SugiDancer 63F
100 posts
12/6/2011 10:57 pm
Ethnic Cultures, Civil Rights.

How do you accept different cultures?

For my new Funeral Sales job, i have to learn more of cultural burial customs. My trainer mentioned that the Hindu families need to bury their loved ones within 12 hours. But it's not going to happen in the U.S. since it takes some time to get the Death Certificate itself processed, about one week.

I have Asian American friends, who in the U.S. are Civil Right activists and also support our Asian American candidates when they run for office. I also go to campaign parties for Asian Americans too.

I too protested the movie, "Year of the Dragon," in front of the downtown theater, when it came out several years ago in the 80's.

Everyone can have a voice to fight Racism and turn it into some positive thinking. You can too. You can have a voice no matter what.

Sugi Dancer, Dating Coach

SugiDancer 63F
127 posts
12/8/2011 10:01 pm

Thank You Woaini for your opinion on this subject. I saw the "Color Purple," long ago at the theaters in the 80's. I enjoyed watching the Oprah show. She was the highest paid Black woman on TV and also appealed to the mainstream too. That itself is an accomplishment!

Sugi Dancer, Dating Coach

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
12/9/2011 4:58 am

We may as a society, re-evaluate the concept of what is " mainstream"...

it seems to often times imply, playing to the 'white imagery and white ideals'.. as if that is the identifying marker of society.

When we stop thinking in such terms, as " mainstream" then we level the playing field to be encompassing of all groups in America.

As people, we take on many factors in life from each other, even when people deny a group, they still take on many things from that group, because even in denial it forces one to adopt an influence which impact their own cultural norms, which means they can in some case become more intolerant, which means now they have embellished their own norms.

'words" we utilize" are many things, if we explore them to truly understand the implicit nature in how we use them, and how that usage can and does impress certain things within ones mind...

masada125 62M

12/14/2011 7:51 am

I think we are getting more sensitive to ethnic differences. But religious preferences is still a hurdle. I hear a lot of anti-semitic remarks even to this day. Someone said on the radio, "Jews have to b trained" to give Christmas gifts. How ludicrous. Would someone say that about a Muslim Hindu or Mormon?

SugiDancer 63F
127 posts
12/14/2011 10:14 pm

Great Point Masada. However we know a lot of Jewish people are well educated here in the U.S. and know how to make money and are wealthy. They are the Diamond cutters, traders too. In my neighborhood there were many Jewish families that I grew up with who were middle and upper middle classed.

Donny and Marie Osmonds and the Osmonds are Mormons. But they are very popular and have a Vegas show. It doesn't stop them from being successful in show business. Muslims have taken a lot of flack from dressing differently and taken more flack for 9/11.

So we can all challenge others when they say hateful things. Do you believe in Power to the People and to ones' voice? It's a Radical thought. That's also why I blog on Chinese FriendFinder too.

I feel to break stereotypes, I would need to present to White People and Non-Asians more about Asian American stories and documentaries. So I always bring these shorts to show at my film groups of directors, filmmakers, producers.

I also volunteer at my Japanese and Asian Ethnic festivals locally, so I personally can present Japanese culture in a great way and it's Free to the Public.

Changes can be made to people's stereotypes. It seems like tonight on other site on Chat, the men there couldn't figure out where I was from.

Sugi Dancer, Dating Coach