Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

New research shows the value of friendships
Posted:Nov 2, 2014 6:58 am
Last Updated:Nov 7, 2014 6:30 pm
You probably know most of the "secrets" of longevity: Don't smoke, eat your greens, exercise every day, get enough sleep, relax. But this one may be new to you: Make more friends.

By Colleen Oakley

A recent study found that people with a large network of pals were 22% less likely to die early. Other studies show that friends have a positive impact on stress levels and brain health -- even your immune system. (People with more friends have fewer colds).

As you age, though, making friends isn't as easy as when you were a -- maybe because there's no adult sandbox to go play in. "Research shows that people make friends through repeated unplanned interactions," says Rebecca G. Adams, PhD. She's a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. "It's not that we lose our ability to make friends as we get older. It's that we're less likely to be in situations conducive to friendship formation."

The key to expanding your social circle? Break out of it. "Making new friends can be similar to dating," says Nicole Zangara, LCSW, author of Surviving Female Friendships: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. "To meet new people, you have to try new activities that interest you. If you like hiking, join a hiking group. If you're religious, try a new church. Get yourself out there."

But that's only half the battle. For an acquaintance to become a friend, you have to open up, which can be daunting. "As we get older, we're less likely to self-disclose to people we don't know well," says Adams, "but for a relationship to get to the next level, you have to reveal something of yourself."

At the same time you're making new friends, don't forget the ones who have been there all along. "It can be equally difficult to maintain friendships over the natural transitions of life," Zangara says. "If you find that you're not connecting, bring it up, because they're probably feeling the same way."

I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun.
Charles R. Swindoll

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.
Dalai Lama

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Each day holds a surprise. But only if we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us. Let's not be afraid to receive each day's surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity.
Henri Nouwen

There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others, they will live for you.
Paramahansa Yogananda

"Think of the blessing and grace you have each day, to walk about, to talk, to share communication on the internet, to have at least one meal a day, to be able to give or share something with another and the great opportunity to work at building friendships" you may not have the biggest home, or a fancy car or money in the bank but you have the grace and ability each day to express
and share friendly exchanges.
If you think it's not a blessing, think of the bedridden and other medical issues and those who have no means of mobility to do any of these things.

1 comment
Are You Too Sensitive? - an Interesting Article
Posted:Nov 2, 2014 6:36 am
Last Updated:Nov 4, 2014 4:05 pm

Are You Too Sensitive?
Do you take things too personally? Over-analyze the situation? Feel defensive? Then you are almost certainly among the group classified as Highly Sensitive People

This is a excellent article written on WebMD webmd(dot)com/balance/features/are-you-too-sensitive

By Helen Kirwan-Taylor

Many years ago I had a falling-out with a girlfriend that proved so painful, I can hardly talk about it today. My friend (let's call her Mary) was a colorful television personality and had the world at her feet. She was engaged to a handsome European, and her face was plastered across the newspapers. I was working for 60 Minutes at the time, and we often met for lunch. Then one day her show was canceled and she asked me - casually, as though it didn't really matter - if I'd put her forward as a reporter for 60 Minutes. Thinking she was as tough as she seemed and that she hardly needed my help anyway (I was certain she had many other job offers on the table), I answered that I was just a minion at 60 Minutes and that besides, they had millions of people hankering to work there. I suggested she instead call another friend of hers who I felt was in a much better position to make such a pitch.

Mary never spoke to me again. I called and called. I even sent her a present for I don't know what, but a wall had gone up. At the time, I remember being completely baffled - what, exactly, had I done? Today, I would have understood completely. Mary is an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), and was simply behaving in a way that's consistent with that personality's characteristics. Too emotionally cautious to come out and say she needed the job (lest I reject or judge her), she acted as though it didn't matter. Years later, I heard through friends that she thought I couldn't be bothered to help and that I hadn't cared how vulnerable she clearly felt. It was a complete misunderstanding, and it cost me that friendship.

