Taking care, to be of care
Posted:Aug 11, 2010 4:35 am
Last Updated:Jan 15, 2025 1:37 pm 59577 Views
LONDON – British scientists have found a superbug that is resistant to most antibiotics and are warning that it is widespread in India and could soon appear worldwide.
The superbug has so far been identified in 37 people who returned to the U.K. after undergoing surgery in India or Pakistan.
In an article published online Wednesday in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, doctors reported finding a new gene, called NDM-1. The gene alters bacteria, allowing them to become resistant to nearly all known antibiotics. It has been seen largely in E. coli bacteria, the most common cause of urinary tract infections, and on DNA structures that can be easily copied and passed onto other types of bacteria.
The researchers said the superbug appeared to be already circulating widely in India, where the health system is much less likely to identify its presence or have adequate antibiotics to treat patients.
"The potential of NDM-1 to be a worldwide public health problem is great, and coordinated international surveillance is needed," the authors wrote. Aside from the U.K., the resistant gene has also been detected in Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, the U.S. and Sweden. The researchers said that since many Americans and Europeans travel to India and Pakistan for elective procedures like cosmetic surgery, it was likely the superbug would spread worldwide.
"The spread of these multi-resistant bacteria merits very close monitoring," wrote Johann Pitout of the division of microbiology at the University of Calgary, Canada, in an accompanying commentary.
Pitout called for international surveillance of the bacteria, particularly in countries that actively promote medical tourism. "The consequences will be serious if family doctors have to treat infections caused by these multi-resistant bacteria on a daily basis." (from the news)
competency in some cases may not matter
Posted:Aug 10, 2010 4:59 am
Last Updated:Aug 11, 2010 5:06 am 61081 Views
Too hot to be an engineer or prison guard?
Good looks can kill a woman's chances of snaring jobs considered "masculine," according to a study by the University of Colorado Denver Business School.
Attractive women faced discrimination when they applied for jobs where appearance was not seen as important. These positions included job titles like manager of research and development, director of finance, mechanical engineer and construction supervisor.
They were also overlooked for categories like director of security, hardware salesperson, prison guard and tow-truck driver.
"In these professions being attractive was highly detrimental to women," researcher Stefanie Johnson said in a statement, adding that attractive women tended to be sorted into positions like receptionist or secretary.
"In every other kind of job, attractive women were preferred. This wasn't the case with men which shows that there is still a double standard when it comes to gender."
The study, published in the Journal of Social Psychology, was based on giving participants a list of jobs and photos of applicants and asking them to sort them according to their suitability for the role. They had a stack of 55 male and 55 female photos.
While the researchers found good-looking women were ruled out for certain jobs, they found that attractive men did not face similar discrimination and were always at an advantage.
But Johnson said beautiful people still enjoyed a significant edge when it came to the workplace.
They tended to get higher salaries, better performance evaluations, higher levels of admission to college, better voter ratings when running for public office, and more favorable judgments in trials.
"In every other kind of job, attractive women were preferred," said Johnson, who chided those who let stereotypes affect hiring decisions.
(Writing by Belinda Goldsmith, Editing by Dean Goodman) (end article) ___________________________________________________________
Everyone has seen it, a pretty and shapely female enters the work place, and the not so pretty woman, may get not only looked over, but by passed for a promotion or denied an opportunity, because she does not look at pretty as the next one. Its so much a situation in business across the globe.
one woman some time ago, I spoke with on this site, told me that many girls fear for their jobs, because in China, they can be replaced by a girl with a pretty face and shapely body that the boss favors, over a less pretty face, or one that has gotten older and may not be the young pretty image anymore.
funny, but between that scenario, and the so called "all American look", here in the West, not only women, but men get promoted for some of the same reasons. Being 6ft tall also, become a job lock for some men, and some fitting the illusion of the American image based on modeling from the 1960, or from the movie arena, are many times given jobs, they are ill prepared or not fully capable to performing with the quality skills another may possess. and then comes, the friend of the family or, or of an associate or, some prominent figure, who gets pushed on the fast track, but does not perform to the quality level, yet, they get good reviews for some of the same reasons, they got hired.
