How to Negotiate With Friends, Lovers and Partners
Posted:Nov 14, 2010 10:19 am
Last Updated:Jan 15, 2025 2:40 pm 49192 Views
How to Negotiate With Friends, Lovers and Partners By larrybarkan, How to Negotiate With Friends, Lovers and Partners User-Submitted Article
If you are resentful, hurt or upset in an intimate relationship, it's almost always because you feel as though you're giving more than you're getting. It's time to ask for what you want to reestablish parity and improve the relationship. In other words, it's time to negotiate. Difficulty: Moderately Easy Instructions
1. 1
Clearly ask for what you want.
If you're not getting what you want or need in a relationship, it may be because you haven't clearly asked for it. You may think you've been clear, but if the person you're in a relationship with says something like, "I didn't know," then you really haven't been clear.
To be clear, ask for what you want using as few words as possible. The fewer the words, the clearer will be your communication. For example: "I want you to turn away from your computer and listen to me." "I want you to pick up your dirty clothes and put them in the hamper." "I want you to help me clean the house." "I want you to go with me to my sister's this weekend." 2. 2
Respond appropriately to "yes," "no" or "maybe."
These are the three possible responses to any request. Let's take them in turn:
If you hear "yes," thank the person. You may think, "Well, it's about time," but resist this impulse to gloat. Be genuinely grateful that the person has agreed to your request.
"No" or "maybe" actually signal the start of a negotiation.
How firm is the "no?" If it's a nonnegotiable "no," then don't push. This will only harm the relationship. Fortunately, nonnegotiable "nos" are rare. More often, people blurt out "no" to see if you'll leave them alone.
In response to "no" or "maybe," ask "why?" Every complaint contains the seed of an unmet need. People want to have harmonious relationships. If they are resisting a request, it's usually because your request conflicts with their wants and needs.
For example, "I want you to listen to me" may be resisted if the person wants to complete something before giving you his or her full attention. Or, "I want you go to with me to my sister's this weekend" may be resisted if the person wants to watch a program on television instead. 3. 3
Negotiate an agreement based on "quid pro quo"
"Quid pro quo" simply means, "this for that." All negotiations, from how many nuclear warheads countries should be allowed to maintain to who will cook dinner tonight are based on this. All parties to the negotiation must feel that, if they give something, they will get something of equal value.
In a negotiation for goods or services, the "quid pro quo" is clear: Usually, money changes hands in exchange for the goods and services.
When the issue is less tangible as, for example, who will pick up the from school, you may pick up the (the "quid") simply because this will signal how important the relationship is to you (the "quo"). Or, you may pick up the from school on Mondays and Wednesdays in exchange for the other person picking them up on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Perhaps you agree to also do so on Fridays in exchange for the other person cooking and washing the dinner dishes on Friday nights.
In the situations noted in Step 2, the other person may agree to listen to you in exchange for you leaving him/her alone for half an hour to complete work on the computer.
Or, he/she will agree to go to your sister's, if you can find a way to ensure he/she can view the desired TV program (Tivo anyone? Or, perhaps, you can guarantee he/she will be able to see the program at your sister's house).
The point is that there must always be a feeling of parity in the exchange. As noted earlier, resentments in any relationship are almost always the result of more giving than getting. Negotiation is a means to not only get what you want and need, but to improve the relationship as well while doing so.
How to Deal With Snobs
Posted:Nov 14, 2010 10:14 am
Last Updated:Jan 15, 2025 2:40 pm 49175 Views
How to Deal With Snobs By njoli,
Snobs are part of every society and come in all degrees, levels, shades, shapes and sizes. Let's face it, some people want to feel superior and turn their noses up at others. While it may be common that some humans want to feel special and better than others, snobs take these egotistical feelings to a higher and more toxic level. In days long past, lineage and bloodline were used to establish superiority. These days, it doesn't take much for snobs to feel superior.
However, education, wealth and material possessions are only 3 of many things that people use to determine their status and justify their snobbery in most societies. But many times, snobs often do not have much to show for themselves other than a nasty attitude.
In any case, here are some tips to help you cope with the snobs of the world and in your life.