Though I didn't know it then, I too am an HSP, and have since learned to identify a range of HSP behaviors and responses, both in myself and in others. What's more, people in general are becoming increasingly aware of this condition, allowing HSPs freedom from having to hide their sensitive natures behind a veneer of hostility or self-assurance. Elaine Aron, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist based in San Francisco and author of The Highly Sensitive Person, first identified what she calls the "Highly Sensitive Personality" in an academic paper in the early '90s. She spent the next two decades getting her message out. According to Aron, what all HSPs share is an uncommon ability to pick up on subtleties that others might miss - a look, a feeling, a message embedded in a seemingly straightforward statement. "It's like they're wearing an extra pair of glasses," she says.

HSPs are hardwired differently than the rest of the population. Researchers from Stony Brook University in New York and Southwest University in China have found that people with the trait take longer to make decisions, need more time alone to think, and are generally more conscientious about things like remembering birthdays. Their study, recently published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, also found that HSP subjects undergoing an MRI have greater activity in areas of the brain concerned with high-order visual processing, with participants spending longer examining photographs given to them while they underwent the test, and in general paying closer attention to detail than non-HSPs. What's more, a significant percentage of other species - including dogs, fish, and various primates - also display this sensitivity trait.

Once upon a time, HSPs might have been written off as shy or even neurotic, but Aron believes these labels are demeaning and inaccurate. Shyness, she says, is a learned response; HSPs are born with a heightened sensitivity meter. She also points out that there are a lot of us (it's estimated that 15 to 20 percent of the population suffers from the condition, a percentage split equally between men and women). The trait shows up early on, with infants and exhibiting signs - a possible explanation for why some babies tend to cry more than others.

I should confess that when I first heard about HSP, it reminded me of the first time I learned about ODD (oppositional defiance disorder), which I felt was just another way of saying "bratty ." This time, my thinking went something like, "They're trying to turn those irritating people who force others to walk on eggshells into bona fide victims." What does being an HSP entitle you to? Instant upgrades on airplanes? The corner office? Extra-kind report cards?

But I kept reading, and the more I read, the more I began to think that the HSP label explained a lot - about me, about my siblings, and about many of my friends. Aron's argument is that there are a lot of us whose feelings get hurt easily, and that this huge sector of the population is mistakenly being written off as weak and thin-skinned. But as with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and even ODD, sooner or later society catches up with science and accepts that these terms are more than a fashionable excuse for being difficult or neurotic. Though not currently classified as a disorder, HSP will, I suspect, soon become a part of the psychological lexicon.

Still, not everyone is buying. My personal physician, Dr. Martin Scurr, whose busy medical and psychological practice in London is filled with self-identified HSPs, is opposed to the new label. "It takes all sorts," he says. "Why should we have to label everyone who doesn't fit like clones into the mainstream? How do we define 'abnormality' or 'disorder' anyway? How many new words can we come up with for good old anxiety?"

Certainly anxiety is a big component of the HSP's experience. According to experts, HSPs suffer from what is called sensory-processing sensitivity and are more susceptible than ordinary people to both internal and external stimuli. "They have an innate tendency to process things more carefully," says Aron, who has devised a test to gauge where one falls on the sensitivity continuum. "They tend to be aware of subtleties and are therefore easily overwhelmed by their feelings." An HSP doesn't just cry while watching a film like The Notebook - she experiences actual grief symptoms. She also reacts strongly to things such as noise and light, and is particularly sensitive to stimulants such as coffee. Typically an HSP demonstrates greater caution and reluctance than the non-HSP population with things such as taking risks, trying new experiences, meeting new people, even venturing to unfamiliar places. Then there is the other extreme - roughly 30 percent of HSPs are thought to be extroverts and sensation seekers.

ed Zeff, Ph.D., an HSP expert based in California and author of the recently published The Strong, Sensitive Boy, says the trait was previously linked with leadership. "Wild animals with HSP picked up the energy around them and headed for the hills, becoming the leaders of the pack. It's just in America where sensitivity is not valued and where we think of it as a weakness," he says.

