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Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

Hot weather is here,,,,, and other things go crazy....
Posted:Jul 23, 2015 5:58 am
Last Updated:Jul 28, 2015 6:01 pm

It's time to gripe and vent !!!!!!!

I got up this morning, and the Internet is going slow. I mean crazy slow, 6.8 mbps download, and 8.3 upload. Now they tell me I have to take the modem in and exchange it.

Well its not through yet, I drove to get coffee and headed home; I noticed my headlight were really dim, come to find out, the left headlight is out.

GEEZ !!!!!!!

I left the money for the man to cut the lawn, because I'd already cut the front, they came and left, never checking the back yard, so now they have to come back and cut the back yard. I'm still paying them the same even though I cut the front, they should at least check, rather than assume.

We are going into the cycle of the next 6 days of 100 degree temperature, hopefully other stuff does not start going crazy !!!!!

America needs to fix its systems !!!! Every place in the country should have super fast internet, the electrical grid should be improved and that should have been done 30 or more years ago. I called more than a year ago about the electric pole leaning, instead of changing it, they put a red X on it and stuck another pole in the ground beside it, but its still learning.

I rally a lot in my writing about over paid executives, because they don't do anything to address improving their systems, but every year they want a bonus. It's insane. they want the stock ticker to rise, but they want to keep with the old worn out non state of the art systems. If the wind blows, the power goes out, I come home some days and the computer has been cycled off, because of a power outage.

The roadways are an atrocity, they go from potholes to making humps and bumps in the roadway, rather than patching it properly. Some roads that were re-surfaced not even 3 yrs ago, already have cracks and sub structure faults. someone is responsible for poor quality contractor work and low bid substandard quality controls.

We look at the news and its like a weekly thing for some mega company to get "hacked". and always they have some crazy excuse; rather than improve their network security.

The NEWS on every channel is now a Jokers Paradise !!!!! its no more than a bunch of smiling people, trying to create drama by any means. Interviews are more about the interviewer trying to grandstand, rather than to get information on issues and facts.

Weekly, someone is shooting or stabbing someone, or someone has killed off the family including the .
Police are still shooting unarmed people, as if its just standard procedure.

Yet, on the internet they have no quality new reporting all they want is people to click on another page, so they can push more advertising. article after article of silliness, focused to call women "hot" just because she has on some designer over priced outfit. as if this is suppose to set some standard or lure people into the lust and vanity of self consumption trying to emulate the fiction. .

More articles of this one or that celebrity is divorcing and they spread it across the internet as if people personally know these people. Then there's the hype about the former Bruce Jenner, as if this is suppose to set a new standard or something.

It's like a madhouse of horrors and drama games, while so much falls apart.

We have city upon city claiming bankruptcy or near bankruptcy, school districts claiming they don't have the funds to operate and still America sends billions upon billions to other countries, while so much here is a problem.

Stock trading at 300+ times their capability of actual industrial earning, and people rally because the Dow rises, yet fact is it rises based on PURE FICTION, of greed chasing greed, based on inability to perform, but pushing delusion of future profits, when a company cannot survive for the massive game of mergers and acquisitions, when no one wants to tell the truth about the UN-repayable debt and unemployment this creates.

I read about Singapore a few days ago, they are moving ahead with developments they have the highest life expectancy, and they have a very high income standard and they are prospering. Nordic Regional Nations are stable and progressing Yet, American won't look at these places as such and LEARN.,.. Singapore list 1 in 7 have more than a Million dollars of disposable funds, and this does not count the value of their home or their business. they have embarked on promoting a "green society", and sustaining their high standard of living.
Here we are with old communities, more and more mobile home parks and communities aging and decaying every day. While all the funds go to keep up the wealthy communities, while everything around them crumbles.

We are cutting Military while other nations are strengthening theirs, and now we have a pool of more than 16 Republicans running for Office of President. It's almost like a national circus act, that's falling apart in every aspect. Maybe the Tent will simply collapse and wipe out the whole of the circus at any moment.

