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Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

Every Love is Unique
Posted:May 10, 2015 10:08 am
Last Updated:Jun 22, 2019 1:47 pm

There are no two relationship the same, nor will they ever be.
Each person is whom they are at a given point in time, equally so is each pair what they are at a given point in time.

They progress, they regress, they grow, they share, they covet and they learn to share, they share and learn not to covet and within the cycle some get lost.

It takes the placement of love within the heart to be of the heart, that it may not be misled by the mind or things temptations indulgence is prone to find... Those are the ones who enhance the uniqueness of their nature of love. Many illusions and mirages of sorts can easily askew the view and distract those who's love is wandering from the heart into a focus being led and misled by the mind.

Their communication will span the gambit of a wide range, moments of open exchange and times when there is reluctant exchange and they go through the points where they don't share the whole truths in a given moment, and other times they share what is a digestible truth in a given moment and place in time.

All will change, some will be accepting of the change, some will flow with the change, some grow with the change and some will long for things and images of self and their mate to never change. But the inevitable within life and living is change is the procession of life.

Who knows what they want and appreciate what they have and come to want it... will find love expanding and growing in depth.
Some will play the circle of fantasy mate and break for decades and some will play it far past their prime.
Money can make madness as well as it can provide means for experiences to enrich the lives of lover; Be of cautions as it can be a ego enhancer often times giving the delusion one has more time than they actually have thus so to some it become their security in which they cling to while holding love at a distance.

Some chase love with hopes to connect with Money, some chase Money with hopes to find love. The circle is endless for some.

Experience makes some weary, while it become a source of confidence in their ability to embrace all of loves challenges.

Every Love is Unique !!!!!!

Often when couples find the point of happiness, temptation flairs brightly, as others are attracted by the glow, unaware of what it took to build the brilliance of that glow.
It is wise for those who find that point of happiness, to be on guard to defend themselves from the lure of temptations, which has invested nothing in building the glow one might exhibit through their loves graces.

A moment of despair can lead the weakened ones to a phase of doubt, and through it all they can loose everything they once held dear at heart.
They must know.. Every love is unique, and in being so, every love has its cycles and the devoted will enjoy the journey of loves path.... making their relationship even more unique through the changes of time.
1 comment
Drug Problems Increase
Posted:May 4, 2015 4:39 am
Last Updated:May 10, 2015 10:08 am

(Excerpts - From News)

Chinese officials say they believe meth has now overtaken heroin as the most widely used addictive drug in China, and that it poses a greater threat: Meth is easily made, its users seem unaware of the dangers it poses, and there is no equivalent of methadone, a substitute drug that China has used widely to combat heroin addiction.

“Five years ago or so, ATS were mostly used by rich people,” says Lu Lin, a drug abuse expert who now runs Peking University’s No. 6 Hospital, which specializes in mental health. “Now it’s mainly poorer people who are taking them.”

China’s drug problem dates back more than 150 years to the days when the British began forcibly importing huge amounts of opium from India. By the end of the 19th century, historians have estimated that 1 in 5 Chinese men was an opium addict.

But as China opened to the world in the 1980s, a boom in foreign trade, a steady rise in incomes, and the introduction of Western habits brought drugs back into China.

Until recently the drug of choice was heroin, smuggled into the country from the so-called Golden Triangle where Myanmar (Burma) borders Thailand and Laos or, more recently, from Afghanistan, the world’s biggest opium exporter.

Last year, though, for the first time since the Chinese authorities began keeping records, the number of registered users of ATS – mostly methamphetamine – outstripped the number of those using opiates such as heroin.

“China is facing a grim task in curbing synthetic drugs including ice, which more and more Chinese drug addicts tend to use,” Mr. Liu warned.

“Ice today is like heroin in the ’90s,” she adds. “People say it gives them energy, makes them feel good, and they don’t think it’s addictive.”

Not long ago, meth was the rich ’ party drug in China. Today, according to the little research that has been done, it is also popular among truckers, migrant workers, and other laborers who value the energy burst they get from amphetamines, both for work and pleasure.

