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Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

Today is the hottest day so far this year
Posted:Aug 10, 2015 5:14 am
Last Updated:Aug 16, 2015 6:35 am

Well Saturday, I had the oil changed in my car, the tires balanced and then I had the dogs groomed. It was time to take off the winter coats from the dogs

Well, all was going well until I decided to drive to my mother's house. Well my car began to make a noise under the hood, first I though, what the heck did the guy leave the oil plug or something off.... or what?

Wouldn't you know it. THE AIR CONDITIONER compressor was smoking and I guess it just burned the bearing and or the clutch or something. What ever the case... NOW THE AIR DOES NOT WORK.

I don't think there is such a thing as a problem free period in living. It's one thing or the other.
Last week, the right back window had a problem, I took it apart and the cable was tangled up. I just removed the assembly, and simply glued the window No one rides in the back generally anyways.
the car is 16 yrs old, with 200K miles. I'm Ok with the issue with the back window, but geez!!!! the Air Conditioner-- now that's a real trip !!!!

this is why I like to have two cars.... now not only do I have only one, the issue is the challenge to get another one. I don't really care for car payments. So I have to figure out what is the best option. I know I will fix the air conditioner...
But - Geez.... I'm certainly hoping for some relief from these various issues to turn to a positive phase where problems are diminished or vanish.
The other house is a continual issue.
but these are all things that happen when the funds are not at a point to just fix everything that needs fixing. It's so strange, because at one time, it was not such a situations.
It's time for the cloud to move along, and the sunshine of positive things to flood in.

Well, I won't be wearing a tie to work today, not when I have to drive with the windows down to keep from burning up
The Debate
Posted:Aug 7, 2015 5:05 am
Last Updated:Sep 7, 2015 3:29 pm

Instead of quality issue concern, it seem the Debate was more interested in 'who would be the most controversial, and what firebrand comments would be uttered".


We learned absolutely nothing about anything positive for the nation. they want to take Health Care from millions, and have nothing to replace it with, Jeb Bush wants to dismantle Medicare and Social Security, with a claim of modifying it, but I'm not interested in seeing another Bush in the Office of President. 2 Bush's Family Members is more than Enough
Huckabee is just not what American needs in a Presidential Office !!!! Ohio's Governor seemed more realistic.
Trump is Trump - His focus is and remains about restoring economic growth, I like that aspect of aim, but what and how would he deal with other things.

I think they forget, Congress ALWAYS GETS IN THE WAY, and stagnate things and make any changes difficult no matter what is proposed.

They slam Obama, but none of them have faced a nation on the brink of economic calamity as did Obama- and still he got many other things done and got the economy back on solid ground. all while having to fend off rabid tea party and republican assaults.

some like to invoke Reagan, but won't speak about the drug proliferation under Reagan, or the dumping of Millions of Mentally Ill people in the streets or the many tax hikes and his outrageous assaults on taking money from higher education, they won't even mention how he practically devastated the UC education system in California. Or the underhanded way he fought the Central America War at the expense of the poor communities being flooded with drugs.

Clinton has prosperity, but he gave away massive industry to Asian Nations with the single word - "Outsource" being the buzz word of his term, followed by the disaster Free Trade Agreements.

SO....... the idealistic aims of Candidates is more for public showmanship, than dealing with the reality of what the office and job truly entails to get things done.

The Candidate's seem to have forgotten, Bush set up the timetable to exit Iraq, long before even the 2008 Presidential Race was underway. They forgot to mention, there was no plan or strategy to move all the weapons, equipment back, nor to secure the equip that was left, so the radical seized it, and rose up. We moved equip there for a decade, and sadly it ended up in the wrong hands.

I do like the idea of stopping the 'give away of billions of dollars" to so many foreign countries" that money should be invested in rebuilding America. We are blind to the growth in so many nations, who do not give billions to anyone.

What should a debate truly be about? may need to be a question before they televise any more debates ? ! ?
Posted:Aug 5, 2015 5:14 am
Last Updated:Sep 7, 2015 3:30 pm

In some ways it is fantastic, but in other ways its pathetic - articles with titles, that have nothing to do with the content when clicked on. Photo galleries which have more advertisements than actual pictures of what it claims.

some articles now start off, and require clicking on a link to continue, only to be bombarded by more advertisement. silly articles which try to re-shape the obvious as if its a story with integrity and content, but actually has nothing new to deliver.

