What really matter within your Heart?
Posted:Mar 29, 2015 9:02 am
Last Updated:Jul 12, 2015 4:34 pm 133827 Views
It may sound simple but it is what will ultimately become the decider of what what become and be found as to the happiness you seek.
Many passing fancies may come and they may go, but what is the ultimate desire of the heart will be and remain being what is the driving force that become the make up of your characters summation.
One may need to be of care in how they choose what they choose, as it is certain one has to know what not to taint in the quality and dignity of ones being.
Love has many flavors as well as combination of flavors, but in base simplicity Love remains being "what love is'...
One can seek many ways to try and define it, but it defines itself by its mere existence and its innate drive to remain being Love.
Love can never be fooled long, for it is destined to embrace truth, as truth is within the core of what comprises Love. therefore it is to the benefit of any whom seeks love, to embrace truth. work hard at being truthful, and treasure what is truthfulness as being sacred in honor of what is Love.
If one is not up to such a task, they may find love fleeting and of many challenges to embrace.
Love can bring of the greatest of feelings, and it too can bring about the greatest of destructive actions, when it is sought by malice, or by malice it is abused by usages of all things that avoid truths.
What of truth-- It is a work of many chores, its labors can be with challenges, but if for the sake of love, then ones works become embraced with a grace of appreciation to engage the works to bring about truths through the honesty of efforts.
For any who think Love will be a sequence of fantasy, is one who is lost in fallacy, because Love is work, and the works strengthen what is love. If ones expectations exceed the will to engage and embrace the works, then one may expect to find delusions which confound and confuse and delude one to ultimately abuse self as well as distance love from their embrace.
Temptations will stand before every choice, therefore one must be assured in their focus upon the choice they have chosen, this is their greatest defense against temptations straying one from the choice in which they have made to be of honor unto love.
If one is unaware of this, they may quickly be strayed from love, by the fancy of passing whims, and whims of fancy may distract one from the love they had previously chosen.
This make great difference in those who have long enduring relations and those who have extended flings which fade with away, with the arrival of the next passing fancy.
What really matter within your Heart?
Slow... but good things happeing in some parts of the World
Posted:Mar 29, 2015 6:41 am
Last Updated:Apr 1, 2015 3:49 pm 133596 Views
I watched a show this morning about S. Korea and its promotion of Multiculturalism, and the granting of dual citizenship for people with skills, as well as in the general labor sections. It recognizes that its population is aging, but it also is promoting international marriage within its multicultural aspirations.
I think more countries will open to these concepts and ideas, because they are learning of the enriching value it generates within the countries society.
Some nations have taken a opposite direction, such as some Nordic Regions countries, who are more adverse against immigrations, because it is in protection mode to protect its jobs for its citizens.
But many countries are finding their populations have dwindled. As more women enter the workforce, they are delaying starting families so it is inevitable that the populations will become aged and shrinking. China as well imports a great deal of labor from neighboring countries, to fill the manual labor needs.
Here in the US, we are going backwards in some ways, because we spent too many years lost in the delusion game of "Outsourcing", until we not only devastated our industrial sector, we became so lost in the outsource game, until we then fell into the over-leverage game, which saw many companies wiped out, by excessive debt and dismantling and selling off the parts, all to benefit stock holder, who profited from over inflated stock values, at the expense of crashing corporations. the smart countries will never allow 'one" CEO to have that much power, this is a lesson American has not learn, it also has not learn, to dismantle collusive title's, A CEO should never be allowed to be Chairman of the Board and Company President, the three titles held by one individuals is a prime recipe for the company to be sold, merged and or dismantled, and the only winner will be the executives.
I think in coming years, the more the Asian Nations continue working together on various levels, the Asian Regions both the Far East Asian and the Asian Pacific Regional Nations, will continue to grow in both economic stature as well in inter-connected social progress. I think they will find a solution to deal with ' fighting terrorism and they will do it effectively and efficiently". The difference is they don't waffle, when it comes time to execute those responsible for terrorism, the same as they don't waffle when it comes time to prosecute corporate criminals.
In the west such as the US. we try to be too diplomatic in areas we should be more firm. Example: the Boston Bomber, If that had happened in China, the guy would have already been executed and they would have moved on. Yet, here we waste millions of dollars playing courtroom games, when the guy is guilty. The same with the guy who killed all the people in the Denver Movie Theater, China would have long ago put him death and be done with it.
