Anything 4 LOVE

When Every Human Needs LOVE....

Sexual Enhancement with Natural Food
Posted:Sep 9, 2007 2:44 pm
Last Updated:May 28, 2024 4:14 pm
There is always a chance to enhance your sex live with the help of natural food. It is not a secret that many natural enhancement pills are based on well-known ancient aphrodisiac, mostly exotic, like Cayenne Fruit, Chinese Ginseng, Horny Goat, Ginkgo and others. They also contain vitamins (Vitamin B3, Vitamin E) and minerals like Zinc. But, to be true, food that you can simply buy in supermarket also contains useful ingredients, and some sort of food is pure aphrodisiac.

Sea products.
Well known aphrodisiacs, especially oysters. Sea products contain very important minerals like iodine, calcium, magnesium and iron. Sea products are concentrated sources of proteins, microelements and minerals. It is not a secret that people who lives near sea and oceans don’t care about potency and fertility? They don’t have problems with sex at all.

A glass of wine can enhance a romantic interlude. But remember that a moderate amount of wine has been said to "arouse" but much more than that amount with have the reverse affect.

Chili Pepper.
Very good aphrodisiac! They can make not only food spicy. Plus Chili Pepper will increase your metabolism. That’s mean less fat and more energy.

Stimulates the sexual glands and increase desire.

One veggie has 97% of your vitamin C for the day. Also, it is a very good source of calcium.

Spice obtained from the inner bark of the small evergreen tree. Ancient aphrodisiac, good for men and women. Use it in coffee, tea, wine, salads.
Eggs. Good source of proteins and minerals, especially for breakfast. But don’t eat too much and every day? You must know why.
In fact you must find what is most effective for you. Remember, natural food is always useful. Try and find what is best for you. But also don’t do these if you want to have good results: Don't eat a ton of fried foods. French toasts, fried bacon, fried potatoes. If it is your favorite food try to lower your appetite. Don’t drink too much coffee. Don’t smoke! If you smoke, lower your daily dose and you will see what happens. Just try for a week and you will see results.
And finally, recipe of aphrodisiac cocktail: Ingredients 1/3 oz. Kahlua (Mexican coffee liqueur with herbs and vanilla) 1/3 oz. Blue Curacao 1/3 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream Layer in order in a shot glass (Kahlua at the bottom). Good luck!
Exercise for Better Sex
Posted:Sep 9, 2007 2:34 pm
Last Updated:Dec 5, 2007 9:17 am
Sex is a physical activity so naturally getting and keeping fit will greatly improve your love-making skills. Here are some exercises for better sex.
The Pubococcygeal (PC) muscles.
The muscles you use to stop urinating midstream are called the pubococcygeal (PC) muscles. If you're male they’re also the muscles that contract when you ejaculate. You can learn to build control over them and prolong ejaculation by doing an exercise called a Kegel. Start by doing a short clench of your PC muscles, relax, and then try to do a longer clench for about 10 to 15 seconds. Repeat ten times, at least three times a day. The more you do the better control you will have.
Kegel exercises are good for women to do as well. By practicing them you will have more control over your vaginal muscles. You'll get more sexual satisfaction and a reduced chance of vaginal infections.

Pelvic lifts
Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your hands by your side. Lift your pelvis up and down as if you were having sexual intercourse. This is a great exercise for the doggy-style position. It's also my favorite exercise for better sex.

Lie down on your stomach with your hands parallel to your shoulders. Push up with your hands until your arms are straight and your chest and knees are off the ground. Then lower your body so it almost touches the ground. Repeat ten to twenty times.

Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Cross your feet together and lift them off the ground so that they are parallel to the floor. With your hands on the back of your head or crossed against your chest lift your chest off the ground using your stomach. Be sure to focus on a spot on the ceiling to avoid straining your neck. Do three sets of twenty each.

Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands on the top of your thighs and slide them to the top of your knees, lifting your chest off the ground and using your stomach muscles. Slide your hands back down to your thighs. Do three sets of twenty each. Again, be sure to focus on a spot on the ceiling to avoid straining your neck

Lie down on your back with your knees bent and legs apart. With your hands in a prayer position push them through your legs, lifting your chest off the ground and using your stomach muscles. Do three sets of twenty each.
Do push-ups and stomach exercises to strengthen your shoulder, back and abdominal muscles. You won’t tire as easy when you’re making love. Good luck!
How to Win Your Love Hearts with 16 Ways
Posted:Sep 1, 2007 12:28 pm
Last Updated:Sep 4, 2007 11:21 am
Some people have a natural ability to romance the opposite sex and others seem like they don't even know what it means. However, everyone should know how to make their partner's heart melt because it's one of the finest acts of seduction.

