Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

Posted:Sep 3, 2014 5:16 am
Last Updated:Sep 4, 2014 2:34 pm

I've been reading various articles on WWIII things, some of it is alarming, and some of it fits with the things of instability in many areas, from wealthy, to earthquakes and certainly the militancy in so many places.

With all the technology, and all the wisdom in the world, we as human beings seem to be unable to become non war like. It appears that not only is wealth distribution insane. Industrial and Corporate greed is insidious, and I certainly lay blame to greed, and the ignorance that too many professor types teach to students, which is void of ethnics, void morality of social concerns, and everything is greed at any cost.
People caught up in who's got the biggest house, and then who has the most big houses, who has the most expensive Boat... and who has a private jet and all kinds of costly limited usable functional stuff.
We even have Preachers, competing to see who can build the biggest church and then turn it into a business, which includes a school and everything else they can imagine. Building, Selling and Buying Church's has become like a business venture.
Schools have forgot about Civic's and Humanities, and focus on Match and Science, and come out dumber than before they went in. they have technical skills, but no moral basis, and certainly ethics means nothing, it is greed by any means, beause that is what these professors teach, and many of the professors are so caught up in it, they can't even see the lack of morality and lack of ethnic in what they teach. The of the student population knows no better than to swallow this garbage whole and fully in every word that is uttered. some come out quoting professors, or some dead poets as their claim to be educated. I find that interestingly non beneficial to what truly is happening in the world.

We have people who have lost all sense of social presentation of self. They walk around in clothes and things to show as much leg and butt and breast as they can, and some even walk around in sleeping wear in the day. And this young culture with the flip flops, as if they have a casual life.

I see people in position based solely on a degree, who have been well trained to play 'kiss ass" to any person who's name is highly recognizable, and they can't make a fair and functional decision for trying to make decisions only to appease those whom asses they have been trained to kiss.

I am more respectful in a regard sense of skills when it comes to technical people, engineers, Medical and such, but I have very little interest in those who all themselves financial planners and certainly I have no interest in the people who are Bankers and with claims to call themselves CEO... To me they are criminals and taught to engage any kind of crime against humanity and society for the sake of self enrichment. It makes no sense that Hedge Funds have the place they have, nor how speculators have all but poisoned the stock market.

We have weapon selling who insure that they flood the world with weapons, and they don't care who has them, all they care is about the profit they can make selling this stuff.

there is more information about so many things, that one can't possibly digest it and in attempting to do so, it requires focus on principle to grasp context to address how it ingested.

We as people have surely made the world more crazy in the last 150 yrs.
Posted:Sep 1, 2014 7:53 am
Last Updated:Sep 4, 2014 4:12 am
All week I'd been thinking about buying a "tablet", and a few other things, mostly things which I don't truly need, I only want them.
but then the Tree things happened, and sucked up part of the money, now the plumbing problem exist, which the cost in undetermined. Then there is the issues with my mothers Air conditioner in her car. All of such things cost money.
I have other items that need attention, which is dental work, the implants I need and then there follows the crown work that comes next in the picture.

I guess the tree falling, stopped me from buying something I truly don't need at this time, which is a tablet. Because I know for me, it will have to have the best options and then a service plan for internet, which comes with an additional monthly cost. So, It's novelty at this point, because I can do my work on the job computers, I have three computers at home, two desktop and one lap top, and often I only use one and the other two just sits there un-used.

I need to get my mothers car traded in, among other things, so priority wise, is get the dental work done along with get my mothers car changed.

I probably need to dump the bike because it just sits there in the garage, and Insurance cost me $84 a month, for it to simply sit there. Down here its either too hot, raining, and unpredictable weather and then in a few months it turns cold... all of those are conditions I don't ride in. I hate to lose the $15k that I will loose by selling it, because all in all it cost me $31K,, but the longer I keep it the lower the value of it goes. so, its a catch 22 in a matter of ways. It has only 4000 miles on it, but I just don't like to have to suit up, just to ride it, but I know it is not safe to ride it without the proper gear.

It's a beautiful machine.

It's a matter of function, it has nothing to do with liking or not liking it, because I like having it. When I do ride it, I always enjoy the ride. but it is purely a "recreation vehicle"...
so, I have to think on it as to what I will do.