Many other things foreign nations are better at doing, is managing their Media News. Yet, in America we allow the media news to turn it into television drama, for the sole sake of advertising dollars and the people behind the desk trying to make themselves into national celebrities. We have turned News from Reporting, to nothing more than a round table bicker fest, and when it comes to political matters, it is a mockery of how they take issues about nothing and dramatize it for the sole sake of trying to dictate how politics functions.
Some nations understand how to avoid the media from becoming a internal conflict generating machine, while America thrives on using the media to create a conflict generating machine until social and political chaos has turned our congress into a ineffective bicker machine who can't get anything accomplished. We have become a nation who has allowed the wealthy to devise means to bleed the public and turn the masses into indentured puppets of corporate manipulation games upon and against the people. sadly this is supported by the wealthy buying the voice of the people away, by buying the politicians who is elected to represent the voice of the people, and politicians sell it away willing for a campaign contribution. Then turn and support policy which is designed against the people, by big corporations who give such contributions.
We've turned educational institutions into games of class-ism to divide even more the wealthy from the poor, it is no longer about educations for the benefit of greater society. Nothing about educations is worthy of a cost of 40-50-70K a year, It is simply a method of selling access to jobs, by people with delusion of self aggrandizing egotist labels, who exit these institutions having been stripped of ethics, and void of what is a social structure and the responsibility that sustain social community. Professors who have become too elite minded to actually teach a class, but use their title to work on special projects, in the aims to seek self promotional notoriety, while collecting a heft salary yet never entering the classrooms. Students are played like a brigade of pawns, many graduating with limited skills and outdated information, and no concept of what responsibility industry has to the broader community. They are taught the dollar chase game, without understanding the premise of what the dollar's value is geared to support of national security. many foreign nations retain a sense of national pride within their student ranks. They are taught to not expand their vocabulary to sound clever, but to expand it to pursue better understanding, more clarity and how to efficiently communicate on an educated level. they don't just use words to be clever, they use words to relate to how best to advance their society and better understand the dynamic of what sustains the longevity of their society. What China learned a few years back was that high grades did not translate into higher productivity, but they grasp the need for people to gain experiences and learn by working their way up as they learn the business and how it relates to society as a whole. Not all sectors have adopted this understanding, but various industrial sectors learned it the hard way, but suffering losses without recourse to correct it. Until they reviewed and found that experiences in many areas out pace the high grade graduates, who have no experience of understanding of real world dynamic within industry. they were simply taught principle, but no knowledge of how those principles must meet modification is a real world changing industrial realism. they could follow a script, but not make the real world adjustment in a timely manner, which resulted into massive losses, and ultimately business falling behind.
America still plays the games of ride the title, and rely on the degree label based on the University name, as to how much you paid to get the degree, as the criteria for placing people in positions they are ill prepared to manage. the result is we see policies made for the self driven egotist of the people in position, which has no concern for how the policies generated devastate the social fabric and the economic viability of the communities.
We have colossal failures, not just in America but other nations as well, Remember when Nokia dominated the phone market, but they were unable to make timely adjustments and innovative modifications. Kodak, was left in the dust as its executives did not understand the dynamic of what is 'digital media". Airline lost much ground, because they were too elitist minded, to respect the emergence of Low Cost Carriers, they were left for more than a decade trying to adjust. The same came to IBM and Xerox, they did not pay attention to the changes and tried to ride the name brand, and forgot about the type of R&D that lead them to their past successes. they should have dominated the copier industry and other tech they were involved within. Then we saw Caterpillar loose ground to many foreign made construction equipment. as well as John Deer loose farm equipment to many foreign brands. We even saw Hyundai go from a cheap model car to one that competes with many Well known long established brands, and Lexus came out of nowhere and jumped in the arena with Mercedes and BMW and nearly wiped Cadillac and Lincoln to the back burner as far as wide spread high quality auto sales. America became so paper pushing minded, it forgot to develop industry, and corporate greed was so strong it forgot to invest in advertisement and resulted to lower is quality on too many models, as it now struggles to regain ground. Honda went from a small toy like car, to become one of the most reliable brands on the market. these are the result of 'arrogance" being so wild it forgot to focus on its core industry products. We no longer make clothes, shoes or various items of which we are ultra high consumers of such things. these are elements of the American decline, under the leadership of University Degree Riders with a false sense of self aggrandizing madness and elitist expectations of high pay and bonus even in the face of massive losses and industrial failure. When the executive hailed themselves more important than the workers and even the industry itself, decline was assured under such madness of egotist and self delusion of grandeur n the executives suites. We have not recovered, and future recovery may be very challenged, until we get a new generation who understand it must produce much of what it consumes.