These things are atrocities - but people are blind and content as they continue their absorption with Facebook, Twitter and App Games on their smart phones.
The average person does not know what going on, nor do they care to gather information, they are busy trying to be a 'witty celebrity in their mind on Facebook and Twitter.
We have website, who can't make a simple video play, without buffering forever, or hanging up the system with the slow network system we have. Even reports have been made about the slowing of the internet, since all the mobile units access it, but we have no system improvements.

People can't drive their cars without the cell phone glued to their ear, and we have idiots who still 'text and drive" endangering other and they are without a concern or care to stop such madness.

Now, we have people chasing cars that claim to have massive power, which results to sucking up gas, and creating speeding dangers on the highway, all the while the cars get bigger and bigger, dragging around excess weight, all in the name of 'status". when people don't factor in the high monthly cost, insurance and maintenance, and what happens.... 2 yrs later the car looks like crap, because they can't afford the cost and the upkeep. Everyone wants a over priced house in a over emphasized areas, unaware of the upkeep cost, and Real Estate Agents put them in the house full well knowing they can't afford the community upkeep standards along with the over priced new car and other fancies that go with such moves.

I was reading the bible the other day, starting with Ecclesiastes,
the whole book is interesting, but here is a quote from Chapter 9 - verse 2

" 2 All share a common destiny--the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad, the clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not. As it is with the good man, so with the sinner; as it is with those who take oaths, so with those who are afraid to take them.
3 This is the evil in everything that happens under the sun: The same destiny overtakes all. The hearts of men, moreover, are full of evil and there is madness in their hearts while they live, and afterward they join the dead

Anyone who is among the living has hope--even a live is better off than a dead lion!
5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even the memory of them is forgotten.
6 Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun.
7 Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do.
8 Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil.
9 Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun--all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.
10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
11 I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.
12 Moreover, no man knows when his hour will come:
Marriage and Age
Posted:Jul 18, 2015 6:57 am
Last Updated:Aug 15, 2015 4:13 pm

Couples are waiting longer than ever to get married — the average age of first marriage in the U.S. is 27 for women and 29 for men — and in some ways, waiting is a good thing. Older couples usually have more financial security, maturity, and communication skills, all factors that contribute to a lasting union.

But! If you wait too long to get married, you may end up divorced. In fact, the odds of divorce for couples who marry after the age of 32 increase by 5 percent annually. That’s the result of a new study conducted by University of Utah sociologist Nicholas Wolfinger, who analyzed data from the National Survey of Family Growth from 2006 to 2010.

“My data analysis shows that prior to age 32 or so, each additional year of age at marriage reduces the odds of divorce by 11 percent,” he writes in his study. “However, after that the odds of divorce increase by 5 percent per year.” In other words, don’t get married when you’re superyoung, but don’t wait too long either. That leaves couples with a short window of time — late 20s to early 30s — to either find a mate or tie the knot.

Wolfinger is surprised by his own findings, in light of previous research that showed the divorce risk for 30-somethings had flatlined, not declined. He chalks it up to a theory called self-selection, telling Slate that people who wait a long time to wed might not be the marrying types. As he writes in his study, “Such people naturally have trouble with interpersonal relationships. Consequently they delay marriage, often because they can’t find anyone willing to marry them.”

Ouch. However, this news doesn’t mean that single women in their late 30s or married women in their early 20s will become cat ladies or divorcées. “There are always exceptions to this rule,” Wolfinger tells Yahoo Parenting.

How play into this marital tipping point is unclear. We know that fertility declines with age — it’s possible that the stress of trying to conceive in one’s 30s can negatively impact a marriage, but Wolfinger’s study didn’t examine this directly. He notes in his study, though, that born in a past relationship could create conflict in a new one.

The professor does have some advice for singles. “Don’t get married too young and don’t get married too old,” he says. “And find someone with some basic education and religious.” Good looks and a sense of humor don’t hurt either.

