When you wash yourself, concentrate on the water, on how crystal clear and innocent it is, and you will soon become aware that it touches unknown regions within you where it initiates a process of transformation. Not only will you feel lighter and purer, but your heart and your intellect will be nourished by new, more subtle and enlivening elements. Physical water contains the same elements and powers as spiritual water, the true water. You just have to learn to receive them. "
New chapter in my book of life, looking for a woman to share a new journey together, who will join me hand in hand on this journey,, :?
I have been here now while, having said that I have learned a few things, as one should with each passing day,, Each day brings a new beginning :)
be thankful and content at the end of the day with what you have accomplished,
I have been asked why I have so many photos here,,, I ask how come your photo's are so old,, or why you cannot post one,,
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My Ideal Person:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that being said we are all looking for the same thing,, who is the ideal person, Chemistry, after all is what we are looking for, it is in our nature, communication is the foundation on which to build on, if a couple can talk to each other as friends and feel at ease the rest will fall into place,, common interest is needed,, but diversity is desirable,