My Blog,,,,Vacationland,,

:-" Monday ,,, monday
Posted:Feb 27, 2017 7:28 am
Last Updated:Mar 14, 2020 5:51 am

The way in which we consider people and things makes all the difference. If your consciousness is enlightened, each one of your thoughts can be the point of departure for magnificent achievements. If not, you reject the riches which nature and human beings have to offer, and you neither understand, nor gain anything, you feel impoverished and unhappy.
Just look at how human beings live alongside one another: they pass by each other with no more awareness of the other’s presence than if they were blocks of stone or pieces of wood. See also how they bump into each other! To talk to them, then, about the relationship they must develop with nature is to expect far too much of them. They believe they are the only beings who are truly alive and intelligent in the universe and, in order to demonstrate this life and this intelligence, what do they do? They exploit nature without any qualms, not realizing that by destroying it, they also destroy something in themselves, they restrict themselves, they become gloomy. It is an entire shift in awareness that must take place within them so that their relations not only with humans but with nature are finally alive and rich. "

i am glad i do not pay for the garbage that is here now,,,,
life and death
Posted:Nov 26, 2016 6:15 am
Last Updated:Feb 27, 2017 8:50 pm
Lets us not forget taxes,,,,

The difficulties and obstacles placed on our path are meant to strengthen us, not to destroy us. But it is up to us to win the support of this life force by learning to work with it. Why is it that something arduous and painful to some is neither arduous nor painful to others? Just as in school, while there are pupils who complete an exercise easily in a few minutes and are given a very good mark, others struggle and are given a very poor one. Every day life presents us with problems to solve, and we must try to do so by finding answers within. Those who merely sidestep problems or run away from them will find life catches up with them later on, and it will be increasingly difficult for them to face hardships, for they will not have steadily learnt the lesson for the day. Just as in school, the careless lazy pupil isn’t able to catch up.
Learn to see each hardship as an exercise, a problem to be solved. The strength, faith and love you will feel growing in you each time you succeed will be like diplomas granted by life itself."

Just because Thanksgiving is over does not mean we stop giving thanks,,,,,

post not showing up ,,test one two

its 9 o'clock on a ,,,,,,,
Posted:Aug 23, 2016 6:06 am
Last Updated:Mar 14, 2020 5:54 am
the sun is shinning and the sky is blue,,

As soon as you leave town, nature is all around you. So, wherever you go – to forests, riverbanks, lakes, the sea, mountains – try to act like of God who aspire to a more beautiful, subtle and light-filled life. Do not be careless or neglectful; show that you are aware of the presence of the beings living in these places.
Nature is a sanctuary inhabited by etheric creatures that deserve to be approached with respect. So begin by greeting them, show them friendship and love, and tell them how much you appreciate their work. These creatures, which can sense you from a distance, are so filled with wonder at your attitude that they are ready to pour their blessings upon you: blessings of peace, light and pure energy. You then feel bathed, enveloped, in the atmosphere emanating from these spiritual beings, and when you return home you bring with you a whole wealth of revelations, of richer and more expansive thoughts and feelings."

1 comment
mid summer day :P
Posted:Aug 10, 2016 6:04 am
Last Updated:Nov 8, 2016 12:21 am
Even though men and women place love above all else and hope to find ‘true love’ that will last forever, why do they find it so difficult keeping it alive for a few years or even, sometimes, just a few months? It is because as soon as they feel attracted to someone, they stop at that person. They do not know that he or she is the channel through which flow other-worldly beauty, riches and qualities and that it is this other world that their soul thirsts for. So they concentrate on this one person and expect everything of him or her. That is the mistake, and it is the source of their disillusionment and unhappiness.
Men and women should learn to see each other as the first stage on the path that will lead them to the source of love, and then joy will never leave them. For at its source the water of love is always limpid, pure and life-giving, but also inexhaustible, and they will never stop drinking from this water through the being they love.

what day is it,,,,
Posted:Jul 27, 2016 7:19 am
Last Updated:Aug 8, 2016 6:48 am
Patience is also an expression of strength. Those who are strong do not allow themselves to be affected by the behaviour of the people around them, whereas those who are weak cannot tolerate anything – the slightest upset and they are beside themselves. You see people who get incredibly angry over the tiniest thing! And often these are the same people who remain almost indifferent to the horrendous injustices that others have to endure,,,,,,

Off to reality,,,

borrowed from a friend
Posted:Jul 17, 2016 6:33 am
Last Updated:Jul 23, 2016 5:46 am
have a good day

The great pioneer of simple living, Helen Nearing, offers eleven wonderfully wise tips for living not only a less stressful life, but for living in a more connected and organic way.

