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Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

Forward motion
Posted:Feb 8, 2016 5:06 am
Last Updated:Feb 10, 2016 4:59 pm

So many things in the works to be done, many that I'd like to do. Looking back over years of works, reviewing times where my commitment to current task, voided out the option to engage and pursue other opportunity. This is such a quirk.

Because no matter how much I advance things, there is no perfection attainable. Already in past jobs and even in present, I've done many things to advance the task of my duties far from where they were, and still many are facing the challenge to catch up. It's in some ways not a grand difference from some previous aims and methods, but it is with a design that makes it more functional. Yet, some people like things to stay as they are.
It's not likely this type of challenge will simply fade away, because its many factors into why stagnation exist.

The matter now is at a point of choice, do I let be what is in place and switch to another division and take advantage of the pay increase and the works to change the dynamic's and make some marked improvements. Or do I just stay in the contentment of current arena.

Well for me, it's quite likely that it's time to make the switch...... for many many reasons.

Forward motion - seems to be calling
The rapid pace of currency reserve depletion is simply unsustainable
Posted:Feb 7, 2016 7:54 am
Last Updated:Feb 10, 2016 4:50 pm

China’s massive foreign exchange reserves shrank to the lowest levels since May 2012. The People’s Bank of China reported today that during January, reserves dropped by $99.5 billion (£68.6 billion) to $3.23 trillion, slightly more than the $3.2 trillion markets expected in their poll Reuters said after the data was released. And according to Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific Chief Economist for IHS Global Insight, "the mathematics around this rapid pace of depletion of FX reserves in recent months is simply unsustainable for any length of time." Biswas pointed out in an emailed statement to Business Insider that: "In such a downside risk scenario where the PBOC capitulates due to further rapid erosion ...

"In such a downside risk scenario where the PBOC capitulates due to further rapid erosion of FX reserves and there is significant further yuan devaluation, this could also cause shocks in China’s corporate debt markets, as Chinese non-bank borrowers hold a large amount of USD debt, estimated at USD 1.2 trillion in mid-2015.

"The combination of moderating Chinese growth, excess capacity in key industries, rising USD yields and a potential further yuan slide against the USD all create risks of further stress for some Chinese corporate borrowers, which could trigger an increasing number of corporate debt defaults in 2016."
(from news)
1 comment
Big problem, major issue-?????
Posted:Feb 7, 2016 7:36 am
Last Updated:Feb 10, 2016 4:51 pm
China has a major meth problem. The drug can be a pick-up, a pass-time, or something that builds trust — or addiction. It mostly comes from North Korea and it’s been flooding northeastern provinces for years. Domestic distribution networks then move the drug west and south to reach more users.
I have seen workers abuse it in Chinese electronics factories so they can stay awake when trudging through unending shifts. Camgirls (models who perform or strip online for a fee) and karaoke hostesses smoke it with their , who call the practice “ice-skating.” Businessmen who dabble in too many vices share it for a brotherly bond. Chinese celebrities apprehended in drug crackdowns often admit to using meth.

Production of this speed was once organized by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as a way to keep its foreign currency slush fund afloat. The operation was overseen by Bureau 39 (also called Office 39 and Room 39), a secretive component of the Kim regime that does anything from forging high-quality American currency to running a chain of restaurants. More heinous is the production and sale of narcotics.

Poppy farms existed in North Korea in the 1970s, and the DPRK developed an opiate production program for export. But major floods and agricultural disasters devastated the crops. Switching to something that could be made in a lab quickly and in large quantities provided two benefits: it suited the regime’s need to raise large amounts of foreign currency, and domestic use of meth killed the actual, physical hunger of a starving population.
Aside from narcotics and counterfeit currency, knockoff pharmaceuticals and cigarettes contribute to the illicit income of the DPRK. In all, Bureau 39’s illicit activities might be adding as much as $1 billion to Pyongyang’s coffers every year.
At home, North Koreans might see meth as something of a luxury. During Chuseok, a festival to give thanks for bountiful harvests that doubles in the north as a chance to offer bribes, beef and meth were popular gifts for officials.
The DPRK is hugely reliant on China.

The two Peoples’ Republics have messy ties, but it’s one of the few meaningful relationships that the DPRK has. Beijing provides aid to Kim Jong-un, and traders from North Korea cross into China to conduct business. China is the Kim family’s backer on the world stage, propping up the hermit kingdom’s economy despite its belligerence.