And away from the bright lights of China’s megacities, meth is spreading into small towns and villages.
Who listens when truth speaks
Posted:Apr 23, 2015 4:03 pm
Last Updated:Apr 26, 2015 8:46 am

..... often time we are driven by a near distressed motivation, We rush about pursuing the labors of task, with expectations of many sorts. Within this mad dash, 'truth speaks", as we so often listen not, and become more despaired in the "I gotta do" mindset, until we hear not when truth speaks to allow things their time to unfold, jel, simmer, cook, process and/or develop.

Such a thing as Patience, becomes what we ignore, as we impatiently claim that we are engaging patience,
In so doing, we often forget that truth often times whispers, with the force of a yell, but with the mellowness of graceful presentation.

Who listens when truth speaks.....

Sometimes it speaks through the simplicity of silence within the midst of the world's chatter.
Posted:Apr 12, 2015 9:44 am
Last Updated:Apr 15, 2015 3:35 pm
Looking about, it's such a challenge when one makes babies and leaves the baby and mother to fend for themselves. I do wonder if the concept of what that entails enters the minds, before the 'bed bouncing activity ensues'.

I look back, as I did not have a relationship of stability when my was born, but today as I look back I think of all I missed and all that I failed to do, and all that I was not aware to consider to do and over the years what I was not financially able to do. It's a matter I cannot go backwards to correct. I also, look at my sisters who raised their alone, and the many many women I see as well as those I've met and known as well as those I have not met and do not know; and I consider much about the challenges they faced, the values they wanted to instill and the many works of challenge it took them to move from day to day.
I look at what is happening today, of people killing their babies, dumping them in garbage bins and so many horrendous things.

A few days ago, a woman ask me for directions, she had to baby seats in the back and I could practically see the stress in her life. I don't know if the baby’s father was a part of her life, or if they face basic and general economic challenges, but it was evident that the stress was present in her overall being.

I work with a woman who is raising alone, her whole conversation is often about her , and mixed with her appreciations of her own parents. I watch how she struggles to keep them involved in culture and character building programs and other things which focus directly on their over-all well being.

I think as a society, we may need to think to do better. After my was born and I was not there, I made it a point that I'd make no more babies, if I could not be there to raise and care for that and make good relations with the mother of that . Throughout my life, that is something I always kept in mind.

The part of that which is different from some men is: I had so many opportunities to lay with various women, but I chose to only do so with women I'd consider to stay with if the result proved to produce a . I was concerned and cared about protection, both from disease and unplanned . I encountered various women who did not speak of these things, but that does not mean it was not something in their minds.

Another matter, some may disagree, but it is a bad thing when this society has developed a promotional support like pride in "single parent" phrase as if it is something one should aspire to be and become. It's also a thing where after time and one gets accolades for being a single parent, they are not eagerly willing to give up those accolades to choose and maintain a relationship with a man to have a family unit. The mind of the human being is often interesting, in how pride of sorts and even ego of sorts and the things one takes pride and ego from as well as the want of these accolades, often times can and so result to choose sustaining the label of 'single parent" and what they will do to hold on to those accolades at an expense far greater than they know, and the often pays that expense,as well as the one who choose to retain the label as single parent. It would appear one would want to find and chose a mate to help raise those as well as have good relationship with someone for themselves as well. Pride is an interesting thing when it is not properly and functionally placed. The era that produce the mentality of "I don't need a man" which so many women adopted, has deprived many many of a father figure in their lives. Maybe the thought should not been about some need or claiming she does not need a man, based on her ability to pay bills, but more a focus, to want to have companionship and a father figure in the lives of the . No man wants to be "needed" just because he can pay the bills, he wants to be wanted, because he is appreciated as a man who is just a man as a person and individual.

I also look at the many men, who have babies by so many varied women, and seem to have little concern for the woman or the baby and some continue to go forth making even more babies. I even think about the history of life, when people impregnated those whom they enslaved, and resulted to enslave their own along with the baby's mother who was forced to remain enslaved. It's a horrendous history as well as the present day situations which continue all across the world.
Societies today have pushed and agenda of near glorifying the 'single parent" syndrome, not just among the everyday people, but we've seen this become like a fad among the entertainers and those who push imagery via the media of lifestyles. The difference is drastic, some can afford to provide material and monetary means, but they still fall short of providing the male figure, or in some cases where men have the , who fail to provide the female figure.

Today, people will fight about this very subject. When the point and matter is about the having both a male and female figure in their lives. Is a great matter that is greatly lacking in the societies of today.

