SugiDancer 63F
100 posts
3/23/2012 12:43 am
Motivational Speakers

Ask yourself, what makes you happy and motivated to get up in the morning? I've been feeling sick these past two days, so I wasn't very motivated to do my job or go to work to do Cold Calls.

Last Month, I went to see three motivational speakers. Omar mentioned
the driving success on sales. He has ran many businesses and now a millionaire living at Boca Raton, Florida. Only the super wealthy live there.

James spoke of finding extra income by renting out rooms in your house. Average people can do this. I'm renting from my cousin.

One woman, Niruka spoke of the importance of making yourself happy
first, before you can perform, and soar.

You have to work on yourself first, in order to be happy and be successful in life. She touched on more of your spiritual being. It's important to stay grounded, in order to be focused on your job. I sometimes lack focus in my sales work, so it's been tough. But eventually, I'll get the hang of it.

Sugi Dancer, Dating Coach