The more Internet companies claim they are worth Billions$$$ the more their content becomes garbage cluttered with advertisements.
I often ignore advertisements, if I think of something I want, I will research that particular item, but I don't care much for the embellishment of advertising, when many products advertised do not meet with the imagery put forth.
I don't much care for Automobile advertisement, they push the imagery of speed and reckless and dangerous driving habits and claim it is to promote the excitement of the vehicle.

Probably the most egregious is the video articles, which FORCE advertisement before the video, and after the advertisement the video does not live up to the headline hype.
Even with local news web portals, it appears they 'use only the script from a new blotter" and claim by the headline a story can be read, only for the result of a "police blotter styled short writing which actually has nothing to say".

Then comes the madness of the Search Engines, leading to pages which have nothing to do with the link. Other pages with dead links,
I see some much filled with Entertainment people, sports and political madness, all trying to force and opinion or drum up some drama.

The Internet has become in some ways far less than it is capable of being in the general delivery by the major websites.

I look at Chinese FriendFinder - it has at least remain consistent with its tools, its blog has not been colluded. the content of posting is not as good as it use to be, and it has never been a site where people have much of commentary to add to posted blogs. but at least they have managed to continue without driving people insane with advertisements.

I don't care much for Facebook and Twitter seems more pointless than it is beneficial. But both seem to have many people who interact with these web pages.
Even LinkedIn, in some ways has become insidious... with people listing more than 500+ contacts, I rarely will become liked to people with so many contacts, I just don't see the point of claiming so many connections unless you are trying to sell something to others.

People put a great deal of trust in a great many things delivered by the internet, I personally think one may need to be very careful in what kind of information and what sites they allow or provide certain information. Especially anything concern your financial access info.
Even shopping now is a trip, because business get hacked and credit data is targeted by hackers. One now has to be careful as to whom they write a physical check, as it gives people too much information about your bank account, of which someone may be able to use it online by some means to strip one clean.

Email programs, are bombarded with junk mail, and even people you speak with on the phone who ask for data, one has to tell them specifically not to share your information. ( still they will in many cases, share it anyway).

The internet of THINGS is definitely going to bring some weird as well as interesting things.

I do wonder what is the future of the Internet and where it will go and what it will entail????
How our lives change
Posted:Aug 5, 2015 4:47 am
Last Updated:Aug 7, 2015 4:48 am

Some are just part of the ongoing process which gradually make changes and suddenly we recognize we've modify our concerns.

So many ideas and so many concepts of things with big picture concepts, sometimes they work out and sometimes they simply fade and or morph into other things.

What we want can make many change and even the thing we've once wanted and attained can become dust collector.

sometimes clutter can build and often I see many people having "yard sales" to dispense with things, some simply pile more into garages and storage areas.

Yesterday, I saw a call so full of things, there was only space for the driver to sit, and it included things even stacked in the dash area behind the steering wheel. I know nothing about the vehicle is safe, it appeared it might even be a challenge to turn the steering wheel.

I see people changing homes, some even change and move from home they once had custom built, I often wonder about the transient society where some people move every 5 -7 year or so. some are renter's not because they can't afford a home, but because they frequently like to move from one place to another.

Some relocate from State to State - for a multitude of reasons, and their cycle continues for many years of doing so.

Then there are the mate changers, we see it often publicized with entertainers, but in the average people arena, they too make many mate changes over the years. some may do 20-30 yrs with a person and then move to build a new relationship with someone different.

It's likely there is not fixed point or factor as to why? It may be part of the human nature of some people to be forever changing their situations, condition and circumstances. Some for the better and some for not the best. Who knows what the outcome will be.

There are some who stay put, they may build a home environment and life and remain in it for the expanse of their life. I know people who have never lest the town they grew up in, and some who are very content with the long term connections they have with family and friends in the environment they have lived their whole lives.

Some move away, and in later years may return to a region close to where they were born and raised.

It's such a trip - I live maybe 20 miles from where I was born, and maybe 10 miles from where I spent my years, even after living in California for 32 yrs. I moved back for family concern reasons, but even still what ever the reason, I'm back in the region. I don't remember many of the people from the early years, though I have some friends who remember everyone from the early years.

I've been here for 10 yrs now, so interesting, as I don't like the weather, I see so many things that need to improve, but then before I left California I remember the many changes I watched over the years of areas changing and some improving and some falling.

Some people speak about the cost and changes of California, then I read about the drought, I look at Google Map and see some areas that do not have the California glow it had decades ago, and some areas morphed into nice imagery but missing that social connectivity flow that once appeared to exist.