What breaks them up, is an unknown factor, because some break up before the baby is born, and some break up within the life span of the 's growth. It's always a devastating loss to the . Which is something often not truly given focus of thought about nor upon in the big picture of what unfolds in life.

A woman cannot be a man, and man cannot be a woman, in what is the natural sense of what constitutes the difference in natural gender. (Some will argue this point as well).

Countless from some of these situation, as they become adults, will seek out their natural biological parent, be it a mother or a father. It's a human instinctive thing. No amount of one parent bad mouthing the other, the can and many do as they become adults, want to see and meet their biological parent for themselves.

But no matter their argument about the merits or demerits of "single parent" household, one natural fact exists. A man and man cannot naturally produce a , nor can a woman and woman naturally produce a . This is a law of nature and a fact of life. Then it follows, there is some reason in the whole of mankind that fact exists, it too exists in the animal kingdom as well. Gender matters - now people can choose their ideal to de-emphasis that point and fact, but the laws of nature substantiates it, in the fact that it and the continuation of life is predicated on there being a male and female in the natural sense of gender existence for the procreation process in its most natural state and function. Often times, the of these situation, want to meet and know their biological parent of opposite gender from the parent they grew up with.

Even when mankind uses medical techniques, it still requires gender distinction to gather what is sperm and what is the egg. That too is an undeniable fact in the laws of nature and procreation's function.

I don't care to get into what is homosexuality- because beyond that elemental activity of people, it does not negate the nature of a male and female gender factors as being necessary to facilitate what is procreation. Even in the homosexual choices people make, one plays the role of male and one plays the role of female. so again the premise of what is gender and its role is still dominant in principal of concept and role play even in the homosexual proclivities of lifestyle basics even when no potential for procreation can exist in such coupling of same gender human beings.
"Cancer in China"
Posted:Apr 12, 2015 7:28 am
Last Updated:Apr 26, 2015 8:46 am
from news

What's clear is the cancer surge in China is remaking the country. Experts have documented hundreds of cases of "cancer villages," or communities hit by higher-than-average cancer rates due to polluting nearby industries. In 2013, Chinese were shocked to learn of an 8-year-old girl billed as the country's youngest lung cancer patient, the result, her doctors said, of eastern China's choking air pollution.

"Air pollution is now a recognized carcinogen, so there's no question that the hazardous levels of air pollution we're seeing in many parts of China are contributing to the increasing rates in particular of lung cancer," Pratt said.

....... The owner of the cancer hotel, retired merchant Chen Shuhong, said she's seen the need for her rooms near the hospital expand over the past decade. She started her business with an apartment left to her by an uncle who died at age 59 of lung cancer. She said she now rents 10 apartments that she offers as housing for cancer patients.

"The rates of cancer, both the number of cases and the rates at which people are dying of cancer, are increasing in China, and that's obviously a cause for very significant concern," Pratt said. "That's a huge increase in a relatively short amount of time. I would say it's a critical situation."
End News

From various pictures of the pollution, not just in the air, but water ways and certainly there has to be an issue with what is being done with all the 'waste products from the heavy overload of manufacturing by products".

Years ago on the West Coast in the US, studies and many other acts were engaged to try and deal with the 'waste run off" and other by products of various types of industries.
Then there was a nation wide concern and actions taken to deal with various pesticides and other chemical being used in earlier times. Many of which are now banned in the US, but still allowed in not just China but many other countries in the Asian Region.

People often remain unaware until the problems reach epidemic levels, but there have been pictures posted of people dumping all sorts of things in water way, and it is certain China has to have a major problem with what to do with the massive volumes of daily garbage collections and that's just from citizen areas, not to mention what goes with garbage from industrial regions.

I'd pose a question as to how many barrels of this stuff is being take out to sea and dumped in barrels that will rust in a matter of years and began to seep toxic substance in the water.

People remain unconcerned, as long as the garbage is collected from their home, and their concerns stop there.

I remember walking and a garbage truck passed me, in Thailand, it was the most horrible smell one could imagine, and the sad part is the workers were hanging on the back of the truck, subjected to smelling this 'all day", day after day. I wonder what is the concern for them?????