1. 1
Know and understand why people are snobs. Most snobs are insecure and feel inferior to other people. They hide behind their snobbery as a defensive technique. By telling themselves how superior they are to you, they can ignore the deep feelings of insecurity and inferiority within. 2. 2
Don't take it personally. When you encounter a snob or are forced to deal with one in your family, work or school situation, be prepared for their neurotic behavior but do not take it personally. These are not your personal issues. Know that their insecurities and inferiority complexes are issues that they must deal with on their own and their snobby comments, remarks and behavior toward you are not truly reflective of who you are as a person. 3. 3
Do not try to be friends with a snob. Instead, avoid them as much as possible. Snobs only like to be friends with other snobs who share their feelings of "superiority." They are often not nice to other people and make others feel uncomfortable around them. Subjecting yourself to a snob's catty behavior can take a toll on your sense of self worth and possibly your sanity. So, why bother? You can find other, more positive people to be around, and you should. 4. 4
If you must deal with any snobs in your life, ignore them as much as possible. Sometimes this works, other times it can make a snob more aggressive. If you are dealing with an aggressive snob, be prepared to stand up for yourself and be ready to battle--mentally of course. Snobs love to play mental games as they are often physically incapable or too vain to be more physically aggressive. Be prepared for the mental games, nasty remarks and the vanity to be on full display. If possible, prepare "verbal comebacks" beforehand so that you have some verbal weapons already in your arsenal. Most times other passive-aggressive techniques work sufficiently, such as ignoring them and laughing in their face when they try to be "funny." 5. 5
Believe in yourself and be confident no matter what. Never try to compete with a snob. Never buy any material items to compete with the snobs in your life, only purchase items that make you happy and you are willing to sacrifice for. Being able to stand alone and to stand firm in your convictions requires that you have a strong sense of self and to be completely confident in your own strengths and capabilities.
Standing up for 'People', "Now", if only they stand up also for themselves..
Posted:Nov 13, 2010 5:56 am
Last Updated:Jan 15, 2025 2:40 pm 49001 Views
(from news) A smiling Suu Kyi, wearing a traditional jacket and a flower in her hair, appeared at the gate of her compound as the crowd chanted, cheered and sang the national anthem.
"If we work in unity, we will achieve our goal. We have a lot of things to do," she told the well-wishers, who quickly swelled to as many as 5,000. Speaking briefly in Burmese, she said they would see each other again Sunday at the headquarters of her political party.
The 65-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate, whose latest period of detention spanned 7 1/2 years, has come to symbolize the struggle for democracy in the Southeast Asian nation ruled by the military since 1962.
The release from house arrest of one of the world's most prominent political prisoners came a week after an election that was swept by the military's proxy political party and decried by Western nations as a sham designed to perpetuate authoritarian control.
Supporters had been waiting most of the day near her residence and the headquarters of her party. Suu Kyi has been jailed or under house arrest for more than 15 of the last 21 years.
As her release was under way, riot police stationed in the area left the scene and a barbed-wire barricade near her residence was removed, allowing the waiting supporters to surge forward.
Her release was immediately welcomed by world leaders and human rights organizations
Whether Aung San Suu Kyi is living in the prison of her house, or the prison of her country, does not change the fact that she, and the political opposition she represents, has been systematically silenced, incarcerated, and deprived of any opportunity to engage in political processes," he said in a statement.
British Prime Minister David Cameron also said the release was long overdue.
"Aung San Suu Kyi is an inspiration for all of us who believe in freedom of speech, democracy and human rights," he said in a statement.
"It is now crucial that Aung San Suu Kyi has unrestricted freedom of movement and speech and can participate fully in her country's political process," European Commissioner Jose Manuel Barroso said.
Critics allege the Nov. 7 elections were manipulated to give the pro-military party a sweeping victory. Results have been released piecemeal and already have given the junta-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party a majority in both houses of Parliament.
The last elections in 1990 were won overwhelmingly by Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party, but the military refused to hand over power and instead clamped down on opponents.
Suu Kyi's release gives the junta some ammunition against critics of the election and the government's human rights record, which includes the continued detention of some 2,200 political prisoners and brutal military campaigns against ethnic minorities.
It is unlikely the ruling generals will allow Suu Kyi, who drew huge crowds of supporters during her few periods of freedom, to actively and publicly pursue her goal of bringing democracy to Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. (end news)
"Now", if only the people can find a way to stand up also for themselves..
people in numbers, can always make change..
"Emma Watson"
Posted:Nov 13, 2010 5:42 am
Last Updated:Nov 13, 2010 7:28 am 49319 Views
Very nice un-clutter charm, she looks very 'natural'- its an appealing charm..
Posted:Nov 12, 2010 6:06 pm
Last Updated:Nov 14, 2010 10:08 am 49426 Views
"Expectation", kill more love than the natural aging process of human beings.
