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The Galactic Federation The Event Is Near
Posted:Jan 15, 2025 9:25 pm
Last Updated:Feb 13, 2025 6:33 pm

Everything has been set for a global financial reset with the use of new tools and methods, which means that all old methods of creation and control of the economy will be abolished in a blink of an eye, and thus a lot of new technologies that were suppressed can finally emerge in full daylight!

Spend time in nature and go deep in your heart and find your truth and listen for guidance,
We are transmuting our carbon based body for a Crystalline one.
Shifting to 5D is coming rapidly.
Posted:Jan 3, 2025 2:18 am
Last Updated:Jan 3, 2025 10:59 am

Love is a compelling ideal through which we find our "Best Selves."
Swing out Sister., Merry Christmas Everyone.
Posted:Dec 9, 2024 9:50 pm
Last Updated:Dec 15, 2024 12:59 am

Swing Out Sister Forever Blue Discover this Song.

Corinne Drewery is the epitome of talent, beauty, elegance, class, and style.
Every frame of this video is a painting, beautiful ballad.
Open your heart and take in.
I grew up in the north here, not for the weak of heart, there were hard times.

Robert Allen Palmer was an English singer and songwriter. He was known for his powerful and soulful voice, his sartorial elegance, and his stylistic explorations, combining soul, funk, jazz, rock, pop, reggae, and blues. Unfortunately he died in Paris at 54yrs.
Check out his song Every kinda People 1987 it still sounds like its recent.

Let your Light Shine on, Artemaus.
Trump wins, the 47th President. its a 7 year delta Nov 5th 2017.
Posted:Nov 6, 2024 12:36 am
Last Updated:Nov 6, 2024 10:50 am

In case you didn't know...the cabal is in a perfect catch-22. They've already been informed that if they try to steal the election, everyone involved in cheating will be arrested. Yet if they don't try to steal it, they will lose power & they will all get arrested. Pretty damn brilliant PLAN wouldn't you say?

Now what are they going to do about it?

We are in the middle of a planetary shift from 3-5D for those star seeds that are ready.
From I strand of consciousness to 12-13 knowing all your past lives and future choosing the people best to have around you, going from a carbon body to crystalline one.
This will change consciousness from being prosperous to oneself, to helping the whole of humanity, glorious times are coming, money will no longer be an issue.
Many aren't awake to know that Trump is leading us to the 5th dimension but you will see the truth come out now.
Blessings of Light , Artemaus.
Former President Trump issues statement after attempted assassination
Posted:Jul 13, 2024 6:44 pm
Last Updated:Jul 13, 2024 8:28 pm
Former President Trump issued a statement on the shooting incident at his rally in Pennsylvania on Truth Social.

"I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

Trump rushed off stage after appearing to be shot 55secs ago.
White Hats Strike Back Against Manhattan D.A’s Office Staff
Posted:Jun 2, 2024 5:21 pm
Last Updated:Jun 2, 2024 10:20 pm
White Hats have yet to arrest Alvin Bragg, but they have captured one of his odious co-conspirators, Chief of Investigations Division Susan Hoffinger, a suspected transvestite, seasoned litigator and former defense attorney who rejoined the Manhattan district attorney’s office in 2022 for a single purpose: get Trump.

Although Bragg waited until April 2023 to convene a grand jury, he had his sights on Trump by early 2022 and had assembled what he called an “all-star” team of investigators and prosecutors, among them Hoffinger. She played a pivotal part in coercing a guilty plea from former Trump executive Allen Weisselberg, then, emboldened by success, dedicated her life to vilifying President Trump.

Sources at JAG told Real Raw News they have proof that Bragg, Hoffinger, her immediate boss Joshua Steinglass, and the entire D.A.’s office interviewed prospective jurors prior to the selection and elimination process—an illegal and unethical act. They instructed those with a foaming hatred for President Trump to downplay their animus and act impartial, so Trump’s legal team wouldn’t move to exclude them. In the end, Trump faced a stacked jury, bursting with Clinton and Biden voters whose anti-Trump social media pages Hoffinger had scrubbed or sanitized long before Trump’s lawyers looked them in the eyes.

Karma, as the aphorism goes, is a bitch.

