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Why We Came to This World
Posted:Jan 22, 2023 4:42 pm
Last Updated:Aug 22, 2023 1:11 am

Hopefully some of you are ready for this.

We await the Creator’s deliverance at the end of days

On the eve of disaster He spreads the Way that saves

But many lives are consumed by worldly pursuits

Though all the efforts of this life perish at the grave

We travel alone and empty-handed from one life to the next

Caught up in this world, we forget our purpose here

Many were sovereigns above before coming to the earth

They forsook their divine forms to save their peoples above

Worldly success is not that important in the end

Fulfill your sacred destiny to be renewed

Find the truth to break free of this maze

Fulfill your purpose on this earth to taste true joy

Poem of God.
Earth Update situation.
Posted:Jan 7, 2023 11:44 pm
Last Updated:Aug 22, 2023 1:12 am

The Cabal, the Rothchilds have controlled earth for centuries, they are luciferians.
This is all part of the Biden Crime family of which they are puppets.
They are the ones that killed John F. Kennedy in Nov 22nd 1963, as he was on to them.

Trump the Military Intel, the White Hats and Patriots, including Putin and Xi in China are all bringing the Cabal down, Yes the main news media no longer gives us journalism but propaganda what they want us to know. Many of you won't believe but i've studied this before the Plandemic in Shanghai for a while, you have to go down every rabbit hole to find the real truth, i came back from Shanghai in 2019 just before the Plandemic started.

We have won the war, now we are in the clean up stages, 2023 will be a landmark year for this.
We are coming into the 5th dimension, here only love truth peace and spiritual growth can exist. If you care and are awake enough listen to the X22 Report to receive full updates of our situation, we are in the middle of the largest digital war we have ever experienced, thanks to Elon Musk we now have the blow horn so the truth is coming out.

As for the attention i'm getting from ladies here thankyou all but i can't be with a vaxed person as you are shedding the vax to other people.
This shot consists of Graphene Oxide which shuts down the immune system.
If you don't flush it out, its not if you die its when, think seriously about this.
I have the formula to flush it out of your system if you need help.
Light and love, A
2023 Predictions: The Countdown is ON! Get Ready For The Biggest ShakeUp of 2023
Posted:Jan 2, 2023 12:37 am
Last Updated:Aug 22, 2023 1:14 am

DNA Awakening, I believe this to be the year that massive change will take place across all aspects of our lives as this year is a #7 spiritual growth.
If you are committed to grow spiritually, the energy is already set for us to work towards Ascension. (2023 Predictions: The Countdown is ON) i highly recommend you watch this powerful video.
Be a spiritual warrior for yourself and the planet to raise your frequency in love.
Blessings of Light, A.
These Islands - Danny Couch lyrics
Posted:Feb 17, 2022 12:28 am
Last Updated:Apr 10, 2022 2:45 pm

Have seen these Islands, have you seen the beauty of this land.
Do you know its people, brothers , sisters walking hand in hand.
Have you seen the ocean, miles and miles of crystal deep blue seas.
Can you smell the flowers fill the air with fragrances for free.

This is "Aloha," this is "Aloha"this land of "Hawai'i"
Have you felt the power, mountain craters throwing lava in the air.
Or its green swept beauty, from each Island blossoms everywhere.

Have you felt its spirit Ancient God's their "Mana" still leaves here, you will love these Islands, nothing in the world can compare.

"This is Aloha, this IS Aloha", this is Aloha this land of Hawai'i.
Colored rainbows stretch across the sky, waterfalls so high, mountains make you cry, you will love these Islands, nothing in the world can compare, if you touch the spirit,
then the gift of love will lead you here.

"This is Aloha, This is Aloha" this is Aloha this land of Hawai'i"
Have you seen these Islands?

This very uplifting, listen to the music online, you will be transported there.
Blessings of Light to everyone, Artemaus.
Posted:Jul 27, 2021 5:16 pm
Last Updated:Aug 22, 2023 1:14 am

Airlines open talks Banning Vaccinated from Flying due blood clots at high altitude, what does that tell you!!!
2,250,000 Vaccine Deaths reported the VAERS WEBSITE hidden from the Public, Conspiracy Theories i think not, this is a kill shot there is no turning back.
If you have been vaccinated do your reseach, this not a vaccination its a Bio Weapon that dissolves your immune system and breaks down your organs and sheds the unvaccinated.
Major companies are starting recruit when their Vaccinated employees die
this is inevitable, unless you flush this out of your body.
Thats what happens when you trust your Government unfortunately ours is controlled by the Cabal the Deep State who designed the shot, but their end is near, the truth is coming , nothing can stop this.
Go to Beforeitsnews to learn the truth.
You who have been vaccinated, studies have proven its a Bio Weapon not a Vax you must take care of your immune system give yourself some time, Ivermectin, Noni Juice is excellent get at a health food store, vitamin C, D and Zinc must be organic, if you get the flu you have to fight it with your immune system which is already fighting the Bio Weapon.
Help your fellow man share this with everyone you can, this is a Global Agenda to
thin the population they are killing us in the name of a virus that can't be isolated it truly doesn't exist.
The so called covid numbers are used from respiratory infections and the flu to spread fear, its us they are afraid of because we are so many.
Blessings of light.
Stay Away From The Vaxed, It Is Official, From Pfizer’s Own Documents
Posted:May 1, 2021 11:11 am
Last Updated:Aug 11, 2023 12:44 am


