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Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

Nasty Colds
Posted:Jan 31, 2015 5:50 am
Last Updated:Feb 18, 2015 4:37 am

The weather was very nasty a week ago, then we had temps in the 70's.

Whamo -- out of nowhere, Tuesday night, everything in my body ached and it took a lot of efforts to get up and go to work. By the time I arrived at work, things started to get worst, coughing, red eyes, runny nose, more aches, was zapped, so I drank a Red Bull.. until I left work.

I stopped to talk to the Pharmacist to get something to head off the cold.
I spent the past three days, with a crazy mixture of difficulty staying warm while sweating excessively. I had on undershirt and over shirt, bottoms and socks, and two times I had to get up and completely change clothes they were soaking wet.
The oddity is, the I felt better while I was sweating, than when I was not. I went to the doctor yesterday, he gave me two shots, cough syrup and antibiotics. This is the first time I've come close to a computer or anything else outside the bed since I came home Wed.
I think the fever made me loose track of time, I could not remember how many days I was off work, and did not remember the last day that I ate food.

I do know that I had opened a can of soup, I ate half, put the other half in the refrigerator, but I don't don't remember it was Wednesday or Thursday. I do remember eating the second half yesterday, before going to the doctor. About 9pm last night I opened a new can of soup, I ate half. so I guess I will eat the other half this morning.

This is the craziest cold. The doctor tested me for flu, and thank goodness he said its not the flu. ( I did get the vaccine earlier when it was first offered).

While at the doctors office, I made sure there was empty chair on each side of me, and I had on a hoodie and kept it covering my mouth and nose, as I did not know what the other people had, as to why they were there. Once I put the space between me and other, I noticed the new arrivals put space between themselves and others. When I first went in all the people were sitting side by side. I did not see that as a good idea.

Even with medical coverage, (everything is expensive) things I bought at the pharmacy on Wednesday, then the co-pay at the doctor, and the cost of prescriptions. The cost of 'juice", is outrageous, but necessary.

I did learn something about my thermostat, not clearly, but prospectively, for some reason it was up on the highest setting, but the house was still cold and it shut off because the temp reading was 85, I opened it up and there is a little dial inside, I made some adjustment to it, and the heater started working where it stayed on to warm up the house. ( I will contact my friend, who does heating and air, and ask him about this dial, maybe I will have him to check it out, and see if i need to install a new one, or if the adjustment I made will suffice.)

It's been a long time since I had a cold (years)....

Colds can be full debilitating to normal daily activity. I noticed my dogs, made their adjustment, one always sleeps beside the bed, the other guards the rest of the house, when she feels everything is safe, she then comes and sleeps by the bed, or she will guard the door to my bedroom. Dogs are very smart and they have a determination to care and guard the people they love.

My family called many many times, but I told them they can't come over, because I don't want them to catch whatever it is that gave me the cold. If things had gotten worst, I'd call 911. Thank goodness I figured out that since the comforter did not keep me warm, (even with a additional heater on in my bedroom, I put on multiple layers of clothes and got back under the comforter, everything got dripping wet, which I had to change three times.

Still very weak and wobbly..... I need today to go and get a haircut, and that is about the extend of plans for today. I'm washing my bed linen and the mattress cover.... Once its done, I will remake the bed.

I will ride the exercise bike for a bit and just try to make myself a homemade soup.
I can't eat any heavy food as I have some appointments which recommend that I do not eat heavy foods and do a liquid diet from Monday.

I can't let the cold double back on me, so besides the excursion to get a hair cut, I will remain indoors.
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Myths Busted, yet again
Posted:Jan 18, 2015 7:43 am
Last Updated:Feb 11, 2015 3:40 am

I guess the myth busting continues:
The claim of Chinese Men not liking dark skinned women, seems not to hold true in Africa

"From News"
Across Africa, radio call-in programmes are buzzing with tales of Africans, usually men, bemoaning the loss of their spouses and partners to rich Chinese men. "He looks short and ugly like a pygmy but I guess he has money," complained one lovelorn man on a recent Kenyan show. True or imagined, such stories say much about the perceived economic power of Chinese businessmen in Africa, and of the growing backlash against them.