It's so much we take for granted and so much we remain unconcerned about, therefore the operators can and will continue to do what they do, until the death toll rises where it can't be ignored, then comes the long process of 'now what do we do".

Imagine what cities of 100's of millions create on a daily basis as to garbage, and the need for disposal. Then comes the next issue no one wants to talk about is raw sewage. Unpleasant as that is to discuss, it is a reality that can't go without discussion. Not many people think of what happens to the sewage, and if the plants can manage. When heavy rains come and other challenges to these plants, what happens with the overflow and how is the clean up managed. These are very serious questions unto those with concern for health, and sanitation concerns.
One may ask, how many rural areas is waste shipped to and disposed of, because the people are without the force of voice to say or do anything.

None of these problems will go away, they only increase, with the advent of new composite material, new chemical mixtures to make these materials and the by products of waste generated in doing so.

It would be wise for up and coming countries to get ahead of the curve and think these thing through before they began to ramp up on Industrial Growth.

I don't expect much response or concern to this posting, because that's just the nature of people. But Apathy over time brings conditions which may be without remedy once it reaches the critical tipping point, where toxicity exceeds the means to detoxify.

I wonder if anyone remember the photos from Brazil, with the volume of waste and pollution's which is a monumental task to try and address in preparation for the Olympics. China did a good job in trying to clear the air for the Olympics, but its was a temporary fix for a limited time span, and whamo!!!, back to business as usual and the pollution's came back with a resounding impact.

At what point will you become with concerns? We struggle so hard for status and the pomp and pagentry of looking good and having many material things. until we often don't conside these type of things, because with money comes the elite mindedness of individuals, and they don't care to think of any of these things, due to the unpleasant nature of it, but they also know the necessity of it, only when the back flow of such things affect them personally. That's just the nature of people.

We rely on public utilities to handle this, but do we take concern to ensure public facility has the resources and capacity to manage this stuff.

We in our local city had a dumb site closed, beause it was too close to the Lake and it was too close to communities and when the citizens figured out these issues, then the process began to deal with it, by then it had a smoldering fire that could not be immediately put out, so now there is a multi year plan to monitor the results of what impact this has and will have on the surrounding areas. It was poor decision and poor planning which allowed it to be placed there, but no one was held accountable, but at least the system of city did make the move to address it and close it.

I visited our local land fill.. it is a distance from the city, and its a massive work to deal with it on a daily basis, (I also so more vultures than one could imagine, who live and gather at the dump site, its almost freighting to see so many vultures in one place)
Part of my job is to look after the safety of the municipality concerns, primarily employees, but for men and how I work, I can't limit it to just employee safety, it has to concern safety in broad perspective. that is a challenge to get people on-board to look in the broader contest. In some ways its not so drastic the things I have to concern myself with, because there are regulatory programs in place to address a great many things, and the people do a good job adhering to regulatory controls and management of those controls.

Therefore I have to consider these things and know what I can do and what Is beyond my spectrum to deal with. But I'm working on incorporating some safety elements for a wide variety of things. I can say, it takes a lot of reading to expand the information concerns, but I will find ways to make some recommendations for safety concerns as it relates to what I do in regard to the people and any other factors that pose safety challenges of sorts. Its always a progressive job to deal with anything related to Safety.

Education in the new era
Posted:Apr 12, 2015 7:02 am
Last Updated:Apr 12, 2015 1:30 pm

Review: Excellence Without a Soul, by Harry Lewis.

His central thesis holds that "Universities have lost the sense that their educational mission is to transform teenagers, whose lives have been structured by their families and their high schools, into adults with the learning and wisdom to take responsibility for their own lives and for civil society" (xiv). In brief, Lewis believes that universities once had a "single, overarching mission" to which all activities conformed. However, he also understands that "Universities are complicated places...," serving "constituencies that have conflicting agendas" (1). Nonetheless, he argues that institutional failure of mission occurs because "Universities lack confidence that they know what they are doing." His conclusion, he insists, reflects his experience in dealing with the resultant problems as Dean of Harvard College during the late 1990s........