North Korean meth used to be trafficked by DPRK officials, but after a series of scandals and subsequent denials, the practice of delivering drugs through diplomatic cargo was largely abandoned by the mid-1990s. Production persisted, but distribution was handled by Asian crime rings that took on some of the Kim regime’s dirty work. Pushing large shipments of meth into northeastern China via regular trade routes was the natural move.
1 comment
What do you think about "Money"
Posted:Feb 6, 2016 11:27 am
Last Updated:Mar 11, 2016 5:33 pm

Do you think your attitude and thoughts about money stand in the way of mate selection?

((Many will probably say not, but think about it in the real terms of what your ideals encompass, and then respond.))

Around the world there are many income level, who knows where you fit except your own self. It's probably not advisable to disclose what your asset value is in a web site.

When one see profiles which speak about like to travel and various other things, that is something that is secondary to the monthly expense of living. Then there is the basic's of expenses, be it car, utilities and other personal use necessities in the climate of many lifestyles in many places. (Though there are places where people don't truly require a car, especially when public transportation is with good design.

1. When seeking a mate, for women, do you factor in your income as a contributing element to provide the lifestyle you seek, or do you look to the man's income to provide you the lifestyle you seek?

2. When seeking a mate, for men, do you factor in your income as a contributing element to provide the lifestyle you seek, or do you look to the woman's income to provide you the lifestyle you seek?

Are you the type who considers both incomes to be part of making the lifestyle you seek to live?

Are you the type who is seeking someone to take care of you?

Across the world there is much talk about "stagnant wages', in some places with economic challenge, there is the "Pay check" to "Pay check" living situations, If you are in such a situation, will you choose a mate who is in the same situations?
If such a situation exist, are you willing to work with a mate to combine incomes to make it better for both in the relationship?

Do you pursue "high end goods and products"? Or do you pursue products that "fit your budget and provide the function you seek"?

These are many question that become REAL in relationship, and often times they are as real in high income relationships as it is Real in lower income relationships?
"money becomes a matter in so many relationship, even when people don't directly make the verbal expressed statement of money being the matter of discord".

When relationships break up, if one entered it with no money, and the other has money, do you think the one who entered it with no money is entitled to money from the one who has money at the point of break up?

Are you as motivated to share bedroom activity when the money issue is present in the same way you would share it when there is available money present in the relationship?
Do you get more involved in sex when it's close to "pay day", and less involved when it farther from "pay day"?

It is better each person become real with themselves about money as it relates to relationship, than to pretend it is not even a vague thought.

Some couples share fully and some do not, long term couples who build their resources together, often communicate about their expenditures before they go out and make them, they over time learn each others habits as it relates to money and the expenditure of it? For some it makes the relationship solid and trusting, and for some it makes the relationship fragile and un-trusting as it relates to money and the over-all relationship?

Do you give yourself an allowance, or do you just spend until it becomes a concern?

Not only people seeking relationships, but even ones must learn what their attitude and disposition is with regards to money.

What is your thought about a "Challenge Situation Fund" for some they call it a "Rainy Day Fund"....?

Do you choose your mate based on their financial standing?

Do you think that money situations change? are you prepared to work with a mate if the relationship experiences a sudden change in fiscal resources?
choice and choosing
Posted:Feb 4, 2016 5:07 am
Last Updated:Feb 7, 2016 6:39 am

Do we really know much about it, or is it a feeling that drives us in the mate selection?
We hear the thing of "opposites attract", "people being mis-matched" and "people being well suited for each other", " bad choices", and the list goes on.

Recently I spoke to a woman at work, I've seen her over and over for quite a while, we often ride the elevator together, though we have said hi, and never really talked, we were passing in the garage and I spoke to her and asked her name.
She stopped, told me her name, she said; now that we've been formally introduced, It's very nice to meet you".
I thought it to be a very nice moment.

I look at women sometimes and think of many things, and some seem like they'd never embarrass you in public, some seem to have appeals of being with a quiet demeanor, while being confident in themselves, and many many things. I like the neat well groomed, but not a lot of make up, and some I see who have various energy levels that is appealing as well. I find smart women appealing, as well as so many various characteristics of various women present them in their uniqueness as individuals.
There is a woman who is probably among the best dressed and everything is coordinated, but its something about her demeanor which as seen could be very abrasive is she is rubbed wrong in situations, not one I consider as a option, its just a matter she knows how to dress. Another is somewhat quiet, but it is more in neutral situations, I've seen her at various events, she always finds a way to come within my range, at one event, another woman came up to me, introduced herself and began a conversation and told me about herself, she's interesting, and she has a kind of bouncy happy spirit walk, and she is generally with a pleasant smile and she is impeccability dressed.
Other women at work want me to go to "happy hour", and some are continually talking about "finding me a girlfriend". Even some of the male friends at work, seem very overly interested in me finding a mate. My family tells me I should find a mate. heck, it seems like everyone I know is interested in me finding a mate.