I want the carpet moved out of my house and tile installed, I want my back yard fixed like a "Personal Park" and then I'd like to install a very nice fence, and maybe even put in a hot tub. Along with having the extension to cover the Patio. just things!!!! I think about moving, but I don't like moving a lot. In essence its just a house. I'm in good proximity to things I need and conveniences to things. I can get where ever I want to go within 15-25 minutes. At my age, house jumping is just not a ideal option.

Although It would be good to find a different layout, which I could move my mother in, which will cut here expense to "0", but I also understand that when people get beyond 80 yrs of age, don't pressure them to move, if they are comfortable where they are and they feel confident about navigating their community for their needs.

I just don't see where moving can benefit much, because it generally comes with increased mortgage payment, then there is the human thing, of wanting to buy new furnishing and a lot of things which is not always factored into moving. Beside, I'd like to have a storm shelter built in my back yard.

These are just some things,
What's Happening in society ??
Posted:Aug 31, 2014 3:59 am
Last Updated:Sep 2, 2014 3:29 pm

Chinese boy can't hear his cartoons, cuts high-rise worker's safety rope

Saturday cartoons are very, very, very important to one 10-year-old Chinese boy.

A worker was installing lighting on the outside of a high-rise apartment building when a boy appeared at an eighth-floor window and began sawing through the worker's safety rope. Apparently, the construction racket was drowning out the 's cartoons, and he decided this would be an effective way to restore some silence.

"I shouted at him to stop, but he didn't listen and soon after, the rope was broken," the worker told Chinese new outlet Xinhua. "That's when I called to my workmate for help."

Drilling sound affects his cartoon so Guizhou boy cuts safety rope of worker at 8th-fl apt. What low regard for life?

Forty minutes later, several firemen rescued the worker from his precarious position. Police questioned the boy, who eventually admitted to his actions. The 's dad came home and apologized to the worker.
Health and Life
Posted:Aug 30, 2014 7:00 pm
Last Updated:Sep 3, 2014 4:47 am

it is a vital thing to have good health within life. I've seen so many people with things I'd never have imagined until I began taking treatments.
The more I see, it rings true, that someone always has a worst condition than another. That is not Cliche, it is truly sad.

We don't know how well we have it to be able to go to work, do things, walk about the house and many simple things we can and do often take for granted.

I see old couples( 80+ yrs of age) there as well, where one is very sick and the other has challenges walking, but they help each other. they are bonded to each other. There are some younger couples there as well. As one woman said, It's amazing how sickness brings people together and share care unto and with each other.

We often get so hung up in the looks, money and many things. and time and life continues to show us these are not the true value things. I see many of the older people are wealthy, as this facility was historically in a wealthy community, they are moving to an area where the current day wealth has moved, but they still provide services at this locations.

I hear them during our conversations, speaking about many things. they no longer care about a new car, or fancy expensive clothes and such, they care about being healthy.

On woman in her 80's told me she does not think the world will last much longer with the craziness and madness and how mankind has damaged the earth and its waters so terribly bad.

There are procedures that people endure far more challenging than mine, and I would hope never to have to go through that.

I can say this with conviction.. PEOPLE, choose a mate and stop looking for perfection, stop looking for wealthy, and stop playing delusional and self deluding games. You need to invest your time to make relations and BUILD unity. You buy unity by going through challenges as well as good times together.
Stop being so fragile and full of yourself, because that wind can be knocked out of your fancy sail in a flash.
Millionaires, Celebrities, and many many others die each day, some having had many things, and some having had no much of things.
Realize Sex is not all its cranked up to be, because if it was married people would do it daily, but some have very infrequent sexual relations after they have been together for a while.

Learn that love is work, and without work loves become weakened, and often taken for granted.

don't let today's health make you think you are invincible, or assume that you have a guarantee on time which you don't have. If selfishness if your focus, you probably won't have a good relationship with anyone, and may have a turbulent one even with yourself.

don't doubt your love, embrace it and share it, because in essence, that is all you have to give and share that has the highest of value, but don't try and place the value to a point that makes you self consumed, because love has as much challenge as it has joys, and without either, it would not be love. Today people are too quick to throw it away behind a fantasy chase, and when it gone they then realize what they had which they can no longer get back...

Simple things to remember:
The less you expect the less you are disappointed, but the more your respect, you get good things you did not expect.

You are not going to find a puppet, because for one, you don't want to be one, so why expect someone else to play as if to be one.