Though HSPs are often intuitive and conscientious, the trait can come at a cost. Jill Capobianco, an art dealer living outside New York, recalls that when she was as young as 3, "I had trouble sleeping because I was always thinking about things. And because I was so sensitive to hurt, I closed off easily." As a result, her childhood was a lonely one. "I was never one of the gang," she says. Today, she acknowledges, her "brain is always looking for rejection." And, because she fears being "herself," relationships have proved difficult.

To protect themselves, HSPs often withdraw or attack. According to Aron, they have six main methods of self-protection: minimizing, blaming, overachieving, inflating, projecting, and choosing not to compete. All of these behaviors are defensive in nature and tend to exacerbate the condition further, as they often lead to an HSP's getting wounded twice - first when she feels the pain of a perceived slight (prompting her defensive response), and again when the other person responds aggressively to that reaction. "HSPs should carry a warning card," says Capobianco.

But HSPs are not just people who get their feelings hurt easily. Part of the condition is having a complex inner life and an active imagination. Viktor Frankl, author of Man's Search for Meaning, found that during the Holocaust, sensitive people tended to fare better than their outwardly tougher counterparts. He writes, "Sensitive people ... may have suffered much pain (they were often of a delicate constitution) - but the damage to the inner self was less. How else to explain the paradox that prisoners of less hardy makeup were often able to survive life in the camps, whereas those of a more robust nature were not?" Given this, it's not surprising that HSPs tend to be creatively gifted, and that a large percentage have become famous because of their particular talents (many HSPs consider creative types as diverse as Michael Jackson, Johnny Depp, and Winona Ryder to be one of their kind). And given how beautifully they describe the pain that comes with feeling so intensely, both Marcel Proust and Virginia Woolf were almost certainly HSPs.

But the message that Aron is intent on sending to all HSPs is to "stop trying to pretend you're not an HSP." At times, of course, pretending not to feel so much may be necessary. But by being selective with our surroundings, minimizing stress, managing our nervous systems through things like yoga and exercise, and by carefully choosing whom we spend time with, HSPs can play to their strengths. Cognitive behavioral therapy (where you challenge your negative thoughts with logic), as well as antidepressants, can also help. What's more, when an incident occurs that you find hurtful, Aron suggests clearing the air by sharing your reaction.

Fifty thousand years ago, an HSP would have been happily cocooned in her comfortably appointed cave (from which she ventured only when the coast was clear). Contemporary life, however, is all about being forced out of our caves, which means exposure to the elements. As a psychotherapist friend remarked to me recently, "Once upon a time, HSPs would have been the safest people on the planet, and now they have to see someone like me to deal with modern society."
What is wrong with people?
Posted:Nov 1, 2014 2:23 pm
Last Updated:Nov 15, 2014 8:00 am

Why do women become condescending toward other women whom men respond to?
I've also seen men become condescending toward other men, whom women respond to.

I've seen it happen many many times over the years... It's always pointless.

This site is very simple,
* women want to present themselves in ways of attractions,
* men want to present themselves in ways of attractions.

It's all human nature in the mix of male and female interactivity aims, be it friends, mates or whatever relations they may be fortunate enough to build.

What is wrong with people?

RELAX - why complicate the already challenging situation of people meeting people.

Most people in these sites have never seen the others - It's not a popularity contest, (there is no prize to be won, no money to be awarded)

Some people in life will respond to others and some will not. but that's just life. Even among those who did as well as some who may in the future meet, some may make friends and some may not, that's just how life goes.
Posted:Oct 20, 2014 4:56 pm
Last Updated:Oct 22, 2014 6:12 pm

If you think you've had a bad experience with a date you met online, this California man probably has you beat.

A woman was arrested in Thousand Oaks over the weekend after firefighters rescued her from a man's chimney. She had been trying to break into the house and had gotten stuck, police said. The homeowner told Los Angeles station KABC he had met the woman, Genoveva , online and they had gone out on a few dates, but recently ended the relationship.
(from news)

1 comment
Posted:Oct 18, 2014 10:57 am
Last Updated:Oct 19, 2014 5:28 pm

the most interesting and humorous traffic imaginable.

