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PHOTOSHOP... 你的照片是真实的还是伪造?
Posted:Dec 11, 2009 5:06 pm
Last Updated:Sep 11, 2018 5:16 am

PHOTOSHOP - are your photos real or fake?

Photoshopped is a generalized term to describe the of editing digital images. The name comes from the photo editing software Photoshop. Although not the first program to offer digital editing, Adobe Systems Incorporated, makers of the product Photoshop, is certainly one of the largest.
这描述编辑数字式图象。 名字来自这张照片(编辑软件Photoshop)。

Prior to computers, the term for photo editing was called airbrushing or... airbrushed. I was a when I became familiar with the term. Airbrushing referred to the (post production) technique of altering photos (and sometimes negatives) to achieve something different from a photo that wasn't originally captured by the camera. The term airbrushing is often used to describe the flawless centerfold beauties in Playboy Magazine. Large photographs were 'altered' by Artists using tiny (airbrush) sprayguns and painting out unwanted blemishes from the photos. Scars and stretchmarks (not disguised by makeup and lighting) could be eliminated giving the illusion the subject was perfect.

I studied Graphics Arts in High School (three well spent years) and part of the course included photography, where some of the techniques taught showed us how to mask out bad parts of a photograph, make corrections for poor lighting and de-emphasize unimportant parts of a picture.

Dating back to the 50's, 60's and 70's... it was very common in advertising, to take a photo of a model in a studio and (using a razor or scissors) cut the model from the photo and paste it into a background relevant to the theme of the product you wanted to sell.
It was (and still is) too expensive to drag thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment to the beach for a photoshoot when you could take a few studio shots and superimpose the model into some already made Hawaiian surf background to sell suntan lotion.

I used to prepare artwork for catalogs... by hand. Page by page, using a photocopy machine, scissors and lots of 'white-out' now, it's all done on computer.
春季和樱桃开花 (樱花) Springtime and cherry blossom
Posted:Dec 9, 2009 4:42 pm
Last Updated:May 29, 2024 11:57 am

鎴戞兂瑕佷笉涔呰闂腑鍥姐 浜轰滑鍛婅瘔鎴戯細 绛夋槬瀛, 鍥犱负杩欐槸闈炲父缇庝附鐨勫鑺傘 鎴戜笉鍠滄闆 鎴戠瓑寰呭悧锛
I want to visit China soon. People tell me: wait for Springtime, because this is most beautiful season. I dislike snow. Do I wait?

鐩墠锛岃繖閲岀殑缁忔祹鏄煍杞殑銆 鎴戝垢杩愭垜浠湁宸ヤ綔锛屼絾鏄垜浠汉鍛樿繃灏戙 鍘熷洜鍚楋紵 浣庣殑浠锋牸銆 鎴戠殑鑰佹澘宸茬粡棰勮杩欐伯涓с 鍥犳锛屾垜浠檷浣庢垜浠殑浠锋牸銆 鎴戜滑蹇欙紝浣嗘槸娌℃湁鍒╂鼎銆 鎰熻阿鎴戜滑蹇欍 寰堝绔炰簤鑰呭凡缁忓幓銆 鐮翠骇銆 姣忓懆2澶╋紝涓浜涘彧鏄伐浣溿
Currently, the economy here is soft. I'm fortunate we have work, but we are understaffed. The reason? Low prices. my boss had foreseen this depression. So, we lowered our prices. we are busy, But no profits. Thankful we are busy. Many competitors have gone bankrupt. some are only working 2 days per week.

I must wait to earn more money for my journey!

鎴戦棶鏉ヨ嚜鎴戠殑鍩庡競鐨勪竴涓腑鍥戒汉锛 鎴戝湪鍝噷鍦ㄤ腑鍥藉彂鐜版ū妗冧负鏍戯紵
I asked a Chinese man from my city: Where do I find Cherry tree in China?

浠栦笉鐭ラ亾銆 浠栨槸鏉ヨ嚜棣欐腐銆 鍦ㄩ娓病鏈夋爲锛 涓轰粈涔堬紝鎴戣锛 鍥犱负瀹冩槸涓搴ч潪甯告嫢鎸ょ殑鍩庡競锛屼粬鍥炵瓟銆
He doesn't know. He's from Hong Kong. there are no trees at Hong Kong! Why, I say? because it's a very crowded city, he answered.

褰撴垜鍘讳腑鍥芥椂銆 鎴戝繀椤绘壘鍒颁竴妫垫ū妗冩爲銆 杩欐槸涓涓洰鏍囥 鎴戞湁鎴戠殑涓浗涔嬭鐨勫緢澶氱洰鏍囥
When I go to China. I must find a cherry tree. This is one goal. I have many goals for my China trip.
Posted:Dec 8, 2009 3:47 pm
Last Updated:May 29, 2024 12:51 pm

鎴戠埍娴烽矞銆 闄や簡楂樼殑鑳嗗浐閱囥 鎴戞瘡澶╄兘鍚冭櫨銆
I love seafood. Except for high cholesterol. I could eat shrimp every day.
閫氬父锛屾垜鍚冩棩鏈鍙搞 寰堝瀵垮徃閰掑惂鍦ㄨ繄闃垮瘑銆 鎴戝緢灏戝悆涓浗鐑归オ銆 鏄熸湡鍏紝鎴戝悆涓浜涗腑鍥借彍銆 浠栦滑鐨勭壒闀挎槸锛氱偣蹇
Usually, I eat Japanese sushi. Miami has a lot of sushi bars. I seldom eat Chinese cuisine. On Saturday, I tried a new Chinese place. Their specialty is: Dim Sum

鎴戦渶瑕佷竴浣嶄腑鍥藉瀛愩 濂逛竴瀹氭槸涓浣嶅ソ涓诲帹銆 濂瑰繀椤诲噯澶囧彲鍙g殑椋熷搧銆 浠ヨ繖绉嶆柟娉曟垜鑲ヨ儢锛 璞′經涓鏍
I need a Chinese wife. She must be a good chef. She must prepare tasty foods. This way I'll be fat: like Buddha

Do you want me to be fat?

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鎴戣繖閲屾湁涓ラ噸鐨勯夯鐑︺ 鍛靛懙...
Posted:Dec 7, 2009 6:53 pm
Last Updated:May 29, 2024 11:00 am

偶然地, 我改变网页从英语到汉语。 它被锁住。 我试图理解这。 我不能找到这种选择。 它在页上在一个不同的地方。

1 comment
Posted:Dec 6, 2009 6:58 am
Last Updated:May 29, 2024 11:37 am

Why are you wearing a wedding dress?
我理解你想要结婚。 或许你应该首先等一个人。
I understand you want marriage. Maybe you should wait for a man first.

Too often I see older Chinese women dressed in a wedding dress "waiting for their man" to arrive. This frightens me.
I understand the desire to be married and the seriousness surrounding the situation... but there is something wrong with this picture. Literally.
American superstition says: It's bad luck for the groom to see his fiance in a wedding dress before the wedding.
Common sense says: Who wants a woman so desperate she will be photographed in a wedding dress just waiting for her wedding day to arrive.

I recall a song about "Delta Dawn" the woman who is wearing a faded rose from days gone by.

If you have profile photos of you wearing a wedding dress, I suggest you reconsider. Try a nice party dress or something for a professional atmosphere. I'd be more interested in a woman with classy clothing than a woman wearing a wedding dress. Hey... if it's not me, who are you looking for?
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