SugiDancer 63F
100 posts
2/4/2017 9:32 pm
Arranging my Dad's Funeral

It's Year of the Rooster! So how are you celebrating the Lunar New Year? I went to the Hiroshima Club Lunch in Seattle. My Dad passed away before Christmas, so my start of the New Year was to arrange his funeral Buddhist Style. He had fallen down the stairs at home and cracked his skull. So he was on ICU for 3 days before I had to make the decision to unplug the respirator. He would not want to be plugged in either since he was very active and driving the day before. Arranging the cremation was easy since my friend owns a funeral home. I also worked at the cemetery before selling plots and funeral packages.
I was super busy since my Mother was also ill the day before the Memorial. So I was at the her hospital in the evening make the Collage of Family Photos with myself, my brother and parents.
I also had to pick up his Urn as well and deliver it to the Church and print the programs last minute.
Fortunately, My Mom was discharged to make it to the service. She was happy to be there with a roomful of relatives, family friends and a few of my friends. A couple of friends from high school, whom I don't see on a regular basis showed up. Good thing we had enough food. My aunt bought some sandwiches, fruit and veggie platter too. I catered the Chicken Karaage, Chow Mein and Fried Rice. Then I did ask some relatives to bake cookies and make mochi cake. So other people showed up and brought home baked and store bought cookies and sweets. There was too much desserts.
I'm glad the only major thing that went wrong was that I was late, getting my Mom from the hospital and there was no wheelchair to borrow. So I had to make 3 phone calls to get her wheelchair from her group home there for her to use. Our Church has a Chair Lift installed, so it worked out. I have experience in Event planning but I've never arranged a Funeral before. There is strict Buddhist protocol too. We did the 7th Day Memorial after the regular service.
There's a 49th Day and another Day Memorial before one year. Then a One Year Memorial, which I might hire the priest to do.
Fortunately, my Dad bought his plot back in the 70's when the price was very low compared to now where his cemetery is. So that's the major expense if you plan on doing a burial.
My older brother has not been helping me in doing any arrangements, cleaning the house, or handling my Dad's Estate financials or taking my Mom to the doctors. He did not even visit the hospital when my Dad was dying.
Anyways, I had other long distant relatives show up and my Dad's only brother in Seattle showed up after being absent for many many years. Such is life. I'm glad I'm moving forward everyday in closing down my Dad's estate and that I understand investments and finances.
Happy New Year to All!

Sugi Dancer, Dating Coach