Rush Hour Traffic in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

The Insane Traffic of Hanoi, Vietnam - YouTube

Traffic jam becomes serious problem in Beijing - CCTV 101214 - YouTube

the unchaotic scene of Jakarta (only occurs on weekend or Ramadan)

interesting posting on:
City-Data Forum > World Forums > Asia
something .... or nothing...
Posted:Oct 17, 2014 5:05 pm
Last Updated:Oct 19, 2014 7:16 am

I don't care much for Facebook. to me, its intrusive, I detest the number of sites that require" ( demand one to have Facebook to log on).

I don't think people know how intrusive it truly is. Even when you are not using it, it is still trying to track you by raw IP address on pages it has its symbols and pop ups.

the sad thing is, one does not even have to be on Facebook for it to gather information and profile people. It can do so by the people who have info about you on their site, and we can be assured it has bots trying to link everything anyone does once it has your IP..

It would probably take some cloaking system of proxy layers to slow it down.

It's insane how some people put their whole lives activity on there.

But then there is GOOGLE, it tracks everything!!!! between these two sites, they probably know more about individuals, than they know about themselves, and surely in some means people are categorized.

One thing about a WEB, all things are linked to make it the "web" it is.

Too late, .... were already a part of it (the web)....
How important is a Mate?
Posted:Oct 12, 2014 6:57 am
Last Updated:Feb 6, 2016 12:30 pm
people have many ideas about what makes for a good mate selection, to some it is a financial match, to some it is a educational status match, to some it is a material conveniences, to some it is a way out of a bad situations, still to some it is many many many things.

Yet to some, it is simply a matter of heart, where the feelings of love and the want of unity within a loved one is most important. It does not concern itself with the monetary status of the other, the degree status, or the title status. They simply want to share their love with a particular person.

How honest are people with what their motives for a mate is truly about?

Each person as an individual know what is their driving force within attraction, but how often is this truth shared with the pursuit of a potential mate?

Some will never find a mate, not because there is not a potential mate available. but, the mindset of people is of many things. Some think themselves too special for anyone, some think themselves too pretty for any one, and some think many things; including those who can pay their own bills, who feel if they can pay their own expense why should they consider to want or select a mate.

Some who have , delight in the ego elation of the 'single parent label", they will not relinquish that label, to give the a balance of male and female parent figure in the home.

Some feel their status is above others, which does not give them the concerns for a mate, except the pursuit of one with even more status.
the list goes on and one. some feel they have forever to choose, and some feel they have lost the drive to choose or select a mate.

There also is a host of mental health matters which become at play in why some will either not have a mate, or not be able to sustain a relationship with a mate. to some its a sexual cycle of concerns that make them avoid a mate or drive them to many mates but no stability in maintaining a relationship.

Current day society, monetary interest is a big factor among so many, but there are many who will not admit this elements, and some deny it even while knowing it is a driving wedge within themselves which prevents them from choosing a mate.

Some want power over others, and some want to be under the power of others, Neither has any long term mindset to sustain either of these choices; because people change their mind and do so even more so when their expectations don't match the reality they fantasized about.

How important is a Mate?

Probably has a great deal to do with why people are single, or why people fail to choose or have no interest to make such a choice.

Vanity is a mixed bag of many things, and within it, it is composed of fears and well as egos, which seems to be on a every changing pole position in the internal mind. This is in some ways a recipe for a turbulent association, which may not evolve into any stable mating.

How important is a Mate?

Each one, as an individual, knows the mix of what is within this concern as to the importance of having a mate.

In some ways the internet has made people even more confused even within their own idea of what is important as to having a mate.