Two people, looking after the health of one another may well be the crowing glory within what is the duration of relationships.

The more love you live, even if it by some means is gone and you have to find another, only loving will have prepared your for that too.

"Perspectives of Mental Environments - Impacting Attitudes"
Just stuff!!!!!
Posted:Aug 30, 2014 5:44 am
Last Updated:Sep 27, 2014 6:23 am
Part of the tree in the front yard fell on the house this morning. Geez... seem that problems just crop up all the time. Now its something else to fix.


I'm just about tired of stuff happening and happening and happenings. Yet its far beyond my control to stop some things.

It was very loud, now I just hope it did not damage the roof as well.

This was my tree, but my next door neighbor has many trees, and I doubt they will endure the expense to cut them.

the insanity of it all
Posted:Aug 26, 2014 5:13 pm
Last Updated:Aug 29, 2014 3:51 pm

Girl, 9, kills Arizona shooting instructor with Uzi in accident

TUCSON Ariz. (Reuters) - A 9-year-old girl accidentally shot and killed her shooting instructor at an Arizona range with an Israeli-made Uzi submachine gun when the weapon's strong recoil caused her to lose control of her aim, police said on Tuesday.

They said that Charles Vacca, 39, had been standing next to the girl at the Last Stop shooting range in White Hills near the Nevada border on Monday morning showing her how to fire the automatic weapon.

When she pulled the trigger, the recoil forced her aim over her head, and Vacca was shot in the head, according to a Mohave County Sheriff’s Office statement.
Posted:Aug 24, 2014 7:10 am
Last Updated:Aug 27, 2014 5:18 am

A large earthquake rolled through California's northern Bay Area early Sunday, damaging some buildings, knocking out power to thousands and sending residents running out of their homes in the darkness.

The extent of the damage wasn't immediately clear.

The 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck just before 3:30 a.m. about 10 miles northwest of American Canyon, which is about 6 miles southwest of Napa, in California wine country,
1 comment
Born Wealthy vs Not and other things within Living!!
Posted:Aug 23, 2014 10:07 am
Last Updated:Aug 25, 2014 4:55 pm

There has to be a different mindset about many things for those born wealthy.

Do they really understand the challenge and plight of the everyday working people ?
Certainly they don't have a good grasp of what is poverty and the conditions and the effects of the conditions upon the lives of people. I see some wealthy people who want to move to quint little towns and rural areas as if they want the common life of the people who live there, but generally it is not so, because their wealthy affords them levels that the people in these rustic town don't have. Some even try to live the rustic life, but it is not the same as the people who are non wealthy in a rustic setting.

It's like Traveling, sometimes people travel and they go to the area where the well to do gravitate, but if they venture to see the areas of the less economically advantaged, they may see many things they may not grasp with full clarity.

I know some places I've traveled, I ventured into areas where the everyday working people live. I did not see it a 'quaint novelty", but truly having a feel for what the people face on a daily basis to make ends meet and maintain a standard of living.

When I moved to the South, I was determined not to get any Cancer or any of such things, as unfortunate as it turned out, I end up with a problem that many men would dread to no end. What I have seen during the time of living here, is a lot of ailments people have which are very severe. I did however noticed when I lived in Los Angeles Area, there were places where people had different types of ailments. It range from the strange sounding ailments in wealthy areas, to the all too common debilitating ailments in the poor areas.

There are many toxic things still used in building communities and homes from Asbestos to other toxic things which has not yet made the top 10 list of things which harm the individual.

I want to remove the carpet from my home, and have tile, because I know these carpets are not made from the best of materials and they have a lot of chemicals, as well as they hold germs, dust and whatever else might grow in them.
We are gifted in this area with LOTS OF TREES which helps keep the air clean but they also come with 'insects"..... and both here and in Los Angeles, the 'dust that collects in the home is outrageous"... I see where many of the air handling systems for homes, have a opening which leads to the ground under the house for collecting air... ( why this was not built in some chamber that did not suck up dust is amazing).. I also notice they no longer build houses with the huge exhaust fans that suck all the bad air out of the house.