Harry Lewis knows Harvard well after more than four decades as student, faculty member, and administrator with the University. Having observed change first-hand during those years, he argues that the more things change, the more they stay the same. From the late 19th century when President Charles William Elliot disestablished the traditional required curriculum, Harvard has become the paradigmatic modern university. Dedicated to research and the pursuit of money and status, serving as a magnet attracting the best and the brightest students to match the outstanding faculty,
[/ quote]

To parents, don't become driven by the lure of money as the mission of selecting your 's pathway of education. Be of great concern that you continue the value point of promoting excellence of person, and ethics as an individual, to be the driving force of your 's educational aims. If you push for the ethical basis you will promote the quality in character and integrity within the humanity of your , to be and become one who has a drive to be a contributor into life and an up-lifter of society and its citizen people. They will acknowledge and do well with business, because they will not forget that businesses purpose is to serve and service people. in doing so, you attain the glory of being a proud parent to have assisted your in being "a good and honorable person" they and you can and will be proud of in their achievements. Thus so, the legacy of your family moves forth as one of honorable acknowledgement in their humane regard for life and society.
What shape is the world taking.
Posted:Apr 6, 2015 5:02 am
Last Updated:Apr 9, 2015 4:14 pm

as we get older It brings attentions to how much things change and how much things have changed.

We seem to have moved to an era where the value of life is less than the want for material things among everyday people.

This is always been true ( the value of life is less than the want for material things) among the powerful and the ruling leader all through history, As people have abused, enslaved and brutalized masses. In some parts of the world the wealthy and powerful ruling elites continue this habit.

But when it becomes a habit among the everyday people, the level of its tragic results are multiplied tremendously.

Neither is right, it is not right for the wealthy, the powerful or the ruling elites to devalue life in pursuit of material things, nor is it right among the mass of everyday people to devalue life in pursuit of material things.
1 comment
A crazy trend
Posted:Apr 6, 2015 4:55 am
Last Updated:Apr 9, 2015 4:13 pm

America's not thinking things through, and chasing novelty have led to a disaster it now can't contain nor manage.

"News article"
This is some snake. At full maturity, a Burmese python routinely reaches lengths of 12 feet or more. Twenty-footers weighing 250 pounds are not unheard-of. The pythons are prodigious breeders, with voracious appetites to match. They are believed to have eaten their way through the Everglades, bringing about startling changes in the ecosystem. Some mammals native to those marshes, like foxes and rabbits, seem to have disappeared, researchers say. Other species — among them raccoons, deer, opossums and bobcats — are close to being wiped out. Pythons that migrated from the mainland to Key Largo have put indigenous wood rats in mortal peril.

Retro Report, a series of video documentaries exploring major news stories of the past, trains its lens on the dawning realization more than a dozen years ago that the Burmese python had the potential to alter Florida’s environment far more than people realized. But the issue is really greater than one breed of Asian snakes that ran wild after being imported into the country as pets. The United States is awash in invasive species exacting a heavy toll on native wildlife and vegetation. The list of intruders is long. To name but a few, they include Argentine tegus, large lizards that feast on sea turtle eggs; venomous lionfish from Asia, which prey on local varieties of fish; Nile monitor lizards from Africa, which love to eat frogs and crocodile eggs; zebra mussels from Russia, which harm waterways and damage water treatment plants; and Asian carp, which threaten the environmental balance of the Great Lakes.

Florida draws much of the attention because its swamps and tropical climate provide splendid shelter for all sorts of creatures that are not supposed to call this country home. The state, as more than one person has observed, is the Ellis Island of exotic species.

Like many animals previously unknown north of the Equator, the Burmese python arrived through the pet trade. (Language purists might reasonably ask if it is fair to describe these snakes as invasive. It is not as if they barged in on their own. People created the problem.) At least two million constrictor snakes — boas, anacondas and pythons — are believed to have been imported since the 1970s, part of a lucrative market for exotic species. Miami is an important hub for this trafficking.
One issue with Burmese pythons is that people cavalierly bought them when they were maybe a foot long. In short order, those little fellows grew to eight feet, 12 feet, 16 feet. Talk about buyer’s remorse. Unable to deal with these giants, owners often dumped them wherever seemed feasible. One way or another, snakes in South Florida found their way to the Everglades. There, they multiplied, again and again. Recent estimates by the National Park Service put the numbers there as high as 100,000.