Elise Solé
Senior Writer

(End article)

College degree is not a must, nor does it guarantee anything specific. find someone who is not adverse to working, be it their own developed skill or a work environment which can provide them some stability, regardless of the nature of the work chosen. A sense of purpose and a concern for understanding and a spirit with a compassionate soul, can be a great benefit to anyone who choose to get married.
Don't create a mass of ideals built up on things that can change, such as money, sex, and partying life styles, or you might doom yourself long before you start the relationship. Don't be a spend thrift or a shop-a-holic, or you may find yourself alone, with goods that do nothing but get old and outdated.
It might be your better benefit to develop honest friendship in the early stage of meeting, it can grow deeper and stronger over time.
If you have no sense of tolerance, you might need to work on developing one, as people grow and learn, they can have value impacts that it takes time to adjust to.
Don't play the soul mate game, if there is such, let it develop naturally over time, not one that is created via 'appeasements', because over time appeasement can become disenchantment's.

If you are chasing popularity or someone with popularity, you might loose out in the long term, because such things have a season to be and a season which is may cease to be of popularity.

Please read the vows and maybe read them with your prospective mate long before you come to the marriage date, so each of you understand how the other interprets what the vows mean.
The Flop and the Flips
Posted:Jul 4, 2015 5:57 am
Last Updated:Jul 11, 2015 8:14 am

In the society of today, fast paced media promotions, imagery dictations and the pomp and pageantry of people advertising and marketing themselves and their relation antic's in every way imaginable.

It's amazing if any young people can remain together for 6 months. It's like some fad taking over even many long term relationships, where after making babies and claim to have a home life, suddenly, the woman wants to leave for another woman, the man wants to leave for another man, and the expectation is for the to flow along with it as just another passing day.

What will the next generation evolve to be?

Will society go back to the multiple wives programming, as it seems in current society, especially the way "entertainers promote" the "change a mate game" there may have been a reason why it existed in the first place. Will we see a return of the Roman styles for Men and Women of "Anything Goes".
General society is good at emulating and developing a belief in what the media presents, It seems anything you want to promote a mass of people to do, "simply saturate the media with imagery mixed with near nudist erotica, and society seems to become swayed to follow".

commercials today can't sell or promote a simple product without the undertones of erotic as the driver to push the imagery and promote the product, or services.

We have financial shams built into everything, with the psychological crafting of schemes to separate people from their earned income.

Sadly, women are still marketed as the shiny happy, smiling face erotica toy in many of the advertisement promotions being presented on the television and still caption shots, It's created a near bipolar society who have no basis of foundation for or of understanding self; but a continual self measurement against the imagery seen in the media. It's practically the exact same for men with a twist of monetary excesses and material status items.

People waste many millions on homes they could not possibly utilize the rooms within it. External Imagery dominates, as an impress the public even at the expense of looking extremely absurd in the wasteful madness of excesses.

The great atrocity is, often times these people produce a mass of babies relegated to a single parent situation, where the is used to get money or promote divisional conflicts. Hatefulness by impression is embedded in the young before they learn of what is their own lives.

the world may not have liked the challenges of the simple life, but the simple life is what endured to bring integrity and character as far as the 20th Century, But who knows what will result in the 21st Century, when individual people have lost awareness of even their basic gender and the nature of individual person-hood. So many are unhappy in their basic being , as if their basic being, has no foundation to draw upon.

We have groups today, who go about killing as if their murderous rampages is the passion they seek, for the sake of killing as their ultimate goal.

The Flips and The Ultimate Flop of Humanity -- is Present TODAY.

The march of the utter shallowness is often exemplified in the silence even in blog space, unless one can reply with punditry styled slap stick comedic one liners.

What the future will bring is shaped by the acts in life on a daily basis.
1 comment
How Much The World Has Changed
Posted:Jun 27, 2015 6:46 pm
Last Updated:Jul 4, 2015 5:34 am

The age of today is the beginning of a Global Change that will re-shape the world in ways that many have never considered to envisage.
The rise and fall of Nations will have a different twist than it had in times before, the mixture of role and responsibility will have 'interlinks" that surpass the old Imperialistic Modeling of Dominant Nations.
the old things like the various empires will not be of any modeling as such that existed long ago.

We've seen many changes in how people of various nations are regarded, some of the changes came about as economic power moved from one regional nation to the next. But the future has its demonstrative modeling visible if we care to look.