Oh, how our lives change... as well as the environments in many places make many changes. In 10 yrs I watch changes in the community I now live, as well as some communities which seem to hold on to a stable image but the nature of the people in the areas change.

Nothing Really Remains the Same - within it all - I too have experienced many changes, include the increase in age and image - it's just the nature of life and living.
What role does sex play in your life
Posted:Aug 2, 2015 8:34 am
Last Updated:Aug 16, 2015 6:26 am

There are many attitudes and many dispositions about sex. Individuals, Cultures and Regional Areas all have a variety of ideals about sex,

Do you really know what you think about sex in a general sense?
Is sex the dominant choice maker for you when you seek a mate?
does it control and determine your staying in a relationship
Is sex the reason you start or stop a relationship
If you lost your sexual ability -would it devastate your life?
What is the thing you most respect about sex?
What do you least respect about sex?
When you think of sex, does the person character matter?
Do you think having many mates is good for you?
Do you think having a sex partner on the side of a relationship is something you'd do?
Do you think Bi-Sexual people could be dedicated to anyone in particular?
4 Comments , 6 votes
Do you have a concept of what the future will bring
Posted:Aug 1, 2015 5:59 am
Last Updated:Aug 3, 2015 4:41 pm

We can look around, if we are aware, we can see the obsolescence in many things. Are we prepared for the needed adjustments both in concepts as well as our ability to adapt.

Will we choose to seek broader ideas about our ability to function in the capacity of a contributor- or will we be left behind feeling anguished about the yesterdays we've come to know.

What becomes of the sense and concept of love and the structure and nature of relationships ? Will it require a computerized mating system for people to become a couple, or will people become a mix up of many people utilizing each other for different things, and making a multi person connection of relation, based on needs/wants of the moment. What then becomes of , will they go through mass programming systems, or will there be any semblance of a family unit that raise and groom them?

Look around at today, the lack of peoples ability to build lasting relationship, the many self interest objectives placed ahead of considering a relationship?!! Then the nature of 'wants" people seem to multiply in their minds and concepts of life on a daily basis. Much of such, making people less inclined to develop relationships, as passionless engagements dominate the landscape, of objective based association is fast becoming the aims of so many. Not to mention the obsession with the vast array of pleasure toys so many have resorted to; as self appeasing pleasure generating options, which does not require engaging with another human being.

The quickness today of people telling, implying and ultimately asserting that "they no longer need the other person". is so common in society today, until the fears of being used seems to supersede the concept of love for the sake of love.

The households needed today have increased tremendously, as people choose being single and living alone, The dating cycle seems to have leaned toward 'benefit and usefulness of another for objectives", are fast overtaking the concept of what relations are based upon.

People seem to think of love, as if they can put on goggles and engage in a 3D animation sequence for a few minutes and then revert back to their single lifestyle, until they get the urge for another 3D animation sequence, all arranged by filling out a computer generated form and pressing "play".

At what point will we convert eating to a inject-able function, when there are no more cows to slaughter, and pigs are no longer injection grown and distributed. Already we have chemical engineered vegetables, will we move to the extracts of vegetable essence, fused with a chemical composition, tweaked by a dieticians script.

Maybe even the concept of today's Tanning bed, becomes a beamed system that feeds a nutrient enriched beam to stimulate our organs to produce the measured levels of what our body needs.

When mankind is satisfied with so little of what the natural world produces, and seeks to develop means and methods to modify and circumvent the basic ways that life is sustained.;

Who knows what the future may bring.

Then what of......... the Spirit of the Human Being????? will it be sought to be manipulated by electronic and chemical modification via inject-able or fast digestible capsules.

Does mankind seek to make the body a non necessity to its concept of what is life, in the future.

Where does concepts of science fiction merge with the concept of reality???

Do you have a concept of what the future will bring
1 comment
The Failure of AFF to make serious connections
Posted:Jul 30, 2015 5:00 am
Last Updated:Jul 31, 2015 4:00 pm

It seems that this site which has the potential to be a high functioning site for people to find someone; Unfortunately it fails not because the tools are not available, it offers great tools for communication and collaborations.
It's more so that the people seem to be into frivolous post, slap stick comedic response and do not invest to actually eloborate enough to demonstrate a sincerity of self presentation, in general. some have even become to attack others and turn it into a bicker fest.

At one point some years ago, it had a more interactive and functional engaging phase, but by some means that seems to have faded into people tripping on scammers and other such stuff, rather than by pass what you think is a scammer and deal with people who present themselves as being a person who values their time and respects their interactions.
It's so much "Posturing" until people can't get beyond the posturing to get real with each other.