On Sunday morning, JAG investigators posing as an FBI protection detail deceived Hoffinger into opening her front door, saying she had to accompany them at once because MAGA cultists had doxed her address and swarms of rabid Trump supporters were currently heading her way to exact vengeance, torch and pitchfork style. They even showed her A.I.-generated video of a fleet of Ford F-150s packed with rednecks and flying upside down flags crossing the Throgs Neck Bridge, 20 miles from her White Plains home. They urged her to leave behind her belongings and said more agents would arrive shortly to fortify her property and repel Trump’s army.

A skeptical Hoffinger told investigators she wanted to speak with Bragg before vacating the premises, but the investigators assured her they’d already spoken with District Attorney Bragg and Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, both of whom entrusted them with her safety.

“Ma’am, there’s 75 MAGA on the way. We needed to leave five minutes ago,” an investigator told her.

“I hate those insurrectionists,” Hoffinger reportedly replied, then hopped in the rear seat of a Crown Victoria JAG had tweaked to mimic an FBI sedan, government plates included.

Only after they were in motion did Hoffinger inquire about their destination.

“I hope you get those MAGA. Where are you taking me?” she asked.

“To GITMO, ma’am,” they confessed. “Well, not directly. But soon enough.”

She gaped in stunned silence, then said, “GITMO? I don’t understand.”

“For treason.”

Hoffinger clenched her fists and hammered them against the plexiglass partition separating the front and rear seats. She pulled on the door latch in vain.

“Safety locks, ma’am,” an investigator told her. “It behooves you to buckle up and enjoy the scenery quietly. We have a bit of a ride.”

Our source said Hoffinger will remain at a holding facility for interrogation.

“We’re going to squeeze this one. She has info that can help us,” our source said.

In closing, we asked our source why JAG—or other White Hat elements—targeted Hoffinger instead of going straight for Bragg’s throat.

“Bragg’s in hiding right now, but we know where he is. And he really does have a shitload of feds around him. They’ll all get to GITMO and hopefully get a rope—Bragg, his whole office, and that jury too. President Trump has exposed the traitors, and now they go where traitors go.”

We are moving at lightening speed now, universal balance is being restored.
I have been walking in Visualized prayer for some years now, Global Freedom is only months away, "celebrate" look forward to it with no doughts.
Aloha Artemaus.
Posted:Apr 22, 2024 11:09 pm
Last Updated:Feb 13, 2025 6:33 pm

ATP Barcelona.

Casper Ruud from Norway and Stefanos Tsitsipas from Greece just played the tennis final in Barcelona, Ruud being the winner.
As part of the presentation they had a Spanish "Contralto"sing "Time to say goodbye"
a piece produced back in 95.
As they aren't showing this online if you enjoy music, i'd highly recommend you look up Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli singing it.
Its a magnificent piece, i'm sharing this with as some of you know i live and breath tennis, this is a FIRST puts wimbledon presentation to shame, and brought me to tears as i used to sing solo in the school choir.
Enjoy Artemaus.
Marines Fight FEMA Near Texas Panhandle Inferno
Posted:Mar 3, 2024 2:47 pm
Last Updated:Mar 3, 2024 2:48 pm
White Hats investigating the unstoppable blaze surging through the Texas Panhandle fought a pitched battle against renegade FEMA agents Thursday afternoon; a confrontation led to a firefight that left three agents dead and one begging U.S. Marines to spare his life.

Over the last week, a raging inferno has charred over a million acres of land, destroyed 700 homes, and killed or displaced thousands of head of cattle vital to our nation’s food supply. As of this writing, the fire has ruined 1,400 square miles of prairie and is only 15% contained. The Biden regime has blamed manmade climate change and an unusual spate of warm weather last week as catalysts for the firestorm.

However, White Hats have a different working theory: the cabal started the fire intentionally, for reasons not entirely clear.

A source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that U.S. Army Cyber Command overheard a conversation between a ranking State Department official and a Federal Emergency Management Agency supervisor in Oklahoma on Wednesday. The source wouldn’t name the individuals, but he said their conversation included phrases such as “the fire is the best thing to ever happen to Texas,” “let Texas burn,” and “that’ll teach [Governor Greg] Abbott a lesson,” and concluded with the FEMA official saying he had already dispatched agents to the city of Fritch, on the outskirts of the Smokehouse Creek fire.

