My Blog

For some, blogs are a way of life...

Posted:Jan 21, 2017 8:05 pm
Last Updated:Jan 29, 2017 1:40 am

I received an unwanted promotion in November. For more than a year, we had plans that I would leave sales and create an order processing department where none existed. For years, salesmen for the company would each turn their orders directly to our vendors with no verification by our company. It would be my responsibility to oversee these orders for missing details and to verify the prices and engineering standards were correct. Service was overwhelmed by the mistakes on orders and delays for installations due to incomplete drawings. Eliminating problems up-front is the only solution to survival. We didn't need more servicemen, we needed less service problems.

Before that job assignment took place, a salesman from another division announced retirement and my manager was promoted to that position. In doing so, he hired his replacement and spent three months training the guy... although he was a people person with retail cabinet experience, his engineering and computer skills were sorely lacking. This forced a burden that was holding me from the transition to the processing manager position.

There were other circumstances I wasn't privy to, but the new guy got bounced out and the next day I was told his position was eliminated and I was being promoted to fill the gap with the title of sales manager.

Strangely, all my coworkers congratulated me for the new position and started treating me as though I was the general manager, service manager, HR manager... and all important answer-man. It was weeks of denying I was anything above a single rung on the ladder, I became the traffic cop telling people who in the company 'did what' which was really surprising as though there had been a shift in geometry. We actually have people assigned to those positions for questions I was being asked!

We are really understaffed and my analogy to the situation is a busy restaurant Maitre d' running back to the kitchen to prepare meals as there is only one chef and no available kitchen help. I'm not liking it.
This will be my last blog...
Posted:Dec 31, 2016 5:27 pm
Last Updated:Mar 15, 2017 9:10 pm

Yeah, yeah... this will be my last blog for 2016.
2,000 now it's less than 200...
Posted:Dec 28, 2016 4:08 am
Last Updated:Apr 24, 2020 10:34 am
When I signed on with Asia Friend finder it was easy to find 2,000 people online, especially on the weekends. Now it's hard to find 200 people online at any point in time.
George Michael's last Christmas...
Posted:Dec 26, 2016 12:05 pm
Last Updated:Dec 26, 2016 12:06 pm

The news came across Sunday evening that singer George (Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou) Michael dead at 53. No cause of death stated.

Most of the Christmas songs grate on my nerves, but I lightened up as my wife doesn't really know Christmas in America very well. So, I turned up the volume and sang along with a few songs. I had switched to the classic Rock station where they played the Wham! song Last Christmas.

For those who don't know, George Michael was part of the duo Wham! and their string of hit songs made him a household name when he decided to go solo.

The day before Christmas, my wife and I went at one of the larger malls in South Florida and it was elbow-to-elbow as people were in a shopping frenzy. To my wife, it was a delight, reminiscent of her hometown of Nanning, the capital city in Guangxi Provence.
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If your name is Trump...
Posted:Dec 25, 2016 4:36 pm
Last Updated:Jan 13, 2017 6:56 pm

I think the incident with Ivanka Trump this past week was the fault of secret service. What were they thinking? Oh... that's right, they weren't thinking.

To allow the of president-elect Donald Trump with 3 , husband and several other family members to book flights on a commercial airline was totally inappropriate.
1 comment
Posted:Dec 24, 2016 3:11 am
Last Updated:Dec 24, 2016 6:00 am

There are several definitions to the word ghosting but a recent one involves the disappearance of a casual date where you sever all forms of communication with them... or if you've been ghosted, they sever all forms of communication with you. Texts go unanswered, calls ignored, they disappear like a ghost.

Usually with no warning, suddenly all contact with a person ends without explanation.

For example, meeting someone at Starbucks, striking up a conversation that leads to an exchange of . You go out a few times and one day there is no response to your text messages.

Poof... You have become the victim of a ghosting!
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Zsa Zsa Gabor dead at age 99
Posted:Dec 18, 2016 5:11 pm
Last Updated:Dec 19, 2016 2:07 pm

Hungarian-American actress and socialite has passed on. Reports are a bit unclear but she was hospitalized several times and suffered failing health for more than a decade.
1 comment
Dayton, Ohio...
Posted:Dec 11, 2016 2:21 pm
Last Updated:Dec 11, 2016 2:21 pm

On an invitation from my brother, my wife and I flew up to visit his family for a few days. We caught the first snow of the season... flurries that night at 22 degrees and very light snow the next day. It was the first time my wife has seen snow and enough enjoyment seeing flakes falling from the sky... actually, with 20mph winds, much of it was blowing sideways.

We were hoping for a blanket of snow, but the best was Sunday morning on the way to the airport, there was about 2 inches of fresh snow on the ground. They call it powder when it's so cold the snow doesn't stick to it self. I ran my hand across the windshield to scoop up enough to make a snowball. My wife realized she was the target and turned away from me. I thew it but it was just like throwing flour and it fell to the ground.

It was a great trip as we had time to visit the aviation museum and see two 3D movies in their IMAX theater. We were there about 5 hours going through the museum to see real aircraft used by the military throughout the years!
Cat scratch photos...
Posted:Dec 6, 2016 3:50 am
Last Updated:Dec 6, 2016 3:50 am

I see a lot of new members photos with them holding one hand up as though they are a cat waiting to scratch you.
It's the younger women under the age of 30 who do this.

When I was a , it was two fingers making a 'peace sign' now, many people hold the first finger and pinky... it's the 'Rock & Roll' sign started by singer Ronnie Dio when he was in the group Black Sabbath. Italians say it's the sign of the horns used to ward off evil spirits.

Maybe these are sending a message to the boys.. "Keep your distance or you might get scratched!"

I'm reluctant to post a photo as example.
Obama is taking care of me...
Posted:Dec 5, 2016 6:30 pm
Last Updated:Dec 5, 2016 6:31 pm

For the third year in a row, Obamacare is taking care of me. I signed up again with a similar plan that I currently have and the rates are actually lower.
I certainly don't miss paying $1,400 a month before ACA came along!

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