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Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

strange world
Posted:Aug 5, 2010 9:13 pm
Last Updated:Sep 28, 2010 12:42 am

Normally, I would not make a specific point about a specific person to this degree.
but (xxxxxxxxx) has to be with some type of mental issue.. who likes to go about posting rebuttal to comments I post, as well as commenting in various blogs I post on, then brings her simplicit negativity, to try to tell me what to write, and this selective blocking.

I only patronize (her) blog as a general courtesy, to demonstrate that I normally do not hold any adversity behind the stuff people say.
but I think, I've had about enough of the pathetic dribble from her.
no contest
Posted:Aug 5, 2010 5:01 am
Last Updated:Dec 23, 2017 6:47 am
this is very much a challenge... I do not want to undertake, in mate selection..

The nation's obesity epidemic continues to worsen despite intensive efforts to try to get Americans to slim down, according to a new federal report analyzing obesity rates on a state level that was released Tuesday.

The number of states in which at least one-third of the adults were obese tripled in two years, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's report. In 2000, no state had an obesity prevalence of 30 percent or more. By 2007 that was the case in three states -- Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. By 2009, it was up to nine -- Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and West Virginia, according to the report

The obesity rate varies widely from state to state, ranging from as low as 18.6 percent in Colorado to 34.4 percent in Mississippi. Southern and Midwestern states tend to have higher rates. The obesity rate was 24.2 in Virginia, 26.2 in Maryland and 19.7 in the District in 2009.

Between 2007 and 2009, an additional 2.4 million Americans ages 18 and older became obese, according to the report.

The rising obesity rate is adding to the nation's medical bill. Obese people cost the medical system $1,429 more in 2008 than people with normal weights, according to the report. In 2008, medical costs associated with obesity were about $147 billion.

I guess, I will remain 'dateless", and surely, there is almost no hope of running into a mating candidate in Wal mart
1 comment
They music plays but no one is dancing- few even hear the melody
Posted:Aug 4, 2010 7:00 pm
Last Updated:Aug 5, 2010 4:20 am

Everyday, there is tragedies of every sort, wiping away lives within a flash, the who lost lives in china, here there were 6 who all passed away by falling off a sand bar into deep water, the disgruntled worker who killed some of his co-workers, and every other thing imaginable.

Does this not awaken us, to the realization, to make efforts to share our lives while we can.

Does any of this awaken us to realize that the mountain of criteria we create even after we see someone we like, is depriving us of the simplicity to basically share the gift of moments we have.

Never will one be so pretty as to be above sharing their life, nor will one be so wealthy as to be above sharing their life, nor is there anyone so smart, to be above sharing their life.

No matter what illusion one has of self, status, wealth, charm, or such things, none of those will afford anyone a guarantee of tomorrow.

Coffins are in many ways designed with 'generic intent as to sizes", and they too will be covered by dirt, when its said an done.

What we have is - "now"

Even the new wave of billionaires who are giving much of their wealth away, have found not even their wealth makes them happy, but they are finding ways to care and share, as the means to understand the reality of sharing and engaging their lives to do so.

Many now see, no matter how many Mansions they have, or how many coast they have them on, they can only be in one place at a time. and many find that a home and maybe a vacation home, covers their home needs.

Some buy property as pure investment, but some buy them and claim them as home, on multiple points and places, over time, they find the upkeep is more than they imagined, and the only people who enjoy the home is the staff that maintains it.

It appears that the age of change is taking place in the higher ranks of the billionaire class, they have all the material things, and some are still searching, and even some find they were more satisfied in self, while in pursuit of these gains, more than they find happiness once they reach these heights.

Today, many don't want to leave it to their , they see, what happen to so many of titans, who simply imploded, and became insignificant in their own aspirations to achieve any contribution unto society.

So many rich girls are not happy even being females anymore, and many never learned how to appreciate men, and are in contempt at the mere reality of males.
Many Males, who have never ventured to learn and appreciate girls, and have a chosen desire of ignoring the female gender.

Working girls now, are so into their title, and their income, they have become void of the awareness to share and, be women who can and who do treasure and /or value male relations. many do all they can to avoid the relationship, of having a male as a mate.

Sadly, some feel "now", they have money, they no longer consider to make relations with men.

Maybe it shows, that (some) never cared about men, beyond the monetary need, and when they can meet their own monetary need, they have no thought of anything as to what it is to be a male and female making a relationship. Unfortunately some are status struck, either by a degree or a job title, or everything centers around material gain beyond any and all things.