But it also, should not be a situation where a woman or a man is denied an opportunity because they have attractive features; they did not make themselves, they were born looking how they look, so they should be regarded as a person with the same regard as others get or should get. Pretty does not mean dumb, nor does being none model attractive mean unqualified
The world of amazing things.... "images"... can void out character and quality skill-sets.
The Sun
Posted:Aug 9, 2010 6:43 pm
Last Updated:Aug 10, 2010 5:34 pm 60681 Views
I don't know if we really grasp the magnitude of the Sun... Imagine even the big lights they use to light up the sky, when it is an event or something being held at night.. the light is very hot, but it only lights up a specific area, and the heat only displaces to cover a certain areas.
Then Imagine the magnitude of the Sun, it lights up everything, and in doing so, its so powerful, that it also, heats up everything. its as if the light is being pushed by a power so great that it is not even comprehensible the force it takes to generate and push heat like this. Even the tiniest window, can light up a whole room. but we something burn light-bulbs, that are pale in comparison, yet, do we really stop to marvel at the power of the Sun.
no matter how many people claim a big bang, and talk about mankind coming from single cell things from the ocean, I simply can't believe it. Nothing as magnificent as the life of human beings, and the cosmos, which makes the solar system we live, have such harmony, that its cycles are with a synchronicity, man can't replicate, he can only observer, and denote, by his summations of conjecture about the whys and the why not. but what ever man claims to discover, he could not discovered it, if the elements for the capability of its possibility did not already exist.
We live by the constraints of our limits within our awareness, as we become more aware of what is, we are capable of creating what can be made possible of what we can envisage.
heat, and more heat, and other things of interest
Posted:Aug 9, 2010 5:56 pm
Last Updated:Jan 15, 2025 1:37 pm 65218 Views
a few weeks ago, it rained "everyday".. for the past two weeks, its been 100 degree and above. As I left for lunch today, I had to put on my driving gloves because the steering wheels was so hot , that's a fact.. I guess, I will have to take my Ray Bans, because the other sunglasses, are good, but they are of a lighter tint, so I will get the darker glasses tomorrow.
One good relief from the heat, is the women in the office, are very good spirited and many of them, enjoy good laughter, but they also, do good work.
It's amazing how quickly some of them, set their offices up, but its also interesting watching them, get all the colors to blend, and making sure their wall hanging are just right.
I noticed many women, have their pictures of their placed about their offices, and pictures of their husbands, equally so. Its interesting to see the people who've been married for near to 30 years, laugh and joke with each other, and come to see their wives offices.
But, still the heat of the day, keeps everyone on their toes, Thank goodness, the building has a very excellent cooling system.
being aware-
Posted:Aug 8, 2010 10:25 am
Last Updated:Aug 10, 2010 7:28 pm 65452 Views
Ousted Hewlett-Packard Co. CEO Mark Hurd has settled allegations of sexual harassment lodged against him by a female contract worker for HP, a person with knowledge of the case told The Associated Press.
The harassment accusation set off a chain of events that led to the discovery of allegedly falsified expense reports for dinners Hurd had with the woman and culminated in Hurd's forced resignation Friday from the world's largest technology company.
The person familiar with the case told the AP late Satuday that Hurd agreed to pay the woman but would not reveal the size of the payment. The deal was reached Thursday, a day before Hurd's resignation. The settlement was between Hurd and his accuser and did not involve a payment from HP, this person said.
This person was granted anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the issue.
The nature of the harassment complaint could not be learned. Hurd and a lawyer representing the woman, whose identity could not be learned, said the relationship was not sexual.
The woman was paid up to $5,000 per event to greet people and make introductions among executives attending HP events that she helped organize.
HP's board of directors said its investigation found that Hurd listed other people as his dinner partners on expense reports when he'd been out with the woman. HP also claimed Hurd arranged for her to be paid for work she didn't do.
challenges and tragedies - among much else..
Posted:Aug 8, 2010 9:39 am
Last Updated:Aug 9, 2010 4:04 am 65656 Views
( from news) BEIJING – Rubble-strewn floodwaters tore through a remote corner of northwestern China on Sunday, smashing buildings, overturning cars and killing at least 127 people.
Half of an entire town was under water and an estimated 2,000 more people were missing in the latest deluge in a summer that has seen China's worst seasonal flooding in a decade.