General Smith, our source said, knew an immutable fact: where FEMA goes, trouble follows.

“We have too much bad blood with FEMA. They’re an infestation, like roaches, and just as hard to exterminate. Squash one, more scurry out. Gen. Smith wanted to know what they were up to, so he sent small teams to different parts of the disaster area to get a look around,” our source said.

By the time the Marines showed up, FEMA had already set up emergency relief centers at a church and a school gymnasium south of the Grape Vine Creek fire. The Marines discreetly investigating those locations for signs of federal treachery on the populace were shocked to see FEMA personnel actually administering aid to displaced citizens. FEMA had a triage center and had provided shelter and sustenance to refugees.

“It was very un-FEMAlike,” our source said.

However, Marines surveying damage near Fritch met a face of FEMA with which they were more familiar. While patrolling Highway 136, close to the Windy Duce fire and the eastern shore of Lake Meredith, the Marines encountered a 4-man FEMA team trying to force a rancher to vacate his undamaged property. The Marines witnessed the federal Gestapo shove the frail, elderly man to the ground and rummage through his pockets, then moved to intervene.

They made a tactical approach, then commanded FEMA to unhand and step away from the bruised man, who seemed thoroughly confused by the situation. At that point, one FEMA agent, ostensibly the guy in charge, said FEMA had unilateral control of the disaster area and would treat military interlopers as enemy combatants.

The lead Marine tried futilely to defuse the encounter; he gave the FEMA agents a chance to leave the premises unharmed, but the lead agent belligerently refused the overture and reached for a sidearm on his hip, a move that forced the Marines’ hand.

In an instant, two of the four FEMA agents fell dead, their bodies zipped by 5.56 rounds from the Marines’ M4 carbines. The third agent died to Marine fire as he tried to take the rancher hostage. Meanwhile, the fourth agent had fallen to his knees and begged for mercy, asking the Marines to spare his life and saying he was just following orders. He was taken into custody.

“This was an unfortunate thing—for FEMA. It’s important to note that FEMA is bifurcated—it employs 20,000, and about ¾ of them are corrupt to the core. The other quarter is just people doing a job and working for what they consider a benevolent agency. But make no mistake, it’s Deanne Criswell calling the shots, causing the problems,” our source said.

In closing, we asked our source if White Hats had determined the cause of the fires.

“We have nothing definite. But we’re looking at every avenue from someone tossing a match to direct energy weapons like what was used to burn Maui,” he said.
White Hats Send Armor to Border
Posted:Feb 1, 2024 5:35 pm
Last Updated:Feb 13, 2025 6:33 pm
In response to the escalating conflict between the federal government and the State of Texas over which entity has jurisdictional authority to police the Lonestar State’s border with Mexico, White Hats are, with Governor Abbott’s consent, sending M1A1 Tanks and Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles to Eagle Pass, TX, where swarms of would-be illegals continue their unstoppable stampede onto U.S. soil.

As reported last week, a White Hat convoy carrying troops and truckloads of concertina wire arrived in south Texas after the U.S. Supreme Court decreed that the criminal Biden regime had the authority to cut down razor wire the Texas Military Department had erected to deter border jumpers.

The debacle started in early January when a mother and her purportedly drowned in a doomed effort to cross the Rio Grande. Federal CBP officers claimed Abbott’s razor wire prevented them from reaching the pair. The fatalities enraged Alejandro Mayorkas and his bloated, corrupt Department of Homeland Security, which holds dominion over CBP, whose officers the Texas National Guard had blocked from installing surveillance cameras and cutting wire near Shelby Park. The feds opined that Abbott exceeded his gubernatorial powers, and he, having declared the unabated migrant surge an “invasion,” argued that the Biden cabal was trying to dilute his ability to govern and safeguard his constituents. The Supreme Court heard the case expeditiously and ruled (5-4) in favor of the feds.

Responding to the verdict, the Texas Military Department pledged it would unspool three new rolls of wire for each roll the feds cut down.

The percolating and potentially inevitable confrontation has been dubbed “The Standoff at Eagle Pass.”