(End new story)

Why didn't the people who claim to want these animals, get information from the agriculture and other organizations of the native land of these species before they got lost in trying to have 'exotic pets".
Now what they have created is a mess they can't contain.
Good for you, JAKARTA - I hope it works great
Posted:Apr 2, 2015 3:55 pm
Last Updated:Apr 4, 2015 5:38 am

Indonesia plays hardball with smartphone manufacturers

JAKARTA (Reuters) - When Polytron became the first Indonesian company to produce 4G-capable smartphones last year, it changed the 'Manufactured in China' inscription on its handsets to 'Made in Kudus,' a town in Central Java.

Polytron relocated production from China to comply with 'local-content' rules introduced in 2012. The regulations have raised concerns about higher manufacturing costs and hung question marks over an industry championed by the Indonesian government.

The United States has pressed Indonesia to relax the rules, which it says will hamper efforts of tech giants such as Apple Inc to expand into one of the world's last big markets where use of smartphones has yet to truly take off.

Assembling far from China's electronics supply chain means it costs up to 50 percent more to manufacture a mobile phone in Indonesia, according to Polytron, a smaller player among local phone brands.

"Honestly, we are doing it because of the regulation, to be in compliance," Polytron spokesman Santo Kadarusman told Reuters.

The government ramped up enforcement of the rules last year. The regulations are part of a push under President Joko Widodo to transform Indonesia from an economy that consumes products into one that produces them, in his attempt to boost economic growth and eliminate the country's trade deficit.

Most mobile phones sold in Indonesia are made in China. There was no phone manufacturing industry in Indonesia until last year when 15 companies submitted plans to the Industry Ministry to start production. Among them was Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, which opened a factory near Jakarta.

The regulations require importers of smartphones to manufacture in Indonesia or have their import licenses revoked by 2016 or 2017, depending on when they received their license.

The ministry is working on a new regulation targeting 4G smartphones. It is expected to be completed in June and come into force on Jan. 1, 2017. The rule will require all companies that sell 4G-capable devices, including Apple and Samsung, to produce a certain percentage of 'local content' in Indonesia.

Apple did not immediately respond to requests to comment on the local content rule. Samsung declined to comment.

It is unclear as to whether this regulation will replace existing requirements or how local content will be measured.

Indonesia needs a bigger share of the $3 billion in annual phone imports to reduce its trade deficit, said Minister for Communications Rudiantara, who like many Indonesians goes by one name. "This phone is $600-$700, so we want $250-$300 of that to go to Indonesia," he said, pointing to his iPhone.


Local content could include design through intellectual property fees in addition to manufacturing of handsets, Rudiantara said. He declined to give further details on the way the percentage of local content would be calculated.

Around a fifth of local content would have to be research and development, meaning companies would need to have a design development center in addition to manufacturing, said Industry Minister Saleh Husin.

Critics of the 'Made in Indonesia' rule, including the American Chamber of Commerce, say the requirement is confusing and could increase costs, restrict access to technology and violate World Trade Organization ( WTO ) obligations.

The U.S. Trade Representative is raising these concerns with the Indonesian government and the WTO.

But Polytron is optimistic about the move, and expects its mobile division to make its first profit since it started in 2011 by the end of the year.

"Our support from the government is the promise that other 4G brands cannot sell in Indonesia if local content is not 30 percent. Polytron is already at 35 percent. If Polytron gets to 40 percent local content, [the government told us] there is a possibility the local content requirement will go to 40 percent," Polytron spokesman Kadarusman said.

He declined to comment on how the local content percentage was calculated.

Rudiantara said that after hearing of complaints, he was "undecided" on whether the required local content would be 40 percent, which he previously told companies. He planned to release a draft of the regulation in mid-April to give companies time to raise concerns.

He said higher costs would make it difficult for Indonesia to compete purely on manufacturing, but hoped his switch to include research and development would help.

"I'm not crazy. Ministers should have nationalism, but not chauvinistic nationalism," Rudiantara said. "If Indonesia competes only on producing hardware, it's going to be difficult."

America needs to be quiet and take heed, and learn how to bring industry back to America. Apple does not benefit Americans, it only sucks their money and then plays the stock games, which only benefit the wealthy and make chumps out of the masses promoting a new model every 6 months, not one of which is made in America and does not produce nor provide jobs for American people.

Good for you, JAKARTA, you are much smarter than American Executives.