Terrified residents fled to high ground or upper stories of apartment buildings after a debris-blocked river overflowed during the night in the northwestern province of Gansu.
Worst hit was the county seat of Zhouqu in the province's Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, with the official Xinhua News Agency reporting half of it under water. Many houses collapsed and streets were covered with a yard (meter) of mud and water after the early morning landslides, it said.
The landslides struck after heavy rains lashed the country late Saturday and the Bailong River overflowed, Xinhua quoted the head of Zhouqu county, Diemujiangteng, as saying,
"Now the sludge (thick mud) has became the biggest problem to rescue operations. It's too thick to walk or drive through," he was quoted as saying. (end news) __________________________________________
Devastation continue to strike, many places are hard hit by every kind of disaster, and many lives lost, damaged and livelihoods disrupted in un-imaginable ways. yet, we continue to spin, some recognizing and some not recognizing the distressed and despair reality so many continue to face. many of us, remain unaware of what can happen even in our own communities and the cities which house the variety of communities.
We see many efforts of mankind to try and prevent much, but nature being the force it is, can and does seem to have very little regard to stay within what man creates to try and contain it. yet, we need the preventive measures, but they seem never to be enough for the base force of nature.
We may go about our days, wasting many things, as well as doing many things, without a though of care about things beyond what our self concern is- while all about us, a world faces much of challenges. we may live in a city, with pristine design, but only a matter of blocks away, and maybe sometimes, even next door, there is despair beyond our concerns of though to consider.
Life itself is an amazing experience, unpredictable, and always in the state of constant change. We can basically live, wish well for others as ourselves, and have thoughts of compassion for the challenges that befall many, any and is not exempt from befalling us.
We may well come in a time, to learn to appreciate the simple things, and respect the many things, which make up the world we live. We may come to a time, to be thankful for what we have, and to think not that it removes us from the reality of life's challenges, for each challenge can be many things, brought about in many ways.
How is Love.. made simple
Posted:Aug 8, 2010 6:57 am
Last Updated:Aug 9, 2010 4:04 am 67536 Views
if we look around at the elderly couples who have been together many years, and then we look at the teens who build a love from the very beginning of attractions, desire and appreciations. these two groups tell us how simple it is. but the ages between the age and the senior citizen age.
We can see vividly, the havoc that so many in-between make the simple act of love, become confounded in ever sort of ego, challenges, contempt, collusive acts, manipulative ploys and use and abuse, we see encroachments of every type.
We see people playing status games, and making everything more important than the simple acts of appreciating the companionship, we see people making money become their measure, and then measuring their mate by money, title and every kind of fiction imaginable.
But if we look around, among the working poor and less wealthy, we see people enjoying some of the simple things, without falling apart at the seams. and some of the wise wealthy, who understand that money is not their self measure, seem to also, make good relationship.
Just last week, a guy told me, that he would go fishing on Saturday, and he would buy a Pizza and get a movie for he and his wife to watch on Friday night, he called her, to see what type of pizza she wanted. he was simply delighted, about the simplicity of sharing time with his wife. he's been married for many years, he does the maintenance work, at the building, he has a in school who is pursuing becoming a anesthetist.
It's simple,in the ways they enjoy the simple things. He offers to stop in the morning and bring the sausage and biscuits from a place he frequents for breakfast, and many of the women in the office, place their orders the day before. He always has a good interesting conversation to engage about. and seems so over-all contented with his relationship, and his personal value points.
Then we have the status pursuers, who seem to be somewhat anguished on a wide frequency. we have those who have complaints about everything in their relationships. Then we have those who speak about their past marriages, but they have somewhat anguish that they did not make it work better. I think many, when they loose it, they realize the tyrant mentality they may have engaged to help destroy it. and then its without the ability to repair, because the mate has gone on and found another marriage, and made longevity out of it.
Its sad to see some of the women, who have become bitter behind their broken relationships, and shut down, and in their eyes and their words, they long for a relationship, but they also convey in their own ways, what they have learned of how to work together.
I don't know if its age and the fact they are not the young being chased types anymore, or if its just the natural wisdom has taken hold.