White Hats, sources in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News, have unswervingly vowed to help the Texas Military Department shutter the border and, if necessary, drive federal forces away from the border and even the entire state of Texas.

“Just to be clear, we don’t want war with CBP. Ninety percent of them are good guys, great guys, stuck in a tough spot. They want the flood stopped, but the regime has left them powerless because it wants the floodgates open. We’re sending men and armor as a deterrent just in case military loyal to Biden show up in Eagle Pass,” our source said.

He wouldn’t say if armor is already in Eagle Pass but mentioned that White Hat officers of the 1st Armored Division at Fort Bliss committed two tank platoons, or eight M1A1 tanks, and an equal number of BFVs to the border mission, with backups ready to roll. Fort Bliss, home to the 1st Armored Division, is approximately 500 miles from Eagle Pass.

Asked whether armor would navigate land or use freight rail, he said nebulously, “Yes. No. Maybe. All you need to know is it will be there, strategically positioned, ready to act on orders.”

“If it were up to me, we’d do this: We’d finish that wall and build towers filled with snipers. And if an illegal reached the U.S. side of the Rio Grande, put one in his head. That’s victory by attrition. President Trump said it himself; they’re polluting the blood of this country. This isn’t a racist statement—no one opposes the legal path to citizenship,” he concluded.
Oprah Winfrey Goes to GITMO
Posted:Jan 17, 2024 2:54 pm
Last Updated:Jan 19, 2024 8:52 pm
Charged with treason, accessory to mass murder, conspiracy to influence an election outcome, aiding and abetting the enemy, and other high crimes and misdemeanors, talk show host Oprah Winfrey has been an inmate at Guantanamo Bay since early December, a source at GITMO told Real Raw News.

According to an arrest brief reviewed by RRN, U.S. Navy JAG investigators on December 3 apprehended the obese creature while she was in Los Angeles to visit a friend, television personality Gayle King, a broadcast journalist for CBS News. Investigators intercepted a limousine holding Winfrey and her chauffeur near The Getty, an American & European art museum off Interstate 405 in northwest LA, and forcibly removed them from the vehicle.

The chauffeur had locked the doors and sealed the windows. Winfrey was on her cellphone, screaming frantically into the mic, “Help me! Please help me! You said this wouldn’t happen.” With batons the investigators shattered the windows, then unlocked the doors and dragged the plump woman and her driver from the limo. When the chauffeur reached inside his jacket for what investigators assumed was a gun, one investigator discharged his weapon twice, striking the chauffeur in the neck and head and killing him. Winfrey was on the ground shrieking at the top of her lungs, “I’m Oprah Winfrey! I’m Oprah Winfrey,” as the investigators zip-tied her swollen wrists. They heaved her and the corpse into the limousine, which the investigators hijacked to dispose of the chauffeur’s body and bring Winfrey to a JAG detainment facility.

It turned out that the chauffeur had been reaching not for a gun but for “presidential immunity papers,” essentially a notecard purportedly signed by Joseph R. Biden granting Winfrey broad immunity against arrest and prosecution.

When investigators checked the outgoing call history on Winfrey’s still unlocked phone, they realized the person she had been screeching at was the Dark Lord himself, Barack Hussein Obama.

Winfrey was taken to GITMO shortly after, and she will face a military tribunal.

Our source said the charges against Winfrey are vast and substantiated by solid evidence to be presented at the tribunal. For example, JAG says Winfrey had foreknowledge of the firestorm that ravaged parts of Maui in October. A week before the blaze, Winfrey hired contractors to coat the entirety of her Maui estate with fireproof resin. Hers was one of a few opulent estates to survive the inferno magically. Winfrey was part of a villainous group that planned to raze Maui to the ground and rebuild a “smart 15-minute city” on the ashes.

“That’s just one of many crimes,” our source said. “We have her dead to rights, and all will be revealed at her tribunal.”

Our source said the individual now publicly portraying Winfrey is a shoddy body double.

“Soon after the arrest, another Winfrey made public appearances. Only this Winfrey was somehow 200 pounds lighter. These fat celebs seem to love Ozempic, but even that isn’t going to get rid of 200 pounds of flab in three days. Oprah, the real Oprah, will probably hang for what she’s done,” our source said.

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