The massive 'shopping centers of online sites" is filled with alluring faces, enticing bodies, and many stories of many sorts. money, status and material chasing ideals and a host of other things. The basic volume of options even bring to some greater confusion, as they doubt even the choice they attempt to make, because more faces and bodies along with stories show up on the next page of the site and the picture albums.
some create profiles on multiple sites, and some even become self flattered by temptations and seeming options, until they become unable to choose and some become filled with doubts about what they did not choose until there is challenge to even appreciating the one they have chosen.
..... and through it all, it comes back to the same question.
How important is a Mate?

Wishing the best to anyone and everyone in their choice of mate selection
An Era Gone
Posted:Oct 7, 2014 5:19 am
Last Updated:Oct 9, 2014 4:47 am

Trump founded the Plaza in 1984 and helped usher in a new era of entertainment in Atlantic City on New Jersey's southern shore. More recently, the casinos there have declined in the face of competition from gambling in neighboring states.

Trump's stake in Trump Entertainment Properties was wiped out when the firm filed for bankruptcy in 2009. He emerged from the reorganization with a 10 percent stake and a licensing agreement that allowed the properties to continue to use his name.

If the Taj Mahal closes in November, as looks likely, it will become the fifth Atlantic City casino to close this year. The city started the year with 12 casinos.

many people have lost a lot of money many times betting on Donald Trump. I'd say the Trump Glitter is gone and won't be regained.

Now its a matter of learning, as to whether others around the globe will get the meaning of the lesson from these Trump type Falls From the Perch.

The tumbling effect, will probably span the globe and other big names in other places will fall. WHY? Because too much money is in the hands of too few. Everything now is a "Billion and Multi Billion Dollar Deal", and the only profiteers are the people in the small circle of "billionaires around the world".
They are by base number, small in comparison to the number of people around the globe, but the powers they wield affects the lives of so many others, There has to come a point of collapse within the ranks. If the people of the world are smart, this wealth won't end up in a smaller groups hands, bu will become more wide spread among the worlds people.
Some don't like the idea, but wealth redistribution will become more widespread or there will be even bigger chaos and more collapses.

Massive things around the world are abandoned and left in decay. Conflict of some sorts seem to rage around the globe. The human condition in the average environment of the non wealthy has fallen in levels unprecedented and in some places it is at an unbelievable level in which the decay spreads.

Who's next to fall or how many will fall is an interesting questions.
We saw the tech bubble burst at the end of the 1990's, and today the massive buy, consolidate, strip and discard, will take a toll. As the process sends more people into destitution.

Vast Industrial sectors now look as being nothing more than industrial wastelands, with limited ways to hold the previous owners accountable to clean up. Some areas won't be re-constituted, due to the massive clean up cost, the massive demolition cost and over-all, this conditions spreads.

If one looks at Detroit, or may Chernobyl and various other places, the expanse of the waste land, by the means it came to be. It will show this conditions exist in many countries and impacts millions of peoples lives.

We may be coming near "The Age of the Great Awakening" - in which we may be plunged into a 25 year cycle (or more), Before massive gentrification processes come into play. But this may be a whole different type of gentrification, where it does not go to the wealthy, but to the working classes.

The illusion built around the external imagery and lure styling of woman, has changed across the world. Among the working, there is no longer the aim to try and make every woman a princess, as the divorce and strip game him bare has changed that forever. The age of man thinking he has to be a material master holder, is becoming more ingrained in the nature of man, until he is no longer settling to be chosen based on his material and monetary measurement. The lewdness of the entertainers has tarnished the images of popularity and opulence that once dictated the methodology of the pursuits,as it did in the 1960's and early 1970's.

mankind as a whole is becoming wiser in these areas, but sadly more wicked in the areas of those who carry too much influence upon the masses.

That chain has to become broken, Then enters "The Age of the Great Awakening".

It too will have many things to contend, with the widespread of homosexuality, impacts and changes the societies concepts of the stability of the male and female relations that once dominated in the 20th Century.