1. If a man was not vaccinated touches a vaccinated woman, or breathes any of the air she breathes, (in other words, walks by her in the office) and he then has sex with his wife, his wife can have an adverse event and she should avoid having .

2. If a woman was never vaccinated gets exposed a woman was vaccinated, she can:

A: miscarry,
B: spontaneously abort,
C. poison a via her breast milk
D: Have babies that have congitive difficulties.

This is universal, and very bad. Here is a small section of I translated English: Occupational Exposure

“An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead the occurrence of an adverse event. These people may include health care providers, family members, and other people are around the trial participant.

When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer saftey within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened, regardless of whether or not is an associated secondary adverse event. This must be reported using the vaccine secondary adverse event report form. SINCE THE INFORMATION DOES NOT PERTAIN A PARTICIPANT INVOLVED IN THE STUDY, THE INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE STUDY.”

CLARIFY: Vaccine study participants become super spreaders of something, they don’t say what is, but triggers secondary adverse events in people that never had the vax, when they are exposed people did have the vax.

THIS IS SO BAD that right here, in this little bit of quoted , warns that un-vaccinated men have been exposed a woman was vaxxed will then pass whatever is in the vax another woman.

Even the relatively small portion of the document I have put below here says the vax triggers spontaneous abortions and reproductive problems when un-vaccinated people are exposed the vaccinated and that breast milk from a vaccinated mom can harm the infant. And if anyone does not believe , then click the link above and wade through that enormous and intentionally confusing document. ’s for real folks, the vax is indeed the kill shot.

Do not permit the vaccinated come anywhere near you, is now official.

Here is a small portion of this small portion of this huge document, straight from pfizer:


Study intervention – A vaccine test subject.
AE – Adverse event in someone got the vax.
SAE: An adverse event in someone was exposed someone got the vax.
EDP: Exposure during pregnancy

8.3.5. Exposure During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding, and Occupational Exposure Exposure the study intervention under study during pregnancy or breastfeeding and occupational exposure are reportable Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of investigator awareness. Exposure During Pregnancy An EDP occurs if:
* A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.
* A male participant is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior or around the time of conception.
* A female is found be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed study intervention due environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:
* A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.

* A family member or healthcare provider has been exposed the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior or around the time of conception.


If this vax is not shedding into other people, why would contact between vaccinated and un-vaccinated be an event worth noting? If this vax is not shedding, then WHY does a guy has been around a vaccinated woman, even if he did not touch her or have sex, need to worry about getting a different woman pregnant?
An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an adverse event. These people may include health care providers, family members, and other people are around the trial participant.

When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer safety within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened, regardless of whether or not is an associated secondary adverse event. This must be reported using the vaccine secondary adverse event report form. SINCE THE INFORMATION DOES NOT PERTAIN A PARTICIPANT INVOLVED IN THE STUDY, THE INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE STUDY.
Posted:Jan 23, 2021 11:10 pm
Last Updated:Dec 7, 2022 8:46 pm

I am writing this with the ultimate humility. It is to give hope to so many that are sinking into depression, apathy, attached to time. There is a plan and that plan is unstoppable. The timing of that plan is known by God and a few courageous men/women. It is not set in stone and things will unfold in divine timing. We have stated this all along never giving a date. What you are seeing in the mainstream and social media news is theater. The inauguration was prerecorded, aired 7 hours earlier in other countries. The oval office is a stage in LA, there are no parking lots outside the oval office window. The desk is wrong along with the wallpaper. Biden is right-handed signing executive orders with his left. There are no executive orders on file. USA Inc. is dead, a dissolved corporation. It does not matter what he signs all assets and powers have been moved to the new Republic. Bidens wife is wearing a blue dress then a red dress. If you think this is impossible watch the latest Lion King CGI. If you can read energies, they were all uncomfortable as if they were afraid of getting caught. Why is Trump flying in Air Force 1 being driven in the Presidential Limo and Biden is flying private with rented cars? Why is the flag down at the White House? Why is DC fenced off, a foreign land, now captured? There are more details but this is enough to start even the most socially engineered mind questioning. The Left and the press are creating a false narrative. attention to detail. Even the alternative investigative journalists are doing their best yet there is so much disinformation some of which is released by the white hats, especially concerning timing to throw off the dark hearts, the global elite, the CCP other hostile foreign governments including corrupt agencies in our own government. This is where you need to drop into the heart and discern what is true for you. This theater is to distract you, drop you into fear, apathy, depression lower your frequency so they can maintain their world. A world of lies, deceptions, censorship, disempowerment, enslaving the masses, they are the war and disease profiteers. They are not frequency specific to what is unstoppable and unfolding as we speak. The awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth is in full swing. The frequencies are rising, the chaos you are seeing is part of the process as everything rises to the surface for everyone to see. Those who are sensitive ask yourself how did it make you feel tuning into the false inauguration? Many became angry, ill, had a sickening feeling. That was by design. The people involved are a who’s who in the Satanic/Luciferian sacrificing Hollywood pedophile cult. It was like a remake of Epstein Island. There are always the naïve, socially engineered unconscious suffering from cognitive dissonance some of which need a hard lesson to of it. That lesson is being delivered to them by the left.