Societies seem to push a delusional romantic fairy tale, that seems no matter how old some get, they still chase it like chasing a rainbow, and no matter how much they go to school, or claim to be learn or how much they grasp for their aims of material success, people chase the illusion, yet, reality stares them in the face day after day, telling them, simply, that love is the work of living, and living within the mindset to engage the work can give one what is loving. But if expectation makes any think its some perpetual glee filled laugh a minute spree, then they are not even real with themselves. If someone thinks it is a situation where they will be pampered and catered to every time they look at each other, then such one may be even too foolish to even love themselves.
Something has women and men, chasing these delusions that they are somehow, more special than the reality of life, as if they are above the labors that constitute what loving is, and such one's crash dive and take down others in this delusion chase..
Rather than enjoy the moments you can share, and learn to rely on self to maintain self, but some are so full of 'expectations", they think if they have to rely on themselves then they assume they don't need anyone.. and that tells the story in itself.. they were 'expecting more from another than they were willing to give into the situation or to themselves. so when they have to expend their own effort, suddenly they see no reason to try to love. Such one's life shows much of how they may simply be with some level of selfishness, ' driven by "Expectations", which results to deny even the self, in the psychological mindset of being selfish... 'what a particular damage "Expectations" can do to the individual self, of one who is filled with fantasy concepts of expectations...
We must all learn to grow.. we either want it or we don't... if one choose not to want it, that is their choice, but they should not cry and claim that love is not around, but be aware they are the ones who simply decide not to choose one to share it with.
That is each individuals choice.. Therefore, one may be of great care before they began to "expect", as more than likely their expectations will bring many to shortchange even themselves, by expecting more than they are willing to give and share with and of themselves. some allow their expectation, to frustrate them so deeply, they can't even function to do what they need to do for themselves. some measure love, by what they expect, and how much the other caters to their expectations, and they engage to find any and every reasons to stop making effort to care or share, and engage to work on crafting reasons to leave.
some sadly, listen to their friends and associations who bombard them with 'what to expect, when to expect it, and what expense they expect to be spent to provide what they expect, and become enraged when the mate does not go into a ritual performance to provide it.
And..... when it all boils down to the simplicity, is it anything more than a psychological trip one invokes within self?
"Expectations".... !!!
Many sit around talking about how long they have been without love, and how hard they claim it is to find someone, but in truth, they made these choices, they also engage the denials which maintain them in their mate-less situations. some are proud of thier accomplishment of remaining mate-less, and some even develop higher expectations, as they think someone owes them something because they themselves chose to deny themselves for such a long time. We hear it over and over, people bragging about how long they have been without a mate, as if that means, they should be granted more of something, because they chose denial of relations. It's as much a psychological self imposed trip.
If one wants to stay single simply for the sake of staying single, they are probably less willing to brag about how long they have been so, and they are not whining about how they claim they can't find love.
Sadly, the claim of "pretty", damage more women than many things, because unspoken, it seems to carry with it, a circle of expectations of what they expect to get. We often see more of the claimed pretty ones who either can't function in a relationship, or they are in and out of it in a flash, when they could not have their way, and get their expectations met at the expense and sacrifices of another.
to put it all in perspective. Visit a senior citizen complex, or visit a hospital, or visit a shelter for the dis-advantaged and the homeless- it just might open peoples eyes, to appreciate the simple every day realism, and they may even learn to value what is communicating and sharing.
Go and look at some of the very older couples who have been together 40-50 yrs, and learn, but many never see.. all they see is two people who are older- they don't see what these individuals have learned, of how to 'share", how to not be driven by expecting, but they survive and thrive by simple "respecting each other', and that simple things, gives them the want to help, share and care with each other and what life involves for them.
It's just the world, youth and physical appeal is its own mirage, because in the end result reality exposes individuals. and every individual has to work to make love work, and loving is not just the ego elation that gives a tingle in the groin, it is a full circle involvement, that learns the value of care, and in learning that value, they invariably learn to "share".. "Expectations", rarely destroy such relationships...
Learning and Living ..... who can face it...who can deny it...??
Posted:Nov 11, 2010 4:24 am
Last Updated:Nov 12, 2010 4:45 pm 46031 Views
The simplest thing in the world is what keeps many men interested in a particular woman.
"Appreciation", and when that is coupled with the considerate mindset. it covers a broad spectrum of what gives a relationship its gusto.
Many women can do themselves a great favor in their wants for love.