No nation will have a unspoken dominance, because the inter-connected dependence among nations is far deeper than many want to acknowledge and realize that this day and time. But those who do acknowledge will find they have a better capability to understand the shape and modeling of the future.

The world is forced in all nations to learn what is environmental responsibility, equally so, how not to waste what is natural resources and how to better manage what is man devised resources.
The world of money is due a massive change, inter-changeability of currency will bring with it a new method of dealing with world financial matters.
What has to be guarded against is artificial inflation. Global cost standards will come into being; for if it does not develop a structure of parallels with variance, there will fall hardships in and upon as well as against many nations and against nations.

the concepts of racism and ethnicity bias will have no choice but to pursue harmony.

I do think time will come when the religious with radical tonality by the volume of extremist who dominate various religions which infringe upon the human rights of individuals will become diminished greatly. Religions with traditions of assault upon and against women, will be forced to abandon such habits and practices, The nature of subjugation and dictations and dominance that is often followed by violence against and upon women, will be met with a force that will bring them to abandon and vanquish the mentality and tonality within mentality against and upon the rights of women.

The world of nations will have no choice but to unite to stamp out terrorism, and the more the computerized profiling of people is advanced, it will be simpler to detect and root out those who seek and pursue terrorist aims as well as those who teach terrorist ideology.
This is very scary
Posted:Jun 24, 2015 4:47 am
Last Updated:Jun 30, 2015 4:21 pm

In the latest food scandal to hit China, authorities have seized almost half a billion dollars worth of smuggled frozen meat, some of more than 40 years old. According to the state-run China Daily, customs officials have confiscated over 100,000 tonnes (110, 231 tons) of chicken wings, beef, and pork, and arrested gangs across 14 Chinese provinces attempting to sell the contraband.

“It was smelly. There was a whole truck of it. I nearly threw up when I opened the door,” Zhang Tao, an official that helped with the operation in Hunan province told the paper. Some of the meat had begun to thaw and rot, and some of it was stamped with packaging dates as far back as the 1970s, officials said.
(from the news)

Meat smuggled in from foreign countries via Hong Kong and Vietnam is increasingly making its way into Chinese grocery stores, where consumers can’t tell the product’s age easily when it is frozen. The meat, transported in non-refrigerated trucks and cars, is often repeatedly thawed and refrozen. In Hong Kong, imported meat is subject to surveillance but not usually tested if it is for re-export, government officials said.

Ironically, the Chinese public’s growing concern about food safety has driven up demand for foreign meat. Shoppers prefer products from Europe, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand over locally raised animals. (China’s per capita meat consumption has tripled over the past thirty years.)

Geez.... money should not be this important, to do such a thing !!!!!
1 comment
Power Outage
Posted:May 26, 2015 4:59 pm
Last Updated:May 28, 2015 5:26 am

Yesterday was relatively nice day, until about 7pm... by 8pm, the wind was blowing the trees so severely, I thought they might break. ( thank goodness they did not, My neighbor has more than 30 trees in his back yard, it was a disaster before the rain, I'm sure after the wind and rain its even worst, I am just thankful they did not crash down on my house.) I'd never buy a house with that many 'large trees< It will cost his a fortune to clean it and have them removed. I don't think he has the ability to get that done. His trees keep my driveway dirty with pine combs and stuff from his trees, and the fall, all his leaves blow in my yard. ( I don't like it !!!!)

but anyway, the rain and wind, thunder and lightening was so dominant last night, about 8:30 my power went out, it was out when I left home this morning about 11 am. Thank goodness I had taken the day off work. It's very odd trying to adjust to a house with no electricity. It's almost like trying to learn to live under different conditions. It was extremely quiet, which was somewhat ok, but the food in the freezer and refrigerator started to thaw.
wouldn't you know it, my cell phone power ran out. I charged it a bit in my car, then went to my mothers house to charge it up.

Trying to do anything in a dark house is very challenging.