I don't think I'd like to live in a Mega Complex where there is excessive glass, concrete and excessive pedestrian traffic. It's nice on an ocassion to deal with it, but not on a daily basis.
I don't see where I'd ever want a multi million dollar Penthouse or some of the highly expensive units in places like New York or LA near West LA along Wilshire Blvd and such areas. I also don't care too much for those pristine gated communities that look too sanitized, where everything looks clone scripted. I do however see some of the high cost gated communities with the Golf course and ponds and walk way and things which would be nice. .

I also don't want to live so far out in the country that getting to a medical facility or such becomes a long distance affair.
currently I live in a Surburb, not expensive, but decently maintained, not opulent and not run down, but it could do with a good walk traffic like shopping areas with creative designed shops. We have shopping areas with big box stores and large parking lot but they are not designed in a inviting manner for pedestrian traffic.

I doubt with the greed model in place now, if there will ever be any more small towns with unique shops being built. Those which do exist are now more costly to live in and the very well kept places as such do not have a high turn over.

I visited a town not far from here, which has two or three Universities in the ares, From what I gather the town is noted for the highest volume of Millionaires in the State. It is well kept, not overly fancy, but old well maintained building and it seems to be ( from and outside view) a good comfortable environment.

I'm not sure the huge Estates would be such an ideal, as many of those wealthy people who own them, rarely have time to walk the grounds and its for sure they don't frequently go in or utilize the vast number of rooms the house has. The high cost of gardening and lawn maintenance, no to mention the other cost which go into the gleaming pool maintenance and the high cost of marquee furniture the property commands, just due to its size, and location and the resident population. We see many Entertainers, DUMPING THESE HOUSES LIKE HOT POTATO'S", because the taxes and cost of upkeep not to mention the horrendous mortgage payments becomes prohibitive once the novelty of it all wears off.
Acros the nation, there are SO MANY multi to 100 acre estates, that have fallen in maintenance and the restoration cost is astronomical to bring it up to the original standards.

We also see the places like Florida Coastal home which are opulent in every degree, but I often wonder what would happen is a Tsunami/ Hurricane and such would happen there.

But, regardless to all of this or that, its someone living in each of these types of environments and they are happy with their situations and environment. So, I guess its just different strokes for different folks.
Technology and Us ....
Posted:Aug 17, 2014 9:26 am
Last Updated:Aug 23, 2014 10:08 am

We embrace the changes somewhat with a sense of novelty, while behind the scenes, there is much programming and re-programming of the ways life functions going on at a very high level.
Our foods are re-engineered, we get many medicines that do some things, but change other things. We use various technological things, which replace things we use to use.
The vast study of implant technology is well into some intense depths. The advance of linking neurosciences to technology is now at a point that many test animals have been modified to do many things, which is not yet made public.
Gamer are being trained in a different nature of eye and response coordination while many are unsuspecting of the changes it creates in how people perceive things and how they respond, and at what pace their response meet a new challenge.

We have little idea of what is taking place, as many are caught in the loop of chasing Romanticism with Fantasy Aims. What get's lost is the ability to understand and be understanding, as so many are looking for 'ready made love", until they have lost the fortitude to love.
Many are so lost in the expectations they think their looks should afford them until they are caught into a form of bartering which has rendered them to be nothing more than living like a commodity, seeking the next highest bidder. the sad reality is what the bidder gets is becoming less and less, other than being caught in the circle of another expectations and how they might provide financial uplift to them.

Sex is made into a delusion with of pretense and marriages that vanish upon approach, and once the act is done the bartering ramps up to another level. The end result is as it always has been. It's never what it is cranked up in fantasy to be.

Material things consume people with the volume and expanse that people have become tethered to their smart phones, and caught up into a delusion social network which is nothing more than random utterance, just to be noticed, with no depth or substance to support their presence other than bizarre, profane and grandstanding rhetoric.

All the while the landscape of life is changed to a format that anything goes because nothing sticks and nothing has roots that gain any depth.

We've trained people in schools for math and science, and social and civil, and ethical values are considered a nuisance.

Man has far less trust of woman, than he had 100 yrs ago, and daily he is learning by interaction to trust even less. This makes for a society that is hostile, scammer filled, and money chasing and bartering dominates the spectrum.

The concept of home is no longer first the spectrum of home, but it is now aimed to be a show place to evoke envy from others, as it become cold and desolate of warmth and love, and the concept of family has exploded to now consider genders incapable of pro-creations to be replacement in the wealth and material minded sectors, where anything goes and nothing is valued beyond its usefulness of the moment.