Thank goodness, that men, who have for generations held degrees, and titles, but they never stopped wanting women, nor sharing what they have with women. it might be a different world if women, were as open to share relationship with men, when they are the holder of monetary matter.

Now women with money, their whole song is " I'm busy".. but for many years women, badgered men and many women even left relationships when men had to put time into his work, but he still made time for women. But no, not the women of today. they have no interest in , nor building a family, they only want wealth and title, and more wealth.

Some get high on the saying 'I'm busy", and "I'm too busy to love anyone", heck, many play the busy so hard, 'they can't even take time to share a movies", and the funny things, is many today, can't boil an egg, let alone cook an occasional dinner, not even for herself.

What a strange reality, money has made of the minds of many. and the pursuit of title and status, has made many hard as stone, and brittle in every way socially imaginable.

Does this not awaken us, to the realization, to make efforts to share our lives while we can.

Does any of this awaken us to realize that the mountain of criteria we create even after we see someone we like, is depriving us of the simplicity to basically share the gift of moments we have.

such an oddity, when these people who have wealth beyond the dream of the average person, continue to show, that the greatest gift is found in what they can give and contribute to society.

what a world...
What is the cycle of tomorrow ?
Posted:Aug 2, 2010 6:51 pm
Last Updated:Aug 4, 2010 5:51 pm
So many things, I'd like to create, business models I'd love to build, and programs I'd like to launch. Things which invigorate society, give hope, and push the pathway for uplifting the lives of individuals and communities.
quite a funny thing in life, people who have the vast fortunes to do many of these things, and some seem not to want to do so. Some just pile up wealth, for the sake of wealth, but there are those who put it to a variety of uses. The innovator, who build things, I respectfully appreciate their effort and their vision to do so.

Once upon a time, During the Golden Age of American Growth, people built things, and they created some amazing things across the nation.
They amassed great wealth beyond the average comprehension of what magnitude their wealth entailed. Many used it to do some things, which were excellent contributions. Sadly, some of their offspring, seem to have done less beyond live the opulent lifestyle, and some even resented their life because of the wealth they were born into. Unfortunate for those, who did not see a greater purpose they could engage. some drank themselves into a stupor, some drugged their lives away, never knowing when to cut the drug cycle, and some never learned to kick the habit of drink, and some squander away vast fortunes, and some of the past fortune holding families barely are recognizable names today.

In recent times, the people who looted the banks, and ripped off corporations, and swindled other corporations to merge, only to sell off their asset and pocket the gains, some pay themselves outrageous sums, with other peoples money, and return pennies to the actual investors, and they result to build nothing.

They play for the gamble as if they see the world as a poker game, and they spin in the barter for the sake of power plays, and result still, to build nothing.

The new age of the wealth have no idea of Nation Building, nor restoring value to a nation, they only see personal power, and the elation of who can accumulate the most money and act the most dominant.

Some could learn a great deal from Mr. Warren Buffet of Today's Wealth holders, he studies companies, and buy them to keep them strong, and invest to build, and in doing so, he makes a stable profit, and his invested business continue to grow.

Small and Medium Towns across this nation, which could use wise investments, but those who work in the field of such aims, see only the big mega metros', and find they miss their mark more than they hit their mark, and they shoot up like a rocket, and crash like an expended rocket which has lost its booster.

Unfortunately, many listen to attorneys, whom only see them as a 'billing target", and they soft talk, and bully push them by fake pomp and pump up illusion, and force them to craft deals, that has no way to result but downward spiral. many investment strategist, see a fee, more than they see the pathway to building stability, long term measured growth. they see spike of the moment, followed by the abyss of collapse.

the companies that continue to win, are run by those who have a vested interest in them, not run by some hired CEO who is collecting stock options and massive salary, but those who were built by the vested efforts of their founder. Excellent examples is, Apple, when Steve Jobs was away, they fell off the top shelf of progress, he returned, now they are the leader in innovation in their field, Gates and Ballamer continue to see Microsoft push their development. The Founders of Google, continue to push their field of web based functions. Ford Motors weathered the storm of the 2008 far ahead of the other corporations, because they have not only the family name, but members of the family who still take an active hand in the business.
then look at Hewlett Packard, when they turned themselves over to CEO, they lost market position, when the Founder of Kodak was no more around, they lost their edge, when they should have dominated in the photography industry regardless of the advancement of digital function, and the list goes on.

