SugiDancer 63F
100 posts
11/17/2011 1:36 am
Dealing with Death

Hi Everyone! I hope you are having some fun reading some blogs or finding some romance on this site.

For my new job, I will be in the business of dying. That's right folks, I will be selling funeral plots, cremations, markers, coffins, tombstones. I will be selling plots right next to Jimi Hendrix's Memorial. It's just exciting for me to just mention that!
This job just fell onto my lap, after getting an email from a recruiter to just show up for Open House at the funeral home. So I did and there were only about 15 people there waiting to be interviewed. So I spent about 3 hours there to interview with 2 people.
The first woman liked me only because I lite up my personality and said a great friendly hello to her when she greeted me at first. I talked about my sideline business as a Dating Coach and Antique Dealer and showed her a crystal bracelet that I was selling at the case at the Antique mall. I had a cold and wasn't feeling well too.

But somehow, I got into great conversation with her and mentioned that my parents already had bought their plots at one of their cemeteries. I think since I was able to relate to the funeral business by mentioning that my parents bought plots, it was gold may

It was my first interview in quite some time and I got the job offered to me. Since many people are still unemployed, I thought I just need to jump on this position. Then it would be great to receive some sales training, while I'm working there.

Ironically, I've been getting emails, phone calls from many insurance companies and didn't want to return in selling life insurance. But with this job since they offer free life insurance with each funeral package, if people pre-pay, I need to get my Life insurance license back.

So I'm in insurance school this week and have to pass the test next week. I hate taking tests and avoided taking the GMAT for Grad school.
After I've been off work for over one year and just doing volunteer projects.

I know it might sound morbid and most young people and a some middle aged people in denial, don't like to think about it.
Everyone will die at some point. It's a matter of time and when you want to face it and feel that people like to remember you.

One of my uncles passed away suddenly last Dec. right before Christmas. But it was fun to go through his many photo albums to put together a slide show for his memorial service. He wasn't my favorite uncles either but he showed up for all our relative's dinners and was odd, so I didn't talk him much.

But I still showed up to his two memorial services and there will be a one year memorial service, that I will go too, next month that my aunt organized. My aunt is just a sister-in-law to him and he never married.

So this might be a good business to work with families again, since I was last an insurance agent at one time.

Good luck to all those who are seeking employment where ever you might be in this world!

Sugi Dancer, Dating Coach

masada125 62M

12/5/2011 9:08 am

Hi Sugi, I can only quote the great Bob Dylan in regard to your post:
"He not busy being born is busy dying..."
Death has as many rituals as life. At least you are in a recession-proof industry.
PS, check out the HBO series "Six Feet Under."

SugiDancer 63F
127 posts
12/5/2011 11:02 pm

Hi Masada

Yes, I've seen the show "Six Feet Under," and saw a marathon of it last year. But good thing I don't have to deal or see cremations or embalming! I just can help out folks in the community.

Each culture has superstitions, cultural norms for burial. Most people in Seattle want to be cremated surprisingly. They think they will save money and that's it Green, but it can be just as expensive as burial. It's also not that green. Cemeteries are allocated especially for the purpose of burying the dead.

I'm learning something new everyday in my training class and working in this new industry that I've never worked in before.
So when my parents pass, I won't panic or get stressed out to handle their arrangements.

I've attended many funerals lately in the past 2 years compared to when I was younger. My older personal friends, relatives, friends' parents who are over 65 to over 90, are passing away.

It's really important to purchase the cemetery plots, when you have the money, so you are locked into today's prices. At one Cemetery in Bellevue the prices have skyrocketed. They put in a new Golf Section since Newcastle Golf Course is nearby and there's many golfers in Seattle.

Thank You for commenting on my blog. I haven't had time ls lately since I'm working 34 hours a week now. It now limits my free time.
Jimmi Hendrix is also buried in one of our cemeteries too. A big memorial was placed there by his family and so now it's a family plot next to the Chinese section with a pagoda garden next door.

It's really nice to go visit Jimmi or Bruce Lee, who's also buried up in Capital Hill and I take out of town guests there.

Sugi Dancer, Dating Coach