SugiDancer 63F
100 posts
7/7/2018 7:46 pm
Bon Odori, Japanese Festival

You can find Bon Odori, a Japanese Buddhist Dance Festival around the World. You just need a Japanese Buddhist Temple (Jodo Shinshu) that might be hosting. In Seattle, we have 4 Bon Odori events.

The largest is at the Betsuin Buddhist Church on Main St. Thousands of dancer and attendees come to eat some Summer Food and listen to a Live band in the Beer Garden in back of the church. I've been dancing Bon Odori since I was little.

It's a lot of fun. Other years, we have had the Seafair Queens and Princesses from different communities come visit and dance along with us.

Also there are Taiko Drum Performances. People wear summer Kimonos or Yukata or regular Kimonos. If you don't have this festival in your town, then check out You Tube for videos. Favorite Dances in Seattle are Tanko Bushi, the Coalminer's Dance, Soran Bushi, the Fisherman's Dance, Goshu Ondo, a very simple dance to do.

Favorite Food there are Kori, or shaved ice, Somen Cold noodles, Grilled Teriyaki Chicken, Grilled Onigiri or Rice Balls.
In the Gym are displays of the history of the Church, WWII Internment of Japanese - Americans, Crafts, Go Demo, and a rummage sale of Japanese goods.

So go out and have fun this Summer at your local Festivals!

Sugi Dancer, Dating Coach