Each effort by the current administration to push a re-focus, and better educational programming and better cost structure to allow broader participating, is fought by the right wing, when the push is made for more technical and vocational programming, it again is fought by the right wing, who want to down grade the value of vocational and technical training programming.
We need to look globally and learn, and get over the delusion of the Post World War II concept of being the dominant leader, when we are now less of such leader within the ways of progressing a nation.
In only 45 years China has come from a very low level as an international economic player, to lead the world in industrial production, and Japan has become to be a great innovator in technological enhancements of methods to best utilize technology and apply creative Research and Development. We've seen India become a leader in technology programming and innovations within programming technology. and Places like Taiwan and S. Korea leading in putting it to practical usage.
If you look at construction technology, China has made great advances, they'd developed pre-fab modules which can out pace any nation in building structures with this methodology. We see in foreign construction the integration of modern technology in how they build their structures and incorporate technology in what the user interfaces with when visiting and utilizing these structures.
Even in youth educations, the formalities in some of the Advancing Asian nations, understand the benefit of Uniforms, and formalities in how school function and participating is engaged. where as we are still in a rag tag state and conditions, talking about freedom, while dissension makes us a hodgepodge of dissensions.
Look at the transitions in mate searches, many western men are seeking Asian mates, because they want the imagery of women who still dress and conduct themselves as women, they take pride in their appearance without bordering on looking bizarre and chasing the imagery of the wild and callousness of media figures. and the women are not driven to try and be men, Yes, the Asian women is aggressive in her professional aims, but she has not forgotten that she is a woman and choose to make her strides while holding an affinity to what is the nature of woman and how woman conducts and presents herself as woman. Yes,there is more contention in the homes than in previous generations, but they have not become to desire to replace the man as the head of household. These are variables, they may not apply to the whole, but the % factors are in favor of the Asian woman as to remaining with interest to be women and not seek to replace being a woman by trying to be a man. These are ideological concepts, but they matter greatly in how a society progresses in the male and female stature of being a society. Japan may have more challenges than some nations, because the women became more material minded, and less relationship driven which has put Japan at a great dis-advantage as its birth rate is at a critical low level and relationships suffer a great dissension.
How our lives change
Posted:Mar 22, 2015 6:18 am
Last Updated:Mar 23, 2015 3:36 pm 128275 Views
Each day something changes within us and about us, its such subtle change until we often do not recognize it. We look in the mirror and we see but then at other time we look in the mirror and we see more. the way we think about things also come with change, in some things our tolerance increase, and for some things our tolerance seeks more understanding to accept the changes which come to exist.
Thinking of the longevity of life on earth, so much over such a long span that we;ve never known which existed in the human spectrum. But one thing we learn- that over the long span of human life, It has been compassion and love that has kept mankind progressing as a communicable unity in the longevity of family lineage.
Often we have no thought to imagine what those who lived before us endured that we may be here in existence today. We may have info a few generation back, but there are many generation long before that we have no concept to imagine the challenges and hardships they endured that we may live today.
What a humbling awareness, we may care not to forget to consider in the ongoing changes of our lives in the presence of today.
1st Day of Spring
Posted:Mar 20, 2015 4:15 pm
Last Updated:Mar 22, 2015 5:01 pm 125890 Views
Well, it started out with Rain.... Patchy rain on the way to work, mostly grey overcast day, with sprinkles, and a cool 65-67 degrees. It's quite odd, because one day previously it was right at 50 and felt much warmer than it does today.
Within a short time, prior to the time change, I noticed the sun higher in the sky at 5pm, and now with time change and spring, it is higher and light last longer. The temp I hope will go up and stabilize, but I don't want to to go directly to uncomfortably high heat. Surely, that normally arrives in May.