We are killing the Oceans, with massive Over Fishing Mobile Factories, that scoop up anything in the water, while it dumps waste in high volume because there is no one to monitor its activity. We make trash like ants making mounds, and toxicity invades the land and waters, while we go blinding chasing our erogenous urges and facial images and body shapes for the fantasy pursuit of the moment.
Love is bought like bubble gum, and when there is no more funds, just like one standing in a Candy Store being asked to leave the premises.

Divorce is a business. as marriage is the start up where one expect in 3-5 yrs to cash out and take from another what they themselves could not earn in 20 yrs.
The male and female no longer mates from love aims, but they pursue each other as " investment procurement", or "procurement as a means to gain a monetary advantage.

The Beast of the human being is becoming more common as the atrocities humans enact against other humans is now fully in place as the process and outcomes when one does not get what they want.

All the while Technology moves forth to insure that the human instinctive nature is altered by many means to accept the new paradigm....
functioning more like two machines with contracted service provision, and each contract has a set term limit and then moved to obsolescence.

If you think your are exempt, you might want to review your own consciences and re-evaluate your manner of how you pursue what you call love. You will see then, how it has been forever changed. If you are honest, you will also see how many have become nothing more than bartering minions selling hype for the highest bidder.

now are groomed to be nothing more than a career aim, for monetary pursuits, and the humanity of regard for others is extinct beyond what one may see as a usage for the other. We teach them to chase titles, status, money and career, until they are groomed to treat love as a secondary consideration.

Eventually, dumped like Cell phones every other 6 months. Until anguish dominates when they can't claim ownership of another, they become vile and driven to assault....only after first seeking to loot for selfish gains and ego elation.
Ingest at your own risk.
Posted:Aug 14, 2014 3:14 pm
Last Updated:Aug 17, 2014 9:33 am

Holy hotplates! Instant ramen noodles, beloved cheap dinner of college and budget eaters everywhere, have been linked to heart attacks and diabetes. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that the ramen, along with other instant noodle products, may increase a person’s risk for cardiometabolic syndrome — a risk factor for severe cardiovascular disease and stroke — especially in women.

“This research is significant since many people are consuming instant noodles without knowing possible health risks,” said lead researcher Hyun Joon Shin, MD, in a press release. Shin, a clinical cardiology fellow at Baylor University Medical Center and a nutrition epidemiology doctoral student at the Harvard School of Public Health, could not be reached for further comment.

For the study, researchers looked at the data of 10,711 adults between the ages of 19 and 64, collected via the nationally representative Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 2007-2009. They found that eating instant noodles — ramen, lo mein, glass, Thai, or other — twice or more a week was associated with cardiometabolic syndrome, a collection of abnormalities affecting the body’s cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic systems.

Although the specific cause of the problem was not immediately clear, Shin noted that it might stem from the fact that most instant noodle meals come packaged in Styrofoam, which contains bisphenol A (BPA), a known hormone disruptor — which is also why women could have been more affected in this study. But the food product contains plenty of unhealthy ingredients, including MSG and the chemical preservative tertiary-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), and is also high in saturated fat.

The study focused on individuals in South Korea, Shin said, as the country has the highest per-capita number of instant noodle consumers in the world, and because, in recent years, health problems there, including heart disease and obesity, have been on the rise. But the findings appear to be quite relevant to consumers stateside too, as the United States ranked sixth globally in instant noodle sales, according to the World Instant Noodles Association, which found that the United States accounted for 4,300 billion units sold in 2013 (coming in just behind China, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, and India — and one spot above South Korea, in fact).

This is not the first time ramen noodles have been publicly maligned. In 2012, a viral video taken from inside the digestive tract, part of a small and inconclusive study by Dr. Braden Kuo, showed just what happened after instant ramen was ingested — and it wasn’t pretty. The stomach worked overtime, struggling for hours to grind up the strands; TBHQ, a petroleum byproduct, was named as a possible culprit. Years earlier, Malaysian health officials issued a warning against eating instant noodles because of ingredients such as thickeners, stabilizers, sodium, and preservatives that have been linked to heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage.

Nissin Foods, maker of the first instant ramen noodle in Japan in 1958 (and the company that brought Top Ramen to the U.S. in 1972), did not respond to a request for comment from Yahoo Health.

The bottom line? Ingest the cheap and filling noodles at your own risk.

( from news)

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