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Spring,,,, autumn,,,,
Posted:Oct 13, 2014 9:10 am
Last Updated:Oct 13, 2014 10:58 pm
Spring,,,, autumn,,,,

The British North Wales lovely civilian residential,. After autumn, green roof into a bright orange red
1 comment
Posted:Oct 13, 2014 4:34 am
Last Updated:Oct 13, 2014 4:35 am



















中国有钱人为何不敢到德国炒房?(下篇)Why China's rich people dare not go to Germany real estate? (Part t
Posted:Oct 13, 2014 1:51 am
Last Updated:Oct 13, 2014 10:25 pm

中国有钱人为何不敢到德国炒房?(下篇)Why China's rich people dare not go to Germany real estate? (Part two)

完善的房屋租赁市场,为保证德国房价的稳定起到了很好的牵制作用。德国许多城市在二战中被摧毁了,战后自然需要建造房屋。在政府慷慨补贴的扶持下,公共、合营与私人开发商仅用几年便建 成了数百万套出租房。租房市场受到严格监管,租户受到一整套法律的保护。德国有严格的租房法,出台了一系列鼓励修建租住房屋、保护房客权益的政策。目前,德国自有住房率为42%,租赁住房率达到58%,年轻人中77%都是“租房族”,在一些大城市,租房比例甚至更高。

在柏林居住数十年的华人告诉我们,许多德国人一生都是租房住,德国法律保护租房者的合法权利,不允许政府或物业拥有者随意调高租金,即使物价上涨也不得随意 涨价,而德国政府修建了大量的商品房,其标准与开发商对外销售的房子没有任何区别,几乎可以满足所有低收入家庭的住房租赁需求。

德国的租房合同大部份是无期限期,除非房东要收回房子自己住,否则不能要求房客搬走,如果房东强行赶房客走,那么房客可以将房东告上法庭。房东也不能随意提 高房租,如果房租超过当地“房租指导价”的20%,那么房客可诉诸法律,如果超过50%,法庭甚至可判房主最高三年的有期徒刑。

德国政府还鼓励自建房、合作建房,打破开发商对房屋供应的垄断。同样的房子,因为地段不同,会造成有些房价高,有些低,房子本身造价是一样的,不一样的是地 价。如果土地所有权属于国家,那么土地交易市场上就完全没有竞争,垄断一切土地资源就可以操纵地价,从中牟取暴利,甚至让房地产成为一个国家的支柱产业。



这导致抵押贷款再融资——英美两国借款人对于利率下降的通常反应——在德国几乎不可能实现。消费者在自家房产升值后再次贷款的情况也很少见。因此,降息效果传导至整个系统所花的时间,要比英美市场长得多,降息导致住房市场繁荣的可能性 也更小。事实上,尽管柏林和慕尼黑等都市地区房价已大幅上涨,但鲜有迹象表明杠杆水平已升至危险地步。

德国政府通过严厉的税收政策来抑制各种投机行为。在德国,用于出售的房地产首先要缴纳评估价值1%—1.5%的不动产税,房屋买卖还要交3.5%的交易税。 如果通过买卖获得盈利,还要交15%的差价盈利税。如果新购住房未满7年转让,其综合税率更高达50%,这些严厉的税收政策极大地压缩了房产商和炒房者的 盈利空间,使任何投机房地产的人几乎无利可图,不得不放弃在德国炒房。

德国法律还规定,如果地产商制订的房价超过“合理房价”的20%,即为“超高房价”,构成违法行为。购房者可以向法院起诉,如果房价没有降到合理范围之内, 出售者将面临最高5万欧元的罚款。如果地产商制订的房价超过“合理房价”的50%,则为“房价暴利”,便触犯了《刑法》,构成犯罪,可以判处3年徒刑。这 些法律不仅抑制了德国炒房者的投机行为,而且还有效抵制了“海外炒房团”干扰德国房价市场稳定的投机行为。
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中国有钱人为何不敢到德国炒房?(上篇)Why China's rich people dare not go to Germany real estate? (Part o
Posted:Oct 13, 2014 1:47 am
Last Updated:May 15, 2024 1:29 pm