I would like to post everything I wrote for this particular blog posting, but I deleted it from here and simply saved it on my computer, as it contains more personal info than I have a habit of sharing on these blogs. in a way, its kinda sad that I can't comfortably share it. To some I think it may be helpful as well as insightful of and about me and living, and others I'm certain would take it in a different light. It's really an interesting and beautiful expose of living experiences and realism.
Why I can't get motivated to clean my desk.
Posted:Mar 18, 2015 4:26 am
Last Updated:Mar 21, 2015 8:37 am 125865 Views
It's the strangest thing.... I have the file cabinet, bought the tabs and the cabinet has all the folder needed. but for some reason, it is so challenging to simply sit down and get this stuff done.
It seems there is some procrastination fixation about cleaning this desk.
It's pure crazy....
I know there is nothing to it, but to get started, but getting started is the oddest challenge.
For those who truly want to find a Mate
Posted:Mar 11, 2015 5:04 am
Last Updated:Mar 13, 2015 4:25 pm 124864 Views
that means being honest and truthful in exchanges, excessive flattery is not the answer and nor is being a patronizing person who tries to appease.
It matters that you present the realism of whom you are. Don't embellish things which are not the prominent and standards of your life.
Don't be quick to put others down, or bring unreal expectations to bear upon another.
Realize everyone's heart is fragile- therefore have understanding and let that understanding be the driving force to learn each other.
Don't agree to things you can't live with, and don't try to live things you can't agree with.
One may find in the honestly of love, it is not about your money or lack of money. It is not about being the prettiest or the flashiest.
when people get to the realism of themselves and and each other, they have a far better chance to build a relation that can become a relationships, where they may become to call each other "mates".
These are simple choices which have a great deal to do with your chance of finding and keeping a mate.
It's up to you.
Posted:Mar 6, 2015 4:41 am
Last Updated:Mar 9, 2015 4:55 pm 125951 Views
Do people today really know the meaning of a Relationship? Do they know the time and value it takes to invest in building what can become a relationship?
Is selfishness too pervasive for people to truly put the honest effort into a mutually sharing, mutually self investment of what makes up a relationship.
Why is so much based on the monetary, material and even more is connected to ego's and which one seeks submission from the other?
Why is the delusional premise of sex so confounded to the point one gender thinks their sex is more important than the other genders sex ?
Surely there are many games people play, many for money, many for favors and a great many for sexual accessibility, and others where they use sex as a modern concept as a tool of convenience, to gain an advantage in pursuits of an objective?
People make claims of undying love, until it requires them to make adjustment, in both the mentality of how they function, or contribution to what it takes to make a shared home.
People seem to say hello, and then comes the activity of going down the criteria list? some find these list to be self centered, and some find these list to seek someone subservient to another self centered aims.
Then comes the dominantly over exaggeration of sexual ability and sexual pretentions.
It takes a great deal to pursue and "Adult" relationship. One that accepts that not all things will function on a fantasy level, but life challenges will always come and go in the flow of living and relating with another. Unfortunately so much points to and influences people to seek relationships which function on par with teenage mate jumping cycles.
How many can truly build past the cycle of the 3-6 week infatuation period? how many can really make it past the 6 months, ( I'm testing you cycle) ?
Are people aware that aging is and will come to everyone, and no one can be in their 20's forever. why then do so many try and act s, imagery and or pursue the demeanor's of being 20 something?
The realitiest of sexual things break up more relations than people want to admit, yet, so many will claim they are honest, but will not be honest enough to sit down and talk about and be progressive and expressive to support growing to understand each other sexually.
Relationship: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
[quote] Intimate relationships play a central role in the overall human experience. Humans have a general desire to belong and to love, which is usually satisfied within an intimate relationship. These relationships involve feelings of liking or loving one or more people, romance, physical or sexual attraction, sexual relationships, or emotional and personal support between the members. Intimate relationships allow a social network for people to form strong emotional attachments Source wikipedia [/quote]
Can women today be virtuous mates?
Posted:Feb 7, 2015 5:47 am
Last Updated:Feb 8, 2015 7:52 am 125013 Views
These are big challenges in societies across the globe at this point and time. With the rise in bi-sexuality, homosexuality and exhibitionist depictions, vanity consumption and material obsessions. The media bombards women with a continual stream of images of them trying to be everything, the PR Machines can conjure up. Nakedness and Lustful Lure Imagery dominates to the point in some places its difficult for women to be natural and capable of basic unencumbered natural movements.