For Your Wife/Girlfriend:
1. Kidnap her for a surprise picnic. Plan your rendezvous for the weekend or when you both have a free day. Make sure she doesn't have any plans. Then you tell her to come with you to the supermarket or something along those lines. Give her time to get ready, get in the car, and pick up some take-out food. Then head to a nice empty beach or park and explain to her that you're having a romantic getaway!

2. Write her a poem. If this is not your thing, there are lots of places to get some inspiration. Try a poetry book, romantic song, etc. Just don't repeat anything word for word because it may sound familiar to her and she'll know you faked it.

3. Cook her delicious meal, light some candles dim the lights and CLEAN the house! When she gets home, she'll be speechless.

4. Hold her hand every time you go out. If this isn't possible (because one of you is carrying a baby or pushing a shopping cart) then make sure to maintain some form of physical contact. This will make her feel like you're proud to be with her and can't keep your hands off her!

5. Give her a spa like treat. Fill your tub with warm water then add some milk and honey. Invite her in, give a nice scrub down, then sit behind her and give her a firm yet gentle scalp massage.

6. Plan a photography session. Let your wife or girlfriend get all dolled up for you, then take pictures of her that you'll keep in your wallet, office, or car. Tell her that she's beautiful and that she takes amazing pictures.

7. Get up a few minutes before her one day and write a simple "I Love You" on a post-it. Stick the post-it on the bathroom mirror or someplace she'll be sure to see it. This is guaranteed to make her feel special and lovey-dovey! If you want to expand on this idea, you can leave sweet little notes for her in so many other places too!

8. If you're an artist, take inspiration from Titanic and draw, paint, or sculpt your lover. You'll get the best results if your masterpiece actually looks good but if not, tell her you could never create something as beautiful as her.

For Your Husband/Boyfriend:
1. after a hard day at work, give your man an exquisite back massage. Use some aromatherapy massage oil to relax and soothe him.

2. Wear lingerie. This might not seem like the most romantic thing to do, but he will absolutely love it. He will definitely appreciate the effort you made and it'll seem super-romantic to him!

3. If your lover shaves his face, you do it for him. Play some romantic music, lather him up, and use slow, gentle strokes to shave him. DO NOT cut or nick him! Just take your time and he'll feel satisfied and taken care of.

4. Take some time out to just look into each other's eyes. Appreciate his presence, his scent, and his warmth. If you feel like kissing him, go for it!

5. Pretend to need him. Men like to be the ones to protect you, so tell him you get scared when he's not around or that you feel safe with him there.

6. Cuddle him unexpectedly. Warning - do this when you two are completely alone so that he won't feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. To keep him happy, stop before he feels crowded. I suggest you hold him for about 5-6 minutes, and then give him some space.

7. Buy him tickets to a football or basketball game that you know he wants to see. To keep things romantic, go with him and cheer for his team!

8. Cook him a huge feast, let him stuff himself, and then you load the dishes in the dish washer while he rests. When you're done, sit near him and stroke his arms while whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