Silly American executives trying to protect Apple, at the expense of the American people remaining unemployed and too ignorant to open up industry on American soil.
The American Executives is proving more and more to be imbeciles who have no concept of respect for its own nation and its nations need of industry.

I can guarantee that people of Jarkata will buy phone made in Jarkata, and not get hung up on the Apple or Samsung brands as if there can be no other.

Indonesia should not buy into this delusion:
Assembling far from China's electronics supply chain means it costs up to 50 percent more to manufacture a mobile phone in Indonesia,

Because once industry is established, the supply chain will come and find you.... !!!! so don't listen to such madness, just trust in time and good works it will bring the cost be to functional, so don't listen to this kind of crap talk.
America listened to it and gave its Industry away, now everything in America suffers for listening to this kind of craziness promoted by greed executives, goon trained economist and bought and paid for mouthpieces of the executive culture.
Jarkata, stick with your plan and don't be swayed by those who would seek to deter you !!!!!
competition has always brought the cost down... and it will do the same as you ramp up to build your phones on your own soil.

Apple and Samsung pay a great deal to "talking heads" to promote the propaganda, trying to keep others out of the game, when fact is: most phone companies provide incentives where most don't pay anything near that price for phone. Trust that your phone companies will find means to make your phones affordable. and they will build the network capacity to make it meet the needs of your people.
how do you factor various dysfunctions
Posted:Mar 29, 2015 9:28 am
Last Updated:Apr 2, 2015 3:44 pm

One may find many things in life, love and relationship.

But of such things, as many challenges do come into existence.
How would you deal with sexual dysfunctions, such as male or female issues of dysfunction. Would it destroy your relation of would it bond you and a mate on another level in a deeper sense?

One blogs spoke of Alzheimer and the collective of various things which can exist in the life of individuals.
Accident can and do happen, and within the spectrum, not only those that disable individuals in various ways, but may too disfigure one in various ways. These are things of reality.

We can remember the Christopher Reeve, who once played 'Superman", but situation brought him to suffer a debilitating injury.
Or some former Olympians, who suffered paralyzing injuries, as well as across the world and within the spectrum of life, so many people who came back from war with injuries both visible as well as invisible to the eye, some with loss of limbs, and some with loss of motor skills.

We never know what we are capable of dealing with in these situations, as these are not favorable things one envisions within their relationships.
Nor does one envisage having who result to have various disabilities.

But unfortunately, individuals nor couples don't get the choice as to whom these things happen to.

It's the same as parents getting older, and they become frail and need more care and attentions, sometimes it requires many life modification to individuals and couples. but as with life and with age, such things come into being.
Some have lost mates, as well as parents, and those voids can never be filled but they are of many adjustments which individual must find means to cope and adjust.

When we talk of love and relations and the many wonderful things we'd like it to be comprised, we are often unaware of the many challenges which exist and come to exist over the duration of time.

Some countries have systems which assist with care, and some countries have no programs which assist with care when various things happen.

It is important in each individuals life to understand what is compassion, what is grace and what is appreciations, and how to take less things for granted. That is a difficult work to embrace when one is young and healthy and in love.

At all times, we must be aware of the fragile nature of life, as well as the fragile nature of the mate whom we choose, and equally so, to know what is compassion and how it must work within a relationship for self as well as the mate, as the unpredictability within life, can bring a variety of variables at any given moment.

Think of the recent tragedies of missing planes, plane crashes, boat capsizing, and so many things, which has changed so many lives as it has taken so many lives, in the flash of a moment.

We need not live paranoid, but we must be aware none are exempt from the fates which come within the span of living.

We then may consider deeply to value love when we have it and can enjoy and appreciate it without these tragedies,
and be thankful for the opportunity to love and be loved, and take not a moment for granted, nor indulge in abuse or misuse of others or self. We may care to focus on graces, the grace of appreciations, the grace of understanding, the grace of patience to be understood, the gift of ability to share, and the grace of accepting what is shared with appreciation.

we may benefit ourselves greatly to not allow vanity to give us false illusion and even cause us to deny love, due to vain over elation about self. One should never consider ones self too pretty to make a choice to love, nor should one consider self too fine and shapely to make a choice to love, nor let the concept of one being too wealthy or self sufficient to love.

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