Some companies do well, because their founder set a process in motion, that kept the latter hired CEO working within a vision framework. Today there are many over hyped individuals sitting in seats they are ill suited to occupy and they result to destroy institution upon institution. Elite illusion of Ivy League expertise, and none of them had any awareness of what happened leading up to 2008, most of them run the companies based on a stock ticker, and listening to puppet boards who are driven by self interest.

product quality today is very sad in the general stature of things, one has to be very selective in choosing purchases today more than ever before. As the numbers game, is more important than generating quality products and building a loyal customer base. many today, are flippers, who rely on the the cycle of new buyers, and they fail to understand how to build loyal customers, whom have a sense of loyalty connected to the quality they receive for their money.

many quality items, are unknown by the general public, and some of the top quality products are made by some companies, who use a different branding, so as not to be discovered, of the high sure quality they produces, to keep it from being equated with their general consumption products.

example, if you want a top quality stereo, go find a true audiophile, they know the system which are not on the everyday list of products people are aware of.

Look at the list of cars for sale, if you want the best that a maker produces, then you need to buy their top vehicle, or you get a generic general consumer product. There was a time, when all Cadillac were a Cadillac, but that changed over years, and some were car with the Cadillac name on it.

The new age CEO are learning again, they can't dupe the people and expect to remain a highly respected producer of such things, if they use the name, they have to again, respect the quality that built the name. and regain the integrity to build it with that in heart and mind.
Seasons .... & Places...
Posted:Aug 1, 2010 3:45 pm
Last Updated:Aug 2, 2010 4:38 am
Partly Cloudy
104° / 79°
Partly Cloudy
103° / 79°
Partly Cloudy
101° / 80°
Partly Cloudy
97° / 78°


yes, it is certainly a scorcher - but outside or going to the store, and the heat bouncing from the pavement, is even hotter.

there is a huge lake which span over into Texas, known by two different names.
they have not build "a notable beach" along its shores in this city. this is an odd section picture, on one part of the lake, ( surely there are snakes in there) and then there is the River, but they have not done it there either, to a point where it is a main draw attraction. Quite strange after all these years. but many places that have these attributes, may try to design something on their banks as a top draw for social activity.

and its still "HOT'...
learning better, the ways of loving.. "Building Tomorrow"
Posted:Aug 1, 2010 5:38 am
Last Updated:Dec 23, 2017 6:48 am

who can want love, whom is unwilling to be of themselves, loving ? many may find ploys and tactical methods, but those whom find them to be executed in ways of giving, equally so, find ways to inspire love to become expressive, such ones may find love unfolds with the grace of a hearts smile.

what comes forth in the presence, given into appreciations expression, shall within a day bring the warm melding of moments, as shared things become what is made from the giving of each, into the moments, to be shared by both.

Life being all that it is, it becomes so much less, when one holds back their giving, thus adding conditionality, which seems to trivialize what they have to share. There to fore, give with the passions to appreciate, and loves graces will reciprocate.

Shall we always know, that nothing is lost, when given with a loving spirit, nor is there the pain of expectations delusion, when things are given freely from the desire, simply to give, that it may be shared.

The wonder-filled moment, which make great memories - is always found in the things we share with joy in our hearts, as we do so.

people build fantasy, but within our reality, kindness, is what unfolds the feelings of what fantasy envisages to desire. and within kindness, shared appreciations.. makes wonderful a great many things, and simplifies the challenges to be shared efforts to work beyond the trials, to reach for the triumph of growth and development. this can bring the everyday reality to reach beyond-fantasy, and embrace reality.

"Building Tomorrow"
, with learning better ways to love, today...
the digital age is many things...
Posted:Jul 31, 2010 4:53 pm
Last Updated:Aug 1, 2010 7:47 am

By JORDAN ROBERTSON, AP Technology Writer Jordan Robertson,
LAS VEGAS – A computer security researcher has built a device for just $1,500 that can intercept some kinds of cell phone calls and record everything that's said.

The attack Chris Paget showed Saturday illustrates weaknesses in GSM, one of the world's most widely used cellular communications technologies.

His attack was benign; he showed how he could intercept a few dozen calls made by fellow hackers in the audience for his talk at the DefCon conference here. But it illustrates that criminals could do the same thing for malicious purposes, and that consumers have few options for protecting themselves.

Paget said he hopes his research helps spur adoption of newer communications standards that are more secure.

"GSM is broken — it's just plain broken," he said.


Imagine, people are accessing the bank accounts on the phone, lately they have advertised an app, which can deposit your paycheck just by taking a picture of it..
now suppose this hacker was close with his device.. ZAP, your money is gone..
Many stores use, satellite digital transmission, every time you use their atm or swipe your card, and many gas stations use it also. but I bet none of these places, even think to consider if someone has attached a device to their hard line, and record data as it goes through the phone box.
We trust the system, but we may know less than we need to know about the break points.
there is always a hacker out trying to break into something, people may need to ask more questions, as the nature of some people is simply criminal, and so have motives that we may not have considered they could have.