I hear some of the women, talking about other women, and how they either ran this man or that man away, or how they used and mis-used the kindness of this man or that man, until he left. and then they talk about how good his new relationship is with the woman he settled with.
It's a lot of sad stories, that seem to spin and many of them have the same theme. "wild expectations, crazy demands, and power games, ego elation, and one thinking they are more than what has resulted to become of them".
While people are young enough to still catch attention, they may well learn, that the looks will fade, and the delusion of being too good or that someone owes them something just to be a decent human being. will unfold its own reality. and that reality may well find them, "alone", and filled with every frame of bitterness, their expectations filled them with, and their demands left them holding, as well as their illusion of being too pretty or too this or that, has left them to realize, how much of a self absorbed delusion it really sums up to be.
During this location move, some of the women, brought their husbands to see their new office, some brought their husbands, and he helped them carry their personal things in and set up their office, and some of the men, simply offered their assistance to others during the course of this move. and each of the women equally so, seem to just be happy easy going people.
Most of these couples attend church together and they are actively involved in their church functions.
Surely they have their challenges, but they seem to find a way to overcome them, and stay together.. "learning more and more, how to make loving simple, and keep love as a simple sharing, of and within each others lives. Some of the women make more money than their husbands, but they don't seem to have that rift of trips about it. they talk about what they do to help their , and what are the cost they share to get their in college, and what things they go to at the college, to participate in various milestones in their s lives.
People make love simple, by first and foremost, "ACCEPTING EACH OTHER, AND THEMSELVES, AS BEING WITHIN THE RELATIONSHIP".
It appears that without the status anguish and the basing everything on who has money and who does not. many don't buy into the 'degree based mating", as some of the men are married to women who don't have degree, and many of the women are married to men, who don't have degrees. some of the women, who have big responsibility positions, have husbands who do manual labor jobs, as well as many other non titled or status jobs, but they speak of each other with endearing regard. I think this natural appreciations, helps many of these individuals make better relationships, because they have it based on more core values of "person as an individual", than these cycles of status illusion.
Maybe this change in the economy, not just in this nation, but around the globe, may make people, learn better to love as simply people, and by pass the pursuit of measuring love by monetary and title, degree and other status depicted considerations.
If only people could figure it out, they may find, that mate selection based on title and money, is simply a bargain pursuit, that brings with it, measuring sticks, that ignore the individual whom they have chosen as being a person, instead, they see them, based on the title and the dollar value the person holds.
There are more young couples who end up breaking up, because one wants to push the other, to be something the individual does not want to be.
We see far too often in the 20's and 30's people pushing away their mate, because they want him to be an 'Achievement junkie, or a wealth chaser", and continually leave him, saying, "he has no ambition".. but they ignored the fact, that what he does have, far greater than such things, is the want to simply share love and relations, with her. but she kicks him to the curb, in lieu of chasing the status and the dollar pursuers.
Thus they claim, love is hard, and that love is hard to find. never knowing they are looking less for love, and more for status and material equations. and generally over-look, the simplicity of love.
How is Love.. made simple
If it is not by the simple act of appreciations and and engaging the desire to be and do so.
The joy(s) of Dogs.
Posted:Aug 6, 2010 5:21 pm
Last Updated:Aug 8, 2010 6:16 am 68092 Views
they like many things, from popcorn, to caramel popcorn,and other kinds of snacks and now they like roasted peanuts. When i Bar-B-Que, they like to stay close to the pit, and they know, they have some meat on the grill too, so they wait with eager eyes, for their portion.
Each morning before work, I give them each a cookie, sometimes two, a few days ago, they each left their cookie on the floor all day, and when I came home, I let them out, and when they came in, they immediately ate their cookies.
I found that truly funny. Some days, they do not touch their food, they either wait until I sit down to watch a movie, or they go in and eat either close to the time I go to bed, or they go and eat after I go to bed.
On rare occasions they eat during the day. But when I put their food outside, if I add some gravy or meat to it, they will eat it right away.
when I pull in the garage, they are eager for me to open the back door, and as I turn off the alarm, they each have to jump on me as if to play tag, as their ways of simply saying hello. then they are ready to go out and do their thing.