Some areas suffered lots of damaged, downed trees, broken telephone poles and some areas had flooding.
thankfully my area is not prone to flooding, at least where my house is, but there has been flooding down the street before, as the houses sit at the bottom on the incline in the street. My house is at the upper part so the water flows down. I did however see where some seeped in my garage, but that is mostly because I need to change the pad on the bottom of the garage door.

My dogs do no like it when the lights go out, they get that stunned look as if to inquire as to what is going on, But once I got the candles lit, they were a bit more relaxed.

I want to install this home power unit, the Hardware store sells it for around $3-4 thousands- pluse connections fees. I think it sgood to have, but I also would like to buy a 'Sea Container" ad bury it in my back yard as a tornado shelter. I'd certainly enclose the power unit in a steel and brick enclosure, I don't know what the sea container cost, or the excavation to bury it, but I'm sure it could be done for probably 20K.

the problem is, when I moved here 10 yrs ago, the area was mixed and well kept. But I see too many walking around, and I detest those who walk around with their pants saggin- it is an insult and should be to the individual who walks around with their pants saggin.

I've talked to the councilman, about setting some neighborhood standards to insist that people who are laxed in maintaining their lawns and stuff, step up and get it right, or get a fine. I also suggest getting with banks, to change loan terms, to include "maintenance cost" as a means to protect their lending investment. because having a house is not about just making the payment, there is a 'upkeep cost involved' and there should always be 'neighborhood standards which are enforced when anyone does not meet it. That's how you preserve equity, and maintain the areas so that equity increases.
some areas simply set their home prices so high, that people who don't understand the responsibility of maintenance, can't move in. Because if you can pay the higher cost, you at least understand something about maintenance cost.
There are is not luxury homes, they are working peoples home, but that means it must meet and maintain a standard, because people value their investment or they should.

I'd like to see them force the electric company to begin burying the power-lines in cement channel vaults, it makes no sense in the 21st century to have wooden telephone pole with wires strung across the and heavy transformers hanging on them. That should have been changed 60 or more years ago.

Power is back on, yet the tornado warning and thunder storm are not gone either.

So far things are good, I can some days leave home and leave my windows up to air out my house and no one bothers anything. I don't advertise anything, even when I had more cars and more bikes, I did not leave them out as enticement for people to ponder anything negative. I kept them in the garage and the garage door is closed unless I'm out trimming the hedges or such.

It's time now to have someone come and trim the vegetation along my rear fence line.
And it is certainly time to unload and sell the other house.

I'd like to have rental properties, but they would have to be in areas where people pay a good price to rent and highly respectful tenants. No more renting to people in a "trying to help mode", because they simply will destroy a house and think nothing of it.

I don't know what happen to society, where some people are just brutal on rental property. Its the most insidious thing I've ever seen.
Geez !!!!

Well, its thundering "again!!!!!! I guess we are in for another night of similar conditions....... '
The (1), (2), (3) ------- (4) and the basics
Posted:May 23, 2015 4:31 pm
Last Updated:May 27, 2015 4:03 pm
Last week the cycle of Birthday came- it's a good thing to be with the health in mobility, the health of utilizing the natural faculties. Certainly the knowing of peace and the passions of peace within living to experiences the grace and share the graces of living in the social circles that make up our interactive associations.

(1) Simple Things - Appreciated
No party, no expectations of gifts, and I received many wonderful text messages from many long time friends and family.

I went to work as normal, but I've taken some extra days with the holiday, simply to have time unencumbered by the work processes.

I think my dogs like it, because they get to stay outside all day

(2) Nature and the Environment
We've had 'MUCH RAIN" and still there is more to come. I don't know whether I should have any complaint, because in-between the rain days, the sun is very hot, and I would project that next few months will be very hot.

I'm not a big fan of heavy thunder and lightening or hail, and certainly not a fan of strong winds and tornadoes... therefore, I pray that safety surrounds me and these things by-pass the areas where people live.