I use my phone to talk, and mostly use the text function, when I have limited time, and need to leave or send a quick message. I just can't see sitting there texting back and forth, when I can dial their number and talk, and if they are busy, then they are probably too busy to have a ongoing back and forth texting session. Besides, people have no idea, that stuff is recorded in someones server.
Everything done on the web has a footprint...
100 degree plus
Posted:Jul 31, 2010 2:35 pm
Last Updated:Mar 7, 2012 4:55 am

it is plain and simple "hot", its a distressing heat, most days last week it rained, today it is hot enough to suck the water right back out of the ground. This area has a mix of every kind of weather during the course of a year. and each type is somewhat extreme..
I do wonder if the heat was the same back in the days when there were no Air Conditioners, and people used wood burning stoves ? maybe they did not eat on days when it is this hot, or they would eat early in the morning, or very late in the evening. Maybe that why people were not as big as they are now. Again I saw many many very big women out shopping, so I looked more at the products on the shelves.. but I can say, some of the women were openly friendly and did not wait to be spoken to, they spoke freely and did so without reluctance, which is a good human quality thing to do.

Well, since I was out... I went to get shirts, and look at shoes, it was so hot, I wandered through the store for a while, and did not buy anything, then I went to another store to buy under-garments, which that was not such a bad purchase, but, even still, I don't need to be out buying stuff, when I don't need it.

never got what I left home to get, which was an inspection sticker for my car. but none of the inspectors work on Saturdays..

Back home, its "Movie" time", and possibly I will work on the company web design, and build some of the databases that are on my list of things to get done. First I will make some rice and broccoli with shrimp, maybe I may put some chopped chicken in it too.
... and have a few slices of Tomato, and some bottled water.

It's time to change the eating habits and try and stick to a good diet...
Logic 101
Posted:Jul 31, 2010 1:42 pm
Last Updated:Aug 2, 2010 4:38 am

Logic 101

An 86-year-old man went to his doctor for his quarterly check-up...

The doctor asked him how he was feeling, and the 86-year-old said ,'Things are great and I've never felt better.' I now have a 20 yr-old bride who is pregnant with my .

'So what do you think about that Doc?'

The doctor considered his question for a minute and then began to tell a story.

'I have an older friend, much like you, who is an avid hunter and never misses a season.'

One day he was setting off to go hunting.

In a bit of a hurry, he accidentally picked up his walking cane instead of his gun.'

'As he neared a lake, he came across a very large male beaver sitting at the water's edge.

He realized he'd left his gun at home and so he couldn't shoot the magnificent creature. Out of habit he raised his cane, aimed it at the animal as if it were his favorite hunting rifle, and went 'bang, bang'..'

'Miraculously, two shots rang out and the beaver fell over dead..

Now, what do you think of that ?' asked the doctor.

The 86-year-old said, 'Logic would strongly suggest that somebody else pumped a couple of rounds into that beaver.'

The doctor replied, 'My point exactly.
the beauty of contornist
Posted:Jul 31, 2010 1:24 pm
Last Updated:Jan 15, 2025 1:59 pm

such a strange thing, one post a picture of women in a skillful posing, and by the natural realism, it can evoke both beauty for the art, as well as erotic sensual imaginative thoughts. and again, they want to dictate what comments come to the positing.
what an oddity.

Crique de Sol, also has contortionist, who do amazing body feats, and they evoke both beauty and sensual eroticism, expressed or unexpressed the reality of the mix exist.

It is a curiosity, not only of such matters, as the mastery of the art, but the erotic nature of the human being. But as they age, I certainly do wonder what of back and joint injury do they incur.

I've seen one woman that can practically tie herself in a knot, being naturally flexible, many people spend many years, training to do so, but some people can do so because their body is simply very flexible.

As to the poster who tripped out, that's why some women in general you have to be very stand offish as to how you deal with them, they can make any kind of pun, they want, both sexual and otherwise, but then want to turn and claim someone else is being sexist. these are the kind of people who will talk crap all day, and run and cry harassment if the same is said to them. those kind of people are a trip.

if you don't agree to their political ideological dribble they trip, and they seem to issues, but those issue are not mine, and they are welcome to have them... the world is too big, to trip so much about so many things, when they don't go the way one 'expects", but the world is an amazing place, it's full of "individuals", and one cannot control others.

why would they seem to be insistent on trying to do so..

Guess contortionist, is not just a physical feat, its equally so a mental function too.

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