中国有钱人为何不敢到德国炒房?(上篇)Why China's rich people dare not go to Germany real estate? (Part one)






而在金融危机之前长达数十年的时间内,德国房价始终保持在一个低水平,1975-2011年,剔除通胀影响,德国实际住房价格累计负增长21.6%,同期的 美国、英国、法国、意大利的实际房价累计增幅分别为5%、145%、123%和50%,且呈现极大的波动性。而同期德国个人收入平均增长了三倍,等于说, 老百姓买房子越来越容易,房子实际上等于一直在降价。究其原因,是德国政府对房地产实行的干预政策,抑制了房价上涨,打击了投机客,保障了民生供给。另外,柏林的房价只相当于伦敦的十分之一。





供求关系对价格起着决定性作用,这永远是稳定房价的第一要素。蔡慎坤认为在市场经济中,如果房子紧缺,那么价格一定会上涨,其它什么手段都没有用。德国各级政府重视民 生,将房地产市场定位为消费市场,而非投资市场,无论在联邦还是州、市及村镇层面,政府都按照人口需求,制定建房规划,目的是能够为每个家庭提供一套住房。

East China Sea islands - the Dalu white jade magnolia Self on the island中国东海海岛--大鹿岛上洁白如玉的玉兰花
Posted:Oct 12, 2014 8:09 pm
Last Updated:Oct 13, 2014 10:33 am
East China Sea islands - the Dalu white jade magnolia Self on the island中国东海海岛--大鹿岛上洁白如玉的玉兰花 自拍于该岛
The world's largest market collapse This is about you 世界最大市场崩溃 与你有关!
Posted:Oct 12, 2014 7:17 pm
Last Updated:May 15, 2024 1:29 pm

The world's largest market collapse This is about you
世界最大市场崩溃 与你有关!

WWF warned that the 2050 three Earth to meet human needs.

If the animal compared to the stock, and that the world's largest market will soon get the headlines, because a lot of people did not perceive that it is moving toward collapse.

Global independent non-governmental nature conservation organizations, "WWF" (WWF) has produced a kind of "Living Planet Index" (GLP, it looks like the S & P 500 index, which tracks the price of all large American companies as global tracking the number of animals .

Specifically, this index tracks the 3038 kinds of reptiles, birds, mammals, amphibians and fish representative groups.

In recent years, the Japanese otter (2012, in brackets extinction time, the same below), the golden toad (1989), Po'ouli Bird (2004), Madeira white butterfly (2007), mention may bar medaka (1982), the Pyrenees goats (2000), the West African black rhino (2006), Java tiger (1979), Speakes Macaw (2004), Mauritius anaconda snake (1975), Helan Erkang Blue butterfly (1979), they have become extinct.

1970-2010, the Living Planet Index fell 52 percent. This means that the representatives of the above-mentioned 3038 10,380 species have disappeared represent about half of the animals on Earth.

"I can see from space, the impact of human activity on the planet, including air pollution, soil erosion and forest fires." Living in the International Space Station European Space Agency astronaut Andre • Dutch Kuiper (Andre Kuipers) expressed the Earth concerns of life.

He said that we only have one Earth, although the planet is facing the pressure of various types of non-sustainable development, but humans still have the ability to save their homes, not just for our benefit, but also for our future generations.

The vast majority of wild animals, and humans have not been able disappeared met on Earth.

"Just in 40 years time, the number of the world's wildlife is reduced more than half." World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Global Director General Mark • Rambo Platini (Marco Lambertini) said.

Scientists have found that reducing the number of wild animals phenomenon worldwide, and the largest decline in the tropics. Where the data show that Latin America has the most significant decline - a decline of up to 83%.

Effect by habitat loss and degradation is the biggest threat generated consolidated wildlife species populations are now facing. Hunting and the development of the fishing industry is a major threat to global, including purposeful behavior, such as in order to obtain food or as a sport, but also includes the unintentional sexual behavior, such as unintentional killing.