It's simple, learn to be more appreciating, and more considerate, without selfish conditions, Learn to appreciate more, rather than expecting more from him, learn to appreciate what he gives and what he shares, but more-so, learn most of all to appreciate him as the individual he is.
The other major part is Learn to be Considerate of what is his life, and not just what she wants him to do for her life. this seems to be the hardest part for many women to grasp, because they continually want to change him, and regulate him, and place demands on how and what he should do, and when he should do it, and to what level she expect "she" wants it done.
If women can over-come those selfish aspect, they not only will make their life less stressful, by expecting and then becoming anguished because he does not bow and bend to ever expectation to meet with her demands of how she has dreamed his role to fit in her life, she will learn how to fit her life in with his.
The women who learn these things, seem to be the women who also find they have longevity in their relationships. They also don't become the women, who are left alone, with the standard song, of saying "he would not do this, "he did not give me this", and "he would not change", and "he would treat me this way", or "make me feel this way"... ( all those phrases symbolize 'expectations", "demands", and are often followed up with "ultimatums", which generally lead herself to start telling him, how the relationship is not going to work, but she never stops to think, What she is saying is because he did not become the full circle puppet, she is choosing to shut down and pack and go. and that in the over-all tells how much and which ways she probably badgered him to become like her personal puppet), but it just may well tell how 'selfishly engulfed she is.
Some women listen to other women tell her 'what she should expect, and what they think she should be getting and how much of something she should be demanding, and woman foolishly listen to this cycle of garbage among themselves, as they each trying to claim themselves and each other, some Cinderella fantasy being, instead of simply being a female person who is woman enough to appreciate and be considerate and be able to accept appreciations and accept being considered. More women throw away love, by trying to have some Cinderella story, or trying to play a role as if she is some fairy tale of the princess seeking to be won over by some act of fantasy styled chivalry. Equally so, it shows just what points she shut down on learning how to be appreciating, and at what points she stopped being of considerations.
Many Men want women as simply wanting them, most could care less about how much money, or how much success a woman, or what kind of popularity she seeks to claim. those things mean far less to men when he is choosing women. where as those things about men, probably mean more to women, when she is looking at men, than anything, because the women who see men as simply a person, generally does not care about his success level, nor his money, an those women are able to stay in a cycle to appreciate and be considerate because they see him more as a person, than as some accessibility and some means to get compensations.
Unfortunately man women today are success junkies, until they are satisfied with nothing, and nothing can they even think to be satisfied with, they see power, money, and status by career obsessions, Its so predominating today in society, many woman have lost the value point of even giving birth to offspring's, they want money, power, status and sometimes fame or they want to be and have the means to shop and buy stuff, as the measure of what they seek. some toy with men, as long as it is like some novelty that she can utilize or if it connects them to some status circle. unfortunately, this too is something that some men are guilty of equally so.
But; when it all comes down to the simplicity of relationships, life is nothing more than man and woman, learning how to be appreciating of each other as persons.. Some don't find this truth until age become to strip away their external claims, some don't learn it until life knocks them on their butt and strip them of everything, and some don't learn it at any point. And those are the life long "user's" that dominate the landscape in any and every country on the globe. but the people who learn also learn, the value of what is a "helpmate'. and when they accept what that means, they learn better to simply love, as appreciation and consideration of persons, one unto another, and for and of each other.
if you claim you want love, then learn first and foremost, how to 'appreciate and how to accept being appreciated, then you may well learn too how to be considerate and how to accept being considered.
if you can't learn those simple things, you probably won't learn very well how to love nor how to share loving.
women who think they can control relationships with sex, the on and off bartering of it, make more a fool of themselves, because they find they are continually measuring themselves by other women and what they think they can manipulate with the on and off sex games. but the women who learn to share sex as a human being, who not only does so with appreciation and open to be accepting of being appreciated, and being considerate to be pro-active, and being open to accept pro-active considerations in how sex is shared, are woman who find they have a more enriched realism about sex, rather than the 'low lack of drive for passion" they find within the barter cycle games, that so many women use sex to engage.
In this day and age..
Posted:Nov 7, 2010 5:00 pm
Last Updated:Nov 8, 2010 4:38 pm 50567 Views
It's interesting even in this day and age, where people mix and mate and breed their young in every ethnic combination imaginable.
yet, there are still women, who stay single because they don't feel free to marry the ethnic person they want to be with, because their family expects them to marry within their own ethnicity. This same is true for a variety of men across the world.