These are great tips that you can use anytime. Good for special occasions such as anniversaries or when you just want your partner to feel extra special. Don't ever let your significant other forget how much you care. Keep them feeling warm and fuzzy and they'll treat you so much better!
5 Ways to Fallin Love With Your Job
Posted:Sep 1, 2007 12:23 pm
Last Updated:Sep 1, 2007 12:34 pm
1.Take responsibility for your stress level.
Stress is a killer, literally. Out of control stress can rob you of physical and mental health, cause you to make poor decisions, negatively impact your relationships at work and at home, and make you no fun to be around.
How many times have you blamed your boss, co-workers, workload, traffic, etc., for all the stress you are experiencing each day? Here’s a secret: YOU are responsible for your stress and for doing something about it. Stress is not caused by events outside you, but by your reaction to those events.
If you want to love your job, be proactive and control your stress. If you need help, there are lots of great books, articles, and people who can help you.
2.Honor your values.
Find ways to add more of what you like to your current job. Be creative here. For example, if you love meeting new people but work in an isolated office, volunteer for committees, conferences, or to help out at events in your building or community. If helping others is your passion, find a way to add some helping to your daily routine.
Having a clear idea of what makes you the happiest will help you add those ingredients to spice up your current job and make it more satisfying.
3.Focus on the good things your job gives you.
Create a list and keep it in an accessible spot. Review this list at least once a week.
Being aware and grateful for the positive aspects of your job will improve your attitude. That positive attitude will translate into better job performance, stronger relationships with supervisors and co-workers, and increased self confidence.
Think WOW- The quality of your work matters. Doing your very best at whatever task you are given is not only good for your employer; it is great for your attitude. Doing your very best increases your feelings of pride, self confidence, and investment in your career.
4.Add joy and comfort on a daily basis.
Find little ways to make your workspace feel warm and inviting. After all, if you spend 2080 hours per year at work, why not make that environment as wonderful as possible?
5.Take a look at your workspace.
Is it clean, organized, personalized, and comfortable? If not, schedule some time on your calendar to make it that way.
I know someone who keeps a small photo of the ocean on his desk so that when he is ready to explode, he can take a mini-vacation in his mind. Other people rely on family photos, candy, humorous calendars, scented lotion, or tangible reminders of their accomplishments to make their workspace nurturing.
Try these strategies over the next month and just notice how you are shifting what you feel and think about your job. Do you feel an increase in your level of satisfaction? Can you love your job....or even like it enough to stop dreading Monday mornings? In today’s economy, holding on to the job you have may be your wisest course of action.
Love Your Job !
Posted:Sep 1, 2007 12:19 pm
Last Updated:Sep 1, 2007 12:35 pm
You may think that it's easier to leave your job and find a new one than to stay and make the changes necessary to love your current job...
It's very easy in today's workplace to get into patterns of behavior. You complete the same tasks the same way, work with the same people and generally have a familiar routine. It is comforting and known. Step back and look at how you may be held back and restricted by this routine. Consider what artificial blinders you may have in place that limits your viewpoint and creativity. Expand your field of vision and see the possibilities in your future.
Look at your job with the eyes of an outsider and consider how they would find positives in your current work. Remember it is possible to live a life without limits.

You may think that it's easier to leave your job and find a new one than to stay and make the changes necessary to love your current job. You've worked at this job and this workplace for many days and it's become familiar to you. You look at it with the same perspective everyday and see only the negative. It seems simpler to leave and find a new job than to stay, make the commitment, look long and hard at yourself and your actions and make the needed changes to create a better, stronger relationship with your job. You benefit most by this. You become more relaxed, more open to new ideas, more creative. You complete your work quicker and at a higher level of quality. You feel better about yourself and your abilities, your superiors notice your increased level of performance and reward you accordingly. You enjoy your work and perform better at it. Your overall quality of life improves.
How to Add Romance to Your Relationship
Posted:Aug 26, 2007 8:23 am
Last Updated:Sep 1, 2007 12:36 pm
After a few years of being with that special someone, everything becomes a routine and this is one of the reasons why a relationship fails.
In today's world, most of us involved in a relationship have a job, family, and other responsibilities that take up too much time of our lives and by the end of the day, we are so tired that don't make time to do something different and fun with our significant other.
In order for a relationship to work and last, we need to communicate, trust, support and do fun things with our loved one. Here are some romantic ways to keep the flame alive.
1. Get home before your partner and trace a path from the front door to the bedroom with lit votive candles. In the bedroom, have lit candles, a bottle of wine (or the drink of your choice), and strawberries covered with chocolate.
2. Make a reservation at a hotel for a night but don't tell your partner. Just have her/him meet you at the hotel's bar for a drink. Make sure you have lit candles and rose petals spread on the bed when you get to your room.
3. Put a romantic note in his shirt or pant's pocket or her purse and let her/him find it.
4. Send an e-mail just to let her/him know you love her/him.
5. When having dinner at a restaurant goes to the restroom, take off your underwear, put it in a little bag or box and give it to your partner when you return to the table. Make sure she/he sees it at that moment. Your partner will be so excited you probably won't finish your dinner.
6. Leave a note on your partner's pillow letting her/him knows how much you want or need her/him.
7. Light up candles in the kitchen, have chocolate, strawberries, whipped cream and any other food you like. Blindfold your partner and feed her/him. Experiment eating off her/his body.
8. When at a party, from time to time, whisper something sexy on your partner's ear. Do this when she/he is in front of other people. Watch her/his reaction.
9. Learn to touch or lick special areas that will arouse your her/him.
There are indefinite ways to make your partner feel loved, wanted and interested in you.
Don't let routine destroy your relationship.
Spice Up Your Romance with Sexy Suggestion
Posted:Aug 26, 2007 8:19 am
Last Updated:Sep 25, 2007 10:34 am
Whether you're a husband or a wife, take a look at these top ten suggestions for couples who want to heat things up from the kitchen to the bedroom.
These lists have some of the most tried and true methods for romancing your spouse. But the most important things you should do are ask your partner what he/she likes, be creative, and have fun!
For Wives
1. Give him something to think about. Try saucy emails or pictures of you in your sexiest lingered and label them "For Your Eyes Only". A sure way to make him want you all day long.
2. Take some initiative. Don't make him be the one to get the party started all of the time.
3. Don't talk him to death. Just show him that you're available. Preferably, not during the game or an important business call.
4. Wear your best smelling perfume--preferably one that he gave you.
5. Wear the lingered you had on in the photo.
6. Dance for him. Belly, pole, or lap: figure out which one your husband would most appreciate.
7. Create a romantic environment. You should go out of your way to make the place look and smell really nice, but at the very least, clear the ’s toys and clothes out of your bedroom. Make sure the house is in order.
8. Don't make him guess what you want. He's not a mind reader.
9. Be adventurous (to the level you're comfortable with). Be considerate of his fantasies, but don't be foolish.
10. Have fun, and let him KNOW you're having fun.