(3) Finance and Their Impacts in Living
The cycle of the past few years have been of the oddity which I'm still trying to figure it out, my health is progressing well, but the strangest things is every month the crazy realism that has been eating away at finance. Seems the more I plan to curb it, the more it seems to just be a consuming cycle. Nothing extravagant, just the oddity of the balance point not staying in place. It seems since I had the surgery, the imbalance in finances has been with an inability to resolve why they won't get back in balance. Part I know is paying for the other house to just sit there empty and then the expenditure to repair it from the damages the last tenants did.
It is like an albatross, so... My summation is, "Sell It" and be rid of the burden. there is no profit in it, because the area is not prone to progressive equity growth.
I've only kept it, in-case family members may need some place to stay, but they seem to have no interest to do so. Therefore, it is no reason for me to continue the loss scenario.

(4) Optimism - the Works Within Living
Over the many years, things find ways to work out, the challenge is always holding fast to the faith they will work out.
Our wants can be many and within the nature of 'wants', there is much within the package, posing challenge, joy, frustration, delight, hardships, good times, troubling times, and many other things, which make up what is life and living.. there is no such thing as a life without these variables. Are they connected to our "Wants" more than they are to our "Needs".... Its up to us as individuals to figure out the balance points in the mix within our lives. No one can fix it for us. "Except God" !!!!! Therefore as we work with it, We Pray.

(The Basics) - Compassion's
We can make ourselves miserable behind our "Wants", even when we can cover our needs without much of a difficulty of challenges.
Some may have challenges of misery to cover the "needs" and not have the luxury to indulge much effort into their "Wants"...

Of all things needed in our living, is a sense of "Compassion" and continual work to find, hold, embrace and keep sight of "Grace" .

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The flip side of jealousy
Posted:May 23, 2015 4:03 pm
Last Updated:May 30, 2015 6:21 am

Comparisons can be risky – even harmful – when it comes to matters of beauty, body image, and self-esteem. Comparing your own traits to those of your peers and friends often leads to confusion and upset. Comparing your own traits to those of strangers and celebrities often leads to dismay and disappointment. And just about every time you compare your figure, face, hair, body, or proportions to those of someone you’ve deemed prettier, sexier, or somehow superior to yourself, you inevitably trigger jealousy.

Jealousy is awful. It’s an energy-sucking, life-draining emotion that often spawns anger and despair. But it’s also an instinct, and a very strong, natural one that’s nearly impossible to eradicate. Hopefully no one experiences it all day, every day, or feels utterly consumed by it … but I’d wager that most people feel a surge every once in a while. So I’ve been thinking about ways to turn that sporadic jealousy around to make it less harmful and more beneficial. I’m wondering if you’re very, very careful, if you can’t extract something positive from comparison-based jealousy.

(from article "The flip side of jealousy" by: Sally McGraw a Minneapolis-based freelance writer, blogger, and personal stylist)


It's unfortunate in this site not only is there too much jealousy, but there is too much of many non productive dispositions. People attack each other overtly, others attack covertly and some by resistance to engage commentary on blog post, to the down right insults some may toss around to and about others.
It's such an insidious cycle and a negative dis-positional manner, until it often takes more away from the perp, than it adds to them.

No one has to like everyone and it will never be a world where everyone likes everyone. but we must know that there are elements that play into it, from resentment to jealousy and many other thing we engage to make our assessments and choose our disposition toward and at others.
None is exempt from these factors which exist in human reality, though some may have more or less than others of such, and some may manage theirs in a more non threatening method....
Why these things exist is as many reasons as there are people.

But, the better we are at coping with such things, the better we are able to get along in a somewhat congenial humane manner with each other.
How we make our journey
Posted:May 17, 2015 8:14 am
Last Updated:May 19, 2015 5:31 pm

Truth is a light that will shine on your pathway… or lies and denials will be the stones you stumble upon in the darkness of your own deceit.
B.B. King- The Musical Great
Posted:May 15, 2015 4:09 am
Last Updated:May 18, 2015 4:43 am

He brought the blues to a vast expanse among societies in many countries.
His legacy will live on
the magical nature of his musical styling became a basis for many well known musicians to pick up the guitar in their early years, to move on to become themselves great guitarist.

He played his Music - with heart and soul, understanding the blues in terms everyone can understand.

None can nor will replace him and his music will live on. May God grace his soul in peace forever.

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