I was married, used to make home baked cookies and deliver them to us for their gift.

On Christmas Day, all restaurants are closed except in Chinatown. They will still be serving BBQ pork, Hong Kong Chow mein, Beef with vegetables and mushroom, Ginger crab, Dim Sum, Shark fin Soup and Jasmine long grain rice. Birds nest soup is another favorite for Chinese people. Local Seattle Chinese and immigrant Asian families will be shopping last minute to make their favorite Asian food for dinner.

Am I making you hungry? Then go visit your local Chinese, Thai, E. Indian restaurant! Anywhere in the U.S.and in the smallest towns there's Teriyaki, Chinese food at least.
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