I guess even for myself, its probably time I focus on finding myself a mate.
Why can't people stay together?
Posted:Feb 1, 2016 5:17 am
Last Updated:Jun 22, 2019 1:39 pm

It is such an odd thing, when people are together for 20+ yrs and then they break up. It would seem after 20 yrs one should know the person they are with very well, maybe they should know them well after far less years.
I don't know what is with young people, they switch mates like a change of clothes.

I work with some women who are committed to their relationships, I think its refreshing to see such. The women that bounce from one to the next, I think there is a problem brewing somewhere. The same for guys who bounce from one to the next, there is a problem brewing somewhere.

What's the point in so much mate switching, and some don't even take a break to find themselves, before they jump from one to the next. As if they are a master of something, but time reveals, that they are no master of anything, but simply unable to find what it takes to make it work long term.

Maybe for some they like it that way, the world is full of many people with many ideas about many things.

I think some women hold out too long looking for fantasy but claim they understand reality. It's likely the same is true for many men as well.

I work with guys who have been married 30+ yrs, and they are delighted with their mates.

As with age, there are many thing come into life. Take the issue of erectile issues, if a man is with a woman for a long time, then she is more likely to adjust with him to these changes, but for a man with that challenge to find a mate, it is more difficult, because of how much focus new relationships place on sex.
I know guys with peyronies who have long term relations, and they have little issue with their wives adjusting to it, then there are women with various issues that the men who have been with them a long time, adjust with the women. there are many other factors that are real in this spectrum, from diabetic, and many other issues that are simply realities that exist.

Today as with life long before, the body changes its just a reality of life. Even the urgency of desire for sex changes, maybe these are things people should consider before they go mate jumping,and trying to pretend they are still in their 20's. and the reality shocker comes that you are only in your 20's once in life. The same is true for women.

Then there is the communication matter, how willing are people to actually communicate in realistic terms and work to have better understanding and work to be better understood.

I think man or woman, don't become "sloppy", if you are neat continue being neat. I think sloppiness and lack of personal upkeep is crucial to relationship as well as manners. Don't get so comfortable to think you can diminish your manners and still maintain a relationship.

I see far too many men and women, who come to work without taking time to prepare themselves in a well groomed and neat manner. Although some relationship are among people who are not into being very neat, if that works for them that's fine too.

It does not require flashy and fancy, I think being clean, well groomed, neatly attired, even if its jeans and a tee shirt, there is a the neat type, and there is the sloppy type, people need to figure out what is the category they like, and find it from the beginning, because you can't just change people overnight. Maybe one may not need to change others, but be continually working on managing and maintaining self, so their presentation of self in sharing is comfortable and functional to their relationship.

Why can't people stay together?
Choosing and Loving
Posted:Jan 18, 2016 6:04 am
Last Updated:Jan 19, 2016 4:06 am

I sometimes think its such an oddity how people make relating such a difficult thing, when its really simple. Two people meet, communicate and share. That is basically what it comes down to.
Very frustrated
Posted:Jan 2, 2016 6:38 am
Last Updated:Jan 26, 2016 4:17 pm

For the past 6 months - She has been in the hospital to rehab, to hospital, to long term care, to rehab, back to hospital.

It has been a disaster, seeing her work so hard, struggle and suffer so much. It went down hill after my mother went in for a surgery, August. they damaged her kidney She ended up of dialysis as a result of the surgical damage.

On New Years Eve she passed away, while on the dialysis machine.
The day before the first hospitalization in July, she had bought a car, she never got to do anything but drive the car home.

So much happen within this time it is very frustrating !!!!!!!

To each and all, if you have a relative in the hospital, challenge the doctor!!!! don't just accept their vague commentary]. Challenge them to do better! and keep challenging them !!!! Force them to talk, contact patient advocate, and any level of administration, because far too often (except in ICU, but make them also tell you what is happening with "details" !!!!)
In general they seem to just go through the motions and try to talk as less as they can.
Don't accept their vagueness!!!

