Are you finding what you want?
Posted:Dec 17, 2015 5:08 am
Last Updated:Dec 24, 2015 4:44 am 169066 Views
Some people put a lot of thought into their online presentation of self, some build detailed profiles and some are timidly not sure about presenting themselves and some are bold and expressive about their profiles.
There are many disposition associated with how people present themselves. Hopefully many care for the honesty aspect.
I don't get those who are criminal minded or violent and abusive minded in their motivations for being on social sites. I think its a very low level disregard for themselves and others, regardless of how slick they may think themselves to be.
Sadly the world has people who are lazy in being self honest and want to steal, harm and take from others. How to rid the site of such types is an ongoing work.
But, for the individual, find as many ways to learn people before you go off and meet people in person, be careful about giving out too much personal information and don't paint yourself in ways that imply that you are wealthy or one who has vast assets. If you push the image of being provocative and sensually reaching out to express lustiness, then you probably can expect to attract the undesirables in vast numbers. People must remember, the internet is open to whom ever clicks on a link. That should be warning to the wise that the world is what the news presents. None should get over confident and careless, nor should one be overly eager in the meeting of others. a neutral public place is always the choice, and today, with the nature of the phone camera, it might be safe to snap a picture of the person you are meeting and send it to friends. If the person is apprehensive about the picture, should that raise a caution flag for you?
Over and over things speak about the need to be "self responsible" when utilizing social media to meet people. Certainly don't meet and bring people immediately to your home. maybe its not even good to let newly met people know the exact community you live, because people can associate communities with your wealth level.
We all want to come from good places or live and be about places which are good and quality. But, the big question is, "Do you know who you are giving such information to?"
I don't know if its the 24/7 media of news and web news, or if people have become more criminal and violent minded, but what ever it is, the news of that nature of so much vile and violence can't be ignored. This includes people with titles, degree labels, and any other labels. It's probably a safe thing not to assume too much, and don't take anything for granted and make giddy blind connections that expose you to the unknown, to a point you are self unaware of what you are presenting or disclosing and to whom?
I don't think paranoid is the answer, but being aware and with the self preservation's sense of caution may be to your better benefit.
Should you give your cell phone number, or use one of the voice communication systems with people you hardly know?
It's probably a point where one may want to use as much care dealing with social web sites as one would use in the streets when meeting people.
If you are impatient, anxious and overly eager, you may miss out on being with the cautions that is in your best interest.
What do you honestly want ?
Posted:Dec 11, 2015 4:56 am
Last Updated:Dec 18, 2015 4:34 am 172729 Views
You only have to be true to yourself. The variety to choose among is much, but if one does not choose then they get nothing.
Fact and Reality is one can't have one of everything or one of ever type of people, so it is always a matter of choice.
One must choose to bond, if there is no choosing then the bond which is called love has a less likely chance to make a unified relationship.
Holding out looking for perfection/ dollars and status, has made many become old and lonely,
What do you honestly want ?
First one may have to accept they themselves is not perfect, before they can become open to even consider making a rational choice which they can appreciate, love and accept.
What do you honestly want ?
21st Century Change is COMING.
Posted:Nov 30, 2015 5:10 am
Last Updated:Dec 5, 2015 5:14 pm 174611 Views
Across the world, what has become of the Human Being ? - violence leads where understanding should prevail. People are intolerant of so much and the first options is to get a gun, knife or bomb or blow up somethings.
The news is saturated with all kind of killing, abuses and madness. In America, those who choose to move here, may well choose to assimilate long before they make a want and choice to come to the western society. If the desire is not to assimilate, one may want to re-think what is their motivations?
The killing in the homes of families, what is driving this break down of madness.
One assistant professor at a US University who is from a Muslim region, dragged a 14 yr old girl (relative) out of school by the hair, because she would not wear the rag on her head.
A crazed man kills his family because they did not bring him fast food ?1? !!!
People killing each other over stupid and pointless arguments, men killing women and women killing men, and people killing This madness has to stop.