Her tips really work: she lived to be 91, and her husband Scott to be 100. Find out the simple principles for Living the Good Life, right here:

1. Do the best you can, whatever arises.

2. Be at peace with yourself.

3. Find a job you enjoy.

4. Live in simple conditions; housing, food, clothing; get rid of clutter.

5. Contact nature every day; feel the earth under your feet.

6. Take physical exercise through hard work; through gardening or walking.

7. Don’t worry; live one day at a time.

8. Share something every day with someone else; if you live alone, write someone; give something away; help someone else somehow.

9. Take time to wonder at life and the world; see some humor in life where you can.

10. Observe the one life in all things.

11. Be kind to the creatures.
1 comment
in the summer
Posted:Jul 6, 2016 9:03 pm
Last Updated:Jul 31, 2016 8:19 pm
"Do your best to live today well, for tomorrow does not yet exist, and by worrying about it, it is as if you are throwing your energies into empty space. It is today you must work on, for today does not die; it just gets longer, until it becomes tomorrow.
Jesus said, ‘Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own.’ This tells us we have to meditate on the idea of duration, of continuity. A chainmaker has to check each link for strength, for if a single link is weak and breaks it makes no difference that the others are holding fast – the whole chain is broken. So we must live each day according to the divine laws and make this day into a strong link so that the chain does not break. Today is a new link that must be added to the others, and it is this link we must concentrate on."

on to another day another dollar two-ninty eight,,

door 1 2 3
Posted:Jun 26, 2016 8:59 pm
Last Updated:Jun 29, 2016 6:27 am
Doors through which our thoughts, feelings and actions flow, and the keys for opening these doors are wisdom, love and truth. Wisdom opens the mind, love opens the heart, and truth opens the will. Every time you are faced with a new problem to solve, try these keys. You don’t succeed with the first one? Then try the second. And if the second doesn’t work either, try the third. If you know how to proceed, it is impossible that one of these three keys will not end up resolving your problem."

1 comment
Nakedness is a sign of
Posted:Jun 7, 2016 7:55 am
Last Updated:Jul 31, 2016 7:30 am
"Nakedness is a sign of truth. Yes, only truth is naked. So that you may rise within yourself to the place where truth is laid bare, each of you must become free of everything inside that is opaque and impervious to the divine world. When you achieve this nakedness, you can go very high and receive God’s messages, advice, wisdom, love and help.
You must stand naked before heaven, that is to say, stripped of your egotism, your self-interest and your false opinions. The more you strip away, the higher you rise. Then, when you come back down – for you always have to come back down, because as long as you are on the earth you have to perform your earthly tasks – you dress yourself again, that is to say, you again take up your activities, your projects, your relationships with your family, friends and neighbours and so on. It is necessary to clothe oneself for the world and for society, but not for heaven: heaven loves only ‘naked’ beings."

lets see if I can get past the censors,,,

have a good day ,,, thirsty Tuesday

friday the 13th
Posted:May 12, 2016 6:55 am
Last Updated:May 15, 2016 8:52 pm
"Many people, suddenly finding themselves in situations they cannot get out of, will recognize how ignorant and weak they are and say to themselves, ‘If only I had known!’ They could have known, because at a certain point they were given all the right conditions for learning, practicing and becoming stronger. But they paid no attention to these conditions: thinking that spiritual life required too much effort, and other activities and projects appeared, at the time, more important to them.
You might ask, ‘And if we have allowed these good conditions to pass us by, is it too late now?’ No, it is never too late; the path of life is long, endless, and other good conditions will be given to you in this life or in another. Try therefore not to allow them pass you by, so that never again will you have to say, ‘If only I had known!’"

I am willing to bet ,, my choice of pics below will not pass Chinese FriendFinder censors


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