China has become by far Africa's biggest trading partner, exchanging about $160 billion-worth of goods a year; more than 1 million Chinese, most of them labourers and traders, have moved to the continent in the past decade. The mutual adoration between governments continues, with ever more African roads and mines built by Chinese firms. But the talk of Africa becoming Chinese — or "China's second continent", as the title of one American book puts it — is overdone.
Cliques and Divisions
Posted:Jan 16, 2015 4:41 am
Last Updated:Jan 18, 2015 7:43 am

for a website which purports to have people from so many places, it is diminished in interactive potential by the multitude of 'cliques' and "division minded grouping". until its a detriment to the positive potential of the website.

How amazingly simplistic it is, when it results to hurt the interactive component of what a site can be.
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What is a HELP MATE
Posted:Jan 15, 2015 5:03 am
Last Updated:Jan 17, 2015 2:29 pm

People come up with all kind of things when they are mate seeking and many have all kinds of fantasies and angles.

What do you think your role as a "HELP MATE" is?

What responsibilities as a contributor do you see as part of your role as a HELP MATE" ?

Those who claim to want love should not have difficulty with these questions.
Crazy Justic System
Posted:Jan 15, 2015 4:59 am
Last Updated:Feb 12, 2025 3:51 pm

How does a convicted killer who snatched a from the streets, ever get out of jail to walk the streets again is something our justice system needs to re-consider.

A self-confessed killer will walk out of state prison Jan. 22 and there's nothing his victim's family can do about it.

Phillip DeSelle has served the required percentage of his sentence for killing Averie Grace Evans, an 11-year-old student he snatched while she went door-to-door in her Natchitoches neighborhood selling candy for a school fundraiser.

Averie was reported missing Nov. 5, 1990.

The same goes for these Terrorist, how do they continue to do crimes and continue to get out of jail and back on the streets?

China and some other countries don't allow this, they simply give the dealth penalty and its over and done with, the person never has a chance to come back and repeat their crimes.

We in too many countries let these criminals have a revolving door, and they come back and create more madness and mayhem. It's insane.
Posted:Jan 11, 2015 5:51 am
Last Updated:Jan 14, 2015 4:01 am

I took 15 pairs of slacks to have the length adjusted, first 4 pair were made too long, then when I took the other 11 pair, they made all 15 too short. I returned them yesterday, to have the length fixed 'again".. I think this time they got it right.

I told them I'd bring the rest if these come out right. - it actually gets expensive, at $8 a pair. but they are not much good too me if they are too long or too short.
The women had a questions if the out seem (length) should be 39 or 391/4, I told them I was not going to get involved in that, "they are the seamstress, so I'll let them decide, so if its not right they can make it right.

The pair she fixed as a test seem to fit good in length, but geez... I've lost weight on my legs, arms but the mid section seems to be the most difficult to trim down.

It's really crazy, because for almost 50 yrs I did not have that much mid section, but it seems after 55 it just decided it would grow more

I guess I got some work to do.
The Cleaners finally stopped breaking buttons on my shirts, but I had to upgrade the neck size on shirts. So over the course of months, I've changed out all the shirts.

I probably should have met someone from China whom I can send money and have them to send me 'Silk Neckties". But, since that has not happen, I'll just order them via the internet.

I had bought two pairs of shoes the same type, which I've used over the past year or so, It's time to buy some more, this time I think I'll get 2 of one type and two of the other type I like, so I can alternate and get better longevity from these shoes. It's interesting, as I have the sole protectors added, which does help and I use shoe trees when I take them off.

I guess over-all they lasted pretty good. - nothing will last forever, and today it seems things have to be checked closely to make sure it is what it claims. The price does not go down, but with some things, the quality sure has to be closely checked. I don't just trust a name brand, because too many companies just slap a label on anything because so many people will pay any price just because of the label.

The clothes I like best is the tailor made which is measured and fitted by the tailor. That's one thing I miss about having travel benefits. Because I could go to Thailand, meet a tailor, choose the materials I like, and they would make it exactly as I like it.

It's a big difference when finances change, and going to get those things custom made is not as simple to do as they once were.