I remember some years back a guy from India, liked a blond Caucasian woman, and they wanted to be together, but his family had a pre-arranged wife for him waiting in India.
I've dated women,in earlier years whom had those kind of pressures,and there are probably many within these web sites, who can't find a way to tell their parents, they want to be with someone of a different ethnicity. and some of them simply stay single, to avoid facing the situation of family expectations.
It may be some years before the world as a whole change fully in these ways, and in some circles it may never change.
There are many men,and woman, from very wealthy families, who can play with any ethnic woman during college days, and some woman can secretly play with any ethnic man short of marriage, but when college or playing is over, his/her parents expect him/her to follow their tradition of same ethnicity marriages.
The world and people makes for interesting ways in which people avoid to face many things, and some may even live in denial of love, to avoid dealing within such choices...
21st Century and people are still not free to simply live as they desire... what a strange thing, in a world of many things.
A choice
Posted:Nov 6, 2010 6:09 am
Last Updated:Nov 6, 2010 3:03 pm 51250 Views
There are many pretty faces, shapely bodies, dazzling smiles, and interesting hearts.
Relationships are formed with a variety of types and styles of understanding.
Some long distance, some where people keep tabs on each other through the days, some where people see each other infrequently and some where people may not see each other daily, but keep in contact during the week... and then there are the simple 'booty call" types, and those which sprang up, on a need basis, some only get together for special events or occasions.
Each couple may care to craft it where it works for both, maybe close tabs does not work for everyone, and maybe your mate choice travels, and as with some, even like a cross country truck driver, they move from place to place and return home with no set schedule but, home fits the when they are there, then there is the Sea faring fishermen type, where the person is out to sea for days maybe months, or maybe the military person, who is off on tour, maybe for long spans of time. In some ways, these kind of things can and do exist in many relationships. but people find ways for it to work. Some places people may have a harem, but they find ways to make it work, some have multiple wives, they find ways to make it work. There is every kind of combination one can imagine, and people find ways to make it work. It still comes down to people, developing understanding that work for them.
When people are living alone before they meet a mate, why them do some become obsessed that they must see each other everyday at a certain time, as if they are demanded to come home at the same time daily. especially when they already know the other has irregular hours, and maybe a life style that does not afford such a regularity..
What would that same person who complains do, if they were living alone? they'd find ways to invest their time, rather than badger the other about being 10 minutes later coming home, if one was taking care of their bills when they lived alone, why would they think they should do less of such when they get in a relationship?
If people, consider many things, they may not truly smother the other, because if a person wants to go and do something, they can and will find a way to do it, and no one can stop them if they are determined to do something with someone else.
Does it really matter if your mate works over-time, because if you were living alone, you'd find a way to deal with your own time, if you were not in a relationships, you'd be open to seeing them when time permits, so why does it become a problem in some relationships, when people situational put more time in their jobs, than to rush home, just to make it there at a set time daily?
Simple things as such destroy many relationships, rather than for people to simply think, and find ways to make relations distinctive with understanding for both.
Why would a woman marry a rich man, who has to travel, and then complain about him not being there just because she wants to see him everyday, she already knew his work schedule was not a common 8 to 5, nor was he a stay at home and follow a set script like one who may work on a assembly line, with fixed hours, but people let their self concerns of emotions cloud their reality of understanding, and make hell in each others lives, about these kind of things. Why would a man marry a woman who may be wealthy and travels and expect her to be a traditional tv image house wife? It simply does not fit with logic, as to how their situations exist, then they must craft understanding that works for their situations.
Today's world is not yesterdays fantasy concepts, it is a reality with many variables. understanding and communication is the bridge that makes it possible for any two people, to develop a workable situations.
The television version of magic fantasy, is just that, television, people lives are distinct and individual, if one chooses to make a relationship, that might be a good thing to consider.
Life is what is life, people make relationships many things, but what always makes it work, is simple communication, and basic understanding as individuals and adults, but again, it is up to two individuals, to craft it where it works for them, not how it fits a standard in their imagery concept but how it fits the reality of their lives...
Sadly, people let money get in their way of many things, some with it make many trips, and some without it make many trips, but all money can do is, afford them the options to buy things, or go places, but it does not make what is a relationship. and if it does, when that money picture changes, so goes the relationship.