Justice has to adopt a new format - to expedite the eradication of this madness.
America needs to re-think how people think of freedom !!!
FREEDOM is first and foremost "A RESPONSIBILITY", American may well need to establish that Freedom in America is first respecting the nation, the Constitution and the need for those who choose to be and live in America to respect the laws, rules, policies and governance that has made this country desirable by and through its system. IF one is not responsible to respect that, then maybe they don't gain or get access to be and become an American. There is no freedom without responsibility. America has to get to that point and stand on it.
There are many countries who want to remain as they are, those who aspire to the ideals of such countries maybe should go to them, or stay within them.
The people who are American must abide by the laws, and there has to be some changes to the justice system. For those who do mass killing, kill the family, shoot up public places and any act that violates the safety of the general public in public spaces and places.
In coming years we may see a big change in what and how countries deal with allowing others to come into their nation. The conditions and actions of some is dictating the need for better controls and managed immigration with some parameters which support assimilation into the culture of the nation one is seeking to go to.
The world can no longer afford the "generalized open door policy", as nations are being ripped from within. We can certainly expect as the 21st Century moves along, there is to be many changes in people crossing borders to want to claim citizenship.
Just like the social security card, now there has no choice but to expand the database system, to know who is and who is not willing to be a citizen in a nation and who is and who is not willing to assimilate within the nation they choose and abide by the ways of life in that nation. The free for all days are coming to a close. The travel to the U.S. to have babies and return home for the sake of citizenship for that baby, has to come to an end, as with life, all things must change, and when abuse is rampant, it forces change to come much faster and more widespread.
Bringing what was omitted to the light of truth
Posted:Nov 30, 2015 4:54 am
Last Updated:Dec 5, 2015 5:14 pm 170120 Views
History is being re-told with clarifications and the inclusion of much that had once been omitted. This is a good step forward in the school system especially at the University Level. It now needs to move down to the Public School levels, where history is taught with the inclusions of truths that have long been left untold and unaddressed. It then will prepare American students with truths as they move forth in the processes of their learning. Some may fight it, but the truth as it exist will not be denied its stand in being truthful.
Thanks to the great resources within the Internet, it will force the producers of school books, to re-think and re-write much of what had once been taught, to teach the broader truths of the life and times of American Realism.
If you are 50+
Posted:Nov 8, 2015 11:29 am
Last Updated:Dec 9, 2015 4:31 am 182261 Views
(This questions is suitable for Man or Woman).
If you are 50+
What do you think you will get with a mate in their 20's?
If you are wealthy, what do you think you will get?
If you are an average working person, what do you think you will get?
Do you believe in giving up 1/2 of your life earned resources to someone after 5 or so years of marriage?
What happens if a is born? if the relation fails, there is support, and in some cases if she/he does not work, there is alimony/palimony?
Perhaps the relations reaches the 20 yr anniversary, What might the relation become when one is 70 and the other is 40? | or, one is 80 and the other is 50? Do you think many people will stick with it or what does the odds present?
How much does one consider the relation to be or become when there is an age difference which spans more than 20 yrs.
How would you feel being 70 yrs old and paying someone who is 50 yrs old a monthly amount, when they choose a NEW mate who is 40 yrs old but own't marry them so they can continue to get the monthly amount from the 70 yr old? 
It's probably true that some people some place in the world, are dealing with these very question today.
There is a website called "The Good Men Project" (dot) com it list some success stories and speaks of couples who are happy in these various scenarios.
Relationships: Various Scenarios of Realism as One Ages.
Posted:Nov 8, 2015 7:52 am
Last Updated:Nov 14, 2015 7:54 am 171804 Views
( I posted this on a site, where the topic was: The increase of people over 65, getting divorced)
As people age, they can and will find what often many won't admit.
They should have found the means to make adjustments in themselves, and work with their mate to make mutual adjustments in how they interact, communicate. As people age, they can and will find but often many won't admit; They should have found the means to make adjustments in themselves, and work with their mate to make mutual adjustments in how they interact, communicate and live, as well as make modification to their expectations about what is the realism of their lives at an advanced age.