Even when it comes to High Heels, they are not made for one to have a normal gait when they walk, nor is it designed for comfort nor to be functional if they need to do certain things. make up which once was an enhancer women used as simply highlight, has become about 'remaking the face and image", to the extend of plastic surgery for pure vanity sake, or exaggerated breast via implants, injections in the skin and lips that try to defy the natural process of aging. to a span of clothing that is not designed for function, but for lure tactical imagery.
Woman was made beautiful in being female and in being so as different from the image of man "Naturally". Many times the excessive embellishments, often take away from the natural beauty and bring with it not only imagery of unnatural flow, it influences the attitude with a level of vanity that become more about the external lure factor, which ultimate takes away from the natural God given attributes of what is woman and what is the natural beauty made within the female gender, when confronted with the male gender.
When focus on all these things become so dominant, insecurities rise to a peak higher than the regard for the natural self. Not only is it time consuming, it bring with it many things, that can ultimately be a detriment to a natural flow of male and female inborn sensuality of being simply of different genders.
Many areas women are distorted and some even detest the fact of childbirth and some have been so ingrained with these PR imagery modeling they detest the concept of being a woman who is and can be a mother in the natural sense of first being an UNconvoluted woman who lives her life beyond the pursuit of vanity trappings.
Often men chasing young women, is looking for the natural beauty, the unconvoluted make up and vanity obsessed. But too often that is short lived, because the media has a mission to convert these women to become vanity consumed based on external imagery and the lure factor.
If men notice some older women, LEARN what is their style which is closest to their natural self, and they stick with it, Often these women become even more stable in being themselves, because they are not driven to be dictated unto by the change of the seasons and the wild edge of designers looking to create the bizarre. .
These women can often focus on developing natural graces, social and generalized humane relations and if they have not become consumed by material pursuits and monetary status, they are more equipped as individuals to be less influenced by fad and fashion fade in and fade outs, therefore they are less inclined to be led by the pursuit to be temptress.
If people notice there was a time when the outlandish exhibitionist were left to the 'sex workers", but time seem to have flipped the script where some of the s-workers adopted a more plain girl look because they found it to have a natural allure without all the embellishments. Sadly, it turned to bring many who once were the more straight line naturalist like people who focused on inner character, suddenly got caught up in the 'lure imagery hype", and began to chase and pursue " being miss entertaining, rather than being miss dignity with a quality of moral standards that did not lend itself to the lure tactical imagery of the temptress.
Take someone like Melinda Gates, she can afford any of those trappings, but she has chosen a more conservative imagery which does not infringe upon her development and expression of a inner self that leans with concerns to the moral fiber and character stability of being a woman who can and is a contributor with a high regard for humanitarian involvement in her daily life. It appears she is not suffering for any lack of appreciation from her husband. But what she gets is a higher regard for herself as an individual who is a woman, but equally so is a person who has no need to concern herself with the being as if to be lure bait, or a temptress in her public presentations. She does not promote nor advertise her interest and concerns of what she does privately in the bedroom and her presentation speaks volumes to say, its no ones business except her's and her husbands. The same is true with the wife of Mark Zuckerberg, Ms. Cho she does not present herself as some lure toy, nor some tease or temptress and she can afford any of that stuff, but it does not match with the dignity and character she cares to live and present of herself as a woman who is a person, who is female, but not driven by vanities lure games.
Look around even in the media the women who maintain the long term relationships and are considered to be of high moral fiber and good character, they have found a simple style that is not overly embellished with vanity trappings. They can invest more of themselves in simply being a good person with great character and a humane and moral concern to be seen and known as a woman of integrity.
yet, on the other hand, the young starlets who dominate the tabloids, are on a merry go round, and they can't figure out what's up and what's down and many have lost the concept of their own gender, where they want to be lovers of both men and woman and unable to make any deep connections because they are too busy trying to pursue both angles.
Most men, can see through the lure trappings, and find these women to be good for amusement and sensual play, but they are less driven to consider these woman for anything more in their lives. even those who marry and the women suddenly become vain and materialistic, soon find divorce and separations coming to them with the speed of a lightening bolt. When they get zapped, they become 'grabbers" seeking to stake claims of what they have not spent one day to earn on their own, by their own effort and contribution to society.