Another element is the site has matured from the delusion it once had of people thinking Chinese women were easy picking, to a site where now people have no choice but to respect the women as viable independent persons who won't fall for any old crap.

Scammers will always find a chump that falls for their stuff, and those who fall for it pay the price of live and learn. If you don't know how to keep your money in your own pocket, them its quite likely you will loose it.
If you advertise yourself as being well to do, then you invite those who might want to rip you off.
If you are seeking to latch on to someone for monetary concerns, you will trip yourself up eventually and pay the price for your own deceptions.

If you fall over for every pretty face then you deserve what you get, if you by pass the concern to learn the persons character and nature of motivations.

If you are trying to buy and barter for love, then you've already started down the pathway of the foolish, so don't be surprised if you get fooled.

If you think sex is the answer, then you've already set yourself up to get S_rewed.

It's always up to the people who participate that will determine the quality and character of any website designed for people connections.

The site has managed to remain with good tools and does not flood the pages with advertisement, and that makes it a good site which is reliant on people being genuine, rather than using its subscribers to promote advertisement. Still - the people don't take it serious enough to use it for HONEST AND SINCERE mate and friend building aims.
? what will the future water needs produce?
Posted:Jul 30, 2015 4:09 am
Last Updated:Aug 3, 2015 4:42 pm

Built 100 miles northeast of the capital in the 1960s, the reservoir has operated at less than a third of its capacity for years. A massive project now under way to divert water to Beijing from southern China will help alleviate demand, but protecting the reservoir from pollution remains a separate challenge.

China has 20 percent of the world’s population but only 7 percent of its fresh water – and it is quickly running out of the vital fluid.

Beijing, which lies in China’s arid north, presents an especially difficult task. Rapid growth in and around the city has drained nearby rivers, reservoirs, and underground aquifers that took millenniums to fill. The water table underneath the capital has dropped about 1,000 feet since the 1970s. Nearby watersheds are quickly drying up.

Consequently, Beijing’s 22 million residents have to make do with an ever-shrinking water supply that’s estimated to meet the needs of only 12 million, according to the IUCN.

Maybe the future profits will be in the investment to build and operate desalination plants and pumping stations.
Outrage !!!!
Posted:Jul 28, 2015 6:40 pm
Last Updated:Aug 2, 2015 10:11 am

An American Dentist Killed Zimbabwe’s Famous Lion.

The world community should be outraged - this Lion was available for people from around the world to see... and this a--hole killed it.
(I hope there is some penalty imposed upon him for such a vain, egotistical and stupid act).

Then he had the self consumed vain and lewd audacity to cut the lions head off and skin it.

Cecil the lion, a famous black-maned resident of Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park, died at the hands of an American dentist, conservationists claim.

They say Walter Palmer paid $50,000 to hunt and kill Cecil with a bow and arrow. The incident occurred around July 6, with a professional hunting outfit reportedly luring Cecil outside the boundaries of the protected reserve using a dead animal as bait.

“Mr. Palmer shot Cecil with a bow and arrow but this shot didn't kill him,” Johnny Rodrigues, chairman of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force, said in a statement. “They tracked him down and found him 40 hours later when they shot him with a gun. Cecil, who was known all over the world would have earned millions of dollars just from sightseeing. Walter Palmer apparently paid $50,000 for the kill."

People who kill animals and call it a sport should be banned from such activity. what the heck kind of people is it that does such stuff???
the crazy thing is ... there are people from many countries around the world who have this sick obsession.

Between this pathetic activity and the daily blowing up of people in the Middle East and random killing to mass murder in cities and around the world is demonstrating a sickness in mankind !!!!!!
It's very sad in the 21st Century people are still Barbaric.. they may dress nicer and have many material things, but the barbaric mentality is a demonstrations of evil... in every kind of format. People abducting and trafficking people, enslaving people for greed's aims, and then there is the other sick group who abduct women and torture them.
In a world where so much is pomp and pageantry on one end of the spectrum has these horror of acts by mankind mixed in the whole....

Is it even possible for mankind to be any different than mankind has always been over the generations of life????
Amazing vertical lift
Posted:Jul 28, 2015 6:25 pm
Last Updated:Aug 2, 2015 8:27 am

MiG-29 taking off and it has to be seen to be believed. Things start off normal enough, with the plane steadily climbing at a 45 degree angle. But then, out of nowhere, the pilot puts the proverbial pedal to the medal, turns his rockets on full blast, and blasts off into the sky vertically.
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