Go to any of many Senior Complex, and take note of the multitude of singles, some due to death of a spouse, some due to life breaks that result from the trauma of divorce, and many many things which bring people to find themselves single at an advanced age.
In many the Gusto is diminished in their lives, they no longer have the body image to rely upon, the face has changed, and the concept of sex has met with the realizations of changes that come after the procreation years have come and gone.
These are life changes people often omit to give the due regard to consider in the openness of self perspective and perspective of their mate.
One cannot go back and re-live their youthful "glory days" of being sexually driven, or absorbed in the vanity of being on the lure stage of appeal and imagery, as it is certain for each and all, the cycle of youthful allure and its manipulative years fade into a realization that as self and individual, it is "the Character", "the personality" and the combination of such in all that makes up the integrity of the individual is what becomes important.
Health and health issues become an impacting reality of which non can escape nor get a rubber stamp which omits them from these challenges. This too, is included within the "Vows" one takes. How well is it understood when and as the Vows are being addressed on the wedding day, some may well need to give pause to consider this factor. In your senior years, it is not the who will be by your bedside daily, but it is your mate, who remains constant in the bedside and of daily care with and for you. Often Times, the will have their lives, their work and their many things and some may live in different states, but it is the mate you worked within your life to maintain relation with, who is the one who is there.
In youth, learn to be clean, orderly, considerate, responsible, develop a sense of grace, and work to be healthy and with a sane focus to be an honorable individuals, and learn as your age, to be less driven by vanity and vanities expectations. As well one must learn in their years of live, and certainly by the age of 40-50 to put sex in perspective as they age, and realize it is not and never was, nor will it ever be a 'fix all" proposition or function.
Thinking and understanding and coming to terms with these things, It just might change people’s concepts and lead to far less of the divorce scenarios, as people must come to terms with what is 'regrets", and realize due to people living with regrets they contributed to creating, but won't take responsibility for their part within what they regret. They will make miserable their own lives clinging to regret. Some even try intentionally to make another life miserable due to the regrets they won't let go of. This is constructive misery of which they work hard to guarantee upon themselves on a daily basis.
People need to realize how they drag out misery, Example: "what difference does it make at such a late stage in life, that you did not get a teddy bear on your 5th birthday, is it any reason to make the rest of your life miserable".
Every life takes its course, "day by day", Hold on to grudges and anger will certainly make your tomorrows less desirable than it could be, if you let go of grudges and diminish the anger into understanding, then one can have better opportunity to manage their shared day by day dispositions, and one may find their life unfolds with a more peaceful and graceful existence.
Many many people destroy their tomorrows, by holding on to things of anguish for years upon years, some develop grudges about what they did not get, or what someone did not do at some long past time ago, until they just continue to make each day more miserable than the next. Some get so anguished, and assume that they can find someone who will submit to their whims, as their concept of a good relationship, rather than realizing, that it is a "give and take, help mate reality, that gives a relationship the opportunity for continuing longevity, and diminish the concept of people being controlled by past grudges and past anguish about something which has long gone past.
So many elders long for the warmth of having their hand held, or a hug, or many of the simple things which is often built and made to be part of their aged years, but working to build a sense of longevity which gives and connects their life with another. This can be made and built equally so after one looses a spouse to death or divorce, in working to rebuild a relations which can appreciate the lives of each other in their later years of living.
Don't let the delusions about material things bring your world to crash into divorce, nor let the lust for money become the point that drives divorce to overtake your living.
Love is always work, and those who embrace the work mutually as help mates, find divorce the least likely thing they will pursue. Its sad how so many speak the vows, and over the course of years, they ignore to remember, as some actually never truly understand the meaning of what they have spoken as to Vows.