So shopping locally, is its own trip... a lot of places simply don't have the variety of materials which can be found easily in Thailand. Even if some are found their prices can be prohibitive, especially when I know how much less it cost even to have it tailor fitted and made in Thailand.
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The Tech Advance within China
Posted:Jan 4, 2015 1:15 pm
Last Updated:Jan 6, 2015 4:17 pm

(from news)China is aiming to triple the number of patents it files by 2020 as Beijing looks to boost the country's high-tech economy in areas from agriculture to pharmaceuticals, according to a notice from the central government on Sunday.

China is targeting 14 invention patents per 10,000 habitants by 2020 compared to four in 2013. It published 629,612 patents in 2013, over 200,000 more than the United States, according to a Thomson Reuters study in December.

Beijing wants to become a bigger player in high technology industries as the country grapples with slower growth and rising costs for its manufacturing base. This is likely to raise a challenge to global players operating in China and abroad who have typically dominated in more innovative sectors.

"Intellectual property (IP) is increasingly becoming a vital component of China's strategic resources and competitive ability," the statement posted on the Central People's Government website said.

It added that by 2020 China would have boosted its legal environment for IP protection and management, often an area of contention for foreign firms who say that IP law in China sometimes favors local players.

Beijing is also looking to reduce the length of the review process for patent and trademark applications. Patent reviews will decline to 20.2 months in 2020 from 22.3 months in 2013, while trademark reviews will fall to 9 months from 10 months.
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What comes of and with what we call Advancement?
Posted:Jan 4, 2015 7:44 am
Last Updated:Jan 6, 2015 4:17 pm

Societies have moved along way forward in building structures, developing technical things, and innovations for health and programs of many sort.

The more these advances take shape the less stable is the nature of the human male and female relationship.

Couples can't stay in relationships 3 months, and marriages are dissolved in less than 3 yrs.

Most try to ignore the materialistic impulses that drive the divides, and many will claim everything but the truth of fact, that monetary measures continue to become nothing more than dividing points... as people seek more, they seek to trade up, or clean up by the cycle of encroachments, under the banner of infatuation and fantasy. they spend their few months winding and spinning in bed, then they can't stand talking to each other, until it time to go shopping or what the result of paydays produce.

get swept up in the madness, often born during moments of 'novelty seeking", and over time, what is at stake is the entire life of the and what becomes of that 's life in adult hood. All influenced by what takes places in these condition based relationships in which they were produced.

The more people seem to become what is called educated, the less they understand of compassion, and love is about a set of conditions, connected to monetary, status and material matter.

Time brings so many to find their selected choice is diminished in the content of what is ethics, and the character flaws are tarnished by an obsession with materialism.

We as people seem to advance in things which concern the external world, and in doing so, we have regressed beyond concept in understanding the premise of what is the elements that constitute Love.

When people speak of their assets and monetary status wrapped in the scenario of their attractiveness. they also convey the 'shield" they have built to protect those things. ultimately making it even more difficult to engage in actual mate selection. They then are not sure of why the other person chose them. is it money, or is it the whole of me.

Some are degree chaser, they associate it with upward income mobility. but how many within this category, fight fierce battles in the divorce court within 3 yrs of claiming to love each other regardless of monetary and other changeable things.
People get the "temporary hots for each other", and often it fades once they become comfortable with the frequency of bouncing in bed a few months.

Have we really advanced as people, or have we become caught in the lure and fancy of flashing lights, shiny objects and manicured commercial imagery and the spin through the name brand establishment of the current era.
Unaware that in 3-5-10 yrs, many of these places may not even exist as marquee name establishment. it's then on looking for the next set for the next cycle. Often times with a 'new mate" on the arms and a new glimmer in the eyes.

Older Age - the amazing equalizer catches up with all. None can escape. then whom will you lean on to share care within the home and heart?
I don't see the choice to use this
Posted:Dec 30, 2014 4:49 am
Last Updated:Jan 3, 2015 5:09 am

Uber - the ride program via phone app... I just don't think I'd be using this service.
there are to many weird people in the world, to randomly trust whom ever responds to a request for a ride.

I guess its something the metro crowd would utilize.... I'm just not willing to be in that crowed.

IF I want a Taxi, I want it to be from a company that specialize in being a Taxi Company. Then I will text the cab number and any other ID, to someone so they know which taxi I was in, depending on how far I plan to ride.

For me: SAFETY FIRST... the gimmicks I can do without.

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