MUSIC... some people cannot work without it and some people cannot work with it.
Posted:Jul 23, 2014 4:26 pm
Last Updated:Jul 24, 2014 6:02 am 379744 Views
A few years ago, I was in a five-person office. Things get hectic when you're taking 50+ phone calls a day and two or three conversations going on at any point in time. Two of my coworkers listen to music while they work. So, they stream music from Pandora and compete with each other as one likes Country and the other likes everything else (except ). It could be opera in the morning, Margaritaville in the afternoon and relentless 'twanging' all day from the other side of the room.
I get paid to do a job... an important job. With constant distractions, it becomes impossible to do my job. I tried wearing earplugs that work great for shutting out noise, but it was impractical due to the number of calls and questions from the salesman I'm assigned to work with.
It was bothering me as to the number of mistakes I was making. That's NOT like me to miss dimensions on orders but when you're writing 3/8 and someone is shouting (to a customer on the phone) "I priced your kitchen and bath at 58 thousand dollars" it becomes easy to write 5/8 by mistake.
Someone must have heard my plea as they moved the delivery, installation and service departments to a nearby warehouse and relocated the drafting, order processing department to the vacant offices. That left me and my salesman to move into a 2-person office.
Hallelujah... my mistake rate went down and I'm able to produce more work.
Amazingly, we were able to squeeze four more people when giving sales presentations without bothering anyone. Upper management seemed to like the change and we are taking on more complex projects.
I have no problems cranking up music on the drive home... but I'm unable to give 100% if I'm listening to music when I'm expected to work.
The bad part of this is I got relocated when they opened a new wing and moved 16 people (including me) into one large room with cubicles. Now I get to hear as many as 6 conversations at a time.
Posted:Jul 19, 2014 8:06 am
Last Updated:Jul 21, 2014 8:54 am 370564 Views
I've helped many Chinese friends pronounce English words and they all seem to be stuck with the word eggs.
Egg is one syllable, therefore eggs must be two... right?
It's not eg-gers, it's eggs... one syllable.
Eggs... say it again... eggs. . .
Posted:Jul 18, 2014 8:21 pm
Last Updated:Jul 19, 2014 6:23 am 545763 Views
I was chatting with a friend this evening who is in Nanning. I asked how the weather was and she replied "Very windy. Typhoon outside."
It's Saturday morning in China right now and I was surprised to hear this. I know living in Florida brings it's share of storms and hurricanes as well.
While we were chatting, I went to the weather website, I pulled up a radar of South China to see the typhoon traveling northwest had passed over Hainan island early Saturday morning and the center is hitting the mainland of China right now.
Typhoon Rammasun is a category 4 storm... very powerful. Winds are 100mph (170kph) cutting a path to Vietnam. Nanning is directly north of the eye of the storm and the radar shows the outer bands extending past Nanning out to Liuzhou.
Be safe and I wish you all a speedy recovery to the destruction this typhoon will cause. .
I will pay you to blog here...
Posted:Jul 18, 2014 3:14 pm
Last Updated:Jul 20, 2014 9:49 pm 546413 Views
Desperate times requires desperate measures.
Blogging is at an all time low.
I posted a blog and 12 hours later posted another blog and there were no blogs in-between.
Very sad.
Here's my plan to bring some life to the blog section of AsiaFriendFinder:
I will pay you.
Hard to believe... right?
I'm serious... I will pay you.
If you blog here, I will pay you with visits and occasionally make comments to your blogs.
I will pay you with the respect of acknowledging your blog, something you took the time to write.
It's a blog and it deserves attention.
Simple as that.
If I were a programmer...
Posted:Jul 17, 2014 7:28 am
Last Updated:Jul 17, 2014 2:58 pm 547099 Views
No... that's NOT what I would want to do in life. I considered website design 20 years ago... has it been that long? For sure it's been over 15 years now. I have a background in graphic arts, drafting and design. I did compose some basic webpages for friends before but I never took it any further. My brother took computer science in the local community college. That was around 1966-67 and I remember him bringing home stacks of 'punch cards' with rubber bands holding them in sequence. The cards were programs... each card was a line of code and the machine (computer) read each card and followed the instructions the same way lines of code are written in more advanced systems.
It all started somewhere.