For Husbands
1. Arrange to cook dinner or have it prepared professionally. And, if you don't do it normally, wash the dishes.
2. Draw a nice warm bubble bath for her. Adding rose petals is a nice touch.
3. Join her in the bathtub.
4. Massage her whole body. Not just for ten minutes. Take your time. Pay special attention to her back, legs, and feet.
5. Make her feel beautiful, and TELL her she is. Pamper her: wash/brush her hair, do her nails or treat her to the salon before your time together.
6. Wear your most intoxicating fragrance, preferably one that she gave you.
7. Dance with her (or for her) depending upon how brave you are. When the dance is finished, you should be wearing only a smile.
8. Feed her strawberries, chocolate, whipped cream, and a bubbly beverage.
9. Don't underestimate chick flicks. If you think you can glen any ideas from them, do it. No one has to know except you and Blockbuster/Nettle.
10. Try not to watch the clock. You have all the time in the world. So focus on her and act like time is standing still.
Now that you have some inspiration, what are you waiting for? Get off the computer! It's time you and your honey start fanning the flames!
How to Share a Romance ?
Posted:Aug 22, 2007 1:37 pm
Last Updated:Aug 27, 2007 4:18 am
If someone asks you "What's the best thing about romance in a relationship?” What would you answer?
In my opinionate best thing about romance in a relationship is that it is shared. While one partner may initiate it, both end up enjoying any romantic effort.
Romance is a relationship activity and cannot work if both partners aren't participants. When you decide that romance is the way you want to go in order to improve your marriage or even work towards having an outstanding marriage, start planning your romance in advance with both you and your partner in mind. Even if you are giving a gift to your partner, keep in mind how it will affect you when you present it to him or her. I’m not kidding, some gifts are actually meant for both of you although it is presented to only one partner (ex. Massage oil). Both of you must enjoy the romance in order for it to be effective in your relationship. While being romantic often draws to mind gifts and planning outings together, you don't have to spend money in order to be romantic!
You can plan a day where you are completely at your spouse's disposal. Devote yourself entirely to your spouse for an entire day. He or she can ask you to do chores, rub their feet, give them a massage, watch a movie you normally wouldn't watch together or try an interest of his or hers that you haven't tried. Your spouse may also decide that you are best put to use in the bedroom!
When you want to do something extra special, take your spouse on a local 'honeymoon' trip! Find a local hotel that has a honeymoon suite and book it for one night. Do it up right and make sure it is stocked with champagne, strawberries and whipped cream. Have flowers and your song available to play in your room. For her, have new lingerie laid out on the bed. For him, have new lingerie laid out on the bed. For an extra special twist, pack a bag for your spouse, hire a sitter if necessary and tell him or her that you're going out for the evening. Blindfold your spouse and lead him or her to your honeymoon suite. Find an affordable card shop or see if your local greeting card store offers any type of multiple card purchase discounts. Buy as many cards for your spouse as you can. Store the cards and send them to your spouse intermittently. You can choose to send them every few months, every month, every week, each day or every waking hour!
Take the time to create your own loving edible baked goods for your spouse! Make heart shaped cookies, a heart shaped cake or make your own heart shaped chocolates. Find a heart shaped bowl, pop popcorn to serve in the bowl and spend the entire day watching romantic movies together. No matter which one of this ideas you will use for special occasions, always remember that it doesn't really matter when or how you do something romantic as long as you do it together.
Love & Friendship
Posted:Aug 19, 2007 11:30 am
Last Updated:Aug 27, 2007 4:20 am
Love and friendship are related to each other and so dissimilar too! Why difference?
What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep and the relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends.