My mother was my best friend, we talked "everyday" _ its very much a spiritual gap and hole of emptiness the minute they said she had passed. I have to work to fill it with the memories of her life and the good will spiritual nature she always expressed.
Is Christmas about Presents??
Posted:Dec 24, 2015 4:58 am
Last Updated:Dec 31, 2015 3:38 am
If one give attention to advertising and media, it's all about "shopping", "shopping" and "more shopping".
We will hear the sales rating the day after Christmas, and people will go crazy with swings in the stock market about Projections vs Actual sales.

Who ask them to make such wild projections? Who ask them to base so much on the holiday sales?

Are they in business to generally serve the public or try and break records? Those companies who keep the focus on long term and continually simply serving the public, won't make such wild projections, nor will they hinge their entire business model on "holiday sales".

I don't really care how it unfolds, I don't get into a shopping frenzy- when the dust settles and they actually put things on sale for the reasonable cost, I will buy shirts and dress slacks. But to go out and get in the crowd mix is not my kind of thing.
I was not into that when I was young, so there is no temptation to begin now.

There's not really anything I need at the present time.

I am a bit tired of Ebay and Paypal filling up my email box, and other random merchants doing the same. I simply go down the list check the box and quickly delete them in a quick manner.

It's fine for and toys, but is that really what its about in essence?

There will probably be many "January Relationship Break Up", all behind expectations associated to what gift was given or not given. But, it will likely be played out through covert abstract disagreements.

Hopefully the wise ones won't let the Holiday Season become the downfall of their relations.

As for the merchants, it will be what it results to be- they will live with it or fold over. Hopefully many did not get duped by stock ticker flickers to over-leverage and over-stock and assume debt beyond reasonable and responsible levels.

It takes more than shopping, gift giving and parties to have a good holiday seasons. The real seasonal spirit may well be found in the heart and mind.
But.... who will look there?
What is the solution?
Posted:Dec 18, 2015 4:27 am
Last Updated:Feb 12, 2025 4:11 pm

China warned residents across a large part of its north on Friday to prepare for a wave of choking smog arriving over the weekend, the worst of which is expected over Beijing, prompting the capital to issue its second ever "red alert".

The air pollution would begin rolling in from about Saturday evening and last until Tuesday, with visibility in the worst affected areas such as Beijing likely to fall to less than 1 km (0.6 mile), it said.

The pollution index would probably exceed 500 in Beijing and parts of Hebei province, which surrounds the capital, it said. Residents are encouraged to remain indoors at levels higher than 300, according to government guidelines.


China could probably learn from the California reforms during the 1970's and 1980's - It cost Los Angeles the loss of many types of industry, but the smog was cleared along with the major help of the auto emission regulation.

I don't know what China can or will do about the Industrial Pollution, and now they have more vehicles jamming up the roadways, which is a collective contributing factor.
China was not thinking when all the Western Companies ran to its shores because they know they could set up the same industry types that caused Western pollution, and now China has the pollution.

The West especially states like California, became a leader in pushing environmental regulation, many fought it and many took flight and set up business in states that did not regulate. The contrast is evident, and some of those same states that accepted industry without demanding environmental controls similar to California, will continue to see their smog data increase and more so when and as temperatures rise.

The Smart companies in California made the modification and upgraded to be environmentally friendly, now they are light years ahead of those companies who ignored it all.
One article I read about a Start Up said, it was much better in the long term to set up and respect the regulation and pay the expense to do it right now. They will win, because those that come later will face higher cost to do what they could have done 25 or so years ago.

Greed and Smog- are both tied together- You have to manage Greed to diminish smog, and to cut the smog will mean one has to put greed on the back burner and think of quality, integrity and good futuristic common sense.

China is going to be forced to face containing greed, corruption and other matters if it expects to diminish its smog issue.

I would think China has to have a big problem with "toxic dumping", which eventually is going to take center stage, because they produce a vast amount of products from synthetic materials, which generate waste product in their process. It has to be dumped some place??????

I think they too will have to face waste-water pollution, when you stack 10's of millions of people in provinces, it has to put a major burden on managing sewer waste, un-managed; the waters become contaminated as well as ground water. I rarely see articles that speak about the massive sewer issues which has to be a concern to the government.

the need for big solution to big concerns- has to become something the people start thinking about, talking about and caring about. Silence won't fix anything.

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