Thank goodness many wealthy men, have not set their lives up to seek only wealthy women, unfortunately, wealthy women, have set their lives up to seek only wealthy men... this may tell a lot about the difference in men and woman. men seem to see women as just woman, where women seem to seek men, based far too much of material and economic means. This may tell more about the reality of people, than much that comes out of their mouth, when people consider the demean and choices people make. but it equally so, may raise many flags to the wise minds, to simply be aware.
What a job, lovers must undertake to make understanding work for two..
A world of many things... and still "It's all just people" Whom must learn daily, how better to make relations work in their lives.
Tempters and Teasers
Posted:Nov 4, 2010 8:27 pm
Last Updated:Nov 5, 2010 11:46 pm 50027 Views
Tempters and Teasers, are plenty which can be found in any and every place one may find themselves.
The nature of the game, does not change, it may find means to be coy, but it reveals itself often, if only attention is given to see it in the reality it exist.
Since time began of civil community structure, and who knows maybe before then, it has been a part of the landscape of social function. It's quite like advertising, many things are often embellished to make it a sale, and when it comes to the human being, not much is different, other than the basic raw reality, which every couple must always face.. some flee when reality arrives, because they can't digest that the costume of tempting is one that is often found to be of costume, and the Teaser cycle runs up against the time to show truth, and accept the role of reality. and many flee..
The world is interesting in such ways, the fantasy plays and the orchestra fads into the background, and the sounds of life, become resoundingly over-whelming, with realism.
At many points many find; that money is less a matter than it may have appeared within the fantasy pursuit, and things become far more cumbersome, than they appear in the advertised presentations.
What then of daily realism come to bring the principle realism's beyond the embellished illusions, directly to the forefront. The truth comes to set each free, and many at that point flee,...
Patience comes, to bring and deliver the understanding to support the virtue of honesty in self expression, and many run, and claim depression, some holler and cry and claim repression..
When the time come to be responsible and the need to be self inspired is their way to salvation of relations, at that point, some cry, and claim despair and claim what is not fair; All because its their time to give without compensation, within the claim they so speak, of wanting to share.
The tit for tat bargain fest is engaged, and the barter cycle gets heavy, and emotions are quickly rationed and measured by what it gets, more than what it gives or has to share, and people become angry.. to find that love is work, and they detest that work produces and sustains love. and they claim, and state what and how much they are tired, and then they seek to get away. Yet, they find over time, they can't run from themselves, because no matter where they go, they find themselves there, and no where to hide from their own needs to face the truth, they then want so urgently to deny.. At this point some weave a great lie, they fail to give effort, nor will they be eager to try, yet, they cry claiming what they desire, but so many live at such point, claiming pains, and declare their stand from love, some retreat, to retire.
So goes a love, that never gets its opportunity to share, or be shared.
Time always tells the story...
Posted:Nov 4, 2010 8:09 pm
Last Updated:Nov 5, 2010 6:16 pm 50104 Views
now when the truths come out, because its not just a matter of Republicans trying to defeat President Obama, every screw up they make now, will ride heavy on them. the public will find out the truth about health care, and will realize it is not only a good start to reform, it has all the potential to be expanding in how it revolutionizes health care. And the Republicans will slap themselves in the face if they try to dismantle it, equally so the same thing with banking reform and wall street reform. When they attempt to try and roll it back, the public will learn the truth of the Right Wing greed grabs, and then they will realize what took the nation down in the first place was Right Wing Policies.
As the truth continues to unfold, the public will see, that the stimulus and taking on our own debt, was not only our best option it was the reasonable means to make Americans learn responsibility behind allowing folly to rip and rob a nation, and time will show that the stimulus, was the best thing American has done for itself in generations.
People will become aware of the Trillon Plus, that big business is sitting on, of which they rob and stole from the American people.
all we have to do is simply pay attention as time moves forth, and the truth people quickly tried to deny of the downfall the Republican agenda brought, they will see it was no fluke, that is how they operate and their agenda is and will always be about the wealthy and the corporations, and soon more than later, the undeniable truth will be all over the nations, in resounding clarity.
People will be appaled at the revelation of the 'collusive and defeatist mentality that was engaged over the past two years, and these zing nuts on the right will be fully exposed.
People who followed Palin, are yet blind, she ran from her office, to grab the dollars of books and reality TV, and she paraded across the nation, collecting speaking fee's and behind the door deals crafted by endorsements and other means by the wealthy right wingers, and she will have very little of recourse to fight any of it.
Life always has a funny way to bring about the truths...and people may come to realize it late, but they can't deny it when it comes in un-deniable means and manners.
Time always tells the story.