There may come a cycle of the re-emergence of the male and female relations, but it may take a great many things to push the needle back in these directions.

but in "The Age of the Great Awakening" - we may find the world transforming itself in ways that regain some elements of the past, and shape them into a new era of the human experience and social systems.
1 comment
They had good intentions." - (What a joke)
Posted:Oct 4, 2014 4:59 am
Last Updated:May 17, 2024 8:22 pm

WALDO, Fla. (AP) -- The tiny town of Waldo in north Florida has such a notorious reputation as a speed trap that AAA erected billboards to warn drivers about it, but all that may be about to change.

On Tuesday, weeks after the police chief and interim chief resigned due to state investigations into ticket quotas, mishandling of evidence and other issues, Waldo's City Council disbanded its police force.

While the Alachua County Sheriff's Office is now in charge of policing the town of 1,000, and AAA says it will consider removing its billboards, some citizens worry that the speeding problem will worsen and criminals will feel they have carte blanche.

"I think it's nuts," Waldo resident Kim Andrews said about the disbanded police force. He owns Andrews Knife and Muzzleloading, a weapon collector's shop just off the highway.

"It's rare that I ever wear this on my side," Andrews said, motioning to a pistol holstered on his hip. "Now I'll wear it every day."

Officials in the town between Jacksonville and Gainesville never hid the fact that citations paid for the small police force, arguing that the speeding problem was a real public safety hazard. For years motorists cruising through the 2-square-mile town have passed the AAA's warning signs.

Trouble with Waldo's police department started in August, when Chief Mike Szabo was suspended amid a Florida Department of Law Enforcement probe into his alleged recording of conversations with fellow officers.

A couple of weeks later the town's interim chief, Cpl. Kenneth Smith, was also suspended after five of the department's officers told the City Council that he was mishandling evidence, taking city property for personal use and imposing a strict ticket quota

Smith and Szabo later resigned, and the department crumbled.

Waldo really does have a speeding problem, officials and residents insist. They say cars and trucks regularly blow through town on U.S. 301 and Highway 24, endangering residents and school .

Alachua County sheriff's Lt. Steve Maynard has been helping patrol Waldo since the department's problems began in September. He understands the concerns about losing the town's police force, but he said call response times and safety will not be compromised.

"We are reconfiguring our (assignments) so that rapid response times will be ensured," Maynard said.

On Thursday green and white sheriff's vehicles buzzed around town, while the city's black and white patrol cars sat in front of the empty police department downtown.

AAA said it is still paying for billboards outside Waldo, and also nearby Lawtey. They are the only towns that AAA has singled out nationwide as speed traps.

With the police force disbanded, AAA said it will consider whether to remove the signs and take Waldo off its list — but only if it means traffic tickets are being given for safety reasons, and not revenue generation.

"We would certainly strongly consider not renewing the billboards on either side of Waldo when the outdoor advertising contracts come up for renewal," said AAA spokesman Kevin Bakewell.

About half of the town's roughly $1 million budget comes from citations, according to its budget. This helped pay for the police force. Portions of revenue from citations written by sheriff's deputies will still go to Waldo's coffers, Maynard said, but it's unclear how the city's budgeting will be affected in the future.

Waldo's City Manager Kim Worley refused to be interviewed for this article, and a Tallahassee-based spokesman, Ron Sachs, hired to handle public affairs for the city did not return an email seeking comment.

While the details are hashed out, some Waldo residents worry drivers will feel free to speed through town.

"I hate to lose the police department, just for general safety levels," Harold Coday, 80, said outside Waldo's post office. "And the officers were good guys, they were just doing their job writing tickets. They had good intentions."
When truth hides in plain sight, Unsuspected...
Posted:Oct 3, 2014 5:33 pm
Last Updated:Oct 9, 2014 4:49 am

People sit back and focus on the US, while the NORDIC Regional countries silently buy and peddle influence and make agreement of many sort. You don't think the high income per capita of the Nordic region is because they are such great producers of goods and services only would be under a false illusion, because their reach and influence is Global. they have many level of influence investment which gives them a control position in so much of commodities in so many countries, and they let others nations do the dirty work in the streets, while they reap the benefits and remain silent so as not to attract any attention.
Would one think that the Swiss Banks sit on Trillions of Dollars, and they no use it to peddle and barter influence and change the direction of countries course and aims.
Most people are oblivious of the vast holding the Dutch have in America and many other nations, and many of the nations with high strife, especially in the African continent, is directly linked to Nordic Nations and their Influences. Sweden do not live well because they are great producers of anything that is world renown, but they control a great many natural resources from a many various countries.