They are quite interesting, they share the same bowl, one eats what it wants, and then the other will eat what it wants, but they don't fight each other to get to the food. hey already know if one gets something, the other will get the same.
they are a bit different with their rawhide bones, they guard it, and later they may let the other one have it, and one only wants to eat the one, after the small has chewed on it for a while, and somethings, one will get both of them, and guard it as if she was watching her own puppies.
one day, she put it in the way, so the little one could not walk past, he went all the way around through the other room, to keep the big one from feeling that he was trying to get the bone.
but they love music, soon as I start to play the Piano, the little one starts to sing. but they have certain beats they like, and they immediately start playing with each other..
The joy(s) of Dogs.
Posted:Aug 6, 2010 5:03 pm
Last Updated:Aug 6, 2010 6:25 pm 74173 Views
Well, we've been moving our office, all week was packing, today we began the move to a centralized downtown location. Moving is always an interesting thing, full of many challenges.
Its a great location, and enhances the business presence in many ways.
This weekend is a mass of work, if we are to open for business on Monday.
Its great to see those who work hard to make it come together, and its very sad to see those who, contribute very little to the move, or the effort to assist others. some only care about their office, they have no concern to be helpful to others. with the timing irregularity, there is room for many to help each other as team based cooperation.
But over-all, tomorrow, the challenge is to get the other stuff moved, and get everything up and in shape by Monday, to see and provide the services to the customers.
Posted:Aug 6, 2010 5:05 am
Last Updated:Aug 6, 2010 5:44 pm 75997 Views
Seems all across the nations, schools are closing one behind the next, some regions close more than others. Is it part the birth rate is lower, as well as the glut of empty homes, not producing school tax dollars.
Locally they are discussing closing two Historic Facilities, Its quite sad, they have not devised alternative usage for these historic units.
When we consider in this nation, the mass of unemployed, are people with many years of work in a variety of industries which no longer exist.
It would be a good thing, to convert some of these facilities into a new style of 'adult educational facilities", that feature adult certificate programs, for re-training, into green tech, solar power studies programs, waste disposal and recycling tech study program, battery tech, and the skills of working with new synthetic materials.
There can also be software application courses, to find new ways to make use of available software. Living financial management programs, Home conversion program, to update homes to use the technology which is ever expanding in ways to improve home life.
Countless things, which can be done to develop a new era of workforce, professions as well as new models of entrepreneurship.
Most importantly, they could include civic classes, and diversity training program, and teach background understanding of sociological models by teaching world level sociology classes.
Herbal Remedy for healthy living, and devise adult level physical training programs.
If we as a nation, do not invest in building new models for the pathway of society to travel, then we not only loose as we've lost in the industrial capacity, we loose further by not looking to the future and instilling a new skill set into the social environment.
Everyone certainly is not going to be an administrator, nor will everyone be a mouthpiece for some promotion of sales of some sort.
The world has people who are doer's, they work in a variety of ways, which does not require college degree. We've seen the nation become a paper pusher, simply by the single focus on degree, as if we can live as a society by paper pushers, and people telling other people what to do, there has to be the artisans, the crafts people, the wide variety of skills that make the world work.
We should have learned, the reality after 2008, when we saw dunce after dunce sit before congress riding their degree, and claiming what they did not know, and what they did not see coming.
We've seen company after company hire degrees, and find themselves, sold, liquidated, taken over and their parts dismantled, and the only winner has been paper pushers and mouthpieces, while the devastation has taken a toll on the masses, decimated cities, and now the end result is we see a decline in the educational facilities,
We see a decline in the birth rate, and we live in a society that has an aged population. We see the degree holding population, on a mission, that either does not include having , they opt for the opulence, and status.
While we see the best numbers for birth among the working people, and those who value the family building above the status building.
We see as an example in the American South West, a high rise in the Latin populations in most of the West Coast cities, as they value their and the giving of birth, more than they value the status climbing cycles, they have gained political power, as well as they are business owners, who did not suffer the downfall much of the nation suffered, within their communities.
They teach each other and their their skills, and they work together to make business in their community. When the dust settled, their communities continue on an upward plane, both in population and good commercialism within their communities.
Their population numbers mandate their area schools stay open, because they have the base population numbers to require the facilities are not closed.