One of the first large companies I worked for had a machine that processed payroll by punch tapes. In the same manner as a player piano, a one inch wide spool of paper tape was fed into a reader/writer device. The operator entered the information and it would punch out holes in a sequence that could be stored and reread at a later date. they would pullout the previous roll, read it, modify the data and rewrite it to a clean roll of tape to save for the next session. This 'computer' was a desk with a keyboard built into a complete console about the size of 2 refrigerators side by side and it had spools for creating the programs.
Back to programming. At that same company. I was the first to have a personal computer. It was a Commodore PET with cassette for program storage. The first programs I used with it were typed in by hand from lines read in a book. After, I subscribed to a 'magazine on tape' and programs were read by the cassettes they mailed out to us. The PET had a 40 character wide screen and I (again) was first to buy their 80 character business venture. That was around 1980.
It was my job to check contract prices for every order we processed and split the costing for the accounting department. I wrote a simple program that broke-down the needed percentages for materials, labor, installation and taxes, complete with rounding off to the nearest dollar. Simple, but effective as we sometimes processed a few hundred orders per session.
Somewhere in the 1980's I had switched from Commodore to an IBM clone and using a program called Lotus 123 for calculations to do millwork estimates. It was a simple spreadsheet where you enter the material the quantity you needed and it would lookup the cost and waste factor from a database we would regularly update. The result is it would determine the amount of material needed and the price. My claim to fame is one of the co-workers using this program was still using it 10 years after I left the company.
The company I'm working for now has some customized software to maintain our accounting and scheduling and a few times a year the person who wrote the program/software visits us to implement updates and get our wish-list and list of bugs we have found.
I really have no inclination to learn more about programming, but I'm confident in telling the programmer what features I'm looking for to make the program do what I feel it should do so I can get my work done.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Snow's mom...
Posted:Jul 16, 2014 7:28 pm
Last Updated:Jul 19, 2014 4:39 pm 545880 Views
Many of you know our lovely member Snow_White who frequents the chat room and is the #1 blogger with the highest amount of responses. She was taking care of her mother who had cancer. On the weekend, Snow told me her mother was unable to eat or drink and not responding as expected. I saw Snow this morning an heard the news that her mother passed away Monday night. Although diagnosed with a terminal form of cancer, Snow said she was stage 3 and it was undermined how long before it would be stage 4. We all believed she would be alive longer but that wasn't the case.
Snow_White, I'm sorry for your loss and I want to extend condolences to you and your family.
Schneewittchen, mein Beileid an Sie und Ihre Familie.
Snow White, ang akong mga pahasubo kaninyo ug sa inyong pamilya.
Snow White, ang aking condolences sa iyo at sa iyong pamilya.
Blancanieves, mis condolencias a usted ya su familia.
Fake Photos...
Posted:Jul 16, 2014 5:26 am
Last Updated:Jul 24, 2014 4:12 pm 549190 Views
Actually, the photos aren't fake... but they don't belong to the member who is using them. It appears ALL dating sites are affected by scam artists who use photos of movie stars, celebrities and popular adult movie stars.
This went on for years until a few websites offered reverse photo searching. These search engines scour the internet keeping a database of similar photos. When you ask them to compare, they show the websites the computer found matching photos.
This is the perfect tool when reporting scam profiles.
Probably 4 or 5 adult movie stars are always on the list that get used by scammers because there are so many photos to choose from. The world's most used/abused model is Julie. For years her everyday photos appeared on many dating sites... and continues to plague us. I found 3 of her photos yesterday. I found Julie's personal website (a while ago) and she has a short movie appealing to everyone that it's NOT her appearing on dating sites. People keep stealing her photos and use them pretending to be an attractive woman that all the men want to meet... and who knows, it's probably some man in Accra Ghana sitting in a room with other scammers who are paid to get you to send them money because they pretend they are stuck in another country and need to get back to the USA... so they can have a love affair with you!
Julie explains on her website, a man fell victim to a scam artist and sent a large sum of money. When he realized he was tricked, he committed suicide. Now, the family of the dead man wants to sue Julie, connecting her with the person who stole the money.
That makes you think twice about corresponding with someone you haven't seen in real life... actually that has it's own set of problems. Someone I know does a lot of power-dating and many of the women in upscale neighborhoods have asked him for money... some claim their ex-husbands are late on support payments and they need a 'few hundred' to make it to the end of the month! Wow... who needs to chase someone half-way around the world using fake photos and asking for money when you can find a real person less than 10 miles away doing the same thing! . The photo below is one of the most popular models to have photos used by scam artists. .