Mis-direction is the greatest source of power gathering in the world, and the Nordic Regional Nations are experts at it.

I think people would be amazed to find out how much power these Nordic Nations control in Hong Kong.. but its fine with them to throw the focus on the US. because they can continue to rule the roost and China will play along with them, because they have deep investments in China as well.

If you think the propaganda is not well paid for to insure the attention is deflected from these Nordic Nations. then one is not aware of the powers that influence much of the variables not on in Asian, but the Asian Pacific Region, the African nations and they have great powers in Europe as well. I think the world will be shocked to awaken to the string pulling that is actually taking place by the least suspected places.

Banking and Insurance influences a great deal, and it has the intel of what takes place, before the deal is done. > That = POWER AND THE ABILITY TO INFLUENCE.

The ING Group (Dutch: ING Groep) is a Dutch multinational banking and financial services corporation headquartered in Amsterdam. Its primary businesses are retail banking, direct banking, commercial banking, investment banking, asset management, and insurance services. ING is an abbreviation for Internationale Nederlanden Groep.
According to the Fortune Global 500 in 2012, ING was the world's largest banking/financial services and insurance conglomerate by revenue with gross receipts exceeding $150 billion per annum.[5] The Group is also the world's 18th largest corporation by revenue.[5] As of 2013, ING served over 48 million individual and institutional in more than 40 countries, with a worldwide workforce exceeding 75,000

In November 2003, ING Groep N.V. appointed Michel Tilmant, vice chairman of the executive board, as its new chairman and successor to Ewald Kist.

ING has offices in:

Czech Republic
Hong Kong
South Korea
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States

I would suggest to the readers, to go and look at the investment and investment strategies of the Nordic Regional Nations... it will give you a picture of the power and influence they have around the globe.

Faroe Islands
Åland Islands

The Nordic countries have a combined area of around 3,5 million square kilometres and therefore the geography of the Nordic countries is extremely varied. Even without Greenland and the Norwegian islands of Svalbard and Jan Mayen, the remaining part of the Nordic countries covers a vast area of around 1,3 million square kilometres. This area is around the same size as France, Germany and Italy together. The area is so vast that it is situated on five time zones. To the east the region borders Russia and on the west the Canadian coastline can be seen from Greenland on a clear day. To the south the countries neighbor the Baltic States, Poland, Germany and the United Kingdom while to the North there is the Arctic Ocean

All Nordic countries have long traditions of being well-established parliamentary democracies. Denmark, Norway and Sweden have a political system of constitutional monarchy, in which a nonpolitical monarch acts as head of state and the de facto executive power is exercised by a cabinet lead by a prime minister.

Switzerland has the highest nominal wealth per adult (financial and non-financial assets) in the world according to Credit Suisse and eighth-highest per capita gross domestic product on the IMF list.
Swiss citizens have the second-highest life expectancy in the world on the UN DESA list. Switzerland is tied with the Netherlands for the top rank on the Bribe Payers Index.
Zürich and Geneva have each been ranked among the top cities with the highest quality of life in the world, with the former coming second globally according to Mercer.
Past history shows Switzerland was an important base for espionage by both sides in the conflict and often mediated communications between the Axis and Allied powers.

The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report currently ranks Switzerland's economy as the most competitive in the world,while ranked by the European Union as Europe's most innovative country. For much of the 20th century, Switzerland was the wealthiest country in Europe by a considerable margin (by GDP – per capita).] In 2007 the gross median household income in Switzerland was an estimated 137,094 USD at Purchasing power parity while the median income was 95,824 USD. Switzerland also has one of the world's largest account balances as a percentage of GDP.
(End Quoted)

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