WWF published once every two years Living Planet Report, since the first report in 1998, can be seen on Earth's vitality has been reduced.

Living Planet Index (LP by terrestrial, freshwater, marine biome composed of three separate indexes, proposed by the Zoological Society of London.

Human demand on the Earth's natural resources has exceeded 50 percent renewable capacity, need 1.5 planets to carry the current ecological footprint of humanity. The future situation more optimism, the report predicts that by 2050, the total global population will reach 9.6 billion, then, three Earth to meet human needs.

Scientists have found that among the different countries, especially between countries with different economic levels and different levels of development, its ecological footprint also have significant differences.

Per capita ecological footprint of high-income countries, low-income countries on average five times. The highest per capita ecological footprint of ten countries are: Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Denmark, Belgium, Trinidad and Tobago, Singapore, the United States, Bahrain and Sweden.

Ecological footprint is the sum of all biologically productive land and the use of man-made to meet their needs, including arable land, grassland, construction land, fisheries and land use.

WWF believes that ecological overshoot because people cut down trees faster than its growth rate, the number of fishing exceed supply capacity of the ocean, or the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere over the absorptive capacity of the forest and the ocean, which caused a natural resource savings reduce the amount of waste deposited faster than it can be absorbed or recycling rate.

China is the world's most populous country, although per capita ecological footprint is less than the global average, but due to the large population base, China with 3 billion global hectares of ecological footprint total ranked first in the world.

The report notes that more than more than 200 river basins, home to 2.5 billion people, as there have been severe water shortages every year at least a month. At the same time, climate change caused by extreme weather intensified, it is likely to bring the food crisis. Production water footprint largest five countries are: India, USA, China, Brazil and Russia.

From a global point of view, no country has only achieved a high level of human development, while maintaining a sustainable ecological footprint, but the WWF's research suggests that some countries are moving in this direction, although the status quo pessimistic, but reverse the current the situation is not impossible, if more public, businesses and government departments to make changes, you can make the status quo to change.
Walking in Hailuogou (Sichuan)漫步海螺沟(四川)
Posted:Oct 12, 2014 7:48 am
Last Updated:Oct 13, 2014 12:55 am
Walking in Hailuogou (Sichuan)漫步海螺沟(四川)

This is a magical land, reveals his own spiritual. Whether you use camera or a pen, can't keep his soul, can't describe his personality. Here is the Gongga under the snow capped mountain Taoyuan -- Hailuogou.

Shu (Sichuan) -- Four Girls Mountain 蜀中——四姑娘山(四川)
Posted:Oct 12, 2014 7:38 am
Last Updated:May 15, 2024 1:29 pm
Shu (Sichuan) -- Four Girls Mountain 蜀中——四姑娘山(四川)

Close to her you know gentleness is beautiful. Four Girls Mountain, like a gentle girl, and as the heroic warriors, standing in between heaven and earth. In spring the Yinshan pan shot with gold; the summer wind Lin Tao rolling green waves; the autumn clear water flowing with water; winter landscape all quiet, solidification, looking at the green pines and solemn, admire snow pure. After this is shu,

The east the Alps!

Crossing between heaven and Hell: Daocheng - Aden (Sichuan) - Lugu Lake (Yunnan)天堂与地狱间的穿越:稻城-亚丁(四
Posted:Oct 12, 2014 6:56 am
Last Updated:Oct 12, 2014 4:39 pm
Crossing between heaven and Hell: Daocheng - Aden (Sichuan) - Lugu Lake (Yunnan)天堂与地狱间的穿越:稻城-亚丁(四川)--泸沽湖(云南)

Can you imagine everything here, but it is more than you can imagine, as if a soul is from gravity guide you to to this. In addition to laugh, but sigh, really can't find any words to express, it is a kind of unspeakable beauty!

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What does China want? 中国究竟想要什么?
Posted:Oct 12, 2014 6:05 am
Last Updated:Oct 14, 2014 6:20 pm

What does China want? 中国究竟想要什么?