Yes, there are reasons why men are less inclined today to consider marriage and many are even more apprehensive today than ever to even make a selection when it comes to what he has often to choose among.
Men have been rushing to Asian women seeking the simplicity of women who accept their female gender and maintain a presence of dignity and integrity, and the minute these women change and become material and vanity struck, those relations seem to fall apart at the seams.
We have so many psychological issues that are coming to the forefront due to all this confusions in the female gender, until we now see more mothers killing their , more walking away from relationships in pursuit of 'entertaining arrangement", "material encircled imagery", and "faux status chasing' until they have these 3-5 yrs relations which turn quickly into 'asset grabs', where the court rooms shows contempt and hate and all thins unbecoming of a dignified and high integrity person. It becomes about, "rip and strip, snatch and grab" and pay me type of scenarios... Once that exposure is made evident. these become less likely the women, stable men will choose who are seeking the dignity and integrity of humane compassion and genuine unconditional love relations.
Sadly, there are many men who feed into the vanity lure tactical consumptions some woman adopt, eventually both he and the woman find turbulence that is irreconcilable differences.
Love will have to return for the sole sake of love, to squash much of this circle which currently exist, and it seems there have been so many conditions placed within and before the concept of Love, until the nature of Love suffers a great deficit in the many places around the globe. the decline in family stability and durable relationships seems to be the norm.
men look to women, to uphold the dignity factor, the integrity factor and in her doing so, then he can honor that with likewise the same, but cautions abound, until apprehensions dominate and relationships suffer a great disparity.
outlawed Islamic veils from all public spaces
Posted:Feb 6, 2015 4:31 am
Last Updated:Feb 10, 2015 5:00 am 128723 Views
(From News) Regional authorities have now outlawed Islamic veils from all public spaces in Urumqi, the regional capital of China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. The Urumqi ban, which went into effect on Feb. 1 (coincidentally the third annual “World Hijab Day”), empowers Chinese police to punish violators and dole out fines of up to $800 for those who fail to abide by the prohibition.
In recent years, the veil has emerged as a key battleground in the struggle to regain stability in Xinjiang. Stripping women of their head and body coverings provides the Chinese Communist Party with a rare measure of what it sees as progress in the struggle against what it calls “Islamic extremism” in this far western region. However, as officials seek to eliminate veiling, they risk further straining an already fragile relationship between the Uighur ethnic minority, a predominantly Muslim group for whom Xinjiang is their homeland, and a party machine dominated by the Han ethnic majority and its cultural values.
With hundreds killed in violent attacks in Xinjiang since 2012, the party has ramped up its efforts to eradicate a range of veiling practices among Uighur women. The new rules (translated here) emerged in January when the Xinjiang legislature ratified a local regulation banning women from donning full-face veils and body coverings in public spaces in Urumqi. According to officials, this attire “prevents security personnel from knowing the identity of veiled individuals,” and therefore poses a threat to public security.
Yet there is a lack of clarity over the precise styles of head and body covering the rules prohibit. The term used in the regulation to describe prohibited conduct, mengmian zhaopao — literally, “to mask the face and/or cover the body with a robe” — is vague and imprecise given the wide variety of veiling practices popular in Xinjiang. The regulation also prohibits other symbols of “religious extremism.”
The ban comes amid a marked increase in veiling among Uighur women since the early 2000s. Party officials have become especially concerned by the popularization of the niqab, jilbab, and heavy-netted veils that cover the entire head (known as tor romal in Uighur), but have also deemed the now highly fashionable hijab — which covers the entire head and shoulders but not the face — as “abnormal” attire. These styles of Islamic veiling, Chinese authorities (and some Uighurs) insist, are alien to Uighur culture.
Subject Material
Posted:Feb 5, 2015 5:09 am
Last Updated:Feb 10, 2015 3:58 pm 130904 Views
Either its very superficial, filled with fantasy longing or just plain shallow in aim. The site no longer seems to have interesting dialog and if there is subject matter than can be explored, it is usually only followed up with slap stick comedic commentary, or some insincere patronizing.
If that is the basis of what makes relationships, It's no wonder there is such a high volume of relationship failures and non function when it comes to the potential of building any in-depth quality relationships.
It's fallen to being almost on Par with a Newspaper Comic Strip.
( that's just one mans view of the moment as to how low this site has fallen).