If you want to be a part of this process raise your frequencies, align with Universal Law, stand in your own divinity. This is not about the controlled narrative, social consciousness, what the mainstream or social media is telling you. This is about you. Stepping out of reactionary mind into creative mind, going within and being the solution. Then you will feel the truth.
Blessings of Light.
For reassurance watch "Trump Silent Running" By Justin Bellucci.
We are now under Martial Law, New Update.
Posted:Jan 17, 2021 1:53 am
Last Updated:Dec 7, 2022 8:47 pm

Trump and the Military under the Constitution are in Total control.
Do not listen to the corrupt Corporate Big Tech news from the Deep State they are going down.
The lower 48 will experience some power black outs in the coming weeks.
The Dems the Deep State and most of the Republicans will be arrested for Treason, they are letting the Biden crime family and the Deep State think they have won, this is the art of war, when guard is down the military will strike,
this will be in Gods time.

If you have truly done your research you will know Trump carries the Light.
We are in Biblical Times, Nothing can stop what is coming, all the corruption will surface for the world to see, if you watched the Inauguration closely you will see Biden and his wife etc put their hands on a Satanic book with the upside down cross, not the Bible to be sworn in, they are all in this Cult.
We are blessed have Trump as our True President, HE WILL BE BACK.
If you want reassurance search the video, "Silent Running" by Justin Bellucci,
It will give you great inspiration.
The Grand Planetary Consciousness That is under Away.
Posted:Nov 30, 2020 12:10 am
Last Updated:Dec 10, 2020 9:39 am

For those that are truly awake will resonate with this, and those that arn't
hopefully you will do your research and go inside and listen your heart.
A part of you is aware that something amazing is happening on Earth that a great positive change and evolution is taking place right now in the hearts of Billions of Star Beings here.
The information in this message is from incredible intel sources from a 5D level.
As we move ever closer the dawn of the Golden age of Aquarius, and the Grand Event of Dec 21st 2020 we are shifting from the 3rd dimension to the 5th.

Memories and injuries that have happened in past are surfacing for us look at learn and feel the energy and let go and go on the next one, keep clearing yourself.
You may have noticed our bodies are changing a crystalized one is forming when we reach 5D. For Example i was running the other day up hill, i normally get very stiff the next day i felt nothing. My intuition is becoming much clearer and i'm noticing my believe system is changing.
The greatest news is we are all going towards a Golden Age of peace unconditional love and freedom.
Don't listen to the Corporate news there is no truth in it they will be taken down soon its the Deep States last gasp.
I do hope some of you are awake and aware of this coming.
Blessings of Light to you all.
Govenor Ige Exposed Honolulu (oahu) Hawaii.
Posted:Aug 14, 2020 5:11 pm
Last Updated:May 13, 2024 2:26 am

We have been following this "Plandemic"since the the Draconion lockdowns started of abuse to our 1st amendment rights and freedoms what did our "Veteran's fight for," we are an independant Agency.
We traveled to Oahu yesterday to do some research, we visited the main hospitals, Queens Medical center, Straub medical center and Kapi'olani Center.
What we found was Astonishing, the hospitals virtually empty of Covid patients!!!
The Deep State the Cabal thats behind the Democratic Party is paying heavy Bribes to the Governor's and Mayor's accross the country.
Spreading fear and bankrupting us all, after which they will roll out the Vacination to control and thin out the population, this has been planned for decades.
Its imperative you do your research, people are waking up globily we do not have much time, we are fighting for our very lives and our , this party is 'Brutal" and will stop at "nothing for control".
Gather together in masses to protest do whatever it takes, its our last chance, spread this "truth" to wake the people up.
Hawaii News now is owned by the corporation CBS which writes and controls the news for them, you will never hear the truth.
Again be diligent and do your research fight for your freedom before we become slaves to this Deep State.
In God we Trust.

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