Marriage is designed to be 'Work", as love is a work of growing, learning and sharing what is one’s life and times, trial and errors and the many things that come and go in the duration of living. Anyone who does not accept marriage to be work, will have a short lived marriage. Anyone who thinks "that work" should end, finds divorce, because divorce is the point where the work ended, to build and grow the love into a mutual unified help mate realization of continuing to build what is the ongoing work of "Loving'.
Think AND Grow ... is always an ongoing realization within living.
One can fall victim to the new age of thinking one should have a rose garden life, but even if one does think such, they need to realize, roses need pruning, the weed-eating must be done, and all the works it takes to make the garden is the same works it takes to maintain having the garden. If you think it’s someone else job to maintain the garden, then realize it is someone else who will have your mate.
Over 5 yrs
Posted:Nov 1, 2015 12:56 pm
Last Updated:Nov 6, 2015 3:58 pm 166179 Views
For those of us who have participated in this site more than 5 yrs. Do we know why we have not selected someone to build relations with?
That's a very honest question. As we each claim strongly to know ourselves, it should not be difficult to grasp why we have not made connections for long term relations.
__________ Personally, I don't care for shallowness, nor do I care much for people who are reluctant to engage the realism's of living. I'm not much for the fantasy illusion chasing, and I don't think there is such thing as a utopia, and there certainly is no such thing as a perfect relationship, but there are good relationships, but it is a fact, Good Relationships are Built, they are not found chasing fantasy and illusions, nor are they found being a body hunter or a facial chaser and certainly they are not found being deluded to think sex will be an answer all, fix all delusion. Money is good to have and it is a necessary tool, but it should not lead one to become a fool unto and of themselves.
What's left - is to find an "honest person", who has the ability to be sincere in their living and how they share their lives. Now, that's what's hard to find. _____________________
What your reasoning and concepts ?
From Brown to Green
Posted:Oct 31, 2015 5:40 am
Last Updated:Nov 3, 2015 2:08 pm 155590 Views
Last weekend it "RAINED !!!! " heavy. Prior to that the grass had turned brown and we were in a drought. Today, its raining, and now the grass is green. But... It's 1 days from November, so it should be turning brown for the coming winter cold.
We have crazy weather. In April- we had Ice and Snow, by late May -July, we had "flooding". by late August we entered the Drought.
It's a series of extremes - Hopefully we don't get any Tornado's, Hurricanes or Freezing Cold that breaks the power lines.
Ehnanced Chaos
Posted:Oct 4, 2015 9:32 am
Last Updated:Oct 31, 2015 5:41 am 160570 Views
ATTENTION SPAN Maybe the human attention span has always been short, although it seems with the cram of 15-30 second commercialism, 120 character twitter and short blast on facebook and the many other short burst social media scripts. It appears not only has the attention spans grown shorter, the act of mis-perceptions, limited understanding and other things which go along with limited focus and seeking a quick bottom line, has distorted the capabilities of actually "thinking things through'.
We have today, the push of celebrity being used to speak as if to be an authority figure, we have news media entertainment, who give headline blast with "intentional aims to influence interpretations", to the promotion of goods, hawked by any celebrity who has the attentions of the moment.
INFLUENCE PEDDLING AND MEDDLING We have now fads which has interjected sexual proclivities into everything as if that is the new fad or something. It has such an incessant saturation, every other day some entertainer is blasting in the media their sexual proclivities, as if they are trying to set some trend or influence some group. When fact is, who the hell cares whom one is focused upon as a bed mate and partner.
I find it to be a curious things, how and why fashion designer who are the designers of fashion, send women down the runway in costumes that have nothing to do with a clothing line. It's a curious thing as to how and why "the look of being pissed off" is the industry standard on the faces of the models. I wonder are they selling clothes or 'selling allure" and trying to push sensuality as the hook" ????
It's a bit difficult to get with the Fashion Industry's promotion of men in suit coats 2 sizes too small and too short so as to expose his rear end even with the jacket on, and too tight on the sleeves to even move comfortably. or shirts that are one to two sizes too small, until they can't even button the top button.