What about love?[/COLOR] In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed above are taken for granted. But love transcends all this. During love, we are attached with a particular person, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving relationship makes one so much attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt! Love also involves a physical element. Friendship does not have that. This is a vital difference. Nature gives us love so that the specie can go forward. Nature does not give us friendship.

Your heart beats will never increase in anticipation of meeting your friend. You will not lie awake at night thinking about your friend. You will not feel totally lost, if you don't meet your friend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking about your friend. But in love, you will do all this and much more. Indeed, there is no comparison between love and friendship.
Love at First Sight
Posted:Aug 17, 2007 2:12 pm
Last Updated:Dec 5, 2007 9:13 am
Think of the people who visit your site as blind dates. When you open the door, your blind date usually knows whether they are attracted to you within the first minute. How do they know? Easy. By how you look, what you say, and how you treat them. If you open the door wearing the same clothes you wore in 1990, say, "Wow, from my friend's description, I thought you would be a lot better looking," and sneeze in your dates face, not only will you never get a second date, your date will run for his/her life.
The same rules apply to your website. When people do a search for something they want to buy, they usually have many sites to choose from. If yours does not impress them right off the bat, it takes about five seconds for them to find another that does show them what they want to see. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. You are just one among many.
So what do people want to see, you ask? There are 3 standards of website excellence, and they are the same standards you would use to judge your blind date:
1. How it looks: If I visit two different websites with the purpose of buying something, and those two websites sold the exact same product at the exact same price, I would buy from the site that looked better--the one whose design made me think, "Wow, these guys must be making good money if they can afford to hire a good graphic designer." The more money I think the business makes, the more I will identify them with value and professionalism.
The bottom line is, you need to make web design a priority. There are plenty of people out there who have graphic designer friends willing to design their website for next to nothing. Those people have the advantage because, even if they aren't the superior business, visitors will perceive them to be superior.
If you don't have any connections with graphic designers willing to do you a favor, see if you can find a starving artist willing to design the layout of your site. If anyone has an eye for aesthetics and is willing to work cheap, it's a starving artist. Once you know what your site should look like, either you or a web designer can bring the artist's vision to life.
Take the time to design something that represents your business or product well. Don't just throw up a website with gaudy wallpaper, out of focus pictures and graphics placed at random. Remember that first moment when you open the door to a blind date. Remember how much appearances count for in this world.
2. What you say: You want the person who visits your site to know instantly what you're selling and why they should buy from you. Visual representation has a lot to do with this, but you need to watch what you say as well. You must be clear, concise and focused. Don't make the visitor decipher a cryptic headline full of spelling and grammar errors. Include headlines that shout to the reader exactly what you want them to hear.
Go over your copy a hundred times if you must, or have a proofreader edit your copy. You must be sure that a potential customer won't get lost in a stream of consciousness narrative about your product or company, and come out saying, "What was that all about?"
Above all, think carefully about the colors you use for your font. Make sure there is plenty of contrast between the background and the font color. Never put a yellow font on an orange background. Also, be careful with white fonts on black backgrounds. If the letters are large, they will be easy enough to read, but if they are 14 point or smaller, your visitor won't even bother with the copy. No matter what colors you use, always make your font large enough. If people have to squint to read your copy, it is too small.
3. How you treat them: It is socially acceptable for a woman to keep her date waiting, letting him know that she doesn't consider him a priority. However, it is not acceptable for your site to keep a visitor waiting. If your site takes too long to load, the visitor will simply find another site.
Do what you can to ensure that your site will download quickly. One easy thing to remember is that, if you have too much content on a page, it's going to take a long time to load. Also, if you are on a free server, and you are sharing a port with others, your loading time will be lengthy. More specifically, if you have images that are uncompressed, they could be at 70k or 80k, as opposed to compressed images that look almost identical and load at a preferable rate of 5k or 10k.

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