China's desire is historic, and even emotion. China needs Western markets, but China will not become a Western market.

Within a few years, China's economy will surpass United States (in terms of purchasing power, China is already beyond the United States), defence equipment in China, though this is still far less than the United States, but in terms of power is growing fast.

If the war in East Asia, they had shown the home court advantage. Therefore, some people sum up, competition between the two countries is inevitable, fighting that followed, and even conflict.

Yet the above assumptions that are both Beijing and Washington are a bit alarmist.

However, two centuries after one terrible, China is eager to regain its global status. United States how to deal with it?

Some hawks in the West view China as a threat: Chinese State-owned companies in Africa gave warning; the Chinese Government monopoly in a United Nations vote; exploiting resources at greed at the expense of the environment.

Lucky is that there isn't enough evidence to prove that China is a global effort to reverse the pattern of international.

China's desire is historic, and even emotion. But in cooperation with most countries in the world in the process of China are acting within the existing norms, and not tried to subvert them.

In East and Northeast Asia, it is the world's largest population, one of the dynamism and wealth accumulation. There's words and actions show that China not happy with American peace.

For centuries in China is the center of other Asian countries. Middle of 19th century Western invasion and for the first time in late 19th century Japan invaded China, China lost their central position.

In the eyes of Chinese leaders, today the Western Pacific region by the United States-led pattern makes the ever-lasting stigma. They believe that China will soon become wealthy and powerful enough, and reclaim dominance in East Asia.

Beijing will host the APEC leaders ' Summit in November this year, and China's international influence and reputation are at highs. At this point, China should seek to make neighbors feel at ease, ensuring its peaceful rise.

In recent years, friction between the Asian countries is gradually increasing. Such an environment for large countries, particularly China – the hosting of the APEC Leaders Summit show statemanship. China's development is at a critical turning point.

Before the Obama administration's National Security Council Senior Director for East Asian Affairs, considered, on one hand, after decades of phenomenal economic growth, foreign exchange reserves accumulated to 4 trillion US dollars, with China as the center of the Asia-Pacific economic integration, the development of strong military and peace with neighbours for many years, which has made China become a regional power, and a world power.

Many Chinese felt, with the strength of the China's voice should be echoed on the world stage.

But the rise of China's international environment is not simple. More than 30 years ago, put China on the road of economic and military modernization of Deng Xiao-ping's realized that China's rise will be neighboring uneasy. Therefore, along with the promotion of its economic reform program, he began trying to improve China's relations with its neighbours and pursues strategies to bide our time.

United States Defense Secretary said Hagel told the media before his visit to China for the first time: the United States and both friends and competitors, but it certainly is not the enemy.

But China's State-controlled media world wide web survey show the current embarrassment of false friends, it is for the competitors. If measures are not taken to make the United States stop will become rivals in the future.

With China rapidly becoming a superpower, and understanding of the Chinese culture is very important. Foreign brands can be seen while on the street location, but don't be confused by appearances, China is still China, has not changed because of the brand's "Westernization"

Although the country's economy and society are undergoing rapid evolution, but the basic cultural tradition is thousands of years remained unchanged. China's Confucian society, is the family head system from top to bottom and from bottom to top of social mobility unthinkable combination.

In China, the personality was always in conflict with adaptable, ambitious and strict self-denial contradicts Chinese is driven by these contradictions. In Chinese society, in addition to obligations to, and accepted by, others, individuals have no attributes.

Eternal pillars of personal identity is a collective and national. Western individualism, which empower individuals independent of the social meaning of the concept, does not exist in China.

People familiar with Western notions of "what I want" and "how I feel". Will not work in China.

United States dreams-wealth peaked-Chinese revel in freedom charmed. But the American dream "independence", and the Chinese are eager to "steer" vagaries of controlled their own destiny and daily lives.

In the materialistic nature of similar appearance hides very different emotional appeals. If Western brands could learn to cater to China's world